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Chapter 1088: A Whole New Situation

A soldier never tires of deceit!

Strategic deception has always occupied a place in the art of war.

How to hide one's strategic intentions and make opponents misunderstand one's strategic intentions is a troublesome issue for a country's monarch, ministers and an army commander.

The most famous one is the counterattack after the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

That year, Emperor Wu's favorite concubine died of illness, and he had to leave the court for three days, feeling a little distraught.

It happened that the envoys from the Northern Liao Dynasty came to court, and they were very happy to see Emperor Wu like this. The news spread back to Ningxing, and everyone in the Northern Liao Dynasty relaxed their vigilance.

As a result, two months later, a group of iron cavalry suddenly crossed the northern Xinjiang and attacked Cangzhou. Ningxing was shaken and hastily sent out an army to attack, but was defeated.

This cavalry scout was even only more than fifty miles away from Ningxing.

This was a beautiful strategic deception, which caused heavy casualties in the Northern Liao Dynasty. It was used as a teaching material by the Tang Dynasty, Northern Liao Dynasty, Southern Zhou Dynasty, and even Luo Luo Dynasty.

Strategic deception is passive, but taking the initiative to interfere with the opponent's judgment and decision-making is a better method.

Assassinating people close to Yang Xuan, even relatives, diverting trouble to the south, causing tension between Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an, and even a fight. This was a brilliant plan by Eagle Guard.

He Lianyan was a little embarrassed. After going back, he straightened things up and asked a question: If the Eagle Guard can do this, what about my Jinyi Guard?

Jinyiwei has only been established for a short period of time and has just begun its layout. Naturally, it cannot be compared with Eagle Guard.

"Our people are infiltrating Ningxing." He Lianrong advised: "In two years at most, we can organize such an operation."

"Two years!" He Lianyan felt a little melancholy.

"Commander, did you realize it was too late?" He Lianrong asked.

He Lianyan nodded, "In two years, I am afraid that the army will arrive at Ningxing City."

He Lianrong stroked his beard and said: "The commander had been in Tanzhou for a long time and did not know the confidence of Bei Liao. If we mobilized with all our strength, not to mention a million troops, but an army of 500,000 would be fine. When the 500,000 troops face a desperate situation,

He Lianchun has the courage."

"What do you mean?" He Lianyan asked, "Courage?"

"Actually, the number of the army is not a problem. The problem is the armor, war horses, military pay, and food and grass. The cost of an army of 500,000 can completely empty the warehouses of Beiliao. Next, the army of 500,000 will cost even more to go to war. Where can we get it?

Money and food can only be levied and extorted."

He Lianrong said: "If we fail to win a battle or fail to win a big victory, the people's resentment will burst out, and in an instant there will be wars everywhere."

A million-strong army is even more ridiculous. A single supply can kill Tobe Shang.

"That is to say, if the force is too much, He Lianchun will most likely fight to the death."


He Lianyan said with admiration: "You have such talent, why don't you assist the Duke?"

"At the beginning, Xiaguan only wanted to be promoted back to Ningxing and Tanzhou. Xiaguan couldn't stay there for another day. After being captured, all thoughts were lost."

He Lianrong suddenly laughed at himself, "What's the use of wealth and honor if no one can share it? My family has no place to die, so what's the use of being a low-ranking official? When I dreamed back at midnight, I could only shed tears."

"Did you see through it?" He Lianyan asked.

He Lianrong nodded, "I have seen through it. However, I am not like Fang Wai who has seen through the world of mortals."

"You are not one of those people who waits to see through the world of mortals."

"Yes! I am alive now because of a single thought." He Lianrong said calmly: "Kill He Lianchun, kill Lin Ya, and destroy the Shegu tribe."

"What will you do if they are all destroyed?" He Lianyan took a sip of tea, her red lips twitching slightly.

"I don't know." He Lianrong was confused for a moment, "When I was in Tanzhou, I always thought about the next few decades, and even thought about the days after I became an official. But now I don't think about anything. What is happening now?

What is it? As for the future, what’s the point of thinking about it?”

"Is it because no one has shared it?"

"Yes." He Lianrong said with a smile: "In the past, when the whole family was together, Xiaguan would always think about what his wife would be like in the future, what his children would be like, and how his parents would be anxious about their future. But now, Xiaguan is all alone.

What are you thinking about? If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" He Lianyan asked.

"What are you afraid of?" He Lianrong said: "In the past, I was afraid of death, and I was ashamed. But when my parents, wife and children went to Xiaguan, I realized that death is not scary at all, but a relief. Only then did I understand

, the original me was not afraid of death, but worried and reluctant to let go!"

He Lianyan sighed softly, "When I was in Tanzhou, there was a period of panic. However, you are not old yet, and you are now considered the backbone of my Jinyi Guard. If you are willing, you can hire a matchmaker to arrange marriage.

, at any rate, leave yourself a queen."

"After?" He Lianrong was standing at the side, but now he slowly knelt down, "Xiaguan still remembers the feeling when Dalang was born. At that moment, Xianguan trembled all over, feeling that life was so magical.

Holding the child in his arms, Xiaguan felt that his bloodline was continuing. At that moment, even if he died, Xiaguan could be calm and calm.

After learning that his wife and children were gone, I also thought about leaving him behind, but as soon as I thought about it, I laughed."

He Lianrong nodded, indicating that he was not neglecting the superior officer, "The inferior officer often thinks about reincarnation. If there is reincarnation, then it doesn't matter whether he leaves his bloodline or not."

"What if there is no reincarnation and people can only live one life?" He Lianyan asked.

"All life is suffering." He Lianrong said.

He Lianyan nodded in approval. Before she took refuge with her boss, her life was miserable. In this regard, she and He Lianrong were in the same boat.

"Since all life is suffering, then it's enough for me to suffer as a low-ranking official, so why bother giving birth to several children and letting them continue to suffer?" He Lianrong said very calmly, with a feeling that made people feel dead and silent.

"You are a smart man and you should know what I mean when I say this to you." He Lianyan said.

"Yes." He Lianrong was not an idiot. He knew that the commander would not have any trouble discussing life with him. "Thank you very much for the commander's recommendation, and thank you for your respect. But I just want to avenge my wife and children in this life! I don't want to enter the official career again."


"You are an extremely smart person." He Lianyan sighed, "But being in Jin Yiwei is also a career."

He Lianrong smiled, "Jinyiwei mostly does things, but as an official, he mostly behaves. Lower officials are impatient to be human."

"Then come and play tricks on my Jin Yiwei?" He Lianyan said with a smile.

They both laughed, and a feeling of smart people against smart people emerged spontaneously.

"Jielong targets you from time to time."

"The official didn't care."

He Lianrong smiled easily.

"Yes, if you really want to deal with him, based on his brain, he will probably have to help you count the money if he is sold by you."

"You are exaggerating." He Lianrong bowed slightly.

This is a strong-willed person!

Helianyan immediately went to the Jiedushi Mansion.

"Commander Helian, it's time for Jinyiwei's money and food to be reviewed next month. Mr. Liu asked you to hand over the documents."

A clerk was just about to go look for Helian Yan. When he saw her coming, he was happy to save the trip.

"I'll send it to you later."

Although Jinyiwei is directly under Yang Xuan, the money and food must go through official channels. However, there is no need to go through procedures, but directly approved by Liu Qing.

As for how much food is needed each month, He Lianyan reports this. She does not even need to report the number of Jin Yiwei's manpower, and the specific cost is verified by Yang Xuan himself.

He Lianyan asked, "Is the Duke here?"

The clerk nodded, "The Duke and Duke Liu are discussing matters."

He Lianyan entered, and when the clerk turned around, a familiar clerk teased him, "Why don't you dare to look at Commander Helian?"

"Would you like to try?" the clerk retorted.

Little people have their own way of survival, observing words and expressions, and knowing how to behave.

"My lord, He Lianrong refuses."


Yang Xuan was startled.

You must know that since taking charge of Northern Xinjiang, except for Wu Da, He Lianyan and others around him, Yang Xuan has never reused a foreigner. Even Suo Yun and others from the death camp only formed an independent army and did not integrate into it.

Northern Xinjiang bureaucracy.

This shows that Yang Xuan is wary of foreign races.

"Does the Duke value this person?" Luo Cai asked.

"This man is quite talented, and he hates Bei Liao deeply. I observed him for a long time, and then I thought about using him. Unexpectedly, I thought too much." Yang Xuan smiled, but he didn't mean to be angry.

"He Lianrong!" Liu Qing thought for a moment, "That man is calm. If he can lead an army, sooner or later he will become the leading general."

"You can't force it to make it sweet." Yang Xuan put the matter down and said, "Jinyiwei has since turned its focus to Yanzhou and Cangzhou."

"Yes!" Helianyan knew that this was the calm before the storm, and the Jin Yiwei was the leader.

"Also, Lin Jun needs to keep a close eye on his side. Be careful of my army attacking. He can attack us from the flank!

Liu Qing smiled and said: "It's always you who ambush others. If Lin Jun dares to send troops, he has to be careful of being attacked halfway by you."

Yang Xuan said: "Map!"

A clerk took the map and spread it out on the table. Yang Xuan pointed at the map and said: "The current situation is that our northern Xinjiang breaks into the territory of Beiliao, with Longhua Prefecture on the left, Neizhou on the right, and Neizhou on the right.

It's Taizhou.

What we are facing are Yanzhou on the left and Cangzhou on the right. The safest way is to attack Yanzhou directly. In this way, if Lin Jun from Taizhou wants to raid our army, he must first pass under the nose of Neizhou, which is difficult.

If we attack Cangzhou, we have to be careful that Lin Jun comes to attack us from the right at any time. Once the grain road is cut off, we will be in big trouble."

Liu Qing looked down at the map.

Longhua Prefecture and Neizhou in northern Xinjiang are opposite Yanzhou and Cangzhou in Northern Liao Dynasty. The situation is very clear. But Taizhou on the right flank is stuck there, which is disgusting.

Once the army attacks Cangzhou, the supply line will be exposed to Lin Jun's sight. Once he takes action, he will cut off the food road and hit the army from behind.

"Hiss!" Liu Qing took a breath of cold air.

Luo Cai also came over and took a look, "Maybe Lin Jun will look back?"

Liu Qing shook his head and nodded, "It stands to reason that this person is separatist in the three states, and he is the one who must be killed by Ningxing. Even if he surrenders, He Lianchun will not be able to spare him. Otherwise, anyone can seize one side in the future. If the momentum is not good, surrender.


Song Zhen said: "Rebellion is unforgivable! However, soldiers never tire of deceit!"

"When people are about to die, they will grab everything they can." Luo Cai thought of all the weird things he knew in the official department, "It still depends on Lin Jun's judgment of the situation!"

"Yes, Lin Jun's judgment of the situation determines the scale and method of this battle!"

This is a brand new situation. Yang Xuan moved his neck. "I can't wait."

The birds flew in groups behind them. Occasionally, some birds were alone and kept whining behind them, but they still couldn't call back their companions.

"This is the lone goose." Lin Jun pointed to the lone bird in the sky and said: "This bird is desperately chasing its companions, and will become more and more exhausted when it is flustered. If it cannot find food later, it will starve to death. Or you may die from exhaustion. In fact, it is more comfortable to find a place to live on your own."

"Yes!" Shen Changhe's clothes were still thick, "It is good to follow the group, but if you are not careful, you may get into the hunter's sight."

"Is there any movement over in Northern Xinjiang?" Lin Jun asked.

This is outside the city, and Lin Jun has just returned from a local inspection with hundreds of cavalry.

In the distance, a small river meanders, and a farmer walks slowly with a hoe and an old cow.

"Drilling and gathering food and fodder."

Shen Changhe smiled bitterly, "Yang Xuan is very different now. Just looking at me, his power is real. He has not concealed his intention to send troops as soon as spring begins."

"It's confidence."

Lin Jun said: "He Lianyan is in charge of Jinyiwei. This woman knows the truth and reality of the Liao Dynasty and is quite powerful. The rebellion of the ancients will definitely not be hidden from Yang Xuan. With the control of the ancients, this is a golden opportunity that has never been seen in the ages. If it were me, it would be impossible." Will choose to send troops."

"If he sends troops to attack Yanzhou," Shen Changhe said, "it's enough to attack Yanzhou. We are beyond our reach. If he sends troops from Neizhou to attack Cangzhou. Envoy, his food route will be right under our noses. If we give him a hit."

"If he is defeated, Daliao will do their best to deal with the Shegu people. And Yang Xuan, who has licked his wounds, will turn his attention to Sanzhou without hesitation."

The two were silent.

The next day, the scout brought a messenger.

"It's someone from my uncle's side."

Lin Jun recognized the person.

After the greeting, Lin Jun rudely interrupted the envoy's greetings and said, "Let's talk."

The envoy was stunned, and then said: "My husband said, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn back, you will find a shore! If your husband returns, I guarantee that you will only have to lie dormant for three years. Three years later, my husband will swear to use your husband again!"

"In three years, has the emperor's body reached this level?"

Lin Jun's words made the envoy tremble.

Just from his words, Lin Jun accurately judged Lin Ya's thoughts and He Lianchun's physical condition. This thought was heart-stopping.

No wonder the husband would value this nephew.

It's just a pity that the two sides have turned against each other. Otherwise, with Lin Jun by his side, what kind of staff would be needed?

When the messenger thought of this, his heart became more and more passionate, thinking that if he could persuade Lin Jun to change his mind, it would be a great achievement.

"My husband always misses me."

Lin Jun waved his hand and interrupted him.

"If you want me to return to Daliao, it's easy!"

The messenger was overjoyed.

"Just one!"

Lin Jun raised his index finger.

The messenger said: "Mr. Lang, please speak."

Lin Jun spoke.

"The land of the three states is still mine!"

This chapter has been completed!
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