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Chapter 1014 Countless You

The old thief was staring at Luo Cai. He knew that as one of the top people in the political structure of Northern Xinjiang, Luo Cai must completely return to his heart.

Everyone is familiar with these three things: first observation, then subtlety, and finally revealing identity. Now it’s observation, little by little subtlety.

Luo Cai looked at A Liang with complicated eyes. Apparently, he discovered a problem in Northern Xinjiang. The soldiers were too supportive of Yang Xuan.

This kind of support has always been taboo for emperors. Combined with the current situation, this kind of support will continue to strengthen. When these soldiers feel that Yang Xuan is good as emperor, northern Xinjiang will become a hotbed of rebellion.

What's ridiculous is that Chang'an is still dreaming about getting Yang Xuan out of Northern Xinjiang. If they see how respectful the soldiers in Northern Xinjiang are to A Liang, they will definitely give up this idea.

Even if something happens to Yang Xuan, Liu Qing and others will support A Liang to take the throne, and these soldiers are the best deterrent to ensure the continued stability of Northern Xinjiang.

The father and son could control Northern Xinjiang for at least fifty years.

According to Luo Cai's understanding of the current Tang Dynasty, after fifty years, the Tang Dynasty should be weakened to a dangerous point. And if nothing happens in Northern Xinjiang, it will definitely continue to be strong.

A powerful northern Xinjiang, a leader supported by the army and the people, everything is ready, all that is needed is the east wind. Even if Yang Xuan does not rebel, what about A Liang?

He did not swear to live up to the Tang Dynasty in this life! Yang Xuan should and could not make him swear! That would be tying his own hands!

When this child becomes wise, he will become resentful of Chang'an because of the tense relationship between Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an. As time goes by, this child will inevitably develop resentment.

Yang Xuan said that he would live up to the Tang Dynasty in this life, but Ah Liang had no such restriction. He could even retire early and hand over Northern Xinjiang to Ah Liang.

Then A Liang rebelled. Oh God! What a Yang Zitai!

Luo Cai looked at Yang Xuan with complicated expressions in his eyes.

All this fell into the eyes of the old thief. Later, he found Yang Xuan. "I guess he was afraid of the soldiers' respect for the little prince."

The little Duke didn't have this consciousness and pointed forward excitedly, "Hit the rabbit! Hit the rabbit!"

Yang Xuan said: "Let him get used to it first. Take a look at Northern Xinjiang and the Tang Dynasty. I want him to feel that I am the only one who can revitalize the Tang Dynasty and save the Tang Dynasty. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The old thief really understood.

Later, he found an excuse to talk to Luo Cai.

"The day before yesterday, the Jin Yiwei captured several informants from Chang'an. After being tortured, they said that Chang'an ordered them to keep an eye on the Duke and set fire to the granary if there was a chance.

Luo Gong, to be honest, no matter how great the Duke was, he never told the people of Jinyiwei to cause trouble in Chang'an. It's not that no one had suggestions, the Duke said, Chang'an, that is the Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty."

Luo Cai found out that Jin Yiwei deliberately let him know about this. He was moved and rode up, "Zitai!"

You stand here, watching that person come over. You know that he is coming to find you, but you have to be reserved and pretend not to see him.

So you smiled stiffly and looked ahead uncertainly. In fact, you were feeling the person walking towards you from the corner of your eye.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Yang Xuan was like this, pretending not to see Luo Cai coming, nor to hear his call. Once Kunzhou was broken, his intentions could no longer be concealed.

The Northern Liao Dynasty will either be too weak to pose a threat to Northern Xinjiang, or it will perish.

This is his goal.

As his goal advances, he needs more people to unite around him, and gradually turns his attention to Chang'an. This requires loyalty and requires him to tell his true identity and purpose.

Luo Cai is an important and indispensable part of this plan. "Zitai!"

Yang Xuan was "astonished" and said, "Mr. Luo."

"What do Zitai think of Chang'an?" "What are the monarchs and ministers of Chang'an?"

"No, it's Chang'an!"

This was a bit difficult to say, but Yang Xuan still understood it. He pondered for a moment.

"Chang'an, that's Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty!"

He pointed to his chest, "And I am the Duke of Qin of the Tang Dynasty!"

Luo Cai felt a surge of admiration in his heart, "Chang'an can be destroyed by others, why don't you want to retaliate?" Everyone likes to retaliate in kind.

Yang Xuan pointed to the north, "If Beiliao sends people to destroy it, I can beat them out and burn them down."

I have one house in northern Xinjiang, and I will respond with ten houses. If they kill one of my people in the Tang Dynasty, I will kill ten people in retaliation."

He pointed to the south, "That's Chang'an, the Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty. The monarchs and ministers of Chang'an are not worthy of my respect. To be honest, I will only be happy if they die. But this world, this Chang'an is not theirs, but the world's

It belongs to people from Chang'an.

I will retaliate against foreigners, and I am always willing to give them more opportunities for people of my own race." Such a big heart!

Luo Cai sighed, "Zitai!"

It seems that Lao Luo is a little over the top!

Yang Xuan finished his attack, "It is not difficult for the Jinyiwei to burn down the granary of the Household Department." The boss spoke, and He Lianyan chuckled and said, "It's all in an instant!"

Yan'er is good!

Boss Yang said calmly: "But whose food belongs to them? It is the food that the people have worked hard to grow. If the granary is burned down and there is a shortage of food, what will happen to the monarchs and ministers of Chang'an? They will increase taxes and plunder from the people. All suffering will eventually end.

Turn it to the people.

I said, I won’t even blink an eye when all those carnivores die, but will celebrate it. But when the people suffer, I feel the same way.”

"Mr. Luo!" Yang Xuan pointed to himself and said seriously: "I am also from a poor background!" Luo Cai was moved. "I understand."

Lao Luo, who can take charge of the staff department, is naturally not a good person, but Yang Xuan's words and deeds all reflect his words.

Luo Cai said with emotion: "If everyone in the world is like Zitai, why worry about the Tang Dynasty not being prosperous?" Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Isn't it a prosperous age now?"

"Haha!" Luo Caigan smiled.

This so-called prosperous age was just a boast. Now it seems that it is more likely to blow up.

At noon, a group of people ate barbecue in an open space on the top of the mountain. The mountain breeze blew and they felt cool.

Naturally, Yang Xuan would not do it himself in this weather, but Wang Laoer was so lively that he took the old thief to barbecue together. When the meat was roasted, it was sent to Yang Xuan first.

"Mr. Luo, please."

The wine was poured and Yang Xuan raised his glass. "Please!"

The two of them drank wine, ate barbecue, and chatted softly.

A Liang was taking a nap in the arms of the servant woman. Fugui and Swordsman were guarding on both sides of the servant woman. Sitting high up, one could see thousands of miles of fertile fields.

You can also see the clear clouds and gentle breeze.

"I've seen the official structure of Northern Xinjiang, it's rough!"

"Haha!" Yang Xuan naturally knew the reason for the roughness, "No one was available earlier, so anyone who is willing to come to Northern Xinjiang can be reused."

"I understand." Luo Cai asked, "How are you adjusting now?"

"Survival of the fittest is inevitable. However, the law is nothing more than human relationships, let alone employment. Those who work hard, even if they are less capable, can just be adjusted to a second-tier position."

This is a very humane Duke of Qin.

Luo Cai smiled and said: "Some people in Chang'an say that you are decisive and impersonal in killing, but now it seems that they are wrong."

"When it's time to kill decisively, I will naturally kill decisively."

On the return trip later, Yang Xuan hugged A Liang, and Fu Gui and the swordsman were put into a carriage carrying prey, and the group returned with a full debt.

Seeing the crops in the field swaying in the wind, Yang Xuan was in a good mood.

There were several people walking slowly in front. Just as the guards in front were passing by, one of them turned around, knelt down, and took a look, "My lord, please make the decision for this villain!"

Yang Xuan frowned and smiled at Luo Cai, "I didn't expect to encounter something in the play, but it made Luo Gong laugh."

In the play, the people who complained about injustice met the emperor who was traveling in plain clothes, and then there was a lot of trouble. The emperor was wise, the people were cleared of their grievances, and the bad guys were dealt with.

"Don't like it?" Luo Cai asked.

"There is a blue sky situation among the people, which is a shame for those in power. If everyone wants to rely on calling for grievances and relying on those in power to bring order to the chaos, then it means that there is something wrong in northern Xinjiang, a big problem!"

Luo Cai was silent.

There are many versions of the story in Chang'an, so he has naturally heard many versions of the story. Those involving officialdom are mostly the Qingtian plot mentioned by Yang Xuan.

The people of Chang'an talked about it with great enthusiasm, but in northern Xinjiang, there was a person who was worried about it, and felt that the Qingtian incident was just a reaction of the people's dissatisfaction with the government.

Chang'an is behind the times!

That emperor seems to have fallen behind!

But why didn't I feel any panic? This discovery made Luo Cai shudder.

The guards went up and searched him first. This was not for humiliation, but for safety reasons. Several people stood there, looking a little at a loss.

"Say it!"

Yang Xuan could hand over the case to the accompanying officials, or he could summon the local officials and hand the case over to them. With his attention, the local officials would not dare to step outside the rules if they did not want to commit suicide.

But he still asked in person.

The matter is very simple. The victim is a farmer. In the spring of this year, he discovered that his field had been occupied by someone. The method was very simple, which was to move the field boundary at the boundary to his family's side.

Naturally, the victim refused, and the two families started to quarrel.

While saying that your family has invaded my family's land, he also said that this is how the boundary was originally drawn. When they couldn't argue, they asked Muramasa to make the decision.

According to the victim's statement, the villager was a relative of the other party and was bending the law for personal gain, so he filed a complaint with the county. The county had a minor official, that minor official. The victim said that he saw the minor official drinking at the other party's house.

In the end, the matter was settled. It was a small matter.

For former bosses like Luo Cai, they were not even interested in paying attention to such matters. He felt that Yang Xuan should take the opportunity to shock the local officials.

"Call the county officials and the village chief."

The group dismounted, looked at the crops, and talked about this year's harvest.

Not long after, the local magistrate came with dozens of officials, which looked quite majestic.

Everyone was out of breath running, and some people even squatted down and vomited before they had time to salute Yang Xuan when they arrived.

The attitude is very correct, no problem. But what to do next? Luo Cai is watching.

"I have met the Duke of Guangdong."

The county magistrate saluted, but he was sweating profusely and did not dare to wipe it. Zitai's prestige was good.

Luo Cai thought silently.

Muramasa also came, standing there looking a little helpless. How would Yang Xuan deal with it?

Luo Cai took a step back.

After arriving in Northern Xinjiang, he first went for an inspection. The results of the inspection were not very good. There were some problems in the official structure of Northern Xinjiang. Many people were not qualified for their positions, but they continued to work because there was no talent to replace them.

Luo Cai knew that this was a crisis caused by Chang'an blocking the flow of talents to Northern Xinjiang.

At the moment, Yang Xuan used his continuous victories to cover up this problem, but as Northern Xinjiang continues to develop, this official's shortcomings will be magnified.

So, this needs to be sorted out again.

Those students who became officials are gradually growing up, and the tallest one has now become a county captain. In a few years, the best among them will be able to rule a country.

But now we need an innovation.

He can wield the sword, but as the governor, Yang Xuan must show his control over the officialdom.

Otherwise, if he is operating from the front and encounters huge resistance, and Yang Xuan cannot handle it, he will eventually be thrown out and used as a punching bag for the officials.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Most of the so-called innovations in history failed. Every time they failed, the person who carried them out became the victim.

Luo Cai was naturally not afraid of this, but he came to Northern Xinjiang at the risk of completely angering the emperor. He did not come to be a victim, he hoped to make a career.

And this requires the structure of the superior.

Yang Xuan walked over, pointed at the victim and asked, "Has his family's land been invaded?"

Muramasa didn't expect this to happen. He stared at the victim with anger in his eyes, and then knelt down. "This is a slander!"

Yang Xuan did not scold him, but looked at the kneeling clerk, "Say!"

The clerk was trembling all over, "Little man, little man, I lost my head for a moment!" He didn't dare to hide it at all.

Deterrence +1.

"I won't ask you specific questions. I just want to ask, what do you think power is?"

Yang Xuan suddenly roared, "You regard power as a tool for your own personal gain. I said that governance is for the people, who gives you the courage to abuse the people? Who?"

He glanced at everyone. Everyone knelt down.

Yang Xuan pointed at Muramasa, "Severe punishment!"

He can say that he acts according to the law, but this is not another world. As the lord of Northern Xinjiang, he must use drastic means to demonstrate his majesty.

Muramasa immediately collapsed.

Yang Xuan pointed at the junior official and said, "Severe punishment!" The junior official howled and was immediately gagged. "Where is the family member who colluded with them?"

The man of the house was brought and he knelt down. "I have seen the Duke." "Collude with officials, in the fish and meat village, you will be severely punished!"


This man never expected that he had a hand in this matter. "My lord!"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Those who take bribes should be punished, but those who give bribes, why can they be alone?" Luo Cai handed over his hand. "Goodbye, my lord!"

Yang Xuan walked up to Ma De and said, "Last year during the spring plowing, you went deep into the countryside to inspect, and traveled all over the countryside of Tao County. When you came back, your official uniform was actually a lot bigger."

Ma De didn't expect Yang Xuan to know these things, "My lord."

"During the harvest, the people shouted for Ma Qingtian, but you got drunk in the county." Ma De lowered his head.

"This spring plowing, you went on inspection again. When you came back, you were so skinny. Are you feeling better now?" Ma De raised his head, tears streaming down his face, "My lord!"

He thought he would be punished, but unexpectedly he was comforted by gentle words and enumerated his political achievements.

"When fighting a lawsuit, you always favor the people. Some people suggested that you are a little paranoid and it would be better to replace you. I ignored it. Do you know why?"

Yang Xuan said: "How can ordinary people dare to litigate with nobles unless they have no choice but to do so?"

He patted Ma De on the shoulder, "There are two mothers-in-law in Taoxian County, so you have a lot to do. There are many things to do, and it is impossible to cover everything. But today I want to teach you a lesson."

Yang Xuan pointed at the officials and said: "I have said countless times that the administration of officials comes first. If you clarify the administration of officials, these officials are countless you. A diligent you or countless diligent you, which one is better?


Ma De suddenly realized, "My lord, I understand." "Just understand."

Yang Xuan helped him up and said with a smile: "Be kind to the people, but don't be harsh to the officials. In one word, with a bowl of water, let's tilt it a little towards the people, okay?"

Ma De said excitedly: "Please watch the performance of this official!"

"Okay!" Yang Xuan said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to the assessment in Taoxian County this year!" He mounted his horse and "let's go."

Luo Cai mounted his horse and looked back.

Then I saw Ma De kneeling down and shouting: "I am willing to die for my country!" The officials knelt down.

"I am willing to die serving my country!"

Strictly punishing village leaders, petty officials, and bribers shows the majesty of the country.

When soothing the officials, they implicitly beat them. In this way, the people's hearts are straightened out. In this way, the people's hearts are at ease.

Luo Cai was convinced that if Yang Xuan ordered Ma De and others to rush into the battle at this moment, they would not hesitate to shout, "Go and die for the sake of the country!"

These methods are very convincing.

Even after seeing the tricks of countless officials, Luo Cai was still amazed. He looked at Yang Xuan's back and couldn't help but say:

"This is the posture of a hero!" It's the end of the month, please vote!

This chapter has been completed!
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