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Chapter 1138 Trap

No matter how powerful the army is, there must be a time for naps and a time for rest.

After the Battle of Cangzhou, the Northern Xinjiang Army entered a period of adjustment.

When the army fell silent, it was the time for scouts and spies to shine.

More than a hundred riders were galloping in the wilderness of Taizhou.

Across this wilderness, you can see large fields.

The farmer in the field heard the sound of horse hooves and looked up.

"He's a scout from the Northern Xinjiang Army!"

The farmer screamed.

But most people continued to work numbly.

The sound of horse hooves is getting closer and closer.

The farmers were shaking all over but refused to leave.

More than a hundred riders galloped past.

The farmers relaxed and continued working.

To be killed is to die.

If you run away, there will be no harvest, and you will still die.


The scout's voice came on the wind.

"Record, Taizhou farmers would rather die than farm."


As for how to judge the above, this is not what a scout should care about.

"Enemy knight found!"

Ahead, more than a hundred riders appeared.

"Kill it!"

The scouts of the Northern Xinjiang Army drew their swords and faced him.

There was a killing spree between the two sides, and the Taizhou scouts left behind more than ten corpses and fled in all directions.


Northern Xinjiang scouts reined in their horses.

A ranger appeared in the distance.

The captain looked sharply at the Taizhou Rangers and said, "Their scout rangers have more than doubled, and the three states are waging war. Damn it, has Lin Jun pawned his own wife's underwear?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

The ride began to accelerate.


Just as the team was about to turn around, they heard a subordinate shouting from behind: "There are enemy troops!"

As the team turned back, they saw dozens of riders appearing behind them.

Isn't that... the Taizhou scout who was about to be defeated?

"This is a trap!"

The team was shouting: "Rush over!"

The two sides soon met each other, and as soon as they fought, the team members realized that something was wrong.

These Taizhou scouts are obviously more brave and sharp than before.

Then he was pretending to be weak before.

The purpose is to intercept them.


The two sides got entangled and Yuqi arrived.

"Get out!"

The team was roaring, and they rushed out of a gap with their men.

More than thirty riders rushed out, and an encirclement was formed, with everyone behind being trapped inside.


Team Zheng fled far away with his men without hesitation.

The soldiers who were surrounded were brothers to him.

Scouting requires not only bravery, but also choices.

Scouts don't need to kill enemies, they just need news.

Bringing the news back is fulfilling your duty.

Most of the scouts who were subsequently surrounded were killed in battle, and seven were seriously injured and captured.


It is the most cruel thing for scouts to torture their colleagues. They know the mentality of their colleagues and what they are afraid of.

Half an hour later, a humanoid scout from Northern Xinjiang spoke.

"I didn't say where I was going to attack, I just said I wanted to rest!"

"Didn't you mention attacking Sanzhou?"

"No, I swear not."

"Ask questions separately."

"No, after the Battle of Cangzhou, the army took a break. They practiced the next day and took turns releasing them back to reunite with their families."

The oral confession was compiled and sent to Lin Jun.

"Is there any movement over there in Chang'an?"

Lin Jun asked.

There were several civil servants in the duty room, all looking at

Shen Changhe.

Shen Changhe said: "There was another internal fight in Chang'an. Li Mi succeeded in putting Liang Jing on the throne of the right prime minister. Yang Songcheng seemed to be at a disadvantage, but there are rumors that he is keeping an eye on the left prime minister."

"Chen Shen?"

"Yes, Chen Shen is quite old."

"A father-in-law who respects the emperor." Lin Jun said coldly: "The same is true for Ning Xing. The earlier the country was destroyed, the more intense the internal fighting became, and the foreign enemies did not care."

"Chang'an is still promoting the prosperity of the Qian Dynasty."

"What is a prosperous age? The army is strong, the money and food in the court are sufficient, the people have enough food and clothing, the officials are generally clean, and the emperor is wise. Look at the Tang Dynasty, the northern Xinjiang army is sharp, but the guards in Chang'an may have become watchdogs. Money and food are sufficient , but it was obtained by excessive taxation. As for the official administration, the official administration in the Tang Dynasty was similar to that in the Liao Dynasty, and it was corrupt."

Finally there is the emperor.

Lin Jun said: "Li Mi is not stupid, but he is shameless!"

Shen Changhe felt that this evaluation was insightful.

The little emperor of Ningxing can be ignored.

"The eldest princess has been very well-organized in assisting the government. Nowadays, many people in the government and the public have changed their views on her."

There was something awe-inspiring in Shen Changhe's words.

"I know."

Lin Jun closed his eyes, "If the eldest princess is given more time, the old ministers of Helianfeng will stand behind her. Once this happens, I'm afraid there will be no chance again. Time waits for no one! Old Shen."

"Your Majesty!"

"You go to Tanzhou!"

Lin Jun opened his eyes, "Cao Ying has been in Yanbeicheng for a long time. He is Yang Xuan's earliest confidant. He will definitely not be reconciled to being left in Yanbeicheng. You go with one purpose, to anger him or defeat him."


Shen Changhe resigned.

Lin Jun waved his hand and the officials left.

The room became quiet.

Lin Jun looked at the map for a long time and asked, "Would you like it?"

"Taizhou scouts set a trap, and our three scout teams were surrounded and killed, and most of them were lost."

It was already the third day when Yang Xuan received the news.

"This is provocation!" Han Ji defined this matter.

It's true to say it was a provocation, but Yang Xuan always felt that Lin Jun's method was not that simple.

Liu Qing and others were thinking about Lin Jun's motives, and Yang Xuan said: "Let the second child come."

Wang Lao Er is newly married and looks more radiant.

"Second brother, take your people with you, whether it's a trap or some other means, and teach the Taizhou scouts a lesson!"

"You can kill people again!"

Wang Laoer's reaction made Yang Xuan a little confused.

"Don't think about killing people..."

"My lord, killing is fun!"

"It's so funny!" Yang Xuan said with a headache: "Killing is helpless, do you understand? Don't treat killing as a hobby!"

"My hobby is jerky!"

All right!

Yang Xuan waved his hand feebly.

Liu Qing laughed and said, "The second brother is just a simple man. He kills people for money and uses the money to buy dried meat. But the Duke thinks too much."


Yang Xuan feels that he has fallen into a tangled state recently.

Maybe you're tired?

Yang Xuan moved his body and felt energetic.

Zhan Juan stayed in Taoxian County for three days and only received the news today that Yi Niang was meeting her in the morning.

"Who is Yi Niang?"

Zhan Juan asked again tentatively.

The maid who accompanied her into the palace shook her head, "Since you are the one close to the eldest princess, you should know the rules. Ask yourself."


Zhan Juan smiled and thought, is there any woman more noble than the eldest princess?

After entering the Duke's Mansion, we went all the way to the backyard.

Actually entered the backyard...

Zhan Juan was a little uneasy.

General meeting guests

It's all in the front yard and the back yard, and that's how one's own people are treated.

Is that lady using this as a demonstration?

Even if the eldest princess gives birth to a son, in the Duke's Mansion, the master is still Zhou Ning.

The maid took her outside Yi Niang's room and said, "Yi Niang, she is here."


Zhan Juan followed her in and saw a woman sitting in the room. She looked quite indifferent, holding a book in her hand. Zhan Juan had good eyesight and realized that it was.

"I've seen my wife!"

Zhan Juan salutes.

"I heard that the eldest princess is now hanging her curtains?"

Yi Niang asked.


Are you trying to find out secrets?

You underestimated me, Zhan Juan!

Zhan Juan sneered in her heart.

"Are you too busy? Are you feeling well?" Yi Niang asked.

This is to test the physical condition of the eldest princess... Zhan Juan said: "The eldest princess has cultivated a lot and has strong bones."


Zhan Juan noticed that Yi Niang looked a little regretful, and she wanted to laugh even more.

If the eldest princess is in poor health, the government will be in ruins, and Lin Ya will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Lin Ya rebelled, and Northern Xinjiang benefited.


Zhan Juan couldn't help but smile.

It would be a pity for such a strong woman not to have more children... Yi Niang felt deeply regretful.

As for you saying that there are many strong women, people are different!

Yi Niang saw in the palace that the children born from different concubines were all different when they grew up.

The more educated a mother is, the better her children will be.

Changling is known as a literary youth, and its cultural heritage goes without saying. This is an excellent candidate for concubine!

What a pity!

"How is the child doing?"

Why did you ask about the child?

Zhan Juan said: "Quite strong."

The father-in-law's seed was good... Yi Niang was very happy, and then she asked carefully about the child's condition, how many times did he eat it every day, had he ever vomited milk, had he had diarrhea, etc.

Zhan Juan was stunned.

"... Before Emperor Wu left, he said that no woman would be able to do this again. I deeply believe it, and please tell the eldest princess that if she is tired, just go south. There is a place here for her."

Yi Niang ended the conversation.

Zhan Juan returned to her residence in a daze, carefully recalled Yi Niang's words, and found that it seemed like...

"Care about the children!"

For Yi Niang, the top priority is the next generation of the Duke.

For Wang Laoer, the top priority is having fun.

After getting married, he always felt uncomfortable having an extra person beside him.

But it's not annoying either.

But Helian Yunshang always kept an eye on him, asking him to make progress and do things, not to think about going out and running wild, etc.

Wang Laoer has the temper of a monkey, but the wife he married is a lady of the family.

Our ladies inherit the elite mentality, and going out to kill people and act wild is not doing your job properly.

——Wouldn’t it be better for you to stay with the Duke?

not good!

Wang Laoer prefers to run wild in the wilderness.

"Go and set up a team of scouts to lure the enemy!"

Wang Laoer laid a trap and immediately started eating dried meat.

Dozens of scouts set off.

Explore all the way towards Taizhou.

Hundreds of Taizhou cyclists are taking a rest.

The general was also eating dried meat.

Dried meat is now a luxury item in the Sanzhou Army, and those who can afford it are either well-connected or elite.

This ranger is the elite.

"Your Majesty's wish is to cause heavy losses to the Northern Xinjiang scouts." The general clapped his hands.

The deputy next to him asked: "But what if the Northern Xinjiang Army launches a large-scale attack?"

"I don't know, but I

Seeing that you are not in a hurry, you shouldn’t be afraid!"

Several horses came galloping over, "The scouts from Northern Xinjiang were found."

The general jumped up and said, "Brothers, come and do your job. Do a good job, and I will take you later to learn from Yang Gou and build the Jingguan!"

Hundreds of riders swarmed away.

"Spread out and outflank."

The Taizhou scouts are doing one thing these days: ambushing the Northern Xinjiang scouts.

After doing this job for a long time, I became familiar with the road and it was very comfortable.


When the two sides encountered each other, the Northern Xinjiang scouts fled without hesitation.

"You are becoming more alert." The general smiled and said, "Chase!"

Both sides chased and fled, and the Northern Xinjiang Army scouts successfully escaped before the encirclement was formed.

But he can't get rid of his opponent.

The two sides are constantly getting closer, and whenever this happens, the Northern Xinjiang Army's scouts will try their best to keep the distance between them.


The wind blew in his face and made the general feel comfortable. Seeing his opponents fleeing in confusion, he couldn't help but feel more comfortable and shouted: "Catch them and build a capital to watch!"

"Put the pole up!"

His subordinates cheered in response.

Someone glanced back unintentionally. It was just a glance, and the blood in his body seemed to freeze.

Hundreds of riders were like ghosts, coming from behind and on both sides.

is accelerating.

"This is a trap!"

The same routine, but this time it trapped me.

The general shouted: "Go forward, keep chasing."

If I don't retreat, I'll run away all the way.

The general looked at the sky and said, "As long as we hold on for half an hour and the sun sets, we will be safe."

The dozens of riders in front suddenly circled.

"Run quickly!"

Taizhou Rangers cheered.

The dozens of riders successfully made a detour, but they did not rush to pursue them, but looked at them with smiles.

The general felt suddenly uneasy.

A group of cavalry appeared in front.

The sound of horse hooves rumbled.

Behind him, hundreds of horsemen were chasing after him.

"Kill it!"

The general knew that there was no way to retreat at this moment. He pointed his long knife forward and shouted: "When we meet on a narrow road, fight out!"

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

When they saw the two familiar figures, someone shouted in despair: "It's Mr. Wang!"

Wang Laoer raised his knife and rushed forward.



The second brother's business is open again.

"Your Majesty, a group of scouts from our army were surrounded and killed by Northern Xinjiang."

Lin Jun was reading the paperwork without raising his head, "Send another team!"


After an unknown amount of time, Lin Jun raised his head and stretched his sore neck.

"Your Majesty!"

A follower came in.

"How is Ning Xing?" Lin Jun asked.

"The eldest princess is getting into a better state behind the curtain."


Lin Jun smiled and said: "There are three people in the state who are Ning Xing's informants. In recent days, they have been given the opportunity to find out the current situation."

"Yes! But, what kind of news?"

"The battle between our army's rangers and the Northern Territory's rangers is inextricably linked!"


Then he resigned.

"Come here!"

An official came in and said, "Your Majesty!"

"Have people catch up with Shen Changhe and tell him that Tanzhou is going to take the initiative to attack. Cao Ying has been trapped in Yanbeicheng for a long time and is eager to make a contribution. He must be involved."


Lin Jun waved his hand.

He said quietly: "Tanzhou has taken it out, do you want it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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