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Chapter 1319 Retribution, Here Comes

Daozhou Rangers retreated into the city.

The general who led the team went to the top of the city and said: "Xiaguan was leading his troops to surround Wang Laoer, when Jia Ren suddenly appeared with his troops, it was like an ambush."

Ambush? Pan Guangcheng has sharp eyesight. How does the Northern Xinjiang Army know the movements of our army?

I don't know.

Meat eaters often like to treat the people as cattle and horses, and give them a smile when they need them. Those shameless civil servants will talk about loving the people like sons and being merciful like gods, but gods are the most unkind.

Li Xuan, under the banner, felt a little sad. He didn't need to think about what the Daozhou rebels could give to the people. At most, it would be no increase in taxes. But the strong men could be recruited, the grain and grass could be transported, and the city could be repaired by relying on the local strong men. As for the mistake,

No one cares about the farming season. The poor people are pitiful and no one speaks for them.

Bao Dong said: After learning that taxes could be halved this year, the people talked a lot about the rebels. Some people also said they were willing to join the army.

It's just that the tax is reduced by half. The half of the tax reduction is not enough to feed the meat eaters, but it can make the people burst into tears of gratitude.

Li Xuan felt that something was wrong with the world.

Han Ji said softly: Your Highness, scholars are the foundation.

In the Tang Dynasty, scholars were regarded as superiors. The people were ignorant, and any scholar who appeared in the place was like a god in their eyes.

When local officials could not effectively manage the various places under their jurisdiction, these scholars became their arms. These were the squires.

As soon as the squire and the government colluded, the common people became fish and meat. The common people were squeezed by the squire and the government together, so why did no one resist?

People's hearts are as iron as iron, and official laws are as strong as furnaces. If you try to resist, you will be beaten severely, your home will be ransacked, and your whole family will be exiled to a place where no one can shit to catch a few examples. Who will dare to resist?

Secondly, the people have never read. Most of them have only been to the county seat of their own county. They have worked in the fields all their lives and have only a little knowledge.

To say it is ignorant is an understatement.

Ignorant people are the best slaves. They don’t know what the outside world is like. However, the squires and officials who have the power of public opinion and interpretation use intimidation and threats to make these ignorant people behave honestly all their lives.


The people are ignorant. As long as they are hungry, they will obey the arrangements of the squires and local officials. But what if they are not ignorant? Li Xuan said with a smile.

Not ignorant? Han Ji shook his head, it was difficult.

Li Xuan didn't explain, but Helian Rongce came immediately and said to Han Ji: Don't forget Li Wenmin!

Han Ji was startled, he?

Since His Highness took charge of Northern Xinjiang, the number of schools in Northern Xinjiang has been increasing rapidly every year. Moreover, most of the students admitted are ordinary people. He Lianrong looked at Li Xuan's back with admiration in his eyes. I went to ask about the number of schools in Northern Xinjiang.

There are rules here. When students return home, they must teach their families how to read and write, and they must inform their families about things outside.

Han Ji didn't pay attention to this aspect. Hearing this, he was horrified. Your Highness, this is

The poor monk went to ask His Highness, if this is the case, the people will wake up and the local squires and officials will be difficult to control.

What did Your Highness say?

His Highness said one thing, the common people are not cattle and horses!

He Lianrong sighed lightly and said: Others say that they love the people like their own children, but they only say it in name and in name only. But His Highness does not say it, he only does it. Old Han, Your Highness truly loves the people.

Han Ji was worried. Emperors often relied on being aloof and even mythical to achieve supreme majesty. But if the people were no longer ignorant, the emperors would gradually lose their majesty in their eyes.

Don’t you understand? He Lianrong said: His Highness once said that the majesty that comes from myths and the majesty that comes from the threat of the law will not last long.

Then how to establish the majesty of the emperor? Tu Chang asked. He Lianrong said: Your Highness said, use your heart. Use your heart?

Whoever does things for the people sincerely and keeps the people in his heart will be remembered by the people. The people will praise him.

Holding him, being able to lift him up, and being able to follow him sincerely is the majesty His Highness desires.

Tu Chang was stunned, and then sighed: The emperor of the Southern Zhou Dynasty was praised as loving the people, but compared with His Highness, he was far behind.

Where will such His Highness take the Tang Dynasty? Looking at Li Xuan's back, Han Ji had a hunch that once His Highness takes charge of the Tang Dynasty, he will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes to the Tang Dynasty.

Poor monk, we are waiting for you! The army is marching slowly.

At the top of the city, Pan Guangcheng said: All that's left is to hold on. Tell the soldiers that we are surrounded by our Southern Xinjiang Army. This battle will be won!

Look! Someone is pointing to the left. There are scouts over there.

More than a hundred rebel scouts on horseback were approaching the Northern Xinjiang Army Brigade. They shook the horizontal knives in their hands and made yo-yo-yo sounds.

This looks like a foreigner!

He was a Jianzhou scout! At the top of the city, the morale of the rebel soldiers was greatly boosted.

They came to show off their strength. Pan Guangcheng smiled and said: What a group of warriors. All they need to do is give the Northern Xinjiang Army a shot! I should take credit for them.

Yo ho!

The Jianzhou scouts shouted provocatively and kept approaching the Northern Xinjiang Army Brigade.

Strangely, the Northern Xinjiang Army did not attack.

Li Xuan looked at the scouts coldly and heard that when Jianzhou City was destroyed, Sima Zhongwen, who refused to surrender and was captured, was dragged to death by the rebels with war horses?

Yes. He Lianyan said: After Zhong Wen was exhausted and captured, he cursed loudly and refused to join the thief. The thief was so angry that he had him dragged to death with war horses in the city.

Looking at these aliens, they are so lonely and disgusting! Li Xuan pointed at the alien scouts and captured some alive.

Take orders!

Behind him, Guo Yunhai, the leader of Yunshan, held up his hands, then pointed at the scouts and said: I, a disciple of Yunshan, attack!


Jiang He'er blinked his almond-shaped eyes, using monks to capture the scouts alive? Isn't this a bit overkill?

Guo Yunhai always wanted to look for opportunities to make meritorious deeds, but he could never find the opportunity. So when Li Xuan opened his mouth, he took over without hesitation.

As for whether overkill is overkill, in his opinion, Yunshan wants to show a proactive attitude. As for whether overkill is underutilized, in the eyes of King Qin, caring is king!

He quickly glanced at King Qin, and sure enough he saw a look of relief.

My bet was right!

Dozens of Yunshan disciples, with their green shirts fluttering, rode towards the Jianzhou scouts.

The Jianzhou scouts provoked and took out their bows and arrows to threaten.

It can be seen that the disciples of Yunshan who had seen the crossbow formation of the army thought it was a joke when they looked at the riding bows in their hands.

Arrows were flying, and the disciples of Yunshan easily waved their swords and fired the arrows.

After a useless attack, the Jianzhou scouts realized something was wrong and retreated!

Their mission was to detect the movements of the Northern Xinjiang Army and show off their strength. Now the mission is completed.

The Jianzhou scouts turned around and turned around.

As soon as he completed the U-turn, he heard the sound of clothes fluttering behind him. A scout turned around and saw dozens of people behind him rising into the air and flying over quickly.

Damn it! It’s a monk!

Using monks to fight scout battles, Li Xuan, are you so fucking shameless?

Dozens of Yunshan monks easily killed most of the enemy scouts and captured more than ten people alive.

Guo Yunhai's free and easy salute did not disgrace his life.

Li Xuan knew Yunshan's posture clearly. He smiled and said: He is indeed highly cultivated.

This was approval, and the disciples of Yunshan suppressed the joy in their hearts, but the two young disciples couldn't help but laugh.

Guo Yunhai glanced at Ning Yayun.

Lao Shuai Guo Yun lightly flicked his tail.

The prisoners were dragged over and cursed loudly. Li Xuan said calmly: "Geugu is just below the city, drag them to death!"

Take orders!

When more than ten prisoners were dragged behind the horses, they realized what they were about to face.

What bravery, suddenly

It has become a joke. Your Highness, spare your life!

The villain is willing to surrender! Your Highness!

Your Highness, the villain is determined to do whatever he wants, the villain is determined to do whatever he wants!

Li Xuan waved his hand, Gu just wanted to tell them that whatever those foreigners did to us, the people of the Tang Dynasty, I would pay back tenfold!

These words were like a blast of hot wind, making everyone's faces turn red.

A general blurted out, this is the wise king in my eyes!

Mercy should only be used for one's own people. When faced with the cruelty of foreigners, one should respond to them with even more cruelty.

They were about to be killed, their heads were rolling, and they did not dare to pry into the Central Plains. The war horses began to speed up, and the prisoners were howling and begging.

Jiang He'er glanced at Li Xuan's side profile and saw that his expression was calm and still calm, so she couldn't help but whisper: Your Highness is so reassuring.

The war horses began to gallop, and the prisoners could stumble to keep up at first, but were then dragged down heavily.

The war horses dragged them galloping, and their chests and abdomens rubbed violently against the ground. Their clothes were quickly torn, and then their skin and flesh were torn.

The screams reached the top of the city, and the rebel soldiers looked livid.

These aliens pride themselves on cruelty and killing their opponents.

They never thought that they were from the Tang Dynasty. Shi Zhongtang wanted to rebel and establish his own dynasty, and spread negative news about the Tang Dynasty in the army intentionally or unintentionally.

We are aliens!

If we want to live a good life, Datang is our enemy.

These negative news have brought huge negative effects. The massacre in Huangzhou and the spontaneous massacre in Qianzhou are all the consequences of negative teachings.

Massacre the city, massacre the city!

What can those weak Tang people do to us?

The rebels, who have had smooth sailing since their inception, don't care about retribution at all.

But now! Retribution is coming!

The prisoners were dragged to death under the city walls.

The corpses were thrown on the ground, and groups of cavalry came out. Isn't it over yet? Some rebels couldn't help but ask.

An old soldier looked pale. Did King Qin want his horse to trample on his bones?

Li Xuan waved his hand and the horse began to rush.

One after another, war horses trampled over the corpses.

After more than a thousand riders rushed over in turn, there were only a dozen piles of minced meat left on the ground.

Li Xuan looked up, this is just the beginning!

Jianzhou guard Ashina Yanrong was waiting for news.

As a sibling of Shi Zhongtang, he was deeply trusted. Jianzhou was the gateway to Guanzhong and an important node connecting southern Xinjiang and Guanzhong. Shi Zhongtang ordered him to guard it, which shows his trust.

Lieutenant General Ma Chuan hurried in, and there was news from the Duke of Guo, ordering me, Jianzhou, to fully assist Daozhou.


Ashina Yanrong said calmly: The Northern Xinjiang army has come from far away and has not yet established a stable foothold. Li Xuan must be eager to break through Daozhou and find a foothold for himself. This is something we can take advantage of.

Ma Chuan knelt down and asked me to show off my skills. That's fine. Ashina Yanrong said: "They are elites?" Ma Chuan said: "The best scouts."

Okay! Ashina Yanrong nodded appreciatively and said, "Show me your strength. I will lower the morale of the Northern Xinjiang Army and gain a head start before the war. You are good. I will advise the Duke that you should take on more important duties."

Ma Chuan is a surrendered general, but he is dead-set. Hearing this, he leaned over and thanked the general!

Ashina Yanrong said: The Duke attaches great importance to the first battle with the Northern Xinjiang Army. If the victory is successful, the Duke will not hesitate to reward him.

Ma Chuan stood up and asked his subordinates to ask. Ashina Yanrong nodded.

He heard the footsteps going away, and then the footsteps came. The footsteps stopped outside the door, and in Ashina Yanrong's mind, there was a scene of Ma Chuan standing outside the door, looking at him with a happy face.

He looked up, but there was news?

The elite scouts sent by me were wiped out by the Northern Xinjiang Army. More than ten people were captured and all were dragged to death by war horses in Daozhou.

Under the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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