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Chapter 1066 Feed the people of Tang Dynasty

@@Listening to the deafening shouts behind him, Yang Xuan was also reflecting on himself.

After taking Sangzhou, he sent Zeng Guang and others to control the army. In his opinion, having the army in hand is the most important thing, and the civil servants should not be anxious.

This is also related to some of his judgments about the future.

When the Northern Xinjiang army went south to fight against rebellion, how to reform the rule after capturing or subduing the prefectures and counties?

The military is easy to talk to, but the civil service is difficult to deal with.

Replacing them all will make subsequent state and county officials fearful and resist.

So, he wanted to use Sangzhou to make a horse bone.

Everything was fine at first, but what he didn't expect was that Chang'an took action and broke his plan.

Yang Xuan felt that he still took it for granted.

Sangzhou is Sangzhou, and other places are other places. There is no need to follow a routine.

It should be adapted to local conditions.

There is no doubt that Wu Yun surrendered and should stay.

But he can put someone in, such as Sima.

In this way, even if Wu Yun is assassinated, Sima can respond immediately, cooperate with the army and control the situation.

It's not as messy as it is right now.

Xiao Lan is incompetent!

But Wu Yun will have to wait while he recovers from his injuries.

"I've met the Duke."

Outside the prefecture, Xiao Lan was waiting with sweat on his face. "Is something wrong?"

Yang Xuan looked at Xiao Lan calmly.

If a Sima is forced in, Xiao Lan's power will inevitably be weakened.

What would this person think?

Xiao Lan said: "In the past, several powerful people applied for road guidance, but the lower officials did not dare to specialize in it. The Duke sees..."

"Are there any drawbacks to love?" Yang Xuan asked.

Is this going to be a killing spree?

Xiao Lan was shocked, "No, just fear..."

"Afraid of me?" Yang Xuan smiled.

"Yes!" Xiao Lan didn't dare to hide it.

When the powerful men in northern Xinjiang mentioned Duke Qin, they hated and feared him, and all those who could run away ran away.

"A melon that is forced to be squeezed is not sweet, and a person that is forced to stay is not happy. Let it go!"

Yang Xuan entered the state house.

The officials he brought have taken over the overall situation of the state.

Han Ji went to ask some questions and came back to report: "Just after Wu Shijun was assassinated, many officials were packing up..."

"Is this a roster?" Yang Xuan asked.

Han Ji held a booklet in his hand and nodded: "Exactly."

There were more than ten officials outside, and most of them changed their colors when they saw this scene.

Yang Xuan took it and those people lowered their heads. "Make a fire!" Yang Xuan said.

Lin Feibao lit up the fire.


When the officials heard someone shouting, they looked up and saw the burning book in Yang Xuan's hand.

He lifted the book until the flames burned the part near his fingers, and then gently dropped it to the ground.

Those names flickered in the firelight and gradually turned into ashes. When the cold wind blew, they scattered everywhere.

"Be wise and protect yourself, this is human nature!"

Yang Xuan entered the check-in room.

While the officials heaved a sigh of relief, they felt an inexplicable emotion in their hearts.

Lord Qin, you are so wise!

Yang Xuan visited Wu Yun's injury, and after learning that he was getting better, he comforted him.

"The lower official brings trouble to the overall situation!"

Wu Yun said with shame.

If the assassination comes from the palace or the court, then Northern Xinjiang can shout at the top of his lungs, saying that Chang'an is so angry that it jumps over the wall.

But the assassination came from the Wu family, and Beijiang and Yang Xuan were both in trouble.

When the assassin returns to Chang'an, the Wu family will become famous.


This is the top priority in handling this matter!

"Peace of mind!" Yang Xuan is not the kind of boss who shirks his responsibilities.

He Lianyan and the accompanying Jin Yiwei were dispatched.

The accompanying cavalry cooperated and soon found some clues.

"He was seen fleeing into the mountains."

He Lianyan said: "But I asked the hunters, going into the mountains at this time is asking for death."

"Go and have a look."

Yang Xuan led hundreds of cavalry

Set off.

The so-called mountain is a mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles.

"There are many ferocious beasts in the mountains, and it's extremely cold."

The local hunters were called and were very excited after seeing Duke Qin.

Yang Xuan asked a few questions and shook his head, "So, this is not right."

"Maybe we can survive by hunting and making fire." Jielong said.

"If you want to survive in the mountains, firstly, you must have a bow and arrow, otherwise you cannot hunt. Secondly, you must have clothes, otherwise you will freeze to death even if you are wrapped in tree bark."

Yang Xuan turned around: "Carefully survey the surroundings."

Orion praised: "What the Duke said is very true."

He Lianyan said: "The Duke is the best hunter!"

In the Dongyu Mountains, Yang Xuan not only had to hunt, but also had to ambush each other with the hunters of the Southern Zhou Dynasty. Such dangerous situations were not something these people could understand.

The assassin only carried a short sword and his clothes were not too thick. He was fine in the city, but in the mountains... he couldn't survive more than three days!

"Chang'an needs assassins to show off, so there will be supporting personnel nearby. It is impossible for these personnel not to know the danger of entering the mountains at this moment. Then... check!" The accompanying cavalry began to cast the net under the leadership of the locals.

Local hunters, under heavy reward, also went into the mountains to look for traces of the assassin.

Yang Xuan lived in a small village at the foot of the mountain.

The small village is quiet. There is nothing much going on in the village at this time of year. We only have one meal every day.

In the morning, there was smoke from cooking in the village where Yang Xuan lived, which attracted a flock of birds to gather on the roof.

After Yang Xuan finished practicing, he took a walk outside the house.

The smell of scones came from inside, and a dozen children were in the distance, salivating with their fingers in their mouths, but they didn't dare to get close.

Most of the children's shoes were worn out, with their thumbs and even second thumbs exposed, and they had no socks. Two lines of snot flowed down from their noses, and when they reached their lips, they sucked them back hard.

Helianyan felt a little disgusted.

Yang Xuan felt even more cordial.

"I was in this kind of environment back then."

"My lord, breakfast is ready."

A horned dragon guard came out to report.

"Bring some cakes."

Yang Xuanren brought the cakes and waved to the children, "Come!"

The children stepped back instead.

Yang Xuan sniffed the pancakes and said with a satisfied look on his face, "Smells delicious." Then he waved his hand, "I made too much and can't finish it. Come here."

A girl came over timidly. Yang Xuan slowly stretched out his hand, touched the top of her head and said, "Where are my parents at home?" The girl said, "At home."

"Are you hungry?"

"Hungry!" The girl nodded.

Yang Xuan handed over the cake, and the girl took it, turned around and ran away.

Halfway through the run, he held up the pancake and shouted: "Yeah, grandma, I found something to eat!"

The old thief said: "When you get food, you don't take care of yourself first, but your family. This child will either suffer when he grows up, or he will make a difference."

Upon seeing this, the remaining children came over and gave each of them a piece of cake.

"Don't you want to eat it?" He Lianyan asked.

"I rarely skip breakfast, so I won't have any today."

Zhuque said what would happen if you didn't eat breakfast... cholecystitis? Yang Xuan clapped his hands.

The old thief said: "There are more."

Yang Xuan shook his head, pointed at the children running home holding pancakes, and said: "I use today's hunger to remember that there are still countless people in this world who don't have enough to eat and don't have enough to wear.

He turned around, "And my goal is to find food and clothes for these people."

A nobleman once came to Northern Xinjiang and went to the countryside. He was disgusted when he saw the villagers who were unwilling to give up and even resorted to extreme measures for petty profits. He felt like flies.

But Yang Xuan knew that when a person does not have enough to eat or clothing to keep warm, any talk of morality, elegance, or nobility is all nonsense.

Only when you are full and full can you pursue the world of God.

And his goal is...

"Feed the people of the Tang Dynasty!" A village more than forty miles away from Yang Xuan's residence was deserted at the moment. The adults were lying at home to reduce physical exertion and let themselves get hungry later.

But the child cannot be stopped.


I am afraid that I am hungry and want to eat dirt, but I still have to come out to play.

Ding Jie was outside the house, watching the children running around the village.

After assassinating Wu Yun that day, he escaped with the help of the people in the city and fled far away.

He went up the mountain first and then came out from the other side.

After playing around, he wanted to escape far away, but found that there were more checkpoints everywhere.

He could only retreat and hide in the hiding place prepared in advance.

"It only takes half a month for the checkpoint to exist in name only. When the time comes, I will send you into the caravan and go all the way back to Chang'an!"

In the yard, the leader who was waiting for him on this trip, Ma Huo, frowned and looked at the sky.

There are some signs that it's going to snow.

Snow can be a problem for hidden trails.

Ding Jie turned around and came in, closing the door first, then listening to the movement outside, and then said: "Mr. Lang told you at the beginning that if this assassination can kill Mr. Sanlang, then it will be a great achievement.

Even if I can't kill you, just being injured is enough. Now I just want to go back. You should be quite powerful in the north, is it difficult to pass a small level?"

Ma Huo looked down at him, "You are in Chang'an. The Wu family is considered powerful in Chang'an, so they think that the world is so big that there is nowhere they can go. But that is Chang'an."

"You talk about Yang Xuan being so powerful, but I still calmly assassinate him and escape. What can he do?" Ding Jie said with a smile.

"I have been in Sangzhou for two years. Just hearing about it makes me dare not look down on Northern Xinjiang." Ma Huo said, "If you go out now, I bet that 99% of you will be caught. Do you know that once you are caught?

Consequences? Put up poles!"

Ma Huo said maliciously: "What is a pole? It's just a pole planted in the ground. The end facing the sky is sharpened, and the bark of the tree is peeled off. It's so bare... Don't think that only women are naked.

Then I will strip you naked, lift you up again, and slowly put you down with the valley pointing towards the sharpened top... Don't worry, you won't die in an instant, you will be clamped, very tightly.

But since you are so heavy, you won't be able to hold on for long, and your body will slowly slide down the pole.

The average person can live for most of a day, but some particularly powerful ones can live for two or three days. In the end, the rod is poked out of the mouth. Look... Have you ever seen a roasted whole lamb? It's just like this!"

"Afraid of a bird!" Ding Jie tightened his buttocks.

"This is the place we chose for a long time before we found it. There are few people in the village, and the village leader has been bribed by us and will cover our tracks. We just hide here and no matter how hard the Northern Xinjiang Army looks, they can't find it."

"I bet that Yang Xuan is angrily cleaning up people in Ding'an City right now, and then he has to go back to Taogu." Pi Jie was a little impatient.

Before setting off, Mr. Shiro had just rewarded him with a pretty maid. Although the pretty maid had served Mr. Shiro before, her beauty and methods... made him crazy about her.

Thinking of that woman, Ding Jie wished he could fly to Chang'an.

After lunch, Ma Huo took a nap.

Ding Jie packed up his baggage, took a short knife, and quietly climbed over the wall and went out.

He couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to go back and see that woman.

In the afternoon, there was a stupid man outside his house in the village, staring blankly outside.

When he heard the footsteps, he slowly turned around, looked at Ding Jie blankly, and said with a silly smile: "Let's go!"

Somehow, Ding Jie's heart skipped a beat.

The dog said it!

Why does this sound wrong?

He bared his teeth at the fool. The fool looked down at the ground, as if there was his way there.

Ding Jie left the small village and smiled in the direction of Ding'an City, "I'm leaving. I'll never come back next time."

He put on his bamboo hat and prepared to bypass the official road and take the path south.

There is money in the bag, and there are dry biscuits that can last for five days, and at the limit, they can last for ten days.

After eating the dry food, it was easy for him to go into the villages along the way to get some food based on his cultivation.

As long as he leaves Sangzhou, he will be safe.

He took one last look to the north.

The image of that woman is all in my mind.

Then he rubbed his eyes.

In the distance, there are some vague shadows.


Ma Huo's angry voice came from behind.

What appears in the distance is the cavalry!

Ding Jie turned around and ran away.

"Don't run, walk slowly!"

Ma Huo cursed: "You bitch slave, how dare you run away!"

Ding Jie ran back, and Ma Huo took him into the village.

After entering the village, the village leader was waiting, "Hey! Please don't cause trouble."

Ma Huo said: "Keep an eye on the people outside. If they come looking for someone, deal with them." "Don't worry!"

Muramasa smiled at the cavalry in the distance and said confidently: "Here, grandpa is the emperor!"

The two of them, Ma Huo, escaped into the village.

Dozens of cavalrymen arrived at the entrance of the village.

"Have there been any strangers coming in or out lately?" The leader's voice turned out to be a woman's.

Even though it's men's clothing, it looks extremely charming.

Muramasa's heart skipped a beat, "No!"

Helianyan's eyes moved.

Ru'an whispered behind her: "Seven days ago, someone saw two people coming this way. I'm afraid there is something wrong with this village."

He Lianyan did not comment and said to Muramasa: "If you find a stranger, you can go to Ding'an Hui immediately and you will be rewarded with a heavy reward of 10,000 yuan!"

Muramasa cooperated with a greedy expression, "Definitely!"

"Let's go back to Tao County!"

Dozens of riders turned around and walked away.

Muramasa went back and found horse work, "Dozens of horses came, and the leader was a charming woman who left."

"That's He Lianyan, the commander of the Jinyi Guards. Where did they go?" Ma Huo asked.

"He went north, saying he was going back to Tao County."

"It seems that Yang Gou is going back." Ma Huo felt relieved. "He is rebellious, and rebellious people dare not leave their nest for a long time." Ding Jie said, "In this case, when can I go back?"

Ma Huo said cautiously: "Wait for a few more days."

"That's fine!"

Ding Jie finally calmed down and said with a smile: "When you arrive in Chang'an, we will spread the news in Northern Xinjiang, saying that you escaped under the nose of Jin Yiwei at that time. You can shame Yang Gou!"


A voice drifted in.


Ma Huo drew his sword and looked towards the door.


The door flew in.

Outside the door, He Lianyan narrowed his eyes and looked at them.

"Now, you are waiting under the nose of my Jin Yiwei! Run away and see!"

This chapter has been completed!
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