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Chapter 1150 Poison Tiger

Several men were the confidants who helped Lin Ya control the civil and military affairs. They had followed him for many years. The leader, Chang Wei, had followed Lin Ya since he was just a pawn, and he has become a general in the army today.

Everyone knows what Ling Ya is thinking. Ever since He Lianfeng was in power, Ling Ya has been planning a rebellion, but has been unable to find an opportunity.

After finally waiting for Helianfeng's death, Helianchun's prestige was not enough. Everyone felt that the opportunity had come, but Helianchun made a clever move and pulled out the eldest princess as a banner to attract Helianfeng's men.


At this point, the situation is deadlocked again.

Now, Helianfeng has gone, and only a little emperor is left. Although there is a eldest princess hanging down the curtain, how can a woman compare with a man?

Chang Wei knelt down and choked with sobs: "Have you finally waited for this day?"

Lin Ya nodded, "After He Lianchun died, I wanted to take action, but before he left, he told me that the city would be under martial law for three days. During the three days, Changling deployed manpower and did not give me a chance. Then Changling subdued He Lianchun.

Her men and horses deployed an army of 60,000 outside the city. The city defense is hers, and she controls the entry and exit."

Chang Wei wiped away tears and said, "My lord, He Yanguang is commanding an army of 60,000 people outside the city and is watching eagerly. Once there is a change in the city, He Yanguang will be able to lead his army into the city. Could it be that my lord has instigated a rebellion against the generals guarding the city?"

"Never!" Lin Ya said, "However, He Yanguang's 60,000-strong army is nothing to worry about."


Everyone was happy, but they didn't know what method Lin Ya used.

That’s an army of 60,000!

Could it be that he was instigated to rebel against He Yanguang?

Thinking about it, it is impossible that Lin Ya could give He Yanguang more than the eldest princess.

So why did he rebel?

Moreover, He Yanguang's family is in the city, under the eyes of the eldest princess.

So, it’s impossible!

"There is no doubt about it!"

Lin Ya gave them another reassurance.

"That's it, it's settled!"

Immediately, everyone began to discuss secretly.

It wasn't until late at night that they quietly dispersed.

Lin Ya sat there, looking a little blank.

Wu Li came in and said, "Ms. sir, have you rested?"

"I'm not tired yet!"

Lin Ya coughed dryly, "Actually, I should wait a little longer, wait until the ambition of the woman in the palace grows, and wait until the little emperor grows up. People! They are all greedy, and no one who has controlled great power is willing to let it go.

.When the time comes, a conflict will inevitably break out between the young emperor and Chang Ling, and that is the best opportunity! But, I am getting old."

Wu Li smiled and said: "My husband shot an arrow yesterday, and all three arrows hit the bull's-eye."

"I don't want to wait any longer." Lin Ya said quietly: "For more than a year, I have often dreamed about my cousin sleeping!"

He waved his hand and Wu Li excused himself.

Lin Ya lay on the mat and fell asleep soon.

In his daze, he saw his cousin, covered in blood, standing in the mist.

"Have you forgotten the hatred?"


"Then what are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for the opportunity!"

"What are you waiting for? You are greedy for wealth and only care about your own ambition!"

"I don't have any."

"He Lianfeng is dead, who do you want to show your rebellion to? Ah! Who do you want to rebel for?"

The cousin looked fierce and rushed over.

"Help me!"

Lin Ya woke up suddenly, panting, and looked steadily outside the open door.

There were lanterns hanging on both sides of the door. The night wind blew and the lanterns swayed, and the halo of light swayed slowly. It looked like someone was walking around holding a lantern.

The night wind blew in, causing the candlelight to sway.

The remaining candles were piled up into a big pile with candle tears, and there was also an extra strip on the candlestick. It looked like blood.

Lin Ya slowly sat up and rubbed her cheeks, "Here comes someone!"

A follower came in and said, "Mr. sir!"

"Have I just spoken?"


Lin Ya got up and walked out.

Even at home, there are still guards following you.

The night wind was very cool, and Lin Ya coughed dryly, "Send him away!"


One of the guards stopped and turned around until he was in front of the follower.

The attendant smiled and said, "But what are your orders?"


The guard pinched his throat, and with a strong effort, he held the hand with both hands, but was unable to let it fall.

The Lin family is quite big. Lin Ya walked slowly and suddenly stopped, "Where are the eldest and second eldest?"

The guard behind him said: "Dalangjun made an appointment with someone to go hunting tomorrow, but he is asleep now. Erlangjun is still playing."

"Playing with women?"


Lin Ya walked all the way to the yard of her eldest son Lin Xi and said, "Call the door!"

A guard knocked on the door, and when the door opened, the maid yawned and shouted outside: "Why do you stay up late at night and attract ghosts? Ah! Sir!"

Lin Ya walked in.

"Where's the boss?"

The maid Fu Shen said, "In the bedroom."


Lin Ya walked towards the bedroom and waved her hands behind her.

The maid stopped, stretched out a hand from behind and pinched her slender neck.

The maid rolled her eyes, Lin Ya had already arrived outside the bedroom.

He knocked gently on the door.


Lin Xi asked.

"It's me!"


A woman's voice of embarrassment came from inside - no father-in-law broke into his son's bedroom, it was so outrageous.


The door opened, and Lin Xi, wearing middle coat, stood behind the door, "Father."

"Come out and speak."

Lin Ya walked to the yard.


When Lin Xi came out, the father and son stood under the moonlight, a little dazed.

"You have lived a good life these past few years. Now that you are thirty, you have enjoyed a lifetime."

Lin Xi smiled and said, "I all rely on my father."

"In the early years, I also wanted to cultivate you, but you are greedy at heart. Whenever someone comes to ask for help, you dare to accept money no matter what the reason. I am a little confused, are you short of money?"

Lin Xi was astonished, "Father, money. Who would think it's too much?"

"What did you get so much money for?"

"Whenever I get a sum of money, I feel comfortable, as if I have accomplished something. The more money I have, the happier I am. Furthermore, when I see those officials and generals who are majestic in front of outsiders, they smile with a flattering look on their faces.

When you grovel to me, I feel happy."

"Is that why?" Lin Ya asked.

"Yes!" Lin Xi didn't dare to hide it.

“But isn’t it more satisfying to be in charge?”

"It's refreshing, but my father is still here!"

"Yes! My father is still here!"

Lin Ya sighed and looked up at the moonlight. A dark cloud was approaching the moon.

"Tonight, I thought about something from my past and couldn't sleep."

"Oh!" Lin Xi responded casually.

"Do you think Dalang is unkind to his father?"

"To be honest, my father is quite indulgent towards me."

"Yes!" Lin Ya smiled, "The relationship between father and son in the world is always complicated. There are loving fathers and filial sons, and there are fathers and sons who are against each other. Especially for the royal family, it is a life-or-death relationship."

"Yes!" Lin Xi suppressed his sleepiness, "Let's just talk about the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuan launched a palace coup and put Emperor Wu under house arrest. Li Mi launched a palace coup and placed Li Yuan under house arrest. Li Yuan killed the prince. Otherwise, sooner or later, he would follow in the footsteps of those two."

"Well!" Lin Ya said: "The same is true in Daliao. He Lianfeng and his son fought each other, so that the throne could only be passed on to He Lianchun. Fortunately, He Lianchun died early, otherwise he and the prince would not be peaceful.

.Dalang, what would happen if you were the prince?"

Lin Xi's heart trembled, and she took a closer look at Lin Ya. Seeing his gentleness, she boldly said, "If I were the prince, I would definitely be filial to my father."

"Oh! I'm very pleased." Lin Ya smiled, and then said, "I'm not going to wait any longer."

Lin Xi was overjoyed, "Father, are you going to cause trouble?"

Lin Ya nodded, "Just in these few days."

"Then I won't go out tomorrow."

"Go as usual, otherwise you will be suspected."


"Go to sleep!"

Lin Ya patted her son on the shoulder.


Lin Ya then went to her second son Lin Sui's place.


Lin Sui was still having fun, and even though she had applied it, there was still powder on her face.

"Does Erlang like this kind of life?"


Lin Ya was so deep that her two sons did not dare to lie to him.

"Over the years, my father has been wondering who is more suitable to inherit everything from me, you or Da Lang."

Lin Sui burped and blinked, "Father, eating, drinking and having fun are only temporary. As long as Father speaks, I will be busy and work from tomorrow on."


"I swear!"

Lin Ya smiled and shook her head, "Here comes someone!"

The entourage behind him came forward and said, "Ms. sir!"

Lin Ya pointed at Lin Sui and said, "You have always coveted my beloved Eichun, so I will reward her to you!"


Although Daliao still retains the tribal style in its bones, such as the idea that women are goods.

But women whose sons take over from me have become increasingly rare in recent years.

People like Lin Ya were concerned about their reputation and had scolded such behavior in the past.

Lin Sui observed carefully and said tentatively: "Thank you, father!"

Lin Ya patted him on the shoulder and left.

Huichun was brought here, and was surprised to be hugged in by Lin Sui.

"I won't sleep tonight, hahahaha!"

Lin Ya heard wild laughter outside and said lightly: "Everything is ready, where is the spring breeze?"

Early morning.

A man hurriedly asked to see Lin Ya.

Lin Ya just took a nap, but she looked good.

"Ms. sir."

Men salute.

Lin Ya asked: "Does he have anything to say?"

"spring breeze."

That day, Lin Xi went on a trip with a friend and arrived in the mountains in the afternoon.

"Look, there's a black bear over there!"

A noble lady accompanying her screamed.

The black bear looked back and ran away.

"Follow me!"

Lin Xi chased after him.

Everyone followed, and someone laughed and said, "Lin Xi, why are you so brave today!"

In the past, when hunting, Lin Xi would only shoot some gentle animals, such as goats, hares, and the like.

Black bears are ferocious, and once they run wild, nothing will happen to anyone.

Lin Xi thought of his father's words last night, and the hidden meaning in those words made his heart skip a beat.

If everything comes true, I will be the prince!

But it seems that my father is not very satisfied with him. So, let him see my bravery by hunting a black bear!

Lin Xi chased after him closely.

A person suddenly rushed out of the woods on the edge.

Draw a bow and set an arrow.

Those people behind were stunned, and someone shouted: "There are assassins!"

The arrow flew past like lightning and penetrated deeply into Lin Xi's neck.

Lin Xi covered the arrow shaft and slowly turned sideways.

The second arrow shot again and penetrated his chest.

The glow in Lin Xi's eyes gradually faded, and just before he fell, the third arrow shot into his temple!

Three consecutive arrows are as fast as lightning.

As the guards flew over, the assassin fled into the forest.

The sun was setting in the west, and Lin Sui woke up dazedly in the early morning.

He glanced at Eichun next to him, and couldn't help but feel moved, but there was nothing he could do.

"Someone is coming!"

A maid came in.

"Get two rejuvenation pills and a bowl of fine wine."

Pairing fine wine with rejuvenating elixirs will take effect quickly. This is the experience summed up by the dandies in Ningxing City.

Eichun looked at him with complicated eyes, pulled the quilt up and covered her face.

As a concubine, she has no ability to make decisions for herself. Even if Lin Ya is happy and gives her to someone casually, the outside world will not

I can only say that Mr. Lin is generous.

A noble woman is more of a resource.

She heard the sound of the maid bringing something, and then the sound of Lin Sui taking medicine: two rejuvenation pills were put in his mouth, and he smashed it in the mouth.

Then there was the sound of drinking, gurgling, gurgling.


Lin Sui took a long breath of relief, and then quietly waited for the medicine to take effect.

A quarter of an hour later, when Huichun was wondering, she heard Lin Sui say: "My stomach hurts, I'm afraid I'm going to have a bowel movement. Eh!"

"Okay again, not good, it's time to poop! Ouch! Poof!"

Something sprayed on the thin quilt.


Then another bite.


This is vomit!

Eharu has seen men vomit after drinking too much, which is smelly and dirty.

She wanted to pull off the quilt in disgust, but the vomit soaked through her.

A strong fishy smell.


Eichun slowly pulled down the quilt.

Lin Sui sat there with blood on the corners of his mouth and chest. He pointed outside, his eyes were dull, and he slowly fell down.


Screams broke the silence.

Lin Ya was also drinking.

There was no appetizer, so he just drank sip after sip.

Wu Li came in.


Wu Li gasped, "Erlangjun was poisoned and went away."


"Ms. sir, please send someone to fetch Mr. Dalang immediately."

Now that the second child is gone, the boss must not let anything happen to him again!

As for Lin Sui, to be honest, Wu Li felt that it was not a bad thing if he went away. He was just a dude, who did not do enough good things but did more bad things. Keeping him would only cause trouble in the future.

"Boss?" Lin Ya narrowed her eyes, "We should meet an assassin, let's go!"

Wu Li's legs went weak and he knelt down and said, "Mr.

"I ordered you to do it!"

Lin Ya said slowly: "When something goes wrong, there has to be an excuse, right? Look, one of my two sons was poisoned by Changling, and the other was assassinated by her people. I have an excuse!"

This chapter has been completed!
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