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Chapter 1146 Be Domineering

The shouts of death outside were still deafening.

The fire was either flickering or swelling. It shined through the not-so-thick tent and made the face of Xin Wuji, who was sitting on his knees, slightly red.

"Now that things have happened, do you still want to resist?"

Dangya sneered, "If you surrender me, I swear to spare your life."

"What do you want me to do?" Xin Wuji asked casually, while listening to the noise outside.

"Of course you feed the horses!" Dang Ya smiled happily, "No need to worry, I will take care of your wife and daughter for you!"

Defeating one's enemy and making him kneel in front of oneself, offering one's wife and daughter with both hands, is the glory and enjoyment of the conqueror. Prairie nobles love to do this most. Especially to win over the enemy's wife and daughter, few people don't like it. of.

"Do you know why Ben Khan has not taken action?" Xin Wuji suddenly asked.

Dangya was startled and listened carefully. There was still noisy outside, so he smiled ferociously and said, "You want to delay? You want to wait for Yang Gou to come back!"

"When I gathered the remnants of the three major tribes, I had thoughts of self-reliance, but every time I thought of my master's methods, those thoughts melted away like snow."

Xin Wuji looked at Dang Ya, with some regret and helplessness in his eyes, "Ben Khan was also a general back then, and his vision of the general situation is beyond your reach. Even so, Ben Khan is still willing to be a dog for his master. And you, A so-called wise man in a tribe has only so much knowledge, how can you get the courage to rebel?"

"General?" Dangya was startled, "Where are you, general?"

"General Bei Liao, He Lianxi!"

Daliao, Helianxi... Xin Wuji felt a little embarrassed, then smiled and put the past aside.

"You...are you He Lianxi?" When Dangya knew He Lianxi's name, he took a step back and said, "Didn't you escape?" As a guard, after the city was attacked by surprise, Helianxi had no chance of escaping. There was no trace. Ning Xing was furious and ordered the Eagle Guard to search for it.

"Back then, I surrendered to my master. My master wanted to destroy the three major tribes and ordered me to gather the remaining tribes. I swore allegiance to my master with one blow..."

Xin Wuji raised his hand and walked away from the knife mark on his face, "This is the oath of this Khan!"

"not good!"

Dangya ran to the tent and took a quick look outside.

Outside, the fire was blazing into the sky, there were numerous figures, and there were endless screams.

He felt relieved and looked back with a sneer, "What can He Lianxi do? If I take it from you, it will be another credit!"

Xin Wuji sighed, "Since the master has made up his mind to weaken the southern part of our town, why did he bring the death camp? Do you know how much food and grass the 20,000 death camp will consume along the way?"

His teeth froze.

Xin Wuji said: "Before setting off, the master guessed that you would be like this. Now that he has guessed, what do you think will happen tonight?"

Dangya's cheek trembled slightly, "You mean, he...he knew that we were going to rebel?"

"Among those leaders, there must be master's spy. I know this, but I don't know who he is." Xin Wuji sighed again, "Master is in charge of northern Xinjiang. How many officials, generals, and powerful people disobey him? ?There are many talented people among those people, but they were still defeated one by one at the hands of their master."

Dang Ya's face turned pale, "The death camp... is his back-up plan!"

"My master always acts with plans first. He dared to force the southern part of our town to attack the city, so he naturally planned your response. If you conspire to rebel, do you know who will be most happy?"

"You!" Dang Ya suddenly laughed and beat his stomach, tears of laughter came out.

"Hey..." Dangya wiped away his tears, "Since you know this, you sit back and watch me plot. This is because you want me to die."

"The master said that the southern part of the town was going to disperse. I had nothing to say, so I had to disperse. Even if the tribesmen arrived, the leaders were unwilling to do so. They would incite me and contact the tribesmen... I didn't want to accompany them.


"So, you just sit back and watch...you killed several leaders in front of the battle yesterday. This is coercion!" Dang gritted his teeth and pointed a horizontal knife at Xin Wuji.

"Yes!" Xin Wuji smiled and said, "If I didn't force him, how could you rebel?"

A chill ran down Dang's spine, "What a Xin Wuji, what a Helianxi! What a method!"

"The happiest person is actually not Ben Khan!" Xin

Wuji lowered his voice, "It's the master!"

At this moment, Dang Ya had no more doubts in his mind, and was extremely clear, "If we resettle the southern part of the town as usual, how much land will Northern Xinjiang have to provide? Moreover, we have to provide a house and cattle, and according to the rules, we have to give half a year's money and food..."

"The master's plan is very big, and money and food should always be used in key places. The southern part of the town... is not worth it!" Xin Wuji said.

"So he first ordered the southern part of our town to attack the city. Just when everyone was dissatisfied, someone instigated rebellion... No! That person, Linda, is hiding behind tonight!"

Dang Ya trembled all over, as if he was a thorn fruit body in the glacier. His teeth trembled, "Linda, who was the first to instigate rebellion, is Yang Xuan's man!"

"If you can understand, it doesn't mean you are a ghost who died unjustly." Xin Wuji himself had just realized this, and his spine felt equally chilly.

"He asked Linda to encourage rebellion, and then the death camp arrived. Linda said yesterday that if she doesn't rebel, there will be no chance. The death camp is here to force us to take action!"

Dangya suddenly burst into tears, "My plans all came to nothing!"

"My lord, Dangya has entered here!"

Uda's voice came from outside.

Dangya stepped back to the corner and looked at the curtain warily.

The curtain was opened, and Uda came in, holding up the curtain, "My lord, they are all here."

Yang Xuan walked in, Xin Wuji knelt down and said, "Master."

Yang Xuan glanced at him and said, "Your people haven't moved."

"Yes, I have an order. If there is any movement at night, please do not move without the master's instructions!"

"You are a smart man!"

"In the eyes of the master, the villain's intelligence is vulnerable to attack!"

"You want a good death?"


Xin Wuji raised his head and said seriously: "This villain has no ambitions in this life. He just wants to live a wealthy life with his wife and children."

"I promised you!"

Yang Xuan nodded, Xin Wuji stepped forward, put his forehead on Yang Xuan's boots, and said: "The villain's wealth is given by the master... The villain is willing to deal with those traitors!"

This man is really smart!

Although Yang Xuan's decision to dispose of the southern part of the town is justified, he will eventually be criticized by others.

Xin Wuji took action at the right time.

But Yang Xuan said calmly: "I have never been afraid of having a bad reputation, especially the reputation of killing."

He looked at Xin Wuji and said, "Get up!"

Xin Wuji stood up.

"This world is going to be in chaos!" Yang Xuan said: "In troubled times, the name of benevolence and righteousness will only mess up the morale of the people. The Tang Dynasty should use swords to reshape the world and let the foreign races know that they can be the vassals of the Tang Dynasty.

This is their blessing."

"Benevolence and righteousness should be treated internally in prosperous times!"

"Before this great chaos, we should be tyrannical towards the foreign races!"

Yang Xuan turned around, "Han Ji!"


"Pass my order, all the soldiers in the southern part of the town who are out of camp tonight are considered rebels. Kill them!"

"Take orders!"

Han Ji walked out of the tent.

"The Duke has an order!"

"All the soldiers in the southern part of the town who are out of camp tonight are rebels. Kill them!"

The curtain of the tent was held up by the guards, so you could see the situation outside at a glance.

The fire was blazing, reflecting the dim faces.

Rows of sergeants uniformly agreed, "Take orders!"

Puff puff puff!

The sound of neat footsteps faded away until they arrived outside the camp in the south of the town.

"We want to go back!"

The southern part of the town was surrounded by death camps.

There are more than 10,000 people outside, pleading to go back.

The more than 10,000 people inside were huddled in the tent at the moment, and no one dared to come out!

"Let me in!"

"I just came out to pee!"

"I came out to blow some wind!"

The array of death camps remained motionless.

Suo Yun sneered and said: "You are not allowed to walk around without permission at night, pee or blow in the wind? You just want to wait and see!"

Lan Jian said: "These people will build roads!"

Suoyun nodded.

"We're probably going to build roads!"

People outside were also talking nervously.

Puff puff puff!

The footsteps were not loud, but they were particularly heart-stopping.

People in the southern part of the town slowly turned back.

The overwhelming array is approaching.

The leaders were all burly men.

They were wearing heavy armor and holding swords in their hands.


The leader of Mo Dao will raise Mo Dao.

Everyone stopped and stepped heavily on the ground.


Suo Yun felt that his vision seemed a little distorted.

"As expected of the master who has been trained by the Duke himself!"

A general from the southern part of the town knelt down and said, "The villain is wrong. The villain is willing to build roads!"

Mo Daojiang looked at them indifferently, "Top armor!"

The hands of the Mo Daomen were pulled down from the top of their heads, and their face was covered by the visor. Only a pair of eyes looked out from the two holes.

Suddenly, Suo Yun felt that the night was frozen.

Mo Daojiang shouted: "The Duke's order!"

Suoyun stood with his hands tied.

"Any soldiers in the southern part of the town who are outside the camp tonight are traitors and should be killed!"

"No!" someone screamed and ran away.

Mo Daojiang shouted: "Come in!"

Array forward!

"Fight them!"

People in the south part of town are running and roaring.


Mo Dao raised it and waved it vigorously.

Broken limbs are flying.

Behind, the crossbow array takes shape.

"Fire the arrow!"

Waves of crossbow arrows covered the area.

The screams were so loud that Xie Chang, who was on the way, was overjoyed, "Hurry! No need to hide, hurry!"

Eight Thousand Cavalry began to accelerate.

Right in front is the campground!

Yang Xuan stood in the middle of the camp, with corpses scattered everywhere in front of him.

A sergeant hurried over and said, "My lord, it's starting over there."


Yang Xuan nodded, and then said to Han Ji thoughtfully: "In those years, I ordered hundreds of prisoners to be killed, and I felt quite uneasy. Today, I have ordered more than ten thousand people to be strangled, but I feel calm.


Han Ji said: "The leader must be decisive."

"I know." Yang Xuan's eyes were sharp, "This world is going to be in chaos, and those foreign races will covet the Tang Dynasty. I still say the same thing, if the Central Plains is beaten into a dog's brain, that is also the Central Plains' business. Anyone who dares to reach out and kill the foreign race! Not only that!

If you want to kill them, you have to gather a large army, attack their lair, annihilate them, capture their wives and children, and bring them to the Tang Dynasty as slaves!"

Han Ji's face was flushed and he was intoxicated.

"I seemed to have seen the moment when the army attacked the foreign capital. If I could do this, I would die without regrets!"

"My lord." A sergeant came to report, "Tanzhou City has been dispatched."

"How many troops?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Look at the momentum, there are at least five or six thousand people."

"My lord, all the cavalry in the city should be here." Pei Jian said, "This is also a good opportunity."

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "I'm quite attracted to the combination of Cao Ying and He Lianrong."


Xie Chang has already seen the situation in the camp.

The flames soared into the sky, and those fights...were the real deal!

At this time, if eight thousand cavalry rush in, even an army of one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand will be of no avail.

Just like the roar of a camp, in this state, just a slight disturbance from the outside will cause the army to collapse.


Xie Chang drew his sword and shouted ecstatically: "I will personally act as guarantee. Whoever captures Yang Dog will be promoted to the fifth level and will be rewarded with two hundred thousand coins. Whoever kills Yang Dog will be promoted to the third level and will be rewarded with one hundred thousand coins!"

If Yang Xuan is killed, Lin Jun's city will still be overjoyed. What is money?

What is an official position?

Yang Xuan was gone, chaos broke out in Northern Xinjiang, and the three states immediately sent troops

Po Chenzhou, Po Tao County.

The general trend of the world has changed.

And his name as Xie Chang will be spread all over the world! He will be a significant figure in the annals of history!


Maybe historians will write a biography for him!

Dozens of riders in front dismounted their horses and tied ropes to the comb rails. After getting on their horses, they struggled to move their horses.


The fence was pulled up.

The mouth is right in front of you.

"Fight in!"

Xie Chang shouted enthusiastically.

The Tanzhou cavalrymen raised their swords high and swarmed in.


They went all the way to the middle.

But just after taking more than a hundred steps, there was suddenly a dense concentration of torches ahead.

An infantry phalanx was in front, watching them silently.

Rows of crossbowmen stood behind, raising their crossbows...

"This is an ambush!"

Xie Chang felt cold all over and subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Fire the arrow!"

The crossbow array shows its power.

Xie Chang turned around and ran away.

But as soon as they rushed out of the camp, there was a sudden loud sound of horse hooves on both sides.

On the left is Cao Ying, and on the right is He Lianrong in monk robes..."

I hate you so much!" Xie Chang cried.

This chapter has been completed!
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