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Chapter 1040 Upheaval in the North

Zhu Wei fell.

When the emperor waved his hand, his face turned pale.

He stood up and saluted tremblingly, "Your Majesty..."

The emperor frowned and looked at him, then looked at Han Shitou.

Han Shitou came over and supported Zhu Wei, "Mr. Zhu, be careful!"

Zhu Wei didn't look at him, but looked up at the emperor, and then at Liang Jing who stepped forward to express his gratitude. What happened a while ago flashed through his mind.

The emperor ordered the medical officer to diagnose and treat him, and the Ministry of Etiquette said he was indispensable.

He was sincerely grateful and devoted himself to serving the emperor.

But in an instant, he fell from heaven to hell.

The medical officer’s diagnosis and treatment is just a pretext for the outside world to see.

Zhu Wei was in poor health, so I cared deeply about him and asked the medical officer to diagnose and treat him. The medical officer reported that Zhu Wei's condition was serious... I felt sorry for him, but I could only let him rest.

The emperor turned around in a circle and achieved his goal of driving him away.

Zhu Wei thought of Song Zhen and Luo Wen. The emperor showed his domineering and casual attitude to these two people... Get out!

The emperor drives away his important ministers as if he were driving away his domestic slaves.

Then there was a backlash. Song Zhen and Luo Wen went to work in northern Xinjiang one after another, which shocked the officialdom.



This is the reason why the emperor drove me away in a roundabout way.

Zhu Wei saluted, and under the complicated gazes of the important ministers, he tried his best to maintain his calmness and dignity, "Your Majesty, take care. Sir, please retire!"

He slowly took off his hat...The emperor did not ask for this, but Zhu Wei did it anyway.

Taking off your hat is a gesture of apology.

Zhu Wei glanced at the emperor again and turned away.

He walked calmly and walked out of the hall.

Immediately, his body relaxed, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to be much deeper.

A pair of old eyes were full of desolation.

He walked slowly. The chamberlain in front of him knew that he was probably in a gloomy mood, so he did not look back and walked very slowly.

After walking for a while, Zhu Wei looked back.

The palace is majestic, and the servants stand respectfully everywhere. Everyone seems to be integrated into the highest power center of the Tang Dynasty.

He just seemed out of place.

Returning to the Ministry of Rites, Zhu Wei began to pack his things.

"Shang Shu!"

Several officials came to see him.

"The news hasn't come yet?" Zhu Wei asked.

"What news?" someone asked.


Zhu Wei did not continue this topic.

He put away his things and looked up.

"That year, I entered the palace to take the exam. I was very confident and swore that I would be able to leap over the dragon gate. That day, I looked at the majestic palace and swore that sooner or later I would come in again with my head held high and my chest high, stand on the court, and assist the king.

, point the way to the country. I have done all this."

His eyes were bright, as if he had returned to his youth.

Outside the door, more than ten officials gathered at some unknown time.

They looked at Zhu Wei and felt that something was wrong with today's minister.

"That year, I became an official, and I only wanted to serve the king. I worked diligently, and I also worked hard to do things that were not my own. I thought that with such hard work, I would naturally achieve my goal."

Zhu Wei laughed at himself, "After that, I ran into obstacles everywhere. I worked hard and was ridiculed because I wanted to please the superior. My uprightness was regarded as an alien... I didn't get promoted, but I took the blame everywhere. I gradually realized that there are rules in this officialdom.


What he said was common sense that everyone knew, so everyone looked complicated, obviously thinking of themselves who were ignorant at the beginning.

"I want to struggle, but this officialdom is like a big vat filled with disgusting sticky stuff. It sticks me firmly inside and I can't get out. I struggled several times and chose to compromise. From this,

My official career is going smoothly and smoothly."

Zhu Wei sighed, "Think carefully, what have I done in these years? Most of them have been making peace with each other, which is of no benefit to the country or the people. Occasionally, I will find my conscience and do something for the country and the people. But when doing these things, I quietly

I have to do it, but I don’t dare to make it public, as if... I’m worried that people will laugh at me.”

He looked at these officials and said, "I have a question at this moment. Why do you have to be secretive when doing things for the country and the people? But you can act openly and honestly just for your own benefit?!"

He put the bundle on his back and walked out slowly.

"Whoever finds the answer in the future, please let me know."

Only then did everyone wake up.

"Shang Shu, what are you..."

"I am getting old."

Zhu Wei returned home.

Then, Liang Jing came.

Accompanying him were the emperor's chamberlains.

The new Minister of Rites is in place, but he doesn't care much about the affairs of the Ministry of Rites.

Everyone understood that Liang Jing became the Minister of Rites just for promotion.

The next step is to enter the court and become prime minister.

This is a highlight moment in life.

Every day, people came to visit Liang Shangshu, treat him to drinks, and show their goodwill and support...

It's like flowers blooming on brocade and fire cooking oil.

But Zhu Wei fell.

Just as the emperor ordered him to become an official, he was in poor health.

In the autumn wind, a group of cavalry arrived outside Chang'an City.

At this time, Zhu Wei also asked his family to carry him into the carriage and drove him all the way outside the imperial city.

"Get off the bus!"

Zhu Wei was carried down.

The sergeant guarding the gate couldn't help but be shocked when he saw him, "How long has it been before Mr. Zhu has lost weight?"

Within ten days, Zhu Wei's beard and hair were all white, and the flesh on his cheeks was almost gone. His eye sockets were sunken and his cheekbones were high.

Zhu Wei was held up by his family and looked at the gate of the imperial city.

He gasped, "That's where I entered from. Today, I'm here again."

The eldest son cried, "Aye, go home!"

"No!" Zhu Wei shook his head, "I have been an official all my life, and at the end of my life, I have to give myself a break."

Officials from Shangya came one after another.

When they saw Zhu Wei, most of them had dark expressions.

There are also a very few people who look quite relaxed and comfortable.

It is always better to die of a Taoist friend rather than a poor Taoist. It is always better to have one more high-ranking official die.

In this way, everyone can advance step by step!

"When Emperor Xuande was there, the Tang Dynasty was very powerful, but under Emperor Wu, it was still able to suppress all parties. At that time, Emperor Wu was a talented man who wanted to suppress the powerful clan, but in the end he failed."

"Aye!" Zhu Wei has a temperamental temperament and never wants to offend anyone, but what he said today was like poking the emperor's lungs.

"When a person is about to die, he will be extra awake. What I see at this moment is what happened after his death." Zhu Wei's eyes were strangely red, and his cheeks gradually turned red.

"Although I am in the Ministry of Rites, I have also seen that the situation in the world is changing. Food is the most important thing for the people, and land is for the tiller. This is the foundation of the world. But now, the annexation of land is getting more and more intense, and there are more and more refugees... This is

The woodpile, the woodpile getting higher and higher..."

"He's missing out!" an official exclaimed.

When an important minister leaves, he will most likely be given a testament. This testament is a summary of his life and his final words of advice to the country.

There are also arrangements for posthumous matters, such as children and grandchildren.

But Zhu Wei did not choose to go to the imperial court. Instead, he came outside the imperial city and used this method to tell the emperor and the world his last words.

"The foundation of this world depends on the people. The emperor can serve the people, but he must leave them a way to survive. As long as they can fill their stomachs, the people will always be kind."


In the distance, the cavalry team entered the city.

A piece of dew cloth rustled in the autumn wind.

"Great victory!"

In front of the imperial city, Zhu Wei's face became more and more rosy.

"Farmers knew that if they wanted cattle to plow the fields, they had to be fed. Did the emperors of the Tang Dynasty and the carnivores of the Tang Dynasty know this? Yes. It's just that they ignored the people.

I want to say... there are more and more refugees, and the pyre is getting higher and higher, and you who don't know how to restrain yourself are the fools who keep trying to light this pyre. Do you want to burn yourself to death by waiting?"

He panted and got rid of the support of his children and grandchildren.

Under the indifferent eyes of those people, he saluted towards the imperial city.

"If the Tang Dynasty continues like this, it will inevitably decline. When those refugees rise up, the world will be in chaos. With the Northern Liao on its side, they will inevitably march across the Central Plains. I seem to have seen it..."

Zhu Wei's body swayed, "I seem to have seen fireworks covering Chang'an, and the emperor fleeing in panic... Your Majesty, there is still time, there is still time for all this! Your Majesty!"

He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.


"Zhu Gong!"

Zhu Wei smiled bitterly, "I seem to have seen the Northern Liao cavalry grinning ferociously in Chang'an City... Your Majesty, take care!"

When the time comes, the imperial city opens its doors.

The officials were just getting ready to go in.

Then he saw Zhu Wei fell into his son's arms.

There was still a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Great victory!" someone shouted.

He blinked his old eyes and said, "A great victory?"

"Northern Xinjiang captured Longhua Prefecture, and 30,000 Northern Xinjiang troops defeated 80,000 Northern Liao cavalry!"


In front of the imperial city, there was a sudden thunder.


Zhu Wei's son hugged him and slowly knelt down.

Zhu Wei's mouth trembled, "Great victory..."

A grandson ran over to see Lu Bu, came back and knelt beside him, choking and saying:

"In August of the twelfth year of Daqian, Yang Xuan, the governor of Northern Xinjiang, led an army of 30,000 troops and defeated Longhua Prefecture of Northern Liao Dynasty. He confronted 80,000 Ningxing reinforcements and repulsed them. The Duke of Qin informed the world... that in the Tang Dynasty, when



Zhu Wei suddenly grabbed his grandson's collar.

"Really!" Grandson looked into his eyes and nodded vigorously.

Zhu Wei's eyes suddenly stared out, and he asked again in a hissing voice: "Really?"

Did your ears break before you left?

The grandson said loudly: "Sure enough, I can even memorize it."

Zhu Wei suddenly smiled bitterly, and his body trembled with laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha……"


Zhu Wei stopped laughing, and suddenly started crying, wailing loudly, and his voice gradually became quieter.

"I should be happy when the Northern Territory breaks through the Northern Liao Dynasty. But if the leader is weak and the minister is strong, the way to bring disaster..."



Zhu Wei pointed at the gate of the imperial city, with a rattling sound in his throat.

"I... regret that I... entered... this door."

Longhua Prefecture was destroyed.

The officials of the Ministry of War looked pale.

The ignorant people are still saying that if Yang Xuan continues like this, he will die sooner or later.

The important ministers looked solemn and gathered together spontaneously.

"This matter is important." Yang Songcheng said in a deep voice: "Once Longhua Prefecture was broken, Yang Ni was able to get a glimpse of Ningxing. For the first time in hundreds of years, Northern Liao faced such a crisis. This is not the power of a country, but a corner.

Land... what will the people of the world think of Chang'an? How will they think of us?"

Zhou Zun was excluded. Zheng Qi glanced at him not far away and said: "The impeachment of Yang Ni will not work."

Someone sneered, "How to impeach? He captured Longhua Prefecture and made Bei Liao panic. This is his credit. For impeachment, you have to have a reason."

"The people will be happy and feel that this is a great achievement." Chunyushan glanced in the direction of the imperial city.

Someone whispered: "Your Majesty is sitting on wax."

"Shut up!" Yang Songcheng yelled.

The emperor yelled at Yang Ni, shouting to beat him and kill him, but now it has become a joke.

Things are in trouble.

No one paid attention to Zhou Zun.

Several officials he had good friendship with now distanced themselves from him.

However, the eyes communicated, mostly comforting.

Even, envious.

Lao Zhou, your son-in-law, has made a fortune!

Chang Mu said softly: "Lang Jun, from now on, there is no room for compromise."

Zhou Zun nodded, "Let me go home and tell Aye, Mrs. Zhou, to prepare."

He didn't say what to prepare.

Chang Mu knew that Zhou Qin was a well-educated person.

Zhou's son-in-law shocked the emperor with his outstanding achievements.

In the palace, the emperor, who had just woken up, was taking a pleasant walk when he received this 'bad news'


The emperor got angry rarely and kicked down the vase next to him.

The imperial concubine was stunned.

Han Shitou lowered his head slightly, still maintaining the same look as when he made the report.

His expression was solemn.


The emperor is showing his filial piety.

"Thief! How dare you spy on the artifact?"

The imperial concubine was stunned.

The voice of a confidant came from behind.

"If this continues, Ning Xing will be beaten. But this is not His Majesty's merit..."

That Yang Ni's prestige is about to reach its peak.

A chamberlain came in and said, "Your Majesty, the abbot and others would like to see you."

The emperor turned around with sharp eyes, "Change!"

Han Shitou agreed and asked people to prepare.

He stayed by his side and cautiously made his way to the front.

When the king and his ministers met, they all looked ugly.

"Ministry of War!" the emperor said.

Zhang Huan, the Minister of the Ministry of War, reported that he was ill at home due to cold. Liang Jingfei was promoted to the Minister of Rites. Today, Zheng Yuandong, the minister of the Ministry of War, came.

Zheng Yuandong saluted, "Your Majesty, please give me the map."

Han Shitou waved, and two chamberlains came over with maps.

Zheng Yuandong pointed to Longhua Prefecture on the map, glanced at the emperor, and then at the ministers, "Northern Xinjiang captured Longhua Prefecture, and Ning Xing felt the coldness of the blade for the first time. In front of him were Cangzhou, Yanzhou, and Jiang

Prefecture...if the northern frontier is willing to risk everything and move forward with all its might, it is not a bad idea to approach Ningxing City with troops."

This is the most intuitive explanation.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty!

For the first time, he came to the heart of Beiliao, Ningxing!

But Yang Xuan didn’t dare!

Neither can!

If he puts his foot forward, Chang'an will be able to send troops to capture his lair.

Everyone here knows this truth.

The emperor squinted his eyes with a stern look in his eyes.

What the emperor failed to accomplish was accomplished by a traitor.

This old dog... Zheng Yuandong continued: "The three forces of Ning and Xing will inevitably merge and then launch a counterattack."

The emperor stroked his beard and asked, "What do you think Zheng Qing will do next?"

Zheng Yuandong said: "The follow-up will definitely be a situation in which Northern Liao will be the main attack, but Northern Xinjiang has captured Kunzhou, Longhua Prefecture and other places to protect the intimate areas. Therefore, I find it difficult to say."

"Hard to say?" The emperor's eyes narrowed into triangles.

Zheng Yuandong looked at the map calmly and even took a step back.

Looking at it.

"Bei Liao counterattacked, but I remember...who said last time that the Shegu people were also counterattacking?"

"Alarmist!" someone sneered, "The Shegu people are just barbarians. They have been causing trouble for many years, but this is just a minor problem."

Zheng Yuandong glanced at him with a blank expression.

The emperor shouted loudly: "Let the king guard you."

After hearing the good news, Wang Shou knew that he was going to be unlucky.

He had been waiting outside early, and after receiving the news, he ran all the way into the palace.

"Do you know anything about the ancients?" the emperor asked.

Wang Shou didn't expect to ask this, and his mind turned around. He remembered that someone mentioned this last time, "It is said that the Shegu people have been winning consecutive battles recently."

"Lian Zhan Lian Ji..." The emperor looked at Zheng Yuandong.

Zheng Yuandong said: "There is a saying among the ancients: if there are not even ten thousand people in the ancient world, they will be invincible!"

He saluted, "Your Majesty, the Northland is about to undergo drastic changes."

This chapter has been completed!
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