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Chapter 1083 Ambition

Niu Mi followed Wang Laoer to Taoxian County and went outside the Jiedushi Mansion.

"Wait here!" Wang Laoer pointed to the rice and said to the disciple, "Get him a cup of hot water."

Menzi smiled and said, "Second brother, don't worry!"

Wang Laoer asked: "Is the Duke here?"

The doorman said, "Here you are! We went in earlier."

Wang Laoer went in and found Yang Xuan who was discussing something with Liu Qing and others, "My lord, I have captured an envoy."

"What messenger?" Yang Xuan thought about the possible pressure from Chang'an after the spring.

"They are the envoys from Beiliao, two of them!" Wang Laoer held out two fingers.

The two envoys clearly explained their identity, purpose, etc. on the way.

"...I originally wanted to take a detour, but I was worried that I would be late."

Ma Xiao gave a more thorough explanation.

"Wait, why are you so anxious?" Liu Qing asked.

Ma Xiao said: "The Shegu people are ready to make a move."

Ning Xing was worried that the envoy would arrive late and Chang'an's response would be too slow.

"Continue!" Yang Xuan nodded.

"After arriving in Chang'an, we must order Chang'an to send troops to contain Northern Xinjiang."

"So confident?" Luo Cai asked.

Ma Xiao said: "Last year, the envoy from Chang'an came to Ningxing. His appearance was fierce and his heart was weak..."

This is someone seeing through the bottom line!


Yang Xuan even felt embarrassed to follow him!

"It seems that the Duke's judgment is correct. Ning Xing wants to put things in order first!" Liu Qing's mood lifted, "This year will start off well!"

Without the restraint of the Shegu people, the Northern Liao Dynasty was unable to respond to the offensive in Northern Xinjiang with all its strength.

"He Lianchun wants to cut through the mess quickly, kill Shegu first, and then deal with us with all his strength." Yang Xuan said with a smile, "His confidence in Governor Helian is too full!"

"The posture of Governor Helian is defensive. In this way, it is consistent with Ning Xing's posture." Song Zhen's eyes were bright, "My lord, I have to fight hard this year to cope with this situation!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "This year, we are going to do something big."

He looked at Mr. Wang who was doing nothing and said, "Young man has made a great contribution this time."

Wang Laoer looked indifferent and said, "By the way, Duke, when the envoy was arrested this time, some people performed meritorious service, so I promised to let his son enter the school."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Okay!"

He agreed very easily, but at the end of last year, a certain related household came to him and wanted his child to join the class, but he was rejected.

"Then the Duke will give you a note."

Yang Xuan wrote a note to him, "Take it to Li Wenmin and tell him by the way, school will start soon, practice first, thinking first."


Wang Laoer went out, took the rice and cattle with him from the concierge, and went to look for Li Wenmin.

Li Wenmin is now the official in charge of education in Northern Xinjiang, and he is quite dignified.

"This is a note from the Duke!"

After entering the check-in room, Wang Laoer handed over the note. Li Wenmin looked at it and said, "Supposedly, we should enroll students in the summer..."

This was a habitual gesture, but Wang Laoer asked impatiently: "Can I come in?"


Only then did Li Wenmin realize that the person in front of him didn't accept this trick.

Wang Laoer said to Niu Mi: "It's a good time to study. If you encounter trouble, report my name!"


Niu Mi saluted seriously.

Then he was arranged to stay.

Since school hadn't started yet, he was alone, so the school gave him some money so that he could buy food by himself outside every day.

On the fourth day, school started.

The students entered the school, followed by drills.

Niu Mi was placed in the junior class, but he was in the lower grade, so his husband told him to work harder, otherwise he would not be able to keep up.

Niu Mi is very serious. If others do one thing, he will do two things.

Training is not difficult for him who often works ().

By the way, he also met a few classmates from Chenzhou. When fellow villagers met fellow villagers, they were immediately recruited.

On the last day of training, Li Wenmin came.

Hundreds of students gathered on the playground. Li Wenmin's voice was not loud, so you had to listen carefully to hear it clearly.

"...For the food, clothing, housing and transportation of you and others, the Duke of Guo donated his own salary, money and food. In order for you and others to become successful, the Duke of Guo personally compiled the teaching materials..."

An indescribable feeling of admiration and gratitude surged in Niu Mi's heart.

"Currently, Chang'an is still hostile to our Northern Territory. Your Majesty is singing and dancing in the Chang'an Liyuan every day, ignoring state affairs, but keeping an eye on our Northern Territory."

I opened a small shop at home, and from time to time customers would talk about the current situation, so Niumi was not unfamiliar with these things.

"You should know what Northern Xinjiang was like back then. In Northern Xinjiang today, people live and work in peace and contentment, with enough food and clothing... What a wonderful life it is? But some people don't want us to live a good life!"

Li Wenmin said angrily: "Chang'an has joined forces with our mortal enemy Beiliao!"

Those students were shocked.

This is the first time official recognition has occurred.

"They want to join forces to kill us, why?" Li Wenmin said: "It's just because the Duke of Guo continued to advance northward after taking charge of northern Xinjiang, and the fight made Bei Liao miserable. Bei Liao panicked, and Chang'an panicked even more. Do you know why Chang'an panicked?


Li Wenmin waited for them to think for a while and then continued: "I said before that Your Majesty was so indulged in enjoying himself in the pear garden that the world gradually became chaotic. You all know how many refugees from the North have poured into Northern Xinjiang in recent years. But Your Majesty doesn't care.

Did those aristocratic families take care of it? They didn’t take care of it, and even took advantage of it to rob it. The flood in Huazhou is a clear proof.”

The victims of the Huazhou disaster were scattered throughout northern Xinjiang. When the victims mentioned Chang'an, the hatred with gnashing teeth was shocking.

"When the people of Huazhou were desperate and helpless in the natural disaster, who extended a helping hand?"

Li Wenmin raised his hand, "It's the Duke!"

Niu Mi felt refreshed, and suddenly Chang'an felt more and more strange, as if it was another world.

"But what did the Duke's move bring? It brought Chang'an's anger!" Li Wenmin said: "Northern Xinjiang extended a helping hand, which made Chang'an, who was standing by, angry. They were angry, so they accelerated their collusion with Beiliao.

The next time Bei Liao sent an envoy to Chang'an, but they were intercepted by us in Northern Xinjiang. After interrogation, we learned that the envoy from Bei Liao was going to Chang'an to urge His Majesty to send troops to Northern Xinjiang!"


Teachers and students were shocked.

Someone said: "This is impossible!"

"Yes! I thought it was impossible when I first heard about it!" Li Wenmin said sarcastically: "The chief and deputy envoys are at the Jiedushi Mansion at the moment. By the way, some people have made meritorious service in the capture of the Northern Liao envoy. That person...

...." Li Wenmin lowered his head, looked at the paper in his hand, raised his head and said: "Niu Mi, who is Niu Mi, come up!"

This was a carefully prepared opening ceremony. After catching the envoy, Yang Xuan's first reaction was to use this incident to undermine the emperor's prestige in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians in northern Xinjiang.

School is a top priority.

Niu Mi was stunned for a moment, then classmate Chen Zhou beside him said, "I'm calling you!"

"I..." Niu Mi was a little nervous.

"He's here!"

Classmates raised their hands.

Everyone looked here, Niu Mi shivered nervously, and walked up slowly.


Li Wenmin rarely smiled.

Niu Mi walked up to the prince and stood to one side cautiously.

"Tell me about it!" Li Wenmin said.

Niu Mi stammered: "That day... Ye Niang... Ye Niang went to the wine shop..."

He slowly talked about this matter, and when he mentioned Wang Laoer, the teachers and students no longer had any doubts.

Wang Laoer is a sharp knife for the Duke of Guo, and will only be used in the most important places.

"...The one who held A Niang hostage was beaten up by A Niang and Aye..."

"Ha ha ha ha!()"

Teachers and students laughed.

"Aye begged my second brother to take me to study because of my hard work, and I...I came."

Niu Mi misses her family.

Li Wenmin nodded, and someone brought the beef and rice down.

Then came some words of encouragement for learning.

After school started, Niu Mi came into contact with a whole new world.

He is eagerly absorbing the nutrients of knowledge. Every day he is either reading or asking his teachers or classmates.

"Wake up."

In the morning, Niu Mi got up very early as usual and memorized books for half an hour before waking up her classmates in the same dormitory.

While others were washing, he continued to recite... The teacher said that reciting is the fastest in the morning.

"Niumi, let's go have breakfast!"

The classmate shouted.


Niu Mi put the scroll in her chest and went to the dining hall with her classmates.

Along the way, he kept mumbling and was distracted, and his classmates made fun of him for being a nerd.

"Hey! Niu Mi, what are you going to do when you read it out?" asked classmate Zhang Xia.

"Be an official!" Niu Mi answered sincerely. This was his long-cherished wish.

When we arrived at the canteen, there was a disciplinarian watching over us, and everyone lined up in order to get their meals.

The staple food for breakfast today is pancakes, mutton soup, dried vegetables, and tofu, which is very rich. There is also a big wooden barrel next to it, and each person has a piece of steaming pork.

The canteen handles the pork meat very well, and the smell is not too strong. I like eating beef and rice very much, so I don’t think it is inferior to mutton.

What a sumptuous meal!

He couldn't wait, thinking that this was a fairyland.

"The Duke is here."

There was a commotion outside, and Niu Mi was excited and turned around to look.

In the past few days, he had found out a lot of news in school.

The second brother is a straightforward person, but he is highly respected by the Duke of the country.

The Duke attaches great importance to the school and often comes to inspect it.

Yang Xuan is here.

But he queued up at the back.

When Niu Mi saw the Duke lining up, he asked in confusion: "Why does the Duke queue up?"

Zhang Xia behind him said: "The Duke has said that the rules are set, so everyone must abide by them."

"But that's the Duke!"

"Do you think noble people can disobey the rules?" Zhang Xia said with a smile.

"Isn't it supposed to be like this?" This is the education Niu Mi received since childhood.

Ye Niang, including other adults, all looked in awe and envy when they mentioned the nobleman. Occasionally, when they mentioned that the nobleman executed servants or maids around him, they all looked indifferent.

Someone occasionally mentioned government or law, which immediately elicited bursts of laughter.

"That's a noble person!"

"The law is used by the nobles to control us."

Noble people are gods!

This impression became in Niu Mi's mind, almost engraved in his genes.

But today, he found that something was shaking in his mind.

Are those noble people as dignified as the Duke of the country?

He shook his head.

He carried the food over and kept looking at Yang Guogong, almost bumping into someone.

Yang Xuan smiled and talked to the students around him very kindly.

After finishing the meal, someone beside him whispered something to Yang Xuan and looked at Niu Mi.

Yang Xuan came over with his own big bowl.

He sat opposite Niu Mi. Niu Mi was so nervous that he forgot to salute.

"Sit down!" When Niu Mi thought about saluting, Yang Xuan asked him to sit down as soon as he stood up.

"Niu rice?" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

"It's the villain!"

"You are a student!"

"Exactly a student."

Yang Xuan was eating and talking to him.

"What do you do at home?"

() "Feeding sheep and opening a wine shop."

"That family's situation is not bad."


If it is less than what is above, there is more than what is below.

"Are you still used to it after arriving in Taoxian County?"


Slowly, Niu Mi's nervousness dissipated a lot.

Yang Xuan pointed at his chest, and a small part of the book was exposed.

"Why do you carry it with you?"

"I need to endorse." Niu Mi felt a little embarrassed, "Students are admitted late."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Have you thought about what you will do in the future?"

Niu Mi said: "Student...student..."

"Being an official?" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

Niu Mi nodded, feeling extremely nervous, thinking that he would be taught a lesson.

Yang Xuan took a sip of the soup and said, "This soup tastes good.


Niu Mi and the people around him echoed, in fact, they really don’t

"The pancakes are also good!"

The cook smiled broadly from behind, and even Li Wenmin nodded slightly to him.

"Herdsmen work hard all year round but rarely eat mutton once, but here, it's available almost every day."

Yang Xuan said: "Farmers have worked hard for a year but are reluctant to eat thin flour pancakes. They are available here every day."

He picked up a piece of dried vegetables, "These dried vegetables are expensive in the market now, but they are available here every day."

Niu Mi suddenly felt a little uneasy. He was thinking, how could he enjoy such benefits?

Yang Xuan stopped talking here. After breakfast, he looked for Li Wenmin and said, "School has started, and it's time for the students to enjoy the spring breeze."

Li Wenmin was startled, but Yang Xuan had already gone out.

Han Ji stayed and said to Li Wenmin: "The students take it for granted... As you know, the Duke values ​​students the most. If the students he trains only want to be officials and only care about food, clothing, housing and transportation, this should be the case.

...This is not good.”

Li Wenmin understood.

Han Ji went out and Yang Xuan was waiting for him outside.



Yang Xuan nodded, "A person only knows how to enjoy, no matter how talented you are, I don't need it!"

On the second day, without breakfast, the school organized the students to go outside the city.

Then they divided into several teams and each went to a village.

Niumi followed them to a quite large village. After entering the village, the village was waiting for them.

"Go to the worst homes!" the leader of the group made the request clearly.

Niumi followed him to a house.

The cramped environment does not surprise the students...most of the people here come from ordinary backgrounds.

After communicating with the village leader, the family cooked a daily breakfast.

It's so hazy that it can illuminate people's silhouettes.

There are no pancakes.

Just slimy!

"If you don't work, you don't dare to eat dry food!"

The host squatted there, looking a little naive.

The teacher looked at them drinking heavily and asked, "Do you know what these students eat and drink in school?"

The male host nodded, "I know it! He said he lived in a bright house, had good food, and was like an emperor."

This statement made the students laugh.

Niu Mi also laughed.

The husband did not laugh, "Mr. Wang pays taxes every year, and you provide the students with basic necessities, including their textbooks and clothes..."

Niumi was startled by this concept, but she felt that she had no way to refute it.

"I just want to ask." The teacher glanced at the students, "Langjun himself doesn't dare to eat dry food, but they have meat and thin flour pancakes all the time. Does Langjun feel panicked at the loss?"

The male host shook his head.

"When I went to pay for the grain, the officials from the county said that the grain we paid turned into military rations and armor weapons for the Northern Xinjiang Army. We also contributed to the protection of Northern Xinjiang. I felt very comfortable.

It’s here!”

The male host looked at the students and said, "Some people in the county asked me about studying. Anyone with good talent can go there. I also asked about the benefits of studying..."

Niu Mi put down the bowl and looked at the male host.

The male host stood up, as if imitating the man's original expression, "The Duke said that reading is so that people in the world will not be hungry!"

Niu Mi felt her head buzzing.

He thought of his hometown.

First, let’s look at the dilemma at home when I was a child.

At that time, during the slack season, the family only ate one meal a day. He lay hungry in bed, feeling that hunger was the most painful torture in the world.

Later, as the situation changed, his family also changed.

When I feel full, I gradually eat well.

But what about before?

He thought of what Li Wenmin said that day, that life in Northern Xinjiang was getting better, but the people of the Tang Dynasty outside Northern Xinjiang were still suffering, and even... starved to death!

In front of my eyes, something seemed to be shining.

In the afternoon, he followed him back to school in a daze.

In the evening, he hired a more literate classmate to write a letter to his family.

"...Aye, my mother is on top, my child is kowtow..."

"The food in the school is quite good. Every meal includes mutton and thin flour pancakes. The clothes and shelter are all good. They are better than at home. They are free of charge."

"I went to the village today and heard what the Duke said, Aye, Aniang, now I know why I study!"

Niu Mi raised his head, his eyes were bright and extremely determined.

"I want to study for the Duke of the country, I want to study for Northern Xinjiang, and I want to study for the people of the world!"

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