Traveling to the Gale Dynasty, Chu Ling felt the majestic mountains and rivers, the prosperity, and the high-spirited times. This was the era he liked. Chu Ling just wanted to be free and carefree, and went to Xanadu under the orders of his master. Chu Ling held a marriage certificate in his arms. Breaking into this prosperous age, the poems he casually recited impressed the talents gathered at the Wangyou Lake Poetry Club; the fine wines he brewed were sought after by the royal family, nobles, dignitaries, aristocratic families, and wealthy businessmen; the facial creams he made casually won the fame The courtesans in Manshangdu fell in love with each other... Chu Ling, who had been walking along the way, suddenly looked back and realized that he was going further and further on the road to becoming a saint, and his era was rising slowly.
The latest 9 chapters
After not breaking off the engagement, my identity as a Confucian saint was exposed!Chapter Contents