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Chapter 948: New Crown Princess

Miss Wen San was overjoyed, and her face suddenly showed a hint of joy, "Thank you, mother."

She has been shy since she was a child, and due to her mother's teachings, she usually has a very average relationship with the noble ladies in the capital, and she does not have very good friends.

Even though she is required to often attend gatherings of noble ladies, she usually just acts as a companion and always hopes that everyone will not focus on her.

Occasionally when I am alone with guests, I am always so nervous that my fingers are trembling.

When I heard that the Crown Princess wanted to see me, it was one thing to be very resistant, but it was another thing to be unable to refuse.

After all, this has brought great honor to the Crown Princess to her natal family, although the British government has never said this.

But she could also hear the casual words of those below her.

If she shows timidity at this time, her mother-in-law will look down on her even more.

She was not outstanding to begin with, but she ended up marrying her young father-in-law, which was beyond her expectations.

The young father-in-law is the object of admiration in the hearts of many girls in the capital!

But she also knew that she could not win her husband's heart. In front of her husband, she was like a shadow, engraved with his identity as a wife.

When the two stood together, she had never seen herself in Ye Rongshi's eyes.

But this did not affect her inner satisfaction.

She has her own place.

Her father-in-law and mother-in-law were also very kind and never had a harsh word to her.

But the more this happened, the more nervous she became, fearing that she would say something wrong or do something wrong and make the family feel that she was not worthy.

So when she heard this, she subconsciously agreed.

But after agreeing, my heart was beating again, and I was a little afraid to face it.

The British father-in-law's words to accompany her really gave her a huge sense of security.

"Silly boy," the British princess looked at her timid but radiant eyes, her heart was immediately touched, and her tone couldn't help but become gentler, "If the whole family says thank you or not, you still have to

As a child, he may not be able to cope with things outside.

In the past, the number of times I went to the palace was few, and I accompanied you a few times. From now on, you will dare to go alone."

This was also speaking for her. Miss Wen San's eye circles were slightly red, but she didn't know what to say, so she nodded and said softly "Yeah".

The weather today is not very good, and lead clouds are pressing down layer by layer in the sky.

There is a suffocating feeling.

People on the street were coming and going in a hurry, and everyone knew that heavy rain was coming.

When the British Duke's carriage arrived at the gate of the palace, the eunuchs guarding there were a little impatient. "I don't come from a small family. Why are things so delayed and delay the nobleman's business? Who can bear it?"


Miss Wen San, who was sitting in the carriage, looked a little embarrassed.

The British duchess frowned when she heard this. She reached out to lift the curtain of the carriage herself and looked outside with a smile, "When the noble man asked someone to pass the message, he didn't seem to say anything important.

People like us are very particular about rules. Since we are going into the palace, we must do everything properly before coming out. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be rude? My father-in-law has been an old man in the palace for many years. Don’t you even understand this rule? "

The eunuch obviously didn't expect the British princess to come, and the expression on his face changed immediately. He bowed his waist and apologized: "I didn't expect the lady to come in person. They are all servants who can't speak. It's true that the princess is a little anxious.

The little eunuch who sent the message did not explain why he was unconscious."

"This means that the rules in the palace have not been taught clearly, so it is not my daughter-in-law's fault. Don't you think so, father-in-law?"

The old eunuch understood immediately after hearing this, turned around and apologized to Miss Wen San, "Grandma, please don't be offended. This slave's mouth doesn't know how to speak. If I say something that displeases you, just punish me. But at this time, the prince

The concubine has been waiting for a while, and we don’t want to delay her family affairs, so..."

Miss Wen San waved her hands quickly, "It's okay, it's okay."

The British duchess glanced at her daughter-in-law, and saw that she was startled when she noticed her gaze, and then softened her expression.

"Forget it, didn't you say that the Crown Princess is in an emergency? Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you lead the way? What's more, what the father-in-law said just now is wrong.

Regardless of whether you did the right thing or not, you are still a servant in the palace and His Majesty's servant. How can we, the ministers, punish you?

My daughter-in-law here is the most innocent. Next time my father-in-law talks, please don’t go around like this, just in case someone accidentally gets her involved..."

Only then did Miss Wen San realize that there was something wrong with what the eunuch just said.

The whole person suddenly became nervous, and even more worried about meeting his theoretical cousin this time.

The eunuch naturally apologized profusely, but after he finished apologizing, he stood still again.


"Madam," the eunuch had a bright smile on his face, but his tone was a bit tough, "Our Crown Princess is inviting the grandma this time. After all, everyone knows that the Crown Princess and the British Grandma are cousins, and she is

I'm not originally from the capital, so I'm a bit unaccustomed to this new arrival, so I wanted to find someone close to my family to talk to about myself. Madam..."

The British princess was a little surprised, but the surprise was only for a moment, and she immediately hid her worry in her eyes.

The Crown Princess is the king after all, and they, the ministers, cannot disobey, otherwise they will be slapped with a big hat. At this time, no matter who they are, they cannot withstand such things.

She then smiled and said: "That's right. I'm an elder here, and it's hard for my daughter-in-law to talk to the princess. So be it! My father-in-law will take my daughter-in-law away, and I'll go see Jiang Liangdi! In the past, my family

When the girl was in the East Palace, they had a good relationship.

I've already been here, and it's inevitable that I'll think about the past again."

After that, he said to Miss Wen San: "That's your cousin. It's right for the two sisters to get closer. I'm in the East Palace. When you're over there, send someone to find me at Jiang Liangdi's side, and we'll go back together."


When Miss Wen San heard that she had to go alone, she became nervous again, but when she heard her mother-in-law's words, she gradually relaxed.

She secretly took a deep breath and said with a smile: "I understand, mother."

The two of them parted ways, and Miss Wen San followed the eunuch to the princess's residence. The maids and eunuchs she met along the way were all very cautious, which made people wonder if the new princess had a bad temper.

Soon, they arrived at the place, and Wen stood outside the door according to the rules, waiting to be summoned.

This chapter has been completed!
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