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Chapter 1055 Wise, collect the fish


This word has different meanings in different people's mouths.

In the eyes of superiors, this is synonymous with dolls.

It's just a number.

Farmers, craftsmen, businessmen... these are all soulless puppets.

They provide food, deliver goods, transport goods...

If the country is a person, then the people are the cells of this person, everywhere.

Just like weeds, ubiquitous things are least valued by people, so they will be abused today, smoked a few times tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow...

Do dolls have tempers?

The superiors feel that they cannot... Every time they see those humble smiles, they will consciously or unconsciously strengthen this idea in their minds.

Just squeeze it to death.

Until the whole place is on fire.

Until I became the trophy of those dolls.

Yang Xuan is different.

He walked to the gate of Jiedushi's mansion and said, "Bring me a pen."

The clerk who was about to record it was stunned for a moment, and then handed over the brush.

Yang Xuan took the pen and said, "Let's get started!"

Liu Qing was also stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Salt sellers line up, come along."

"This is my family's, three catties." "Three catties..." Yang Xuan recorded, raised his head, "Give me the money."

The clerk gives money.

"My five pounds."

"Five pounds, let me take a look." Yang Xuan glanced at the salt bag and said, "Give me the money."

The clerk gave the money, and someone on the side took the salt bag and poured the salt into the big bag.

This scene looks like a shop, with Yang Xuan as the shopkeeper and the clerks as waiters.

"Is it worth it?"

Someone muttered.

The majestic Duke of Qin looks like a businessman, it would be embarrassing if word spread!

Businessmen, in the eyes of the people of the Tang Dynasty, were ***.

Everyone was puzzled.

Yang Xuan worked hard all morning before calling it a day.

He moved his wrist and said with a smile: "I haven't written so many words for a long time, and my wrist is so sore. It shows that I still need to practice."

Jiang He'er said: "Let other people do this kind of thing."

Yang Xuan shook his head. Seeing that many people were disapproving, he said: "There is a shortage of salt in Northern Xinjiang. For the people, panic buying is instinctive. Even if the emperor is here, they can't stop them from snapping up salt. This is public opinion!"

The king is like a boat and the people are like water.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

Yang Xuan had never understood this truth so clearly, but he felt something was wrong. "My family took the lead in selling the salt back to the Jiedushi Mansion. It stands to reason that the people would just sit back and watch. After all, they have salt in their hands and don't panic. But they didn't

Follow up and sell our own salt...Are they worried about running out of salt? Of course they are worried. But they still come."

You probably don't know what they are thinking, but I do."

Yang Xuan moved his wrist, "The people's thinking is very simple. If you treat me as a human being, then I will respect you three points. If you are considerate to me, then I will go through fire and water for you... People say that a scholar is a confidant."

If they die, all the people want is to treat them as human beings! Is it difficult?"

He looked at these officials and thought of his days in Yuanzhou.

"When I was in Yuanzhou, I felt that the officials were the sky. What kind of sky should this sky be? Blue sky!"

Yang Xuan pointed to the sky, "I hope everyone can think about what happened today, think about the people's thoughts, and think about whether what they have done is worthy of such simplicity. Ask yourself, ask seriously."

Yang Xuan went back.

The officials are still thinking.

Luo Cai sighed, and Liu Qing asked: "Isn't it appropriate?"

Luo Cai shook his head, "When I was in the Ministry of Personnel, Your Majesty had many requests, but they can be summed up in one thing: to promote officials, loyalty must be the criterion. At that time, I felt that it was not bad, but His Majesty's people... were uneven.

I just don’t like it. I was quite shocked by what the Duke said today..."

"Oh, tell me." Liu Qing said.

Luo Cai said: "Your Majesty requires the officials to be loyal to him and the people of the world to be loyal to him. But for what reason? As Tong Guogong said, a scholar will die for his confidants. The only way to get the loyalty of the people of the world is to treat them as one family.



Song Zhen thought thoughtfully, "It's not loyalty, but... caring." Liu Qing said, "What the old man said before... they regard the Duke as their backer."

Luo Cai raised his head and said, "The Duke said that they are his backers."

"Both of us are each other's backers. This is..." Song Zhen frowned and thought.

Luo Cai's eyes flashed with excitement, "This is... fusion!"

The three of them looked at each other.

"Yes, fusion!"

"The emperor regards his own house as a boat, and his position is wrong." Yang Xuan walked into the house, "The emperor is a member of the world, and it is his duty to integrate into it."

Han Ji smiled and said: "The Duke seems to have gained a lot today."

"Yes!" Yang Xuan said: "I have been thinking about the relationship in this world. What is the relationship between the king and the people? Countless people have made interpretations, but in my opinion, they have all gone astray. This is not their fault.

The blame lies in the sanctification of kingship over the years. What a son of God, what divine right to king..."

"In ancient times, leaders relied not on sanctification, but on ability. Whoever can lead the people to gain more is the leader." Han Ji said: "In the later period, father to son passed down the family, and the family became the world. But Long

When you have nine sons, the good ones and the bad ones are mixed. What should you do if you encounter a fool? You can only maintain your authority by mythical kingship."

"But this won't last long!" Ahead was the backyard. Yang Xuan turned around and said, "Since I want to rebel, I naturally can't follow their old path."

Han Ji said with a smile: "The Duke will have a good time to teach the great man."

Yang Xuan entered the backyard.

"The Duke is back."

Zhou Ning heard the sound and came out, holding the second child in his hand, "Call Aye."

The second child clenched his fists and said, "Wow!"

"Why are you crying?" Yang Xuan came over and took the second child.


Yang Xuan coaxed the child skillfully. Zhou Ning stood beside him and said with a smile: "There are not many people who are as home-loving as you."

"No matter how busy it is outside, it is also the excitement of others. When you go home and close the door, no matter whether you are happy, angry, sad or happy, it is all your own." Yang Xuan kissed the child, and the second child stared and opened his mouth, "Ah..."

"Why does this kid have such a loud voice?"

Yang Xuan frowned, "It's been eight months, it's time to teach and speak."

Zhou Ning said: "I taught you. If you don't believe me, just take a look." She said softly: "Erlang, his name is Aye, Aye." "Ah..."

Even if the second child screams, he still looks angry.

After coaxing him for a while, Yang Xuan handed the angry baby to Zhou Ning, "You did a good job this time."

Zhou Ning smiled and said: "I have thought about it a lot, and this is the only way to test the people's hearts. I didn't expect that there were so many people who responded, which shows that you have a high prestige among the people. To be honest, Zitai, if this continues, the people of Northern Xinjiang will

There is no emperor in my heart, only you!"

"The uncrowned king!" Yang Xuan reached out to touch her cheek and stepped back with a smile, "Da Lang!"


The boss roared over with two pets.

"Let's go, Aye will take you out for a walk."

Yang Xuan picked up his son with one hand and said, "It's heavy again."

"Zitai, Ah Liang will have to listen later!" Zhou Ning said.

Yang Xuan shook his head, "The child is still young, it's time to play." Zhou Ning looked at the sky speechlessly.

Every family member has his or her own rules and tricks for teaching children.

The sooner the better!

This is the consensus of almost all aristocratic families.

Start teaching your children early, let them stand on the starting line earlier than others, and run a certain distance before others, supplemented by various resources from the family...

Such children will not become talented, will not become the best among men, and will either grow crookedly or be mentally retarded.

As Yang Xuan's eldest son, A Liang automatically regarded him as the best candidate to succeed Yang Xuan's career, both at home and outside.

Therefore, Zhou Ning transferred Zhou's experience to his own children.

But Yang Xuan obviously didn't buy it.

"I've met the Duke."

"I've met Da Langjun!"

"I've met the little Duke!"

When you go out, the people you meet must not only greet Yang Xuan, but also respectfully salute the little Duke.

How big is this tender baby?

Yang Xuan put A Liang away

Come down and "walk by yourself."

After walking a few steps, A Liang raised his head and said, "Aye, hug me!"

"Just a few more steps!"

Yang Xuan walked in front to hook up.

On both sides, the Qiu Long Guard quietly formed a protective circle, focusing on protecting Xiao Langjun.

Walking out of the alley, the woman selling Hu cakes saw A Liang following Yang Xuan, clapped her hands and said with a smile: "The little Duke is so handsome."

Yang Xuan didn't like the word handsome, but looking at his son who looked like a man in a painting, he could only say that his skin had surpassed his mother's.

Later, the father and son entered the alley.

Yang Xuan is wearing a bamboo hat, which does not look out of place in this rainy season.

The most lively place in the alley is by the well.

Even women who have wells at home like to come out and talk lively and gossip with everyone.

Puff puff puff!

Women beat their clothes, and some women stepped on them.

"A Liang, this is laundry."

Yang Xuan said to his son.

"Clothes." A Liang nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Would you like to try it?" Yang Xuan said with a smile.


Yang Xuan stepped forward and saluted, "Ladies."

The women turned their eyes, automatically ignoring Yang Xuan and staring at A Liang.

"My child likes to play, can you let him try..."

Later, A Liang held the mallet used to hammer clothes with both hands and beat hard...

Puff puff puff!

After a few moments, Ah Liang couldn't hold it any longer. "Yeah!"

"Try again." Yang Xuan encouraged with a smile.

A Liang beat him a few more times, but this time he couldn't even hold the mallet.

With tears in his eyes, he said, "Yeah, it hurts."

A woman said distressedly: "You are so young, just give it a try. Can you still let him do this job?"

Yang Xuan pointed to a seven or eight-year-old girl, "This kid isn't that big either."

When he mentioned it, the girl lowered her head shyly.

Yang Xuan took the child into the alley.

"Aye, I'm hungry." Ah Liang's hands were sore and his stomach was hungry. He felt so pitiful.

"Let's find a place to eat."

It was already afternoon. Yang Xuan pointed at a smoke stream and said, "Look, Ah Liang, this is cooking."


"You have to chop wood to cook, and it's very hard to chop wood."


"You still have to earn money to buy food and vegetables..."


Yang Xuan found a house and knocked on the door.

"Who are you looking for?" asked the man who opened the door.

"Borrow a fire and have a meal." Yang Xuan handed over two copper coins.

"This..." the male host hesitated for a moment, "You can eat whatever you want, how much do you pay for it?"

Yang Xuan had ordinary clothes, and A Liang had always worn common clothes since he was a child. According to Yang Xuan, children were not allowed to cultivate an aura of wealth, and no silk or satin was allowed to be used.

Therefore, the identity of the father and son could not be identified by their clothes.

"How can I be so embarrassed if I don't give it?" Yang Xuan finally gave him a penny.

"There's nothing good to eat, madam, get me a piece of bacon," the man said.

"No, you can eat whatever your family eats."

Those who can have lunch are considered to be from well-off families.

There are five people in this family, including an old man, his wife and two children.

The staple food is cooking cakes, and the wheat flour is inferior and looks thick and black.

Take a large bowl of cooked vegetables, add some salt, and add a few drops of oil, and this is the dish.

Yang Xuan ate very deliciously, but A Liang ate very hard.

At the end of the meal, A Liang had eaten a third of it.

"Aye, I won't eat." A Liang shook his head.

Yang Xuan sighed, took the remaining pancakes from him, and ate them.

"Aye..." A Liang was stunned.

Yang Xuan didn't say anything.

After eating, Yang Xuan took his children and left.

The man and his family were as restrained as if they had seen gods... Not long after they entered the house, the family recognized the identity of Yang Xuan who had taken off his bamboo hat.

Yang Xuan took A Liang home and got a small hoe for him to hoe.


"Try it!"

Ah Liang was tired after only two visits.

The next day, Yang Xuan took him to find a vegetable farmer.


All the children from the farmers’ families went to work.

Yang Xuan said nothing.

I got home and caught up with dinner. At the end of the meal, A Liang ate all the food in the bowl, which was surprising.

"Da Langjun is hungry," said the maid who was serving him.

Zhou Ning was also very happy, "A Liang has grown taller!"

Yang Xuan put down his chopsticks and asked: "A Liang, why do you eat so cleanly?"

A Liang said: "Tired!"

"Why are you tired?" Zhou Ning asked.

Yang Xuan stood up and rubbed the top of A Liang's head, "I've eaten."

When he went out, Zhou Ning muttered, "What the hell are these father and son doing?"

When Zheng Wuniang took the clothes A Liang had changed to for washing the next day, A Liang said to the maid: "You're tired, take a rest!"

"What?" The maid was confused, and A Liang looked angry, "You are tired, you need to rest!"

The whole family was shocked.

The eldest man is so considerate of his servants, this is clearly... "the sign of a wise man!"

Others said this as if she was trying to force her into the palace, but Yi Niang was not afraid.

No one knows the reason for the change of the young prince, but they all think it is an innate compassion.

The instigator is already sharpening his sword with a sneer.

Entering the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, Yang Xuan sat high in the lobby.

"My lord, the motorcade has arrived outside the city."

Helian Yan came to report.

"Where are those people?" Yang Xuan asked casually.

"As soon as the doors opened in the morning, they were rushing to buy."

"Killing someone without teaching will definitely lead to criticism. In this case... Bao Dong!,

"My lord!" Bao Dong came out.

Yang Xuan said: "Good advice!"

"Take orders!"

Bao Dong has gone.

Yang Guogong's eyes were cold, "It's hard to persuade a fool who is bent on death!"

Bao Dong arrived at the salt store. At this moment, more than a hundred people gathered outside and were rushing to buy.

"The Duke has something to say." Bao Dong shouted: "As long as you have enough food at home, don't hoard it!"

Those people glanced at him... Bao Dong came out and changed into plain clothes.

"Idiot!" A group of people continued to grab.

Bao Dong turned around and said, "Look, a bunch of dead ghosts!"

He went back and reported, "My lord, my subordinates have spoken, but no one has listened."

"No one ever listens to good words. Only a big stick can make idiots remember their lesson. Come on, let the convoy enter the city!"

The convoy entered the city, and the group of people rushing to buy salt stopped for a moment.

"What is it?"

The motorcade stopped outside the salt store.

"Move the goods!"

The escorting general looked at them like a group of clubs.

"Playing this with the Duke of Guo, isn't this seeking death?"

When the pocket was opened, Tao County was shocked by the white salt.

"The Duke has found salt!"



Helianyan put on a cloak and carried a sword at his waist.

Heroic and heroic.

Teams of strong men lined up.

"The prince spread the bait, and some fools desperately tried to bite the hook. Now, let's go collect the fish!"

This chapter has been completed!
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