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Chapter 968: Powder Keg

Jiang Shuhua ate her meal very slowly.

Fortunately, she ordered a large table, and she was indeed a big customer of the restaurant today, so no one dared to knock on the door to urge her.

Jiang Shuhua has been sitting so quietly, taking a few bites from time to time, like some kind of ritual.

She didn't put down her chopsticks until the three people next to her had finished their meal and left happily.

"Let someone pay the bill!"

Hemerocallis bowed her head and responded, then silently retreated.

Jiang Shuhua was alone in the box. She seemed to think of something. She stood up quietly, walked to the bamboo curtain between the two boxes, reached out and opened a corner.

The cups and plates were in a mess on the other side, with only some leftovers left on the table. There were no traces left by the previous guests.

Jiang Shuhua watched quietly for a while, then lowered the curtain. Hemerocallis had already walked in, holding her power fence in her hand.

All the way downstairs, I didn't expect that the three of them hadn't gone far yet.

Gao Ying seemed to be going to do something and was waving goodbye to mother and daughter.

Jiang Shuhua glanced at them twice before getting on the carriage.

Lin Ruoxi happened to look over and only caught a glimpse of her back, but her eyes stopped involuntarily.

"What's wrong?" Xie Wenyuan asked when she saw that her daughter did not enter the carriage immediately.

Lin Ruoxi came back to her senses and quickly followed in, "It's nothing, I just saw a woman getting on the carriage over there. I don't know why, but I felt that the person's figure seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember what it was.


"It's normal for you to look familiar," Xie Wenyuan didn't take it seriously. "I used to take you to various occasions in the capital. You may not know many of the ladies in the capital, but you must have seen a lot. I can't say.

It’s someone I’ve met before.”

What her mother said made sense, but Lin Ruoxi didn't take it seriously and whispered: "A Ying said that she has no relationship with Mr. Chen anymore. Although I think it is credible, they were once husband and wife after all. Even if they are not

relationship, it is inevitable that there are still some feelings in my heart.

So I didn't dare to ask directly, Mom, when you went back to your uncle's house last time, did you ask about the situation in Datong? The third sister didn't know if everything was okay there. There were some refugees from Datong when they came to the capital.

Didn’t you say you have won several games? Why are there more and more refugees?”

When mentioning the war at the border, Xie Wenyuan also frowned, with a somewhat ugly expression on his face, "How can we know this? But refugees are indispensable.

Even if the war is won, for those places that are at war, the war destroys the land. In such places, who dares to grow crops? Who dares to buy land?

Under such circumstances, everyone can only wait silently. People without farmland are the first to be defeated. They lose everything at the beginning and have to become refugees or refugees and run away.

As for those whose families still have some food left over, they can tighten their belts and live a tight life at the beginning.

For such people, the only hope is that the war will end soon and they can return to normal life.

But as the war continues, how can the remaining food at home last forever? What's more, if something like this happens, local prices will definitely rise rapidly, and it is not uncommon to even double or triple.

As a result, families with small assets in the past will lose everything faster, and this trend is also spreading to families at the upper level."

Listening to her mother's words, Lin Ruoxi thought about her daily life and couldn't help but fell silent.

For those people who have lost everything, is her life now too luxurious?

"Then..." She immediately thought, "If the war continues like this, wouldn't there be more and more refugees, then..."

Xie Wenyuan nodded lightly, "You are right. Our Daqi meeting is becoming more and more chaotic. This is the internal consumption of the war. The shelter and guidance of refugees and refugees has become an important issue for the court. Now your uncle

This is what they are busy with day and night.

And these people who have lost all their land, food, homes and even relatives are emotionally excited, and at the same time they are dangerous. They are like a hot oil pan, which may explode at some point, and the oil stars will spread everywhere.

, no one can say what kind of disaster it will bring at that time.”

"Just like this time's rebellion in southern Yunnan."

Xie Wenyuan nodded and shook his head, "Yes and no, southern Yunnan is not that big, it's just some forces that were restless in the past and took advantage of this time when the court couldn't take action to deliberately stir up trouble!

But the hidden dangers of refugees are not here. In a sense, they represent the people at the lowest level in Daqi, and their demands also represent the aspirations of the people at the bottom, which is a stable life.

But now because of the war, such a stable life is becoming more and more difficult. The court has to start to control the lawless elements who are causing chaos everywhere, the small gangs that take advantage of the opportunity to rise, and the robbers who dominate the mountains and become kings and bandits.

We also need to guard against the refugees who have lost their homes and are already wandering across the land of Daqi. It will be even more difficult to devote our attention to managing the peaceful places, and it will be difficult to raise local finances.

If local finances cannot be raised, the lives of ordinary people will become difficult, not to mention that now there are two fronts fighting, both sides need the support of grain and grass, and this tax issue is another huge problem."

Lin Ruoxi didn't know much about what happened in the court, but just hearing what her mother said made her feel frightened.

It feels like the entire Daqi has become a powder keg that may be detonated by a small spark at any time.

"Mother... Your Majesty's health is no longer good. If it were this time..."

She didn't dare to say anything further.

However, Xie Wenyuan did not shy away from being alone in a place with mother and daughter.

"If His Majesty passes away at this time, as soon as the news comes out, the whole world will be shocked, and the first one to react will be Da Rong.

Even though King Chen was guarding the border and could remain unmoved, this was a very high morale booster for Da Rong and others within the country. It was hard to say whether the situation of the war would change due to this.

This is the first, and the second is whether the small groups and factions that are now brewing in various places in Daqi will give it a go and take advantage of the change of dynasties to cause trouble.

Now the imperial court is stretched thin and cannot withstand any disturbance."

After she said this, she glanced subconsciously at the still bustling streets of the capital city, "Only in places like the capital, people are still so carefree."

As Xie Wenyuan said, in fact, at this time, all forces everywhere are just like her, thinking about Daqi's current situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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