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Chapter 1304

Chang Sheng slowly treated the wound. His skin was white and tender, no worse than that of a woman. However, the wounds were densely covered and looked quite scary.

While slowly applying medicine to the wound, he said: "Cao Ying, this sounds familiar."

"That night, Cao saw the heroic figure of the real man leading his men to siege His Majesty's place of confinement. He admired him very much, which actually made the real man laugh."

Chang Sheng raised his head and looked outside the cave. Cao Ying held her hand and said, "Your Majesty's think tank, Cao Ying, has met a real person."

"Filial piety?"


Chang Sheng said calmly: "Are you waiting here to avenge your filial piety?"

"No, His Highness will do this with his own hands. However, I would rather take you to Gongling Mausoleum and slaughter you there as a sacrifice to His Majesty." Cao Ying was a little sad.

"So, what are you waiting for?"

"I came here because I have some doubts in my heart and want to ask the real person."

"you say."

Chang Sheng sat down, took out the dry food and ate it.

Cao Ying followed along, hungry, and for some reason, she thought of Wang Laoer's dried meat.

"Concubine De said that His Majesty was molesting her, but I know that Your Majesty is not that kind of person." Cao Ying stared at Chang Sheng, "Do you know about this?"

"False!" Chang Sheng said happily: "I have never seen this in person, but I have heard from Li Mi that Concubine De agreed to take action."

Concubine De agreed to take action, which was a conspiracy.


If this matter can be asked, most of the grievances of the filial emperor will be washed away.

Cao Ying was excited, "Is there any evidence?"

Chang Sheng glanced at him curiously, "Li Mi was able to activate the Palace Transformation successfully twice. Do you think he would leave the evidence behind?"

Cao Ying blushed, and Chang Sheng said calmly: "Now that I have said it, I have no intention of covering it up. When Li Mi was the son of the clan, he often went to the palace with his father Li Yuan. He pretended to be full of energy but without any plans. , which made the emperor and empress happy, saying that he is my Qianliju. The emperor and empress did not mean to say this, but they did not know that Li Mi was tempted."

"A thousand-mile horse, why not become a dragon." Cao Ying sneered.

"Filial piety is really good for him." Chang Sheng sighed: "When he meets, he will ask about his homework. Every now and then, he will be sent his articles for him to study. Those articles should not be shown to others, so as not to allow others to pry out his character. But He was filial but generous and showed no secret to his nephew. Li Mi guessed his filial temperament from those articles and dug a hole to bury him."

"Your Majesty!" Cao Ying said with tears in her eyes, "You are so confused!"

"Filial piety treats ministers with kindness and power, which can be called a dragon and a phoenix. It is impeccable. But it is not guarded against relatives." Chang Sheng said sarcastically: "He has forgotten that that position can make relatives turn against each other."

"What did Li Mi do?" Huahua asked.

Chang Sheng said calmly: "Jianyunguan was just one of his thugs at that time, and he was not very conspicuous. He was not allowed to participate in many confidential matters. However, I know that Li Mi often hinted at the emperor and empress... to slander filial piety."

This was a new discovery. Cao Ying and Huahua looked at each other, excited.

"Concubine De slandered Xiao Jing and teased her, and the emperor was furious. I think you all know about this."


Chang Sheng said: "Then, I have nothing else to say."

At that time, Jianyun Temple was a scumbag, but the scumbag never looked back. Most of the twenty-three brothers died in the battle, leaving only three people alive. It was this unhesitating attitude that led to his subsequent glory and wealth.

Cao Ying couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Since Long's success, Jianyun Temple has enjoyed prosperity and wealth for many years. Today, it can be regarded as retribution."

"It was ambition that ruined it all." Huahua was a little curious, "Life in Jianyunguan is really good. You are not young anymore, why are you still thinking about rebellion? Do you really want to be an emperor?"

Chang Sheng put on his clothes and said: "When I followed Li Mi, I thought at first that noble people in the sky always looked different from others, but gradually, I saw a despicable and shameless person.

I was a little anxious at that time, thinking that following such villains would probably end badly, right? But I had already made a bet and couldn't retreat, so I had to go on.

Unexpectedly, in the end, this little man turned out to be an emperor. Later, I stood on the top of Yanshan Mountain and asked God, why can such a little man achieve such great things?"

Of course God has no answer.

"Since such villains can accomplish things, why don't I try?"

This is Chang Sheng's motive for rebellion, simple, yet sobering.

"This is all fate."

Huahua shook her head, "Human! Greed and anger are poisons that drag you to hell."

"These old men know more than you." Chang Sheng said with a smile: "But people only live for a few decades. If you give up everything, what are you doing with your life? What are you doing with your life in silence all day long?"

"Your practice has made you lonely!"

Huahua shook her head, "You are not as high as Wang Laoer."

Chang Sheng chuckled, "By the way, I want to ask. As far as I know, when Jingtai kept pursuing Yang Lue and that child, he should have been hiding in Tibet and unable to study well. So, what did he show today? Where did you learn martial arts and martial arts?"

Many people have this question.

Cao Ying stroked her beard and said, "God's gift!"

Chang Sheng was relieved, "So, when he went south this time, was he really suppressing the rebellion, or was he..."

"It's basically counterinsurgency." Cao Ying said, "Many people are dirty in their own hearts, so they think everyone in the world is just like them."

"Is that so?" Chang Sheng sighed, "Li Mi did not hesitate to destroy Northern Xinjiang for his own selfishness. But today Li Xuan abandoned Guanzhong and went south to quell the rebellion for the sake of the world."

"What else do you have to say?" Cao Ying asked.

"If Li Xuan can succeed, the sky has eyes."

Chang Sheng nodded, "Let's do it!"

Cao Ying smiled and said, "How about you throw the long sword over first."

"People are always like this..."

Chang Sheng shook his head and his body suddenly flashed forward.


At the slight sound, Chang Sheng stopped and looked down at the small crossbow arrow in his lower abdomen.

Huahua raised her hand, "Xiujian, this is Southern Zhou's method, Jiang He'er's suggestion, Taiping craftsmen took action... But you can't die."

Chang Sheng felt his eyes darken, "You..."

"It's just some anesthetics!" Huahua said when she was rarely happy.

"Tie him up, put him in a sack, send a signal, and find a way to get him away."

It is naturally impossible for an army of ten thousand to block Yanshan.

After the Jianyunguan rebellion, the emperor's first reaction was to gather troops in Chang'an City and strengthen the alert.

"In his eyes at this moment, except Han Shitou, everyone else probably wants to rebel."

Zhou Qin laughed and said: "That old dog has finally tasted the feeling of betrayal and separation."

In the quiet room, Zhou Qin and his son sat drinking opposite each other.

Zhou Zun said: "In those days, the same was true of filial piety to the emperor, and everyone rebelled against their relatives."

"Isn't it because the sky has eyes?" Zhou Qin looked at the void and said, "Retribution is coming."

"Who knows!" Zhou Zun said: "Zitai has conquered Guanzhou. Next, it's time to attack Xiongzhou!"

"The terrain in Guanzhong is so dangerous, how can it be so easy to attack?" Zhou Qin said: "In the end, he and Shi Zhongtang will not be able to attack for a long time, so they will fight. One battle will determine the outcome outside Guanzhong."

"Aye, those things mentioned in Aning's letter..."

"A Ning wants the Zhou family to cease its activities and be honest. What it was before will be what it will be from now on. A married woman!" Zhou Qin shook his head.

"Aning can always detect something, such as Zitai's temperament." Zhou Zun said: "Zitai has held power for many years and is not angry. If he can achieve great things, he will be an emperor on horseback.

Aye, think about it, what is the temperament of the emperor on horseback?"

"Kill decisively!"

Zhou Qin was startled and said with a smile: "What Aning means is that Zitai is a tolerant person, so he is holding back the Zhou family? Li Bi succeeded in seizing the rightful son, and Yang Songcheng became the father-in-law of the country for many years, with power in both the government and the public for many years.

The Zhou family has never thought about wielding power, but at least they should stretch their hands, right? Isn't this also possible? "

Zhou Zun raised his glass and said, "Zitai is not a mean person, but when he becomes the emperor, it will be difficult to guess his thoughts."

"I'm afraid An Ning's heart is completely towards him." Zhou Qin sighed.

"It's better this way. Otherwise, I think Li Mi and the Queen are in the same bed but have different dreams."

Zhangzhou was now under siege.

Zhongjun, Li Xuan is reading a letter.

This is news from Southern Zhou Dynasty.

In the message, Yang Lue talked about his experiences along the way and reminded Li Xuan not to underestimate the rebels. In addition, he was a little eager to try, saying that if necessary, he could send troops to harass southern Xinjiang.

Li Xuan shook his head and looked down.

——The more times like this come, the more calm and cautious you need to be. Your Highness, I just need to think about Your Highness, surrounded by thousands of troops and horses, looking majestic and heroic, and tears will fill my eyes.

All good.

Li Xuan collected the letter and handed it to Jiang He'er.

He Lianyan came, "Your Highness, the rebels are attacking Jiagu Pass. However, the defenders are stable."

"It's time for Dou Zhong to arrive. All he needs to do is hold on, and Shi Zhongtang will have nothing to do."

He Lianrong said: "Your Highness, if this is the case, we should quickly defeat Zhangzhou and go south."

"Don't be impatient." Li Xuan looked at the top of the city, "The defenders are strong and it will be difficult to conquer in a short time."

The Zhangzhou garrison was very cautious and blocked the city gate early, and prepared a lot of defensive materials in the city. Ding Zhuang also organized and repaired the city head during the break in the attack.

Everything is in order.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army is attacking Zhangzhou."

Shi Zhongtang looked at the map and said, "Zhangzhou defender Lian Shun is a steady man, but we must be faster to avoid being led into Guanzhong by Li Xuan."

Wei Ming was at his wits' end for the first time, "My lord, Jiagu Pass is dangerous. It's not that our brothers are not brave, but...we are powerless!"

"I know." Shi Zhongtang frowned, "If we can't attack Jiagu Pass for a long time, Li Xuan will attack us from the side."

"My lord, I do have an idea here." He Zun said with a smile.

Shi Zhongtang glanced at him and said, "Oh, tell me."

He Zun said: "Jiagu Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack. This is the consensus of the world. If this is the case, why not show weakness to the enemy?"

"You mean..."

"We are pretending to be weak. After all, we have not stopped raising troops since then. Furthermore, Li Xuan is not far away, so we have to be wary. Thirdly, we have conquered such a large territory, so there must be a few places where we can rebel.


He Zun said calmly: "At this moment, we are not the only ones attacking Guanzhong, but Li Xuan's side is also attacking. Although Guanzhong is dangerous, Li Bijiu is naturally timid in the deep palace and can only rely on paper tactics to command.

Furthermore, the world is in chaos, how many people are pointing their fingers at him? At this moment, he must try to cheer up, preferably with a big victory to cheer up himself and the Tang Dynasty."

Shi Zhongtang picked up a bean and chewed it slowly, then raised his head for a long time.

"I will retreat tomorrow."

He Zun smiled, "kind"

The next day, Shi Zhongtang pretended that there was an uprising in the south and hurried away with his army.

And an army hurried towards Lizhou, making a posture of defense against the Northern Xinjiang Army.

Looking at the city, it turned out to be less than ten thousand people.

Moreover, the attacks also stopped.

At the top of the city, the chamberlain Zhang Ling looked at the rebels retreating continuously and asked, "Why is this?"

The person on the mirror said: "A while ago, it was said that there was an uprising in the south."

"This is because we are worried about being outflanked!" Zhang Ling sneered: "The rebels are indeed unpopular."

The other army went to the left. Zhang Ling did not need anyone else's analysis and said: "Go to Chang'an quickly and report to Your Majesty that there is an uprising in the south. Shi Ni is panicking and is returning to help. In addition, Yang Ni's side is probably attacking somewhere, so Ling Ni

The army is in panic, and now there are less than ten thousand thieves left in the city."


This chapter has been completed!
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