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Chapter 1309 God's Favor

Before going to war, Dou Zhong sent people to Chang'an to report. The king and ministers in the court breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news.

The old dog had ulterior motives, but under the threat of food shortage, he had no choice but to go to war. The emperor made a rare trip to the Ancestral Temple.

Looking at the gods, the emperor prayed in a low voice.

Han Shitou followed, and he saw the divine masters of Emperor Xuande and Emperor Wu. Below them were the divine masters who respected the emperor.

His Majesty!

Han Shitou's eyes felt a little hot.

After so many years, he had endured humiliation and burden for so many years, and finally he saw hope.

Yang Ni was in Zhangzhou and refused to attack with all his strength, just waiting for me to urge Dou Zhong to send troops. After Dou Zhong and Shi Ni were both injured, he would calmly attack Xiongzhou. This thief is cunning.

The emperor's prayer made Han Shitou sneer in his heart. However, he felt that this analysis should be correct.

Otherwise, Zhangzhou would not be able to stop the Northern Xinjiang army.

When that kid is worried about his army going south, I will send troops to give him a blow from behind. Han Shitou's eyes narrowed.

No wonder!

Dou Zhong led an army of more than 100,000 people at Jiagu Pass. If the Northern Xinjiang Army broke through Zhangzhou and Lizhou and went south to fight the Southern Xinjiang Army, this 100,000-strong army would suddenly attack and hit them from behind.

Then, the Northern Xinjiang Army, which is far away from its home base in Northern Xinjiang, is really difficult to resist. Old dogs, this is bound to be the case.

There is no food in Chang'an. I have ordered Dou Zhong to attack. Grandma, please protect the Tang Dynasty!

Han Shitou felt that the false emperor was really a shameless person. The success of the Tang Dynasty was inseparable from his father and son. Now they and his son had made the Tang Dynasty a mess, but they came to beg their ancestors for blessings.

How shameless!

The emperor walked out of the Ancestral Temple and whispered: spread the news about Dou Zhong's war.

He needed to use this battle to boost the morale of the people and add to his imperial majesty. King Wei also knew it.

It is said that His Majesty ordered Dou Zhong to send troops to fight Shi Ni. King Wei stopped blacksmithing. Why? He did not say.

Naturally, the food shortage shouldn't cause an uproar as it would cause commotion.

King Wei narrowed his eyes. This was a desperate move. If the army was defeated, only Chang'an City could be defended. Is the court crazy?

The jailer smiled and said: Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. It is only right to wait for the good news to come and send a congratulatory memorial as soon as possible. Come, here is a pot of wine, Your Majesty, have a taste.

Although King Wei was not a heavy drinker, he used to be a good drinker and often had an itchy throat. Who gave it to him? King Wei didn't think he had the charm so the jailer gave him free wine.

People from the Beijiang Guild Hall came before and gave us some money, saying that whenever the king wants something, just go and buy it. Where are they? King Wei asked.

The clubhouse has long been closed.

King Wei couldn't help but feel sad, thinking of Taoxian, his wife, children and mother. What is the situation outside now?

King Qin is attacking Zhangzhou. It's that simple.

King Wei said: Maybe it's possible to deliver letters?

The jailer shook his head, it was okay a month ago, but not now.

King Wei rubbed his eyebrows. The jailer thought he was sad, so he tried to persuade him a few words. I am happy.

The jailer laughed and said: How can the king be happy when he is a prisoner? King Wei said: Seeing that he is going to be in trouble, I can't help but be happy.

When the next batch of food and grass arrives, Zhangzhou will be defeated in one fell swoop.

Li Xuan ordered. Yes!

He was not only worried about being attacked by Dou Zhong, but also worried about running out of food and grass.

Transporting grain and grass from Taoxian County all the way here is expensive, not to mention the losses along the way, and you have to beware of thieves.

He Lianrong said: Jiagu Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack. To be honest, the rebels have no choice. This time they have accumulated food and grass and are ready to fight the rebels with all their strength.

The more important purpose of accumulating food and grass is to prepare for a battle with the rebels.

According to the judgment of Li Xuan and his advisers, unless Dou Zhong goes crazy, Jiagu Pass is indestructible. Chang'an

The supply of food and grass will be tight. Someone said.

That was an official government, and the families of the aristocratic families were not short of food. Han Ji said: At this critical moment of life and death, are they still prepared to be misers? Then they will be taken over by the rebels.

Li Xuan's heart moved slightly. Does Jin Yiwei have any news about Chang'an's food and grass? He Lianyan said: Chang'an's food reserves can probably last for ten days. Ten days?

Li Xuan stood up suddenly, and the Jin Yiwei hurriedly checked for news about Jiagu Pass. He Lianyan was surprised. Is the Duke worried that Dou Zhong will go to war?

What Gu was worried about was that Chang'an urged him to go to war. Li Xuan said: The noble families have food, but don't think they can give out a grain of rice.

No way!

Everyone felt that this judgment was a bit exaggerated.

For these people, the Tang Dynasty is just a carrier. The Tang Dynasty can be destroyed, but their interests cannot be damaged at all!

Li Xuan said firmly.

He thought of the Ming Dynasty in another world.

When the enemy was approaching, Emperor Chongzhen begged the dignitaries in the capital to donate some money and food, but in the end he received very little.

After the army of post soldiers broke through the city, they ransacked the houses and used sticks to hand over all the money and food. They also handed over all the money and food they had kept secretly for many years.

Those people are the most greedy and stingy! Li Xuan said. According to his judgment, Chang'an's food supply must be unsustainable.

In this case, General Dou Zhong has no choice but to send troops to attack Zhangzhou immediately. Take the order!

Li Xuan walked out of the tent and looked in the direction of Chang'an, with a more gloomy look in his eyes. He hoped that his judgment was wrong. This meant that those carnivores at least had a bottom line.

Duke Dou Zhong has sent out troops.

The situation in the south was not good. He Zun's plan was to pretend that there were constant rebellions in the south, and Shi Zhongtang was forced to return to the army to suppress it. But now, Shi Zhongtang discovered that there was no need to fake it at all, and the rebellion in the south was real.

He thought about it carefully and felt that at the beginning of the army, Southern Wentian was very aggressive, so he was swept away by his army. When he came to his senses, the officials, soldiers and people would think of the good things of the Tang Dynasty again.

What is Guozuo?

Shi Zhongtang felt that it could make the world full of food.

Although the number of refugees in the Tang Dynasty was increasing, most people were still hungry. As long as people were hungry, they would choose to lie down.

Shi Zhongtang's rebellion broke the peaceful life of those people. So, they chose to revolt.

There were wars of war everywhere, and even a rebellion broke out near his base camp, Qinghe County. For a time, there was a feeling of betrayal and separation.

Just when Shi Zhongtang was worried and felt that he had no chance of survival, Dou Zhong sent troops. He was stunned, what?

The messenger said: Dou Zhong has sent troops. God!

Shi Zhongtang covered his forehead, this is

Just when he was desperate, Dou Zhong sent out troops. This was destiny!

For the first time, Shi Zhongtang discovered that God was kind to him. He thought of the emperor.

The emperor is also called the Son of Heaven. The Son of Heaven is the son of God. He walked out of the tent and looked at the sky.

The sun is not small, but it is particularly bright in Shi Zhongtang's eyes.

For the first time, he felt that he had developed a close relationship with his father. Maybe when he went back, he could ask him if he had any visions when he was born. There might be something extraordinary about his father.

Just like Li Tang tried his best to paint his body with makeup before he founded the country, the emperor must be different, even if your mother met a dragon in the wild and was favored by the dragon, it would be fine.

Everything is for dignity.

Now, the majesty came to Shi Zhongtang again. He mounted his horse and galloped, shouting, assemble! assemble! The army began to assemble.

The generals gathered around Shi Zhongtang and looked at him with awe in their eyes. They all knew the current predicament of the rebels and no one could find a way to break the situation. But what they didn't expect was that in such a predicament,

Dou Zhong actually attacked. This is fucking destiny!

Wei Ming felt that these people's loyalty to Shi Zhongtang instantly doubled.

Dou Zhong attacks, this is our only chance. Shi Zhongtang's eyes are bright, and he retreats temporarily to make the Tang army think that he is invincible.

Wei Ming said: The Tang army was composed of guards from Chang'an, and each unit had its own ideas. This is a very important reminder.

Shi Zhongtang smiled and said: "Their hearts are not aligned, which is the biggest flaw. Secondly, the Chang'an guards have never experienced a decent fight at all. We will definitely win this battle."

Dou Zhong attacked. When the army came out, Chunyu and thousands of people were dumbfounded. After harassing him for a while, he ran away.

Jin Yiwei, who was watching from the side, was also dumbfounded. Is Dou Zhong crazy?

His Highness said that Dou Zhong would definitely attack, and sure enough!

The admiration of the few Jin Yiwei for their boss can be compared to a torrential river at this moment. Once the army comes out, it is impossible to go back easily.

The most important thing at the moment is to recover a city, seize food and fodder, and boost the morale of the world. The staff are doing their best to analyze the situation.

If he goes out to fight for soy sauce and then goes back, Chang'an will regard Dou Zhong as a rebellious minister and a traitor, and everyone will shout for a fight. This battle must be fought.

Otherwise, Chang'an would have no food to feed the army.

Only when a person's stomach is full can he have the energy to talk about loyalty. When the army is hungry, Chang'an only needs to throw out a few pieces of cake, and the soldiers can cut off Dou Zhong's head in exchange for food.

Dou Zhong knew this very well. Scouts were sent out widely to recapture Jianzhou.

Dou Zhong looked back at the majestic army and felt very high-spirited. After taking Jianzhou, our army holds Jiagu Pass and Xiongzhou. If we advance, we can sweep the south and establish our foundation. If we retreat, we can retreat to Jiagu Pass.

There is a fire in the eyes of the staff. If the general can defeat Shi Zhongtang, all Shi Ni has done is to make a wedding dress for the general!

Sweeping through the rebels along the way, he regained various states and counties in the south, and his prestige was at its peak.

Dou Zhong planned to follow Li Xuan's example and still regard the Tang Dynasty as Zhengshuo, but it was almost like self-reliance. Later, he planned to watch a play to watch the drama between Chang'an and Li Xuan.

The world is like a game of chess, and the situation changes rapidly. Unexpectedly, I also have the opportunity to become a chess player. The army is huge, and the rebels in front are defeated at the first touch, and even lose their armor.

After finding Shi Zhongtang's army for a decisive battle, Dou Zhong's confidence increased.

The enemy's rangers in front are increasing continuously.

When a wide river was seen, the rebels were also seen.

The Tang army continued to move forward, leaning against the river on the right, while the rebels leaned on the river on the left. The surrounding area gradually became quiet.

Shi Zhongtang smiled and said: The army of more than 100,000 people is powerful. Looking at the bright armor and uniforms, the morale is high. But what I see is timidity.

His words were intended to belittle his opponent and cheer him up.

He Zun said: Duke, as long as you defeat Dou Zhong, Chang'an will fall into chaos without a fight.

I know that Shi Zhongtang knew the urinary nature of the false emperor. Once Dou Zhong was defeated, Li Mi would be eager to kill him. But Dou Zhong would not sit still and wait for death. Otherwise, he might turn back and attack. At that time, let's just sit back and take it.

Just make a profit.

On the opposite side, Dou Chong said with a smile: "Shi Zhongtang's return to the army is a lie. It seems that he has been waiting for me here. But his strength is only half of our army. How can he be confident?"

The generals couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The guards in Chang'an have nothing but arrogance and a sense of superiority.

Tell the soldiers that our army can defeat the enemy simply by rushing and fighting. Dou Zhong did not prepare any tactics, just one word: charge!

This is also the most effective tactic. The flag is fluttering in the wind.

Dou Zhong drew out his horizontal sword and attacked! Won victory!

Amid cheers, the Tang army mobilized in full force.

I want to use my strength to crush the rebels! Dou Zhong said. Attack! On the other side, Shi Zhongtang shouted.

Two men and horses were approaching quickly.


The first lines collided.

Blood filled the air.

This chapter has been completed!
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