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Chapter 1283 Hell is in the world

Huizhou is located to the east of the Tang Dynasty. Because it is separated by a wide river, the opposite side is called Hedong and the west side is called Hexi.

Hedong also has another name, Yandong.

Shi Gongming, the governor of Yandong, was not even forty years old, so he was in the prime of his life.

In Jiedushi's house, Shi Gongming was discussing with his subordinates.

His face is white, his eyes are bright, and he is not angry and proud.

"Shi Zhongtang raised the banner of the Qingjun side in the south and launched a large-scale attack. He had previously written a letter and mentioned that I, Yan Dong, would follow us to raise troops, cover up the enemy from Daizhou, and approach Guanzhong. What do you think?"

Shi Zhongtang originally ordered the envoy to come up with the conditions. Once the matter was completed, everything east of Guanzhong would be his territory.

Northern Xinjiang is naturally Yang Ni's territory, and the west is occupied by the smelly Luoluo people. No one in western Xinjiang is interested.

In this way, the world will be divided up.

But Shi Gongming was hesitant. He was waiting for an opportunity.

Here are his confidants. An official said: "Ms. sir, the Tang Dynasty is still the Tang Dynasty after all. Yang Ni in Northern Xinjiang is so tyrannical that he does not dare to rebel. Shi Zhongtang's move, I think it is too risky. Let's still

It’s better to wait and see first.”


When this matter was mentioned, many close friends objected.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army has swept away the Northern Territory. So what if Yang Ni is in trouble? But he still doesn't dare. I think he is cowardly."

"Zhengshuo of the Tang Dynasty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so what can a million-strong army do? It is unpopular, the army has no fighting spirit, and it will be defeated in an instant."

Shi Gongming's son Shi Jian was only eighteen years old, and he was at the peak of his youth. Seeing the fear of these officials, he came out and said, "Yang Ni was born in the countryside and was very capable in fighting, but in terms of background, he is much worse than Aye.

Don't talk about other places, let's just say that in our Yandong area, Aye is kind, but even so, due to Chang'an's greed, many refugees are born every year.

Even though Yandong is so remote, those wealthy places may no longer dare to bear the heavy burden.

At this time, the firewood pile was set up, waiting for someone to light a fire. Isn't Shi Zhongtang the one who lit the fire?

If he starts a fire, he will be regarded as a traitor and will be despised by everyone in the world. If we start another uprising, there will be fewer constraints..."

His son talked eloquently and made sense, which made Shi Gongming feel happy, but he said coldly: "Where is your place for talking nonsense? Back off!"

"Aye!" Shi Jian said angrily, "If we don't take action, it will be too late when Shi Zhongtang captures the south and Chang'an expands his army."

An official laughed and said: "It's not that fast. Shi Zhongtang probably hasn't even defeated Shangzhou at this moment, but Xiao Langjun thinks too much of him."

"Ms. sir."

An official came in and said, "There is a letter from the south."

Shi Gongming nodded. Someone took the letter and checked it. If no problems were found, he opened the seal and handed it to Shi Gongming.

Shi Gongming unfolded the letter and looked at it carefully.

The letter was written by Shi Zhongtang himself.

The content is simple, but it shocked Shi Gongming.

——Brother Shi, I have launched an army. I have been conquering cities and territories along the way. As soon as I launched my troops, I conquered three states: Huangzhou, Shangzhou, and Songzhou...

——In the reign of a faint king, the military system of the government has long been ruined. It looks mighty, but in fact it is vulnerable.

——Three states, brother, if I try harder, I will go straight to Guanzhong.

——Brother, if you don’t take action, don’t blame me for not giving you a way out!

Shi Gongming raised his head.

His confidants and son were all looking at him eagerly.

"After Shi Zhongtang raised his army, he attacked three states in a row, and his momentum was overwhelming."

The confidants were shocked.

"He actually went to three states in a row?"

"Are those defenders made of clay?"

"The imperial military system has long been ruined." Shi Jian said excitedly: "Except for the border fortresses, all the armies in the world are decadent. Don't move rashly in the western frontier, otherwise the Luoluo and barbarians will invade in large numbers. Over in the northern frontier, Yang Nihe Chang'an is so powerful that it is probably waiting for an excuse to rebel. There is an uprising in southern Xinjiang... Everyone, we are the only ones in the world who have not taken action. What are you waiting for?"

Originally, the confidants felt that the Tang Dynasty was still powerful, so they did not dare to rebel.

But now I look at it, damn! It turns out that you are just a showman!

When timidity disappears, ambition flourishes.

"Ms. sir, send troops!"

"There is a traitor in the court who is causing trouble. I, Yandong, will raise an army to clear the emperor's side!"

Shi Gongming stood up.

Everyone was silent.

"There are treacherous traitors in the court, causing chaos in the world. I have been greatly favored, how can I stand still?" Shi Gongming pulled out his horizontal sword, cut off the corner of the case with one blow, and shouted: "I should raise an army and clear the emperor's side!"

In January of the 15th year of the Daqian Dynasty, Shi Gongming, the governor of Yandong, raised troops to flank the Qing emperor on the grounds that there was a traitor in the court who was bewitching the emperor.

Li Xuan was overjoyed by his uncle's arrival.

In the afternoon of that day, he took care of his uncle and wanted to have a family dinner, but Han Ji's words made him change his mind.

"Your Highness, Chang An will definitely say that Your Highness's identity is false. At this time, it's time to speak out."

So, the reception banquet turned into a conference.

All the civil and military officials from Dengzhou came.

During the dinner, Han Ji deliberately asked about what happened back then.

Huang Wei was a little timid. He glanced at his nephew and saw that his nephew was smiling at him calmly, and then he said: "Back then, the family was living happily at home, and then they heard the news that the crown prince was deposed. Ye Niang was worried about her sister, so she asked her brother I went to inquire about the news. My brother came back and said that the prince was deposed and my sister was also imprisoned in Chang'an."

At that time, my grandfather’s family must have been panicked!

Li Xuan squinted his eyes, thinking that the pseudo-emperor and his son must have been very happy at that time!

"My mother-in-law kept crying and said she wanted to go to Chang'an to see my sister. Ah-ye said there was no way to go to Chang'an, and someone would kill her if there was no way. But my mother-in-law couldn't help it, so she quietly went there one night carrying her baggage. Tianming's family found out that they went to look for her, but she was captured by the patrolling sergeant and froze for half a night. When she was picked up, she was stunned. All she could do was chant my sister's name and beg your Majesty to spare her life..."

Li Xuan's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly.

He didn't want these family affairs to be made public, but many things needed to be made public so that the world could know what happened back then.

"Later, my family also gave up." Huang Wei wiped away tears, "That year, someone from the county suddenly came to our home and took the whole family into jail. We didn't know why, but we were so scared..."

The Huang family was a well-to-do family, but they were stunned when they encountered such a catastrophe.

Huang Wei, who comes from a wealthy family, looks worse than the old farmers in the countryside and is more timid and afraid of getting into trouble. This shows how much pressure he has been under over the years.

"A kind-hearted jailer said that someone from Chang'an came and said that the deposed prince had made a big mistake and even my sister was guilty."

It must be a matter of poisoning!

"Although our family was not beaten severely during those days in prison, each of us was only given half a piece of cake every day, and it was still sour."

Thinking of those days, Huang Wei's eyes became filled with fear.

The local officials wanted to flatter Chang'an... Li Xuan felt that his grandfather's family was really involved too much.

"That day, someone suddenly came again, smiling and saying something... Sister has done a great job and freed our family again. When I asked Sister where she was, the person said that the prince had gone, so Sister followed him. Already."



With just a few words, that section of the public case was settled.


Li Xuan took a sip of wine, his eyes darkened.

"When I got home, my house was in a mess and my money was gone. Fortunately, I still had some land."

"Not long after, the emperor passed away, and not long after, Emperor Wu ascended the throne."

In fact, in the last ten years of Emperor Xuande's life, Empress Wu was in charge of the affairs of the court many times.

"I happened to be out on business that day. When I was returning home, I met an acquaintance on the way and told me that an army had arrived, rushed into my house, and killed my whole family..."

There were tears in Huang Wei's eyes, "I ran away. I didn't know who the other party was, but I knew that it must be related to the emperor's filial piety, so I took a small path and pretended to be a refugee, all the way to Zhongzhou."

Being able to escape all the way to Zhongzhou shows that Huang Wei's ability is not bad. If it hadn't been for these things, maybe he would be a rich man now.


He Lianrong shook his head slightly. That day He Lianyan asked him where hell was, and he replied that hell is on earth.

"When I arrived in Zhongzhou, I learned that Emperor Wu had passed away and a new emperor had ascended the throne. I made some calculations and found out that as soon as Emperor Wu died, those people came to kill people."


Seeing that he was sad, Li Xuan personally came over with a wine glass and persuaded him to take a sip.

Huang Wei took a sip of wine and choked and coughed. Li Xuan gently patted his back.

Everyone saw this and knew that from now on there would be one more dignitary in Northern Xinjiang.

Your Highness is affectionate... Han Ji and He Lianrong looked at each other.

Helian Rongyun was calm and gentle, and he couldn't help but smile when he saw Jiang He'er bursting into tears.

Huang Wei wiped away his tears and said, "I thought, since he killed Emperor Wu after his death, it shows that he was afraid of Emperor Wu. Then who is afraid of Emperor Wu... and who is not afraid of the emperor who succeeds him?"

I learned that the emperor who succeeded him was a younger brother who was filial to the emperor, so I thought, a younger brother must protect his elder brother’s relatives, right?”

Everyone looked solemn.

Some people looked embarrassed.


With his brother who was filial to the emperor ascending the throne, even if the Huang family cannot expect any extravagant benefits, no one should dare to take action against them, right?

Who that person is is about to be revealed.

Huang Wei said: "I think this is probably what my younger brother wants to do."

Uncle is not stupid!

"I was afraid, and from then on I kept my head down and my tail between my legs. Later I became a son-in-law, thinking that it would be okay to live like this for the rest of my life. I only occasionally thought about my family and my sister... I hid in a place where no one was around and cried a few times.


He wiped away tears, and there were many cracks on his rough hands, which was heart-stopping to look at.

Huang Wei glanced at his nephew and said, "Although I was imprisoned when I was filial to the emperor, my sister still sent a letter to my family. In the letter, my sister said that she had given birth to a son who was white and fat, and asked my mother-in-law to go there on her behalf.

Burning incense at Changle Temple to pray for a longevity charm for the child.

Aniang was already a little confused at that time, so Aye asked me to go. I went and gave him three cents, and the master of Changle Temple gave me a longevity charm. I thought to myself, when Ajie is released, I can do it again.

To my nephew. I didn’t expect..."

Huang Wei groped in his arms and took out an old-looking oil paper bag. He slowly opened it...

A piece of old-looking yellow paper was folded into Fang Sheng.

There is also a red rope on it.

Huang Wei looked at Li Xuan and said: "When I wrote to my sister, I also wrote this. But my sister never replied."

"Wherever I go these years, I will take this longevity talisman with me. I thought, maybe if this longevity talisman is there, the gods will protect the child and keep him alive." Huang Wei said: "Zitai, come here, I

I will put it on for you on behalf of my sister."

Li Xuan walked over slowly and lowered his head.

"My sister said in the letter that you are a very lucky child. You don't cry much. Occasionally you laugh, which makes her heart melt. Put on the longevity charm, and my sister will protect you in heaven and watch over you...

…a life of peace.”

Late at night, Li Xuan looked at the Talisman of Immortality and thought about his uncle's words in his mind, without feeling sleepy.

He put on his clothes and got out of bed, opened the door and walked out.

There is a Horned Dragon Guard on the right and one on the left.

When the two of them saw Li Xuan coming out, they didn't bother him.

The owner of the house is quite elegant and the courtyard is designed in a very stylish way.

Li Xuan walked slowly.

In the early days, his mother was more of a symbol to him.

From Yi Niang's mouth, he learned about his mother's situation in the East Palace.

A very timid woman.

I didn't dare to go over and talk to those concubines who were born as noble girls.

Just read or do something alone in the room. Only when no one is outside do you dare to come out and walk around.

After having a child, she did not dare to tell others for fear that someone would harm the child.

Such a cautious woman, if she had not entered the palace, she would have lived happily in her hometown in Zhongzhou.

Marry, have children, until old age, an ordinary life, but also peaceful.

This is Li Xuan’s impression of his mother.

The arrival of his uncle brought him another mother.

——My sister is extremely beautiful and is a famous beauty in our place.

——My sister can weave things from straw, such as grasshoppers and other things, which are very vivid.

——My sister can also solve the nine-link puzzle faster than anyone else.

——When my sister goes out, she is occasionally flattered by men waiting outside, so she wrinkles her nose, holds her head high and ignores them.

Li Xuan touched the Talisman of Immortality and said softly: "Auntie, I miss you."


This chapter has been completed!
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