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Chapter 1258 Under the whole world, could it be the land of the king

In the early winter of the 14th year of the Qin Dynasty, as the Duke of Qin Yang Xuan led his army in triumph, the hearts of the soldiers and people in northern Xinjiang finally dropped.

The entire Taoxian County became a sea of ​​joy, and the drinks were sold out. The merchants also lost no time in celebrating the Duke's triumph and put up a 20% off sign.

Other people's prices are 10% off, this one's is 20% off, the stingy businessman is confused in the joyful atmosphere, 20% off!

One family after another followed suit, and on that day almost all stores in Tao County were sold out.

Someone was moved and contacted each other, saying that although they could earn a little less at 20% off, they couldn’t afford the huge amount! How about we continue next year?

Most of the merchants nodded, so every year when Yang Xuan returned home in triumph, it became a day for merchants in northern Xinjiang to collectively discount.

Because this day falls on October 10th, it is called the Double Ten Festival.

When the army returned to camp, some conflicts broke out.

Chang'an's labeling of the officers and soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army as traitors broke out today.

Some people say that we should not confront Chang'an, but more people say that we are opening up territory for the Tang Dynasty and have not shot an arrow at Chang'an. We have done what our predecessors have not done, not only destroyed the Northern Liao Dynasty, but also By the way, the Shegu people in the far north were also wiped out.

Even if the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty came, he would still have to say: You must win!

But now that we have triumphed, we have received a rebellious name. Who can tolerate this girl?

The Northern Xinjiang army is in Xingzhou, with Dengzhou in the middle. They originally threatened to attack Northern Xinjiang, but now they have stopped.

Afraid of birds!

Xu Qin sneered and said to his subordinates: Chang'an's army has arrived in Xingzhou a long time ago, why don't they dare to come? This is because we are afraid! Who dares to say that we are rebellious? I opened my clothes and showed them the scars on our chests. Every scar is They were left behind by foreigners. They are rebellious. I think those people in Chang'an are rebellious!

Someone reported the situation in the army to Yang Xuan, who was attending the celebration banquet.

Lord, do you want to suppress it? Song Zhen has been a veteran of the army for many years, and he knows that if he doesn't handle things like this carefully, it will lead to big troubles.

No need. Yang Xuan raised his glass. The more he argued, the clearer the truth became. I have a clear conscience.

It's time for a big debate in the military.

Half drunk, Yang Xuan took the opportunity to change clothes and called Bao Dong over.

Lord Bao Dong drank until his fat face turned red.

You take people to visit the army and let your brothers know that the good days in Northern Xinjiang are hard-won. You want them to know that Chang'an's so-called Northern Expedition was because the emperor was jealous of the wise and capable.


Bao Dongmen is clear about this and will go back later. By the way, Duke Guo, they recently came up with a new recipe. Would you like to try it?

What new recipe?

Yang Xuan was a little dizzy.

That's the medicine! Bao Dong said: The prescription has been greatly changed, and it's no longer possible to call it Rejuvenation Pill.

Does it also increase the utility? Yang Xuan asked.

Yes! It is said that the fufu can turn into iron after eating it.

Fuck! Can chemical changes still occur? I'll go back and take a look.

Yang Xuan saw He Lianyan.

Bao Dong resigned due to his interest.

When He Lianyan came over, the Chang'an army got the news of the Duke's triumphant return, and now they were a little uneasy.

Leave it there. Yang Xuan decided to leave all official matters behind today, Yan!


I have something to ask you. He Lianrong took people to clean out the Shegu people's lair and said that all the people had fled. But why did someone tell me that they didn't escape?

Someone tipped off Yang Xuan that He Lianrong had built a grand palace in Shegu.

He Lianyan sighed in his heart. After He Lianrong led his people into Zhenbei City, he drove all the Shegu people to the place where his family's clothes were found. Within five days, he cut off 495 heads with his own hands.

This damn ninety-nine pills a day... Yang Xuan asked: Ninety-nine pills a day, is there any other explanation for this?

It is said that it can suppress the souls of ancient people and prevent them from reincarnation forever.

What a cruel person!

Yang Xuan is ready to go home.

Walking out of the gate of Jiedushi, there was a bald man standing outside.

The cool moonlight shines on the bald head, shining brightly and eye-catchingly.

When He Lianrong turned around, the poor monk came to apologize.

How many were killed? Yang Xuan burped.

More than three thousand.

Those were the road builders scheduled for northern Xinjiang, but now they have become ghosts.

He Lianrong apologized frankly and asked the Duke to punish him.

Yang Xuan looked at him. Although he had never experienced the tragic death of his wife and children, my heart ached just thinking about it. Were you not having a good time at that time?

Yes, all thoughts were lost. If he hadn't still thought about revenge in his heart, the poor monk would have wanted to follow him.

To this day, He Lianrong still cannot calm down when this matter is mentioned.

I was thinking about what would happen if this happened to me. Yang Xuan really thought that no matter who it was, I would definitely kill his family.

The moonlight shone coldly, and Yang Xuan and He Lianrong were the only two people on the long street outside Jiedushi's mansion.

Yang Xuan patted He Lianrong on the shoulder, don't let hatred cloud your eyes, it's too tiring to live like that.

Yang Xuan entered the alley, and He Lianrong stood there, suddenly laughing. Following the Duke, there will be countless exciting events ahead, how can he be tired?

When Ning Yayun returned to the mountain gate, the first thing she did was to take out her piano and play a song beautifully.

After finishing the song, An Ziyu outside the door asked: What do you think about Zitai's unification of the north?

This time I not only saw the strength of the army, but also the prestige. To be honest, when the news of Chang'an's army approaching the border came, I was worried that the morale of the army would be shaken, but Zitai just showed up and suppressed it immediately.

Ning Yayun stretched out her hand and stroked the strings. After the unification of the north, Zitai was looking for excuses. Chang'an will almost know it now!

It was during these few days. An Ziyu said: I am a little unwilling.


We built two mountain gates in northern Xinjiang, one shorter than the other. I personally watched the construction of the mountain gate in Taoxian County, and I happily thought that I would spend the rest of my life here. I even thought about where to bury the bones.

Outside the mountain gate, he would keep an eye on his disciples every day without incident. Anyone who violated the precepts would be severely beaten.

They both laughed.

Ning Yayun asked: But you want to go back to Chang'an?

An Ziyu shook his head, actually I would rather stay here.

There are too many dirty things in Chang'an, and An Ziyu doesn't like it.

I can't help myself! Ning Yayun said: I am worried about something now.

What's the matter?

In the future, there will be more and more disciples. How should I manage them?

Ning Yayun's scalp goes numb just thinking about the feeling of having so many disciples.

Just charge less.

We can't help it. Ning Yayun said faintly: If Han Ji asks us to sell face and let a few young people enter metaphysics, do you think I can refuse to agree? If it were He Lianyan, if it were those people around Zitai,

Can we not agree?

Therefore, the ancestor said that it is best for the mountain gate to be in the deep mountains. An Ziyu smiled and said: Otherwise, go into the mountains!

I have thought about it. Ning Yayun has really thought about it, but she can’t.


In the whole world, there is nothing but the royal land.

In the small alley behind Jiedushi's Mansion, with Guogong's Mansion as the center, all the people on both sides and opposite are our own people.

The only official government office is Jinyiwei.

The reputation of the Jin Yiwei is not very good. It is similar to the Mirror Stand or the Eagle Guard, and is called Yang Xuan's eagle dog by some people.

Therefore, this alley is somewhat eerie in the eyes of many people.


But the Hu Cake stall at the entrance of the alley makes the place a little more smoky, a little less strict, and a little more humane.

The cold glow shines in the alley, on both sides

The house was dark and unclear. A cat... it seemed to be the one raised by Lin Feibao's family. It walked silently for a few steps on the roof, then suddenly stopped and looked at Yang Xuan, who was walking slowly below.

Someone inside Jinyiwei's door glanced outside, saw Yang Xuan, and bowed silently.

Yang Xuan nodded slightly, thank you for your hard work.

This is the night watch... There are experts in the Jinyi Guards, and the people on duty here at the gate have one duty, to guard the Duke's Mansion.

Including the Horned Dragon Guards and the guards under Uda, anyone who wants to come in to ask for wildfire will, to be honest, be killed.

Yang Xuan felt that unless he was a master of Ning Yayun's level, one of them would die.

When we arrived at the door of the house, two guards were outside, looking a little cold.

I have met the Duke.

Yang Xuan nodded, thank you for your hard work.

It feels uncomfortable to stand guard outside the door at night.

The two guards looked at him with something wrong. It wasn't until he entered the house that Yang Xuan thought it was reverence.

He smiled, but he didn't know that in the eyes of the guards, he was almost like a god.

The Tang Dynasty was trapped in the Northern Liao Dynasty for hundreds of years. During these hundreds of years, both sides made achievements and defenses, but neither could do anything to the other. After Li Yuan and his son ascended the throne, the situation in Northern Xinjiang took a turn for the worse, and the Northern Liao almost suppressed the Northern Liao.

Fight in Xinjiang.

Everyone felt that everything in front of them was dim and there was no end in sight.

Yang Xuan originally said that he would destroy Beiliao, but everyone thought this was an unrealistic ambition.

Others are saying but not doing, but he is doing what he says.

Where is Northern Liao'an now?

The north of the Tang Dynasty was completely settled.

When the old thief returned home, Xia Zhichun said happily: From now on, there will be no more troubles in the north!


The old thief sat down, took a sip of tea, and said happily: The Shegu people have been wiped out. From now on, as long as the north is properly governed, there is no need to worry about recurrence.

Some people say that the Duke's achievements in destroying the Northern Liao Dynasty made Chang'an jealous? Xia Zhichun was originally a famous prostitute, and she was also somewhat sensitive to political affairs.

More than just jealousy?

The old thief laughed and said: For hundreds of years, the Tang Dynasty has been unable to do anything to the Northern Liao Dynasty. In recent years, it has been beaten even more severely. If it were a wise emperor, it would be time to enter the Ancestral Temple to solemnly inform the ancestors. Moreover, Chang'an will definitely have a carnival.

The palace will reward the people of Chang'an with food and wine to show that they are having fun with the people. There will also be a banquet for the ministers...

Is it so solemn? Xia Zhichun is a little envious. At this point, he has reached the pinnacle of success.

But today's emperor may have trouble sleeping and eating!

The old thief hugged his wife. He couldn't sleep or eat well, but the old man was impatient.

What are you anxious about?

Why are you not in a hurry? Look at this fly...

What's wrong?

I look like they are all female!

Yang Xuan also arrived at home.

Zhou Ning is waiting for him.

A Liang was almost back. Zhou Ning changed his clothes and said with a smile: "Erlang said I'll wait for you. I've been waiting for a long time. I was reading a book and heard them laughing. When I looked carefully, I saw Erlang leaning against me."

She is taking a nap there, her little head is moving little by little, not to mention how cute she is.

I'll go take a look. Yang Xuan quietly went to see Yang Laoer.

Yang Laoer looked very honest while sleeping. No one would have thought that such an honest child could beat his brother to tears.

Yang Xuan returned to the bedroom.

Zhou Ning has finished removing her makeup.

Ah Ning!


I've been missing you for a while now!

Shouldn't you be thinking about that person?

Which one?

you do not know?

Once a woman is jealous, the best way is to suppress it with action...

After a good night's sleep, when I woke up early in the morning, there was a knock on the door, Grandma! Grandma!

Yang Xuan winked at Zhou Ning and quietly

Go and open the door.

The door opened, and Yang Laoer, who was standing outside, just wanted to come in, but found someone blocking the way. He looked up, who are you?

Yang Xuan picked up Yang Laoer and called Aye!

A three-year-old child, after being away from his father for a while, could not remember who this person was.


Yang Laoer asked for help, but Zhou Ning just pursed his lips and smiled.

Called Aye! Yang Xuan teased his son.


Yang Laoer shouted, and Yi Niang walked out of the room. When she heard the shout, she hurriedly said: Be careful!

Yang Laoer shook his fist.


This chapter has been completed!
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