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Chapter 1301 The Thug's Rebellion

late at night.

But the city of Chang'an was not quiet.

The curfew has long been gone, and the Jinwu Guards no longer patrol at night to catch pedestrians who violate the ban, but to catch thieves.

At this moment, most people are sleeping, but many places in Chang'an City are brightly lit.

Restaurants, brothels, Nilv...the three places are the most lively.

But the palace seemed particularly deserted.

Several horses galloped, breaking the tranquility.

When they arrived outside the imperial city, a man dismounted his horse and strode over.

"Emergency military situation."

A basket hung from the imperial city, and the visitor put the memorial into it.

Later, Han Shitou was woken up and the report was delivered to him.

He took a look and felt a little cold in his heart.

Knock knock knock!

He knocked on the palace door.


The imperial concubine woke up.

Han Shitou said: "Mother, urgent military situation."




The emperor woke up from his dream, "What's the matter?"

"The stone is outside, saying there is an emergency military situation."

The imperial concubine found a coat and put it on the emperor.

Immediately, the bedrooms were pushed away, and a maid came in to light a few large candles, and someone brought hot tea and so on.

Han Shitou came in, and the emperor rubbed his eyes, "Where is the report? Why don't you wait until tomorrow?"

Han Shitou lowered his head, and the emperor laughed at himself: "It seems that my luck is not very good! Where is it?"

"Jianzhou." Han Shitou said: "The rebels stormed Jianzhou. Shi Ni came to the city in person and destroyed the city in three days. Chunyu died in the battle alone..."

"So, Shi Ni is about to attack the pass?"

"The troops have already arrived at Jiagu Pass."

Jiagu Pass is the pass in Guanzhong facing south, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"It's okay." The emperor smiled easily, "We will discuss this matter tomorrow."

The news of Chunyu Gu's death in battle also reached the Chunyu family at the same time.

"Everyone knows that Jianzhou cannot be defended, but the emperor ordered Twelve Sons to go. This is to force the Chunyu family to invest men, money and food in Jianzhou. I didn't invest!"

At midnight, the lights in Chunyu's meeting hall were brightly lit.

One by one is in charge, and one by one the old man is sitting.

Chunyu Shan sat at the top, "I'm not stingy. At this time, the Chunyu family must use the death of one person to make the world feel relieved."

An old man said: "What the master of the family means... is the resentment of the people in the world?"

Chun Yushan nodded, "The country is in such a state of chaos, who is responsible? It is a taboo for the venerable, and the emperor cannot mention it. Then who else? Liang Jing, everyone knows that it is a dog raised by the emperor. So, tracing back to the source, those people

You will see that behind the vulnerability of the South is the corruption of the military system. Why is the military system corrupt? Land annexation. And the most powerful people in annexing land are aristocratic families."

"Using Twelve Lang's death to temporarily free the Chunyu family from public opinion. This is what I said to Twelve Lang before he set off, and he agreed."

Everyone was silent.

"Once Jianzhou is defeated, we will then meet the enemy in Guanzhong." Chunyushan said: "Jiagu Pass is so dangerous that it is impossible for the rebels to break it. Therefore, we still have to compromise with the emperor, understand? For now, don't make trouble.

Pull it on his head."


Everyone stood up and left.

Chunyushan walked out of the lobby, took a deep breath, looked at the night, and said: "It's our turn, Li, is it time to get out?"

On the second day, news spread throughout Chang'an City that the rebels were approaching Jiagu Pass.

Chang'an was shocked.

Even Huang Chunhui couldn't hide his curiosity, "Are the rebels so ferocious? Unfortunately, I don't know how they will compare with the Northern Xinjiang Army."

Huang Lu came back, "Aye, it is said that the court is discussing who should guard Jiagu Pass."

Huang Chunhui said: "There are not many people who can fight, and Zhang Huan is one of them. However, since he returned to Chang'an from the south, he has been trying to escape and refuse to be contaminated by these things. So, who else is there?"

He shook his head, "I can't take care of these people. However, taking advantage of the fact that no one has taken care of me recently, Da Lang ordered them to prepare the carriage. I will go out for a few days to have a good time."

Dou Zhong!

The emperor overcame all opinions and once again activated Dou Chong, who was defeated by Li Xuan, to lead his army southward to guard Jiagu Pass.

It is said that Dou Zhong knelt down in front of the court, shed tears, and swore that he was still in prison.

The emperor personally came down to help him up and gave him reassurance: one of Dou Zhong's sons would be Princess Shang.

In-laws, what else are you thinking about? Hurry up and kill the enemy for me!

Let them get married when you come back.

This favor is enviable.

Dou Zhong set off with his army.

Those who are interested turn their attention to the north.

When news of Guanzhou's surrender came, the emperor was furious.

But it can only be angry.

Then Xiongzhou became the focus.

Elite soldiers and generals were dispatched one after another.

The rebel troops from the south approached Jiagu Pass, and the Yang Ni troops from the north approached Xiongzhou. For a time, people in Chang'an were panicked.

For the first time, someone yelled at the emperor in the market and called him stupid.

The man was arrested immediately.

But, this is a dangerous sign.

The emperor decisively became diligent and convened the ministers for three consecutive days to discuss matters.

After three days, the emperor felt a little tired and took a day off due to illness.

A fleet of horses left Chang'an City and headed straight for Yanshan Mountain.

In Yanshan, Chang Sheng has returned to the temple.

"Real person."

Li Zheng is here.

"Junior brother." Chang Sheng smiled.

Everyone knows that the purpose of Li Zheng, a member of the royal clan, to study in Yunguan is for surveillance.

Li Zheng said: "Someone from the palace mentioned the current situation and asked if the temple might provide some money and food."

He looked at Chang Sheng and wondered what His Majesty was thinking, asking for money from his former followers.

The key is that Chang Sheng can politely refuse this matter with the attitude of non-interference in foreign affairs.

Li Zheng was ready to argue: You were not like this when you followed His Majesty. You were proficient in killing people and setting fires. Why are you pretending to be a fool now?


Li Zheng felt a sense of emptiness that he had been accumulating energy for a long time but could not find his goal.

He actually agreed?

According to Li Zheng's analysis of Chang Sheng, if the current situation is like this, Chang Sheng should find a new master for himself and Jianyun Temple.

King of Yue, Yang Songcheng...

Even Shi Zhongtang.


After he left, Jian Yun came in.

"What does this man want?"

"Want money."

"Is the emperor out of his mind due to poverty?"

"Almost, but I agreed."

"Real person..."

"Shi Ni is attacking Jiagu Pass, and Yang Ni is preparing to attack Xiongzhou in the north. The pass is in danger. Junior brother, this is the best opportunity."

"But if Guanzhong is breached..."

"It can't be broken." Chang Sheng said confidently: "In the past few years, I went in and out of various passes in Guanzhong in the name of seeking the road. Those passes are dangerous, and Jiagu Pass is even more dangerous. Dou Zhong suffered this defeat.

It's not a bad thing. Guarding Jiagu Pass requires caution and stability. After the incident is completed, Xu Dou will be promoted to the first rank again."

"Dou Zhong has sworn to die serving the emperor."

"With the emperor's jealous, mean and unkind temperament, who do you think will be loyal to him?"

A Taoist boy came in and said, "Master, someone is coming from Chang'an."

The person who came was a chamberlain, "Your Majesty is thinking about the truth, please invite a real person to come into the palace to preach to Your Majesty."

Chang Sheng glanced at Jian Yun.

Jian Yun took a deep breath and said, "I'm not feeling well. Otherwise, I can go!"

Jian Yun had visited the palace on behalf of Chang Sheng in the past, so the chamberlain did not embarrass them, "That's fine."

Jian Yun went to pack his things, and before setting off, he came to see Chang Sheng again.

"Junior brother, what are you doing?" Chang Sheng's eyes were full of reluctance.

"They are all rotten skin." Jian Yun said calmly: "I am suffering from a serious illness and I know it is incurable. In this case, why not do something meaningful with this broken body. Senior brother, take care."

Chang Sheng saluted seriously and said, "Junior brother, please leave now. We are just waiting for the matter to be completed and the call of the real person is coming soon."

Jian Yun walked away free and easy.

Chang Sheng returned to the main hall dedicated to the ancestors, knelt down and prayed devoutly.

"The emperor is comatose, the country is in turmoil, and his disciples are preparing to rebel to create a prosperous age for the Tang Dynasty. I sincerely ask the ancestors of all generations to protect..."

Cao Ying pretended to be a down-and-out scholar and wandered around Yanshan Mountain, as if she was on a sightseeing tour.

There are many hermits in Yanshan. A very few of these hermits came here to practice because they heard that there is spiritual energy here. Most of them want to seek fame.

After Huahua left Chang'an, Cao Ying could only follow along the path of Jianyunguan.

As one of Li Mi's thugs back then, Chang Sheng should know a lot about what happened back then.

Cao Ying walked slowly on the mountain road with her hands behind her hands. When she heard the rapid footsteps behind her, which were very dense, she quietly dodged them.

Groups of soldiers rushed up the mountain, and then someone below shouted: "Why don't you let them go down the mountain?"


Amid the screams, Cao Ying saw two men fleeing upwards.

"Fire the arrow!"

A hail of arrows killed two men on the mountain road.

What is this for?

Cao Ying was stunned.

On the top of the mountain, thousands of soldiers gathered.

"Get Li Zheng!"

Li Zheng was captured and saw thousands of soldiers standing on the large plain where they used to practice. A large flag of the Qing Dynasty was beside it. He sneered and said: "Chang Sheng, you are really ambitious."

Chang Sheng was still wearing a green shirt and said calmly: "If the country is stable, I will naturally live in poverty and live happily. But look at this world, there is war everywhere. The people are displaced, the army is corrupt and incompetent, the officials are greedy, and the powerful are arrogant and extravagant. This world is rotten. I

Hold the Qingfeng in your hand and seek justice for the people of the world!"

"Bah!" Li Zheng scolded: "Your Majesty is not kind to you. Back then you..."

Chang Sheng waved his hand, a strong wind blew by, and Li Zheng's words were sealed in his mouth.

"Kill, sacrifice flag!"

The sword flashed, and the head was immediately hung on the big flag.

Chang Sheng turned around and looked at Chang'an City in the distance, and said: "The south is rebellious, the north is rebellious, and this world is about to be destroyed. When I entered samadhi the day before yesterday, I got the advice from my ancestor. The country and the country should be under my Jianyun Temple."

What's the meaning?

Jianyun Temple... actually wants to be above the emperor?

In an instant, those disciples were breathing heavily, and they had forgotten all about the motto of keeping one's desires to rest one's mind, and the motto of staying away from fame and fortune to get a glimpse of the great road.

If Li Xuan were here, he would definitely say: As long as this person still needs to eat, drink, and have sex, the worldly desires will follow him like a shadow. To say that he has no desires or desires is pure deception.

Chang Sheng pointed at Chang'an City and said, "Send troops to conquer Chang'an. I will cultivate the great road with you and others."

"Set off!"

Thousands of soldiers set off, and at the foot of the mountain there were more than 10,000 soldiers gathered from various farms.

These soldiers had been practicing for many years, and Chang Sheng ordered the elite to be selected from them, but there was no chance of rebellion. Until Shi Zhongtang rebelled, Chang Sheng felt that the opportunity had come, so he sent these soldiers to Yanshan in batches.

It's so deep that it was only pulled out today.

Thousands of soldiers gathered together with more than ten thousand soldiers at the foot of the mountain. The two merged into one, and then marched toward Chang'an City.

Chang Sheng raised his fair hand and waved it slightly.

The white crane dances gracefully.

"When I leave, I will make the world dance for me!"

His body moved slightly and he had already disappeared on the mountain road.

Cao Ying was already dumbfounded while hiding in the dark.

Jianyunguan actually rebelled?

What a god I am!

Cao Ying quietly followed the army without hesitation.

In the late spring of the fifteenth year of Daqian's reign.

Jianyun Guan rebelled.

The cavalry galloped all the way, and when they saw Chang'an City, they went to seize the city gate.


Although the rebels arrived at Jiagu Pass, there was still singing and dancing in and around Chang'an City.

The idea that Guanzhong is dangerous and impregnable is so deeply rooted in people's minds that even the soldiers guarding the city gates are lazy.

When two monks leaped over and drew their swords to kill, someone finally shouted: "Enemy attack!"

According to the rules, the bell should be rung immediately, but such a thing had not happened for hundreds of years. The person responsible for ringing the bell was stunned and forgot about it.

"Ring the bell!"

A carriage came slowly, the curtains were opened, and an old man roared.

"Oh oh oh!"

Clang clang clang!

The alarm bells are ringing.

The old man got off the carriage, glanced at the situation outside the city gate, and shouted: "Array up!"

A team member was cursing: "Who do you think you are, a bad old man, that you dare to give orders?"

"I, Huang Chunhui!"

This chapter has been completed!
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