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Chapter 75 Rich and wealthy

"If this happens, a lot of people will die from the six doors."

Su Shisan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Chu Ling and said: "After all, if the Xuanniao Division makes such a commotion, it will definitely spread to the capital. The six gates are the emperor's personal army..."

“Someone has to pay for it!”

Chu Ling's eyes were firm and he said in a sonorous tone: "It is true that Liumen is the emperor's personal army, but in this matter, have you fulfilled your responsibilities?

Even if the gangs in Gyeonggi Province have a strong group behind them, can they be stronger than Junwei?

As a member of the emperor's army, if you don't want to fulfill your duties faithfully, but you want to be humane and worldly, if there are too many things like this, what will the court face?"

"Well said."

Huangfu Jingyu praised: "Xuanniaosi was able to come into being, but the six gates have changed, and the emperor's sword has become blunt, and he no longer dares to use it. So what's the use of it?"

What the Six Gates dare not do, I, the Xuandiao Division, dare to do.

Those who dare not touch the six gates, I, the Xuandiao Division, dare to do so.

I would like to see how this Feng Dynasty can change its destiny. Everyone is favored by the king and enjoys all kinds of privileges, but they are so unbridled. Some things should change."

Chu Ling's words resonated with Huangfu Jingyu.

Especially the words Jiang Zhongzi told her at Longshou Villa made Huangfu Jingyu know something that could not be achieved by keeping it secret.

When it's time to show off your power, you must show off your power.

When it's time to shine, you must shine.

Huangfu Jingyu wanted to get rid of the gang forces this time. Huangfu Jingyu wanted to be angry, but more importantly, Huangfu Jingyu wanted to make Xuanniosi show off. She wanted to let the world know about Xuanniosi!

Especially those groups in Xanadu.

The corners of Chu Ling's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a faint smile. Perhaps Huangfu Jingyu was domineering and proud, but he could not conceal his jealous character.

Not all people who come from a privileged background will pity those at the bottom.

People like Huangfu Jingyu are outliers in certain circles.

"Is what I said ridiculous?" Huangfu Jingyu opened his eyes slightly, looked at Chu Ling and said, "Do you think what I said is..."


Chu Ling smiled slightly and said, "Chu thought what the princess said was very good, so he laughed."

Huangfu Jingyu is proud.

This pride is engraved in her bones.

"You can talk."

Huangfu Jingyu snorted coldly, "I heard from Xiao Zhiyi that you plan to purchase land. What? Are you planning to do something?"

Su Shisan showed a wry smile. He felt that he was a very proud person, but compared with the third princess in front of him, he really pales in comparison.

"It's about purchasing land."

Chu Ling didn't pay attention, and said calmly: "Chu plans to build a wine-making workshop, and after drinking, he can go to his business in Xanadu, which is reasonable. However, Chu is a relatively lazy person, so he builds a wine-making workshop in advance.

From now on, you don’t have to make wine yourself.”

Is that still reasonable?

After drinking, I went to talk about how little money I make every day.

But being lazy is really lazy.

Huangfu Jingyu looked a little unnatural, complaining about Chu Ling in his heart, and sent Xuanniiao to secretly keep an eye on the situation. Chu Ling could always tinker with something.

Huangfu Jingyu was surprised just by the wine that Chu Ling opened. No matter it was the wine on sale, the price to the public, or the endless crowd, if it were another person, Huangfu Jingyu would be surprised.

Yudu felt like he was robbing money, but Chu Ling did this, but Huangfu Jingyu was surprised and accepted it.

"I'm afraid you're not just being lazy, right?"

Huangfu Jingyu calmed down, glanced at Chu Ling and said, "Don't you think of anything else?"

"Chu plans to open a few more branches."

Chu Ling showed a helpless smile, "Princess asked so carefully, does it mean she cares about Chu?"

"Who cares about you anymore?"

Huangfu Jingyu's jade cheeks were slightly red, and she glared at Chu Ling, "I am in charge of the Xuanniao Department, and my daily expenses are very high. I want to open up some financial resources for the Xuanniao Department. The wine you drink is good, and it is a stable source of income.


Let's see, I have a farm in the suburbs under my name. It's not much, just a thousand acres of fertile land. I'll treat it as a shareholding. I don't want much, just 40% silver stock."


Chu Ling said seriously: "If the princess really wants to participate in the stock, Chu is willing to give 20% of the silver shares. In addition, after drinking, we will go to the new store to be opened in Xanadu. The princess's mansion needs to come forward to negotiate the location. Chu's sincerity is very great."


"How much? Say it again."

Huangfu Jingyu suspected that he heard wrongly.

"Brother Chu, is this..."

The corner of Su Shisan's mouth twitched, he looked at Chu Ling and said.

"You haven't seen the value of quitting drinking."

Chu Ling was not surprised at all by the reaction of the two of them, "If Chu is willing, he will be able to drink not only here but everywhere in the future. The annual net profit alone will be a fortune."

It’s not a small amount, not to mention that in a place like a tavern, besides drinking, doesn’t it have any other extras?”

Huangfu Jingyu thought of something and his eyes widened.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Huangfu Jingyu stretched out his hand and said: "In addition to what you mentioned, I will give you another 50,000 grains of silver, but you have to promise me that after drinking, you can really develop to the extent you said."

"Chu doesn't promise anyone."

Chu Ling said: "If you like it, do it. If you don't like it, don't do it. If the princess needs any guarantee from Chu, it's better not to participate in the stock."

Huangfu Jingyu: "..."

Su Shisan: "..."

The atmosphere became subtle.

"Okay, that's it."

Huangfu Jingyu waved his hand and ignored Chu Ling, "After returning to Shangdu, I will ask Lian Xin to give you a banknote. I have nothing else to do in Shangliu Village. When will you and Su Shisan plan to go back?


"The day after tomorrow."

Chu Ling thought for a while and said: "Those children still need to rest. When they recover, Mr. Chu will arrange for people to bring them back to Xanadu. There are also those women, most of whom are unwilling to leave. Mr. Chu will settle them down."


"If you need anything, let Xuanniao do it."

Huangfu Jingyu said: "I still have something to do, so I won't stay here."


Chu Ling did not shirk.

Since there are free helpers available, why refuse them? Besides, the name of Xuanniaosi will be spread all over the world after this incident. Chu Ling feels that it will do no harm to herself to keep some contact with Huangfu Jingyu.

After all, he still has things to do in Xanadu, so it would be a good choice to take advantage of the Xuanniao Division.

Huangfu Jingyu left. Just like her character, Chu Ling knew that Huangfu Jingyu rushed back to Xanadu to deal with some matters.

After all, eradicating the gang forces in Gyeonggi Province will require us to face some troubles. If not handled properly, other disturbances will inevitably arise.

However, Chu Ling didn't intend to take any more care. According to Huangfu Jingyu's character, she would definitely be able to solve the matter well. If she couldn't solve the problem, then she would not be in charge of the Xuanniao Division.

This chapter has been completed!
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