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Chapter 1227 That is the change of dynasty

Zhou Zun was reading Zhou Ning's letter in the check-in room.

——A Liang is now learning. He studies with his husband every day. When he comes back, he says he will teach his brother.

——Erlang is quite strong and strong. Last time A Liang was punched and cried for a long time.

Zhou Zun could imagine the smile on his daughter's lips when she wrote this.

This is the joy of being a parent.

Until the end, Zhou Zun didn't see what he wanted to know.

Son-in-law, how is this battle going?

What is the strength of Northern Xinjiang?

This is the news that Zhou wants to know most.

After receiving the letter, he shook his head when he saw his aide Chang Mu cast a probing look, "A married daughter is a waste of water."

Chang Mu was also a little disappointed, "However, as long as the little lady has a firm foothold, the future will be long!"

Zhou Zun said: "I am worried about the army approaching the border right now."

"I asked Zhou Fu."

Zhou Mun is a general of the Zhou family. Chang Mu said: "Zhou Mun said that in this situation, the best situation in northern Xinjiang is to defend. Chang'an to the south and Ningxing to the north. However, there is room for northern Liao.

The ancients have restrained us, and Northern Xinjiang controls Yanzhou and other places, so it will be much easier."

"Invincible and undefeated...but as time goes by, the morale of the army will inevitably become chaotic." Zhou Zun didn't know much about military affairs, but he knew people's hearts well.

"How about asking in person?" Chang Mu said.

"What are you asking? If Zitai doesn't want to say it, it will be embarrassing."

The question they asked was not about the progress, but about Yang Xuan's ambition.

"Chang'an is bound to destroy Northern Xinjiang. In this case, I will not sit back and wait for death. The best way is to Qingjun!"

The Zhou family's guards were guarding the door. Without the need to be overheard, Chang Mu finally spoke out his plan with confidence, "The best reason is Yang Songcheng. But once you take Yang Songcheng with you, you will also take the man behind him with you."

A wise man will not do this to gang up on others. In this case, you can use your concubine!"

Zhou Zun said: "You mean, the reason for using the concubines and siblings to disrupt the government?"

Chang Mu nodded, "Think about it, Sir. Throughout the dynasties, the Qing monarchs have tried to kill their sycophants, but who has succeeded? On the contrary, more than a thousand years ago, a prince said that his beloved concubine was causing harm to the court and should be killed.

In this way, the banner of the Qing Dynasty was raised, and the dynasty was indeed changed."

Zhou Zun stroked his beard and said, "Women are always the best excuse."

"No." Chang Mu said with a smile: "In the last years of the Chen Kingdom, there was a general of the Chen Kingdom who conspired to rebel. What kind of banner was he using... A female prostitute he liked was occupied by someone."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two laughed at each other.

Chang Mu held his stomach and said, "Why would a man in a high position care about a famous prostitute? It's just an excuse."

Zhou Zun said: "There have been a lot of informants around the Zhou family recently. Once Northern Xinjiang is defeated, Chang'an will take action. Later, you can find a smart person to go to Northern Xinjiang and take a look. If something goes wrong, report back immediately."

"Mr. Lang!"

A follower came in.

Seeing her face turn red, she was so excited.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Zun asked.

"My uncle defeated Ningxing and destroyed Bei Liao!"

Zhou Zun was stunned, "Is the news true?"

The attendant said excitedly: "It's spread all over the world. Several officials who were indifferent to Lang Jun in the past all smiled when they saw me."

Chang Mu suddenly stood up and said, "Lang Jun, the situation has changed!"

Zhou Zun gritted his teeth and said, "Go back and tell Aye to order the guards at home to clean up those eyeliners. Mrs. Zhou, I can't bear it anymore!"

Northern Liao was destroyed.

Chang Mu was walking in the imperial city and saw the officials with different expressions.

Some people are worried and some are ecstatic.

Stepping out of the imperial city is another world.

The attendant next to him said: "The court said they were suppressing the news and would wait a few days before telling the outside world. But I don't know who it is. The news is spreading everywhere."

On the mirror, Zhao Sanfu's confidants are reporting.

"The villain told some women who were buying vegetables at the market."

"Are you slow?"

Zhao Sanfu felt that this speed was not enough. He hoped to see Chang'an shaken, and then the emperor and his ministers would face an embarrassing situation.

Yang Ni, who was shouting to fight and kill in Chang'an, actually destroyed Bei Liao, the sworn enemy of the Tang Dynasty for hundreds of years.

Public opinion will turn!

The emperor is going to sit on the wax.

The attendant smiled and said: "The little guy just left a place, and the word spread everywhere on the street. Those women are really powerful."

Wei Ling'er and some of her best friends were preparing to go out to play in the city. As soon as they walked to Zhuque Street, they heard someone cheering in front of them.

"Wan Sheng!"

"What's going on?" Wei Ling'er asked curiously.

The girl who was traveling with me said: "It seems like I said something..."

"Great victory!"

Someone shouted from the side, startling everyone.

"What great victory?" Wei Ling'er asked.

Seeing her cuteness, the man took another look. When the guard came over, he quickly lowered his head and said, "The Duke of Qin defeated Ningxing and Bei Liao was destroyed."

Wei Linger was stunned.

Before Wei Zhong left, he told her not to mention Yang Xuan's name from now on to avoid getting into trouble.

Wei Ling'er knew what the army was going to do when they marched north, but she was unable to stop her. She was depressed and worried at home. Until today, a few friends forcibly pulled her out of the house and prepared to go out of the city to relax.

A girl traveling with us asked: "Is it really destroyed?"

The man raised his head and took another peek at Wei Ling'er, "The sergeants of the Jinwu Guard are all cheering!"

"That must be true."

The girl turned back, "Ling'er, Bei Liao is destroyed!"

Wei Ling'er stared at the north blankly, remembering that when she and Yang Xuan were drinking, she asked him about his ambition in life through the drunkenness. Yang Xuan said, I will destroy Beiliao.

At that time, these words caused everyone to burst into laughter, and they all felt that he was talking big words.

Those who laughed at the beginning had help from their families, and they either became officials and worked as cowards, or they took care of things at home.

But Yang Xuan has been in the north.

"He really destroyed Beiliao."

There was a sensation in Chang'an.

The sworn enemy of hundreds of years fell suddenly, and the people spontaneously began to celebrate.

The business in the East and West markets was so booming that the drinks were sold out.

Huang Chunhui got very drunk at home. After drinking, he called Brother Ninth and burst into tears. He only said that he had lived up to Brother Ninth's expectations and had found an outstanding successor for Beijiang. He could go underground to see Brother Ninth even if he died.


In Yongningfang, Yang Xuan's home in Chang'an is still called Chen Qu.

The last time he came back, the neighbors said he should change his name to Yang Qu, but Yang Xuan politely declined.

Later, Chang'an and Northern Xinjiang fell out, and Yang Xuan became Yang Ni in the emperor's mouth.

Chen Qu, the man in charge of cleaning the Yang family has not been here for more than a year. The house is empty, and thieves occasionally get in, but unfortunately, it is full of heavy furniture and cannot be moved.

Later, the Yang family became a taboo among the people of Yongningfang.

If you don't want to cause trouble for your family, don't mention Qin Guogong.

These are the words of Fangzheng Hu Wei.

As his name suggests, Hu Wei is tall and mighty, and he has the most say in Yongning Square... Of course, we have to leave aside the officials who live in the square.

Now that the walls have been knocked down, Fangzheng has one less task to do, and he no longer has to keep an eye on whether anyone is entering or leaving illegally at night.

But security still needs to be managed.

Hu Wei led two soldiers and walked slowly.

Ahead is Chen Qu.

"There's smoke!" A waiter sniffed.

Hu Wei also smelled it, "Have a look!"

Once a house catches fire, it is also a matter of public concern.

After turning in and walking about ten steps, I saw several old men burning incense in front of me.

That house is...

"Fang Zheng, it's the Yang family!"

That's Yang Xuan's house.

Several old people held incense and bowed towards the gate.

"Fangzheng..." Fangzhu looked at Hu Wei.

Hu Wei watched this scene calmly.

It was stated above that if someone is found to be causing trouble inside or outside the Yang family, no matter who it is, they will be credited with catching it.

Hu Wei wanted to be a small official in the county, but his achievements were not enough, so the two servants were waiting for his orders.

Let’s do it!

An old man accidentally saw Hu Wei and was immediately frightened, "It's Fang Zheng!"

Several old people slowly turned back.

I felt panic in my heart.

Hu Wei glanced at them and turned around to go out.

Several old people couldn't believe it.

"Fang Zheng doesn't care?"

Soon, more and more people came to Chenqu.

Some people burned incense, and some stood outside the door with their hands clasped together to thank Qin Guogong for his contribution to destroying the mortal enemy of the Tang Dynasty.

More people are talking about this at home.

"They say Duke Qin is a traitor!"

The woman muttered.

The man in charge of the house was walking around the yard with his son in his arms. When he heard the words, he turned around and said, "Woman, you know what you are doing!"

"How can I be seen by a woman?" The woman was dissatisfied.

The man said: "What is a traitor?"

"Isn't it just treason?" the woman said.

"Did the Duke of Qin conspire to rebel?" the man asked.

The woman said: "But it is His Majesty who said this."

The man said: "I thought this was right before, but today I feel it is completely wrong."

The woman was sorting through the debris in the beans and asked, "Why is it wrong?"

"If the Duke of Qin is a traitor, will he be able to fight Bei Liao with enough food?"

The woman was startled.

The man opened his mind, "On the contrary, those so-called loyal ministers only know how to fight. Those who do things are denounced as traitors, while those who do nothing stab people in the back. Tell me, which one is the traitor?"

The woman was stunned.

"I'm afraid... is your Majesty a traitor?"

There were more than ten corpses left outside Zhou's door. After hearing the news, the sergeants of Jinwu Guard came over and collected the corpses with a sad face.

"Zitai destroyed the Northern Liao Dynasty. If it had been a few decades ago, this would have been the greatest achievement of the Tang Dynasty. If not, he might even be granted the title of king. Now let alone the title of king, the emperor would probably go crazy!"

Zhou Qin was holding the birdcage and teasing the emperor.

Zhou Zun was summoned before he could change his clothes when he returned home, and said: "The imperial court has made a decision. The guards of Chang'an will still go north, and they will meet up with the southern Xinjiang army halfway to attack the northern Xinjiang."

"The emperor is afraid." Zhou Qin sneered: "He is worried that after Northern Xinjiang takes Northern Liao into his pocket, his power will expand rapidly. So he can't wait to take action."

"Aye, the territory of Northern Xinjiang plus Northern Liao is no worse than that of the Tang Dynasty, but it is not as wealthy as the Tang Dynasty. In just a few years, Zitai will be able to confront Chang'an openly."

"It's too late." Zhou Qin said: "The emperor will not allow a mortal enemy to become a behemoth, and will definitely kill it early. This battle will determine the fate of the Tang Dynasty."

Zhou Zun said: "If Zitai wins..."

"That means changing the dynasty!"

After leaving Chang'an, the merchant took a dozen of his men to protect Huang Sister's carriage as it diverted.

"Where are you going?"

Huang Damei held the horizontal sword and said, "My swordsmanship was outstanding in Northern Xinjiang back then."

The businessman's name was Ding Nanshun, and he said very respectfully: "Don't worry, the villain is here. If something goes wrong, just chop off the villain's head."

"Then why should I ask?" Huang Damei stretched out her hand to block her son who wanted to poke his head out to watch the fun.

Ding Nanshun said: "It's the second brother's explanation."

As he spoke, he took out a handwritten letter.

Sister Huang looked at it and saw that it was Li Er's handwriting.

——Listen to Ding Nanshun on this journey.

Then, they went around a village.

After resting for a day, we set off again.

They were walking along a country road. There were a lot of people at this time of year, and children also liked it.

Not long after setting off that day, the child started making noises and wanted to ride a horse. Ding Nanshun smiled and agreed and took him with him.

"Auntie, ride a horse!"

The child is very happy.

Sister Huang was deep in thought.

Why do we need to cover up and hide when going to northern Xinjiang?

Did Li Er offend someone?


Ding Nanshun said softly, then handed the child in and said, "Please don't look outside later."

Sister Huang's heart tightened, "I know."

She had already heard the sound of horse hooves and was chasing after her.

"Stop them!"

Ding Nanshun shouted.

The sound of horse hooves receded.

Then I heard shouts, screams, and the sound of weapons clashing.

Ding Nanshun asked outside the car: "Can Madam know how to drive a car?"


When Huang Damei opened the car curtain, she saw the dozen or so gangsters accompanying her fighting with more than twenty people. She looked like she was defeated.

Ding Nanshun said: "My wife is driving to the north, and someone will pick her up in half a day at most. The person who picks her up is called Chen Duo, and he is holding... the token of my second brother."

"Okay!" Sister Huang didn't show any pretense. She carried the child on her back with a piece of cloth and got on the carriage shaft. Just as she was about to drive away, Ding Nanshun sighed: "There are pursuers behind and interceptions in front. What should I do?"

Huang Damei looked up and saw more than a hundred riders coming from the front.

She asked: "Who did the second brother offend? Is it a noble person?"

Ding Nanshun smiled bitterly, "Madam, please don't do anything later. Just answer whatever they ask. Madam... you don't know anything."

"Even if I die, I have to die clearly!"

Sister Huang drew her sword, her eyebrows raised, "Kill out!"

She said something tough, but when Bai Yuqi arrived, she still said desperately: "Let the child go!"

These more than a hundred people seemed to be full of energy and even carried bows and arrows.

Not to mention Sister Huang, even a small army is no match for her.

Just when Huang Damei was about to meet her death, more than a hundred riders rushed past from both sides of the carriage like a whirlwind.

Sister Huang: "..."

She slowly looked back.

More than a hundred riders rushed over, and someone shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The guys got out of the way, and the hundreds of riders passed by with a hail of arrows, followed by a cover-up.

The movements are so proficient as if they have been practiced countless times.

After several attacks, none of the more than twenty riders were spared.

When a horse came back, it turned out to be a woman.

"Thank you very much." Ding Nanshun handed over his hand, "I dare to ask..."

The woman said: "My name is Huahua, from the guild hall."

Ding Nanshun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you very much."

"No need to thank me." Huahua glanced at Sister Huang, "Her mother-in-law is right in front."


Sister Huang was already confused.

More than a hundred riders guarded the carriage along the way. Five or six miles away, there was a carriage with more than ten riders.

Beside the carriage, a woman stood there.

Sister Huang came down and asked, "Is she the second brother's aunt?"

Huahua nodded, "Exactly."

Sister Huang walked over and hesitated for a moment.

Ding Nanshun knelt down.

"I've met my empress."


Sister Huang was stunned.

The woman looked at her and then at the child, "Are you the eldest sister?"

"Yes!" Huang Damei felt extremely uneasy when she saw the woman's extraordinary temperament.

"My son Li Yan." The woman is Concubine Shu.

"Li Yan?"

"It's Li Er!"

Huahua said: "The king ranks second, so he calls himself Li Er."


Sister Huang was already confused.

"My son is banned, Wei!"

Concubine Shu stretched out her hand, and the child actually said, "Grandma!"

Every time King Wei took his child out, he always said it was just for fun, but every time he went into the palace to let Concubine Shu spend some time with the child.

It took a long time for Sister Huang to figure out the relationship, and she finally suppressed her shock.

"What about second brother?" she asked uneasily.

"The king has been detained on the mirror." Huahua said: "But it doesn't matter, the Duke has destroyed Bei Liao, and Chang'an does not dare to attack the king. Go north with peace of mind!"

Sister Huang asked: "Then whose person are you waiting for?"

Huahua said:

"Northern Border, Duke of Qin!"


This chapter has been completed!
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