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Chapter 117 You are so shameless

"Above Chang'an"!

After a light snowfall, Chang'an was a little cold.

Pedestrians shrank and walked as close to the edge as possible. The place with the square wall was warmer. When they reached the place where the square wall was knocked down, a cold wind suddenly blew out, and the cold people wanted to go home and huddle under the quilt.

Zhao Sanfu rode his horse.

"Is your family still shameless?"

"Why is my family so shameless?"

"Everyone has gone to your house, where is the business we are waiting for? Your family does not do business like this, what is this...kill them all!"

"Your food tastes bad, what does it have to do with my family?"

This is Guangfufang.

Zhao Sanfu rode over, and inside the missing square wall, the Yuanzhou Ramen brand was particularly conspicuous. Outside, many customers were stamping their feet and rubbing their hands in line, while the businesses on both sides were empty, with only a few people.

Lin Fan was spraying wildly.

But he clearly met his match.

"What I cook is not delicious, my heart is dark, and the price is so expensive." Wang Shun put his hand on his hips and pointed at Lin Fan with one hand: "Have you ever heard of this sentence?"

Lin Fan subconsciously said: "What are you talking about?"

Wang Shun said word by word: "People are useless because their eggs hurt."

Lin Fan's face instantly turned as red as a piece of red cloth, and he hid his face and left.

Wang Shun sneered, "Fight me!"

Zhao Sanfu couldn't help but feel energetic after witnessing a wonderful quarrel early in the morning.

When I got to the mirror stand, I stood in front of the big bronze mirror and tidied my clothes.

"Hey! How long has it been since this mirror was polished?" Looking at himself in the bronze mirror, which was a little blurry, Zhao Sanfu's spirit dropped again.

The clerk laughed and said, "Zhao Zhuangzi is about to polish the bronze mirror."

"Then why is it blurry?" Zhao Sanfu felt that his handsome face was a little deformed.

The clerk looked at him and said, "Zhao Zhuangzi, you... haven't washed your face, have you?"

Zhao Sanfu was startled, "It seems so!"

After going in to wash his face, Zhao Sanfu shivered from the cold and hurriedly went to Xin Quan's small clay stove to warm himself by the fire.

"Master, you've been stewing a pot of meat all day long, aren't you tired of it?"

The charcoal fire is burning brightly in the small clay stove, and the small copper pot on it is like a radiator, which keeps you warm when you squat next to it.

The fine lines on Xin Quan's face have softened a bit, "What do people do in life? Eat meat, drink wine and sleep. If you eat meat, you are a god."

Zhao Sanfu came closer and said in a low voice: "Sir, the trend of impeachment of left prime ministers has been revived in Japan and China during this period, but the impeachments come and go, but they are always the same, with nothing new. What does it mean to have four surnames in a family?"

"Why do you care so much?" Xin Quan stretched out his hand on the copper pot, and warmth slowly spread from the palm of his hand.

This is happiness!

Xin Quan said: "The Prime Minister Zuo stood up straight, so there was no place to attack. He stood like a pillar..."

Zhao Sanfu sneered, "But those people have been attacking him relentlessly. Don't those officials do anything on weekdays? They only care about joining the party and opposing dissidents."

"You! You are cynical." Xin Quan sat up straight, picked up a bamboo clip and adjusted the charcoal fire. The charcoal fire crackled, and the firelight reflected his face red, and the fine lines seemed to be glowing red.

Zhao Sanfu was not angry, "Sir, the Tang Dynasty is currently suffering from internal and external troubles. Those officials don't talk about sharing the country's worries, but just stare at the left prime minister and criticize them all day long. Isn't this the same party and the opposite?"

"You have to stand higher to see farther." Xin Quan rubbed the bamboo clip with sparks on the top for a few times and said, "You only see the incompetence and shamelessness of those people, but there are also

More people are guarding the Tang Dynasty. Look, the left prime minister is still the mainstay of the court. Even in the face of repeated criticism, he still endures humiliation and carries forward the burden. Why is this? Isn't it just for the Tang Dynasty? "

"Look at our mirror again. Those stakes are collecting information everywhere. Come in the wind and go out in the rain. Some people complain, but after they complain, the horses gallop away. What is this?"

Xin Quan said slowly: "This is dedication to duty. Everyone hopes that Datang will get better and better, so they will go all out. So the Datang you see is still moving forward, even if it is covered with injuries.

But it still hasn't fallen. This is because of the support of countless people who are dedicated to their duties."

Zhao Sanfu raised his head and said, "Master..."

"Little brat!"

Zhao Sanfu nodded, "Master, you always say that I am the source of trouble, and that I will bring trouble to you sooner or later. I thought I would give it a try, maybe it would work?"

Xin Quan sighed, "You must know that the Twelve Masters are the backbone of the mirror. If it doesn't work out, I will still protect you in the future. If it works out, you will know many things that you have never known before, and you will do many things that you have never known before."

Things you don’t want to do. If your mood is unstable, you will become a monster that you don’t even recognize. Are you...still willing?"

Zhao Sanfu said sincerely: "I know that the boss has been protecting me these past few years, but I also want to ask, boss, why do you ignore everything?"

Xin Quan smiled, "I have killed too many people in Northern Xinjiang, and I don't want to commit more crimes. I have seen more ugliness in Northern Xinjiang, so I don't want to see those cesspits again. Fortunately, I made enough contributions in Northern Xinjiang, so

The King’s Prison Sect can also tolerate a vegetarian meal with my dead body.”

Zhao Sanfu's eyes gradually sharpened, "Chief, this Datang is sick. I originally wanted to do my best, but gradually I discovered that if you want to do something, you have to stand high enough, otherwise no one will listen to you.

.As for the state of mind..."

Xin Quan squinted at him.

Zhao Sanfu said seriously: "I want to contribute to the Tang Dynasty, even if I die."

Xin Quan took a deep breath and nodded, "The person vying for the title now is Hu Yunli. He is Zhang An's man. He was severely injured by me last time. He fell silent for a long time. It is said that his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds..."

Except for Xin Quan, who doesn't care about anything, all the twelve principals in the mirror are big bosses.

The vacancy was named Duan Yun. A while ago, he was keeping an eye on a certain boss of a family with a fourth surname. That boss set up a trap. Duan Yun really led someone to break in. It turned out that the head of a family with a fourth surname was inside.


The head of a family with four surnames was surrounded by experts, and he was immediately beaten severely, leaving Duan Yun on the verge of death.

That idiot, even if you discover something, you can't come back and report it?

Wang Shou sat in the hall and felt that these subordinates were not worried.

Duan Yun's reputation was completely ruined and he could no longer be used. He had to add a new chief. He was naturally capable of being arbitrary in such matters, but in order to convince the public, it would be better to go through the procedures in advance.

Wang Shou raised his eyes, looked at his subordinates, and asked sharply: "The Twelve Chiefs are the mainstay of my stage. Now that Duan Yun is vacant, who is willing to take up the post?"

One hand raised.

Hu Yunli!

This stake has been very stable recently, and Wang Shou also appreciates it.

Those who wanted to raise their hands took their hands back with a wry smile when they saw Hu Yunli.

Hu Yunli's performance these days is so amazing. These people know they are defeated, so they don't show off, and they can still retain personal favors.

This is the so-called principle of keeping a thin line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future.

Of course, some people are different, and your retreat and forbearance will only make them look down upon you, not to mention any favors, only contempt.

Wang Shou smiled and said: "It seems that everyone has come to the rescue!"

Hu Yunli smiled, and there was a bright light in his eyes... After being seriously injured by Xin Quan last time, he reflected for a long time and decided to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity. During these days, he practiced hard and sharpened his temperament.

Who doesn't say good things to anyone who sees him now?

To be a human being, you must not only have strength, but also be popular!

After being dormant for many days, it’s finally time for him to come forward!

At this moment, Hu Yunli felt that all his depression had dispersed with the wind. He couldn't help but glance at Xin Quan and nodded slightly.

What doesn't defeat me will only make me stronger.

Let's come again!

Xin Quan didn't look at him, but looked behind him.

One hand was raised high behind Hu Yunli.

"Zhao Sanfu!"

"Yes!" Zhao Sanfu smiled very kindly, "I thought I'd give it a try if it works."

Hu Yunli smiled and said: "Okay!"

Wang Shou was also a little surprised, "The fight between the two shows that everyone in our studio is very motivated, and we are very pleased. So... there happened to be a case. The concubine of Chen Yunzhou, a doctor in the Ministry of Industry, died and was buried in a manure pit.

Discovery. People from the Ministry of Punishment conducted an autopsy and found traces of torture. Some servants said they heard a woman screaming in the study that day, but no evidence was found..."

This is an unsolved case!

"Your Majesty was very angry after hearing the news." Wang Shou felt that this man was so cruel. He just killed people and threw the corpses into the pit. Thinking about it, he felt horrified. "Your Majesty ordered me to resolve this matter within three days."

It's a matter, so you two go...whoever solves the matter will be in charge."

This is fair.

The two of them immediately went to Chen Yunzhou's house.

Examine the scene, cover your nose to examine the corpses, and question the servants of the Chen family.

Finally, I asked Chen Yunzhou.

"My heart aches when Lu Yun is gone!" Chen Yunzhou's eyes turned red. "I love her the most, but... I feel so embarrassed when a white-haired person gives a black-haired person to someone else! If you two can find the murderer, I... I will...

I am willing to reward you with 30% of my family wealth!"

But Hu Yunli and Zhao Sanfu's eyes remained unchanged.

Compared with the position of a principal, a doctor's 30% wealth is far behind.

The two immediately entered entanglement mode.

The next day, Hu Yunli invited the most experienced operator to conduct an autopsy.

To no avail.

Zhao Sanfu was reading the interrogation records.

After all, they are old enemies. Hu Yunli said sarcastically: "Can you still see the flowers in this?"

Zhao Sanfu looked up, "I saw that Chen Yunzhou was the murderer."

Hu Yunli sneered, "I saw it too, but there is no evidence. What can you do?"

Zhao Sanfu looked at him with a faint look in his eyes.

The third day.

Xin Quan squatted beside the small clay stove and said to Zhao Sanfu who came closer: "If you can't do it, just complain. There is no shame in it."

Zhao Sanfu shook his head, put his hands around the small clay stove to warm himself over the fire, and said softly: "I have a way, sir, do you think the Tang Dynasty is worthy of our protection?"

"Of course it's worth it!" Xin Quan raised his eyes, "When the Chen Kingdom was destroyed, the aliens rushed into the Central Plains to burn, kill, and loot. It was an uninhabited place. Fortunately, the Tang Dynasty rose up, expelled the aliens, and restored the Central Plains. If the Tang Dynasty had declined, Sanfu,

The Northern Liao and Southern Zhou will rush in, and your and my relatives will be reduced to slaves and... military rations."

When the foreigners invaded the Central Plains, they killed so many people that no roosters crowed, so no one farmed. The lack of military rations confused the foreigners, and finally someone had an idea. Aren't those Central Plains people just meat?

As a result, the people of the Central Plains, especially women, were reduced to military rations, being humiliated at night and eaten during the day.

"It was the Tang Dynasty that protected the Central Plains."

Zhao Sanfu stood up and said, "I understand."

Zhao Sanfu came to Chen's house.

He went to the study room.

"Call Chen Yunzhou."

Chen Yunzhou is here.

He entered the study with a sad look on his face.

"close the door."

Zhao Sanfu stood by the bookcase.

Chen Yunzhou closed the door, turned around and walked over, "Did Zhao Zhuangzi find a clue?"

Zhao Sanfu turned around, and in his hand was the horizontal knife that Chen Yunzhou used to hang on the wall as a decoration.

Zhao Sanfu drew his sword and threw it away.

Chen Yunzhou caught it in a hurry and was about to ask questions.


"Mr. Chen, what do you want to do? Someone is here..."


The door opened, and several people from the mirror rushed in. They saw Zhao Sanfu holding a horizontal knife and looking panicked.

On the ground, Chen Yunzhou fell there, his neck half broken, his eyes also dull.

It's over.

Hu Yunli stared at Zhao Sanfu returning to the stage with schadenfreude.

In the lobby, Wang Shou and the eleven principals were there.


Wang Shou asked.

Hu Yunli pointed at Zhao Sanfu and said: "Prison gate, Zhao Sanfu killed Chen Yunzhou."


Hu Yunli found that Wang Shou was not angry, but looked at Zhao Sanfu with interest, "Why kill him?"

"Xiaoguan was asking questions in the study room. Chen Yunzhou suddenly drew his sword at him. Xiaguan subconsciously killed him with one knife. Xiaguan...felt guilty."

Zhao Sanfu knelt down.

Xin Quan's eyes were dim and unclear, and for a long time, he just sighed.

Wang Shou smiled and said, "To be honest, we won't convict you."

Zhao Sanfu raised his head and said, "Your Majesty is talking about resolving the matter, not finding out the matter. In addition, the mirror is His Majesty's lackey. In the past, the prison gate even said that the Mirror is the sharp blade in His Majesty's hand... The sharp blade is naturally meant to kill people. .”

The lobby is very quiet.

Later, a burst of laughter broke out.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xu Guogong Zhang Chumao and Yang Xuan entered Chang'an City, and happened to see a group of criminals staggering past.

The leaders were dressed in rich clothes, but they had bruises and faces at the moment. The people on the mirror were driving them away, just like driving a pack of dogs.

The last person suddenly turned around and was silent when he saw Zhang Chumao. When he saw Yang Xuan, he suddenly smiled.

Zhang Chumao saw the bronze mirror embroidered with gold thread on this man's collar and snorted coldly, "The owner of the mirror is in bad luck!"

Behind him, Yang Xuan dismounted and walked over with a smile.

The mirror manager also came over with a smile.

"Three blessings!"


The two hugged each other.

Patting the opponent's back vigorously.

After a few blows, Zhao Sanfu struggled hard and said, "You damn girl, let go...your hand is too heavy, like a dog, let go, help!"

After a while, the two of them walked side by side.

"I haven't seen you for a while, how come you have changed so much?" Zhao Sanfu was very curious, "In the past, you always looked a little depressed. I also thought that young people can't be so depressed, but now you are so depressed. But it was all swept away, and it was unbelievably sunny.”

"I just figured out some things. By the way, how did you become the mastermind?"

After the age of ten, Yang Xuan had some mental problems. According to Zhuque, it was psychological problems caused by the influence of his native family, such as distortion and abnormality.

After later learning his identity, fighting against rebellion became a heavy burden on his mind. These two issues remained in his heart until he went to Northern Xinjiang.

That brand new world allowed him to let go of his worries and become a sunny boy.

Zhao Sanfu coughed dryly, "I am so handsome and talented, just like a firefly in the dark night, no matter how hard I try to hide it, I can't hide it."

Yang Xuan almost wanted to roll his eyes.

"You don't know, I tried to persuade Wang Jianmen that I was still young and needed to go through some hardships, but Wang Jianmen couldn't help but say... ugh!"

"You are so shameless!" Yang Xuan said seriously.

Zhao Sanfu hooked his shoulders and raised his eyebrows: "Why are you coming back this time?"

Yang Xuan briefly talked about what happened in Northern Xinjiang.

Zhao Sanfu's hand held his shoulder harder and harder.

"You guy, how can you get along so well?" Zhao Sanfu was sincerely happy for his little brother, "I'll wait for you to settle down later."


Yang Xuan also wanted to know more about what was going on in Chang'an, and Zhao Sanfu was the best source of information.

Yang Xuan brought Wang Laoer and more than ten elite death battalion cavalry with him on this trip. He first reported to the Ministry of Personnel.

"Yang Ming's Mansion!"

The clerk in the Ministry of Personnel looked at him curiously and then took him to report.

After meeting a doctor, Yang Xuan was about to leave, when someone came outside the door.

"Who is Yang Mingfu?"

"I am."

The visitor looked at him curiously and said, "Luo Shangshu wants to see you."

Luo Cai, the Minister of Civil Affairs, wants to see me, a small county magistrate?

Yang Xuan felt that this was like a cannon blasting ants.

He followed the visitor outside the check-in room.

"Come in!"

Luo Cai looked at Yang Xuan with kind eyes and asked, "Taiping Yang Xuan?"

Yang Xuan bowed and said, "It's the lower official."

Luo Cai nodded, "Taiping is a troublesome place. I am very pleased that you took the initiative to ask for help. But I am also worried that such hot-blooded young people will become depressed in that place and even shrink back. I learned a while ago that you led those criminals to defeat the enemy. Jun, I am quite curious, wondering what these young people should look like?"

That’s how I am!

Yang Xuan stood still and let Luo Cai look at him.

Luo Cai said gently: "He is a young and promising man. What do you think about him in the future?"

This is almost like asking Yang Xuan: Boy, where do you want to go next?

The clerks beside him couldn't hold their nerve anymore. They felt that the old minister was too kind today.

But he didn't see the look of hope in Luo Cai's eyes.

Yang Xuan said without hesitation: "Chenzhou is still dangerous, and the three major ministries are watching eagerly. If I leave now, I will be uneasy for the rest of my life."

Luo Cai looked at him and nodded for a long time, "Go ahead."

Yang Xuan resigned.

Behind him, Luo Cai said faintly: "Today's young people, whenever they have some talents, they just rely on their talents. They feel that Chang'an is the place to display their talents. I wish I could enter the official career today and stand in the court to give guidance tomorrow." Young people like Jiang Shan and Yang Xuan are working steadily in dangerous places..."

He took a deep breath and said, "I heard that someone wants to attack this young man?"

The clerk said: "It was He Huan from the He family who came to the Ministry of Civil Affairs the day before yesterday to look for someone. He wanted to suppress Yang Xuan's achievements and let him continue to stay in Taiping."

"But Mr. He didn't expect that this young man would take the initiative to stay there, right?" Luo Cai said sarcastically: "A bunch of wild dogs!"

The clerk shrank his neck, thinking that the old minister was a little angry today.

Luo Cai's eyes turned cold, "You go see Yang Xuan off and tell him that he can come to the Ministry of Personnel to have tea with me when he is free."

The clerk lowered his head and said softly: "Shang Shu, this will offend the He family..."

To offend the He family is to offend the entire family.

Luo Cai picked up the water glass and said calmly.

"Go to hell!"

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