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Chapter 10 Meeting Ceremony in Chang'an City

Zhao Sanfu walked out of the lobby and followed a middle-aged man.

The man's name is Xin Quan, and he is one of the twelve principals of the Mirror Platform.

Xin Quan smiled kindly, but the bosses around him took the initiative to distance themselves from him, as if this person was a serious ghost.

"I'm scared of you all." Xin Quan smiled really kindly.

Zhao Sanfu was his subordinate. He said with saliva on his face: "Chief, they said that you had been strangled by spies in Northern Xinjiang and Northern Liao for many years. Once you were surrounded and killed. You were so hungry that you ate human flesh. Is this true?"

Xin Quan still smiled gently, the fine lines on his face were wrinkled, and he looked at Zhao Sanfu.

This is a huge piece of gossip that has never been confirmed by anyone. Zhao Sanfu's heart beat faster and he felt that he was going to shine today.

Xin Quan looked at him and patted his shoulder for a long time, "Young people must be curious, but curiosity can sometimes kill you."

Zhao Sanfu felt relaxed and felt that it was better not to know. Otherwise, facing a Shangguan who had eaten human flesh all day long, he would have all kinds of reactions in his heart.

Xin Quan moved forward, and Zhao Sanfu followed from the side.

"You shouldn't ask to see the King's Prison Gate without permission today." Xin Quan nodded and smiled at the person in front of him. The person smiled back, but then took a step to the right without revealing any trace. Xin Quan didn't seem to see it, but he still

Smiling, "Back then, you were a scout in the army and had quite a reputation..."

"It's not that you have some reputation, but you have a great reputation!" Zhao Sanfu said dissatisfied: "Sir, back then I killed countless Northern Liao scouts in the north and was known as the number one scout in the Tang Dynasty. I was about to be promoted, but you just...

He coaxed me to come to the stage. If not, I would have become a general."

Xin Quan smiled, "The Tang Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty are now dead. The scout war is just a warm-up. I have dealt with the spies of the Northern Liao Dynasty and know that they have prepared a method to kill several outstanding scouts of the Tang Dynasty to establish their power."


Xin Quan looked at him in surprise, "When I was staying in the military camp, I heard you say something after drinking that you only wanted the Tang Dynasty to prosper forever, and you would die for it. Such a passionate young man, I wouldn't have brought you back.

Chang'an will die in northern Xinjiang sooner or later."

But you can’t deceive me either!

At that time, Xin Quan said categorically that the mirror needed people like him to serve the country, so he came happily, but after a few years, he was still a pile of dirt. He said he was serving the country, but in recent years, he has been more focused on it.

The powerful people in Chang'an were almost like eagles and dogs. This made Zhao Sanfu very dissatisfied and full of complaints.

Xin Quan suddenly said with a straight face, "It's not a good thing to leapfrog your rank. Don't make any decisions on your own in the future. If you have any questions, tell me in advance and remember. In addition, since Wang Jianmen asked you to keep an eye on that boy, you have to do a good job. Keep an eye on him."

Keep an eye on him, but don't use vulgar means, he must be as gentle and silent as the spring rain."

The relationship between the two is extraordinary, otherwise Zhao Sanfu would be hated to death by Xin Quan if he reported the matter today. However, Xin Quan never takes power, and his style of not doing anything if he can do it is suitable for someone like Zhao Sanfu who has a strong ambition for fame and fortune.

Xin Quan pointed to the sky, and Zhao Sanfu looked up, only to realize that it had started raining at some point.

The spring rain is like silk, and even more like oil, falling on people unconsciously. A few green plants in the corner sway slightly in the spring rain, full of vitality.

Xin Quan was squatting outside the duty room guarding a small stove, with soup boiling in a small pot on it. He was smiling happily, and Zhao Sanfu couldn't help but shudder, thinking that the rumor might be true.

Zhao Sanfu went to look for Yang Xuan while thinking about how to get close to the young man.

After a long while, he raised his eyebrows and said, "If you want the Tang Dynasty to be prosperous for thousands of years, you have to be a high-ranking official. The stage of the mirror is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones. If you want to be promoted, you have to kill people!"

"That young man looks a little stupid, so he should be easy to kill. But...can he be killed? If he is a heinous person, then he will be killed..."

Yang Xuan, who had been killed several times by him, followed the address given by Yang Lue and searched for it along the way.

The streets in Chang'an City are ridiculously spacious, with busy traffic and pedestrians, and everything is in an orderly manner. Yang Xuan looked around with a huge baggage on his back, looking like a country bumpkin.

"Didn't you say there is a square wall?"

Yang Xuan saw a gap in the street wall, revealing the houses inside. The largest house was magnificent, with two doors standing outside the door, raising their heads and smiling at him.

Someone in the village once went to Zhouli, and when he came back, he boasted that the city of Chang'an was full of square walls, and that there were 100,000 households in each square wall. They had to turn off the lights at night, otherwise they would be killed.

This is the place in Chang'an that Yang Xuan hates the most, but what about the square wall?

The civilians were able to freely enter and exit the huge gap, while the soldiers patrolling on the edge turned a blind eye.

"Young man, come and have tea!"

A woman was shouting. Yang Xuan looked up and saw a window opened on the second floor of a wooden building. More than ten women dressed in clothes that made his heart beat faster were waving. A third woman on the right was shouting at him.

This is a teahouse? But isn’t it true that business is not allowed in teahouses in Chang’an City?

Yang Xuan pointed to the tip of his nose, his face was as red as a monkey's butt, "You...you called me?"

What did this woman ask me to do? Drink tea? Yang Xuan also drank tea. It was a large bucket of tea made by the Muramasa family during a wedding. He got a cup and tasted it carefully. He thought it tasted really bad, but he had to learn how to drink it.

The villagers praised the tea against their will. Later, Yang Ding also went along with it and bought some cheap crude tea, but it was not his turn to drink it.

The woman covered her mouth and snickered, and her companion beside her smiled brightly, "Oh! This is a baby bird! It just arrived in Chang'an City. Young man, come here, I don't want your money."

Yang Xuan thought of a profession. The men in the village squatted at the entrance of the village and talked. Men, apart from the so-called world affairs, they only talked about women. They mentioned the female prostitutes in the county and said they were so-and-so female prostitutes.

It's really beautiful, but the price is too expensive, so I don't dare to go.

Yang Xuan bowed his head and left, and the women laughed more and more unbridled.

An old man stood downstairs and shouted: "You will hook up with a young man in broad daylight, how shameless!"


A female prostitute upstairs poked her head down, "How about I hook up with you?"

The old man said righteously: "I keep my integrity, don't wait..."

The female prostitute waved, "Half the price, the technique is easy to explain."

The old man said with a straight face, "You are talking nonsense, hey! Why am I thirsty? Go in and find a cup of hot tea to drink."

Yang Xuan stood diagonally across from him. The young man realized with melancholy that Wang Xian'er's words were right. There were many cunning people in Chang'an City. For example, this old man, who previously scolded the female prostitutes as if he was not eating fireworks from the world, now has a serious look on his face.

Go in and have sex.

What is this called? Prude?

Yang Xuan shook his head and his mood improved again.

He found a woman, held up his hands and asked, "May I ask, ma'am, where is Yongningfang?"

The woman turned around and pointed, "Two squares ahead, the third square on the right is there."

"Thank you."

Yang Xuan trotted all the way excitedly. When he saw Yongningfang, he gave up walking through the damaged wall and dog hole, and chose the main entrance instead. There were a few big men at the main entrance, and they said fiercely: "Where?


Yang Xuan said enthusiastically: "Yuanzhou."

Not far away, Zhao Sanfu rubbed his chin and said to his subordinates: "These evil young men are planning to blackmail this young man. It seems that they are targeting him from the front. Tsk tsk! You said I am a hero who saves beauties... Bah! I am a hero.

Save the boy."

He squinted and thought about the recent tense atmosphere in Jingtai. After the emperor ordered Jingtai to send someone to notify a family of five surnames, the atmosphere in Chang'an City was not right. There was a lot of traffic outside the door of a family of five surnames, and there were countless powerful officials seeking to see him. Jingtai

Everyone who recorded it was numb.

Zhao Sanfu felt that this was a sign of something big happening. As a beneficiary of the peaceful years, he was the least likely to experience ups and downs. Anyone who wanted to stir up trouble in Chang'an and the Tang Dynasty was his enemy. He sighed, "Hey

!Isn’t it good to live a good life? You have to stir up trouble.”

Of course the subordinates around him knew what he was talking about, and their faces turned pale, "Zhao Zhuangzi, that's an order from the palace. We at the stage are His Majesty's lackeys, so we don't dare to say that."

There are more than a hundred experts in the mirror, who specialize in external operations, called "stakes".

Zhao Sanfu frowned, "Who thought of the name Zhuangzhi? Yes, it's not a tree stump, mother. The one who started the figurines has no descendants."

He pulled the article and felt very comfortable, but found that the pale complexion under his hand was comparable to the butt of a female prostitute in a brothel, which reminded him of a poem. The poet compared the moon to the butt of a female prostitute, which was very appropriate.

"Why are you panicking? Is it the prime minister?"

Naturally, the prime minister did not dare to interfere with the title of the emperor's lackey, and his eyelids twitched wildly, "It's... it's the Wang Jianmen."


Zhao Sanfu turned his eyes and asked, "What did you hear just now?"

The subordinate was stunned for a moment and said honestly: "I heard..."

"You didn't hear anything." Zhao Sanfu waved his hands forcefully. Then he got excited and said, "These bad guys really took action! Yeah, the opportunity has come. Remember, you have to pretend to be a bystander on the side to build momentum for me.

Yeah yeah gone."

Over there, several evil young men surrounded Yang Xuan, pushing and pushing each other, while the passers-by shook their heads and avoided them one after another.

Yang Xuan blocked and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

He had just arrived in Chang'an City today and had no enemies at all, so why were people attacking him? He was thinking about whether he could resist, but he thought that the other party might be an official. If he resisted, it would be similar to rebellion, so he gave up the idea.

The pushing and shoving by the big men was actually similar to beating.

The leader of the big man said with a cruel smile: "Yeye is a member of the official family. I don't think you look like a good person. You look similar to the thief who peeped at Yang Erniang's bath the day before yesterday. Let's go to the county house with Yeye!"

Yang Xuan was shocked and thought of the best protective posture when he was beaten by Yang Ding and his wife. He hurriedly squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, put the baggage in front of him, clamped it with his legs, and shouted: "I just came to Chang'an today.


Of course the big men knew about this, but this was also the reason why Yang Xuan was targeted by them. As a foreigner, he came to Chang'an on his first day to blackmail him.

"You still dare to quibble."

After a severe beating, Yang Xuan just held his head.

Zhao Sanfu appeared with a righteous look on his face, pointed at the villains and shouted, "Stop!"

Several evil young men raised their heads, and one of them smiled ferociously, "Where are you idiots? You guys are doing this, please stay away!"

Zhao Sanfu wanted to be a hero to save the boy, so he naturally had to act well. He said loudly: "This is Chang'an City. You call yourself an official, do you have a name?"

The evil young man narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "You can also read the Ye Ye sign? Hit him!"

Several bad guys abandoned Yang Xuan and rushed over to beat Zhao Sanfu.

Zhao Sanfu kicked one over and knocked down another with a punch. The third villain rushed over with a wooden stick and cursed: "Seeking death!"


The stick went straight to Zhao Sanfu's forehead.

Do you want to continue acting?

In Zhao Sanfu's mind, there was a battle between heaven and man. If he wanted to win Yang Xuan's favor, it would be best to get injured. But would this stick kill someone?

A fist suddenly appeared above his head.


The stick collided with the fist. The material of the stick was so good that it didn't break and sliced ​​diagonally across the side.


Zhao Sanfu's battle between heaven and man was over. A big bump quickly bulged on his forehead, his eyes were blank, and his body was swaying...

Yang Xuangang tested whether his fist could carry a wooden stick hard, and the result was positive. Although it was not as good as Yang Lue's ability to break a horizontal knife with one punch, it was still pretty good. Only then did he remember Zhao Sanfu who was helping him, and turned around and asked with concern

Said: "Are you okay?"


Zhao Sanfu fell straight to the ground.

There's a chapter in five minutes.

This chapter has been completed!
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