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Chapter 1246 This battle must be won

Although Chen Lu was Asibao's new recruiter, he was no match for Deji and others. The tent where they camped was far away from the center. He sat up from the bed suddenly, his head feeling dizzy.

"Where's the sound coming from?"

"There's a spy!"

Chen Lu put on his clothes and rushed out.

I saw many bewildered soldiers looking around outside.

"Where are the people?"

In the distance, the sounds are still coming continuously, getting more and more louder...

"Left Wing Assault!"

"Get ready to set fire to these Shegu sons of bitches!"

"We caught Asibao!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

There was a commotion outside the camp, and the Shegu people were shouting in panic or running around.

The Chinese army was also affected. Deji was saddened by the death of his young son in the battle and stayed awake. He was the first to realize that something was wrong.

He walked out of the tent and vaguely heard a loud voice saying something in the distance.

The commotion spread from the edge, and the Chinese soldiers also ran out one after another.

Asibao was surrounded by people and came over, "Go and investigate!"

Several generals hurried over.

"Your Majesty, there are dozens of Northern Xinjiang troops outside the camp, and we have driven them away."

"Can dozens of people make such a noise?" Asibao looked at his generals coldly, "Incompetent!"


Such a huge sound would be impossible without hundreds or even thousands of loud voices shouting in unison.

This is more like a reason to shirk responsibility.

Several generals lowered their heads in shame.

At this time, someone from the rear camp came to report.

"Your Majesty, there is a commotion in the back camp!"

At this time, the guards brought the horses of Asibao and others. Asibao got on the horse and said, "Go and have a look."

When they arrived at the rear camp, they saw that the soldiers had already dressed and were arrayed with weapons in hand, waiting for the order to attack.

The sound outside was very clear.

"...Brothers from Beiliao, don't sacrifice your life for the cruel Shegu people!"

"Everywhere the Shegu people went, they killed wantonly. How many Northern Liao people died tragically in their hands?"

"When you think about those relatives and friends who died at the hands of the Shegu people, doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"Tomorrow will be the decisive battle. Anyone who switches sides in front of the formation will be promoted to the third level and will be rewarded with a slave from the ancients."

"Whoever kills General Shegu in front of the battle will be rewarded with 500 acres of fertile land and 3,000 yuan!"

"Cut down the flag of the Chinese army, and you will be cordially received by the Duke of the country."

"If you can kill Asibao, good brother, you will become a hero of Northern Xinjiang. Asibao's wife and daughter will be yours!"

"Live for money, die for money, and work for money all your life. Do you want to get rich? Switch sides and give it a try!"

The gate of the rear camp opened, and a group of cavalry rushed out in shame.

"The loudspeaker has stopped broadcasting! See you tomorrow!"


More than a hundred sergeants put away their earthen trumpets, galvanized their horses and fled.

Tonight, there is no sleep in the Shegu Camp.

Since no one can sleep, let's just come and discuss the matter.

In the big tent, a general yelled angrily, "It's so sinister. Yang Gou is indeed a despicable person!"

This is General Shegu.

The general stood on the other side.

Isn't it despicable for us to harass the Northern Xinjiang Army camp?

The surrendered generals murmured.

At the same time, a thought echoed in my mind.

By turning against one another, not only can one forget the past, but one can also be rewarded for one's meritorious service?

Daliao is gone.

This is one of the reasons why the generals are willing to serve the Shegu people.

But what if we go to Northern Xinjiang?

The Duke of Qin was extremely cruel to his enemies, but extremely kind to his own people.

He Lianrong was a surrendered general, but he became Yang Xuan's confidant.

Helianyan, the Northern Liao sect's daughter, became Yang Xuan's right-hand man.

So, what about us?

The thought passed away in a flash.

Everyone looked at Asibao.

Asibao remained silent.

Deji waved his hands and everyone left.

The sound of footsteps faded away.

Asibao said leisurely: "Deji."


Deji, who had just experienced the pain of losing his son, sat down.

"To be honest, I am not absolutely sure about this battle."

The candlelight shone on Asibao's body, and there was a shadow on the tent behind him.

"Your Majesty, no one is sure. The same goes for Yang Xuan opposite."

"This battle will determine the master of the north." Asibao straightened his back, "If we win, we will become the king of the north. If we lose, we will become savages. No, we want to be savages but we can't."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured!" Deji said: "We have nearly 80,000 troops, and the opposite side has a maximum of 70,000."

"Did you just see the appearance of the surrendered generals from Northern Liao?" Asibao said coldly: "Someone has other ideas."

"What was said outside the camp earlier still had a big impact on them." Deji smiled bitterly.

"Lin Shu is cruising on the flank, and I have high hopes for him." Asibao said, "Some people say that Yang Xuan's performance in this battle is quite low, but I know that he is gathering strength."

"He's a little conservative," Deji said.

"It's not conservative." Asibao said: "Have you ever noticed that when we sent troops from Zhenbeicheng, the morale of the army was high. The soldiers seemed to be able to punch through the sky with one punch. But what about now?"

"Morale is a little low."

Deji was startled, "Axibao, I thought of something."

"I thought about it too."

Asibao said quietly: "Someone in the Northern Liao Dynasty collected Yang Xuan's words and divided them into poetry collections and The Art of War. I dismissed the poetry, but I had read the Art of War at the beginning. I didn't agree with one of the passages, but at this moment, I regret it.

.That passage..."

Deji recited: "Fighting requires courage..."

"Fighting requires courage!"

In the early morning, in the big tent, Yang Xuan was pacing with his hands behind his back, chanting calmly.

"One blow will make you strong, then it will weaken again, and three times it will be exhausted. If it is exhausted, I will be full, so I can overcome it."

Jiang He'er was cleaning up after being humiliated. Hearing this, he said, "My lord, the people of Shegu are very fierce!"

"Is it as fierce as a tiger?" Yang Xuan asked with a smile.

"No way!" Jiang He'er rolled up the quilt.

"Human beings are not as fierce as beasts, but they can rule the world because they can think. After thinking, human beings invented tools and used them to hunt tigers and wolves, to farm, to fight..."

Jiang He'er put the bedding into a sack, stood up and clapped her hands, "They say the Duke is a bit conservative!"

"The way to use military force is to use virtuality and reality."

Yang Xuan said.

Jiang Heer went out and made breakfast later.

Today's breakfast was very rich, Yang Xuan even had a large piece of mutton.

Wang Laoer came in with a big bowl, "My lord, do you want some dried meat?"

Yang Xuan looked at the large pieces of mutton specially selected by the chef in the bowl and shook his head, "You can eat it at home!"

Wang Laoer squatted down and ate with big mouthfuls.

After eating, he wiped his mouth and said: "Tu Gong said that I can save the day every time, probably because I often eat dried meat."

After that, he stuffed a piece of dried meat into his mouth and chewed it with a ferocious expression.

Yang Xuan put down his bowl and chopsticks and stood up, "Here's a piece!"

Chewing the dried meat in his mouth, Yang Xuan gradually relaxed.

To say there is no pressure is to brag.

He has been a little anxious these days.

On the one hand, it was the pressure brought by Chang'an's army, and on the other hand, it was the worry that Jiang Cunzhong's attack on Racecourse City would fail.

Now, the decisive battle is imminent.

All this stress is gone.

Everything will end today.

This is the last battle in the North!

Later, Yang Xuan will turn to the south.

Lin Feibao came in, glanced at the ferocious-looking boss who was chewing dried meat, froze for a moment, and said: "My lord, the generals are here."

Yang Xuan swallowed the dried meat and said, "It's stuffy in the tent, let's go out and talk!"

Lin Feibao opened the curtain and turned aside to wait for Yang Xuan to go out.

Yang Xuan walked out of the big tent, and civilians and military generals gathered outside. Dozens of people were very lively.

When he came out, all the sounds disappeared.

Pei Jian, Jiang Cunzhong...

Han Ji, He Lianrong...

Full of civility and martial arts.

On the periphery, the Qiu Long Guard gathered.

Further outside, Ouda was gathering his guards.

Further away, the generals were gathering their troops...

The sound of neat footsteps echoed.

Rows of soldiers lined up.

"The Shegu people are fierce, I have to admit this. They repeatedly defeated the many with less, leaving Bei Liao helpless."

Yang Xuan's voice was not high-pitched, but it was clear and clear.

The guards were assembled and looked at their master.

Helianyan took a look.

The atmosphere of the battle has become intense, but the guards are not nervous at all.

They looked at their master with reverence.

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead, as long as their master points their finger forward, they will rush forward without hesitation.

Even if there are devils or gods in front of them, they will swing the sword without hesitation as long as the master's sword is directed towards them.

"Axibao thought he was well versed in the art of war, but from the beginning of this battle, he became aggressive. I chose to be conservative, and even suffered a passive beating. Is anyone feeling depressed?"

Yang Xuan looked at his subordinates and asked with a smile.

More than ten people raised their hands.

"That's quite a lot!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "Put it down!"

Putting down his hand, Yang Xuan continued: "At that time, the Shegu people took the initiative and their morale was incredibly high. But one person and one thing cannot always be climaxed! It cannot be always excited! Once the excitement reaches the extreme, it will

Like a great tide, it will begin to recede..."

The old thief is recording.

More people looked at their commander with bright eyes.

Confidence is gradually rising.

"I noticed this, so I started to fight back. Jiang Cunzhong successfully burned the food and grass of the Shegu people, so Asibao had to choose to take the initiative."

"Facing the pursuit of the Shegu people, I chose to walk out of the camp and challenge Asibao to a decisive battle!"

Yang Xuan shook his head contemptuously, "But he chose to retreat."

“This is a moment of ebb and flow!”

"Just last night, Asibao tried his best to harass him. I slapped him with my backhand. I think the Shegu people must have looked at each other with dark circles under their eyes at this moment!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amid laughter, Yang Xuan said: "Look at our Northern Xinjiang men, their morale is high at the moment. But the people of Shegu, their morale must be low at the moment."

The old thief raised his head and said, "The Duke once said that fighting requires courage! One burst of strength will weaken again, and three times it will be exhausted. When the opponent is exhausted, I will be full, so I can overcome it."

Pei Jian said: "The Shegu people are very aggressive, so the Duke avoids their sharp edges and waits until their morale drops before striking back. Now it's the enemy who is draining me and I am gaining."

This is the art of war!

He Lianrong whispered to Han Ji: "Compared with the Duke of the country, Asibao is like a savage in his military use."

"Axibao's military deployment is focused on details and wildness, but the government's military deployment is far-sighted. Not only are the details great, but they also have the overall situation under control."

Han Ji smiled and said, "This battle will be won!"

Yang Xuan ordered:

"Second dick!"


Wang Laoer stepped forward.

"You lead the ranger scouts to block the enemy's eyes and ears!"

"Take orders!"

"Zhen Siwen!"


Zhen Siwen, a former Taiping official, stepped forward.

"You lead your army along the Henghe River, waiting for an opportunity to cross the Henghe River and threaten the Shegu people from behind."

"Take orders!"

"Tu Shang!"


Tu Shang, the Spear King of the South, stepped forward.

"You lead the army around Deling Mountain, protect our army's right flank, and wait for the opportunity to threaten the Shegu people from behind."

"Take orders!"

"Pei Jian!"


"Coordinate various departments in the Chinese Army!"

"Take orders!"

Yang Xuan slowly looked at everyone.

"Follow me!"


This chapter has been completed!
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