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Chapter 1325 kill all, Zhujing Temple

Ashina Yanrong failed!

This means that Daozhou has become an isolated city.

The huge sense of loss made Pan Guangcheng spit at Li Xuan at the top of his lungs. He wanted to use this method to vent his anger and suppress his fear. He thought Li Xuan would be angry.

But Li Xuan seemed very happy.

As if I have been expecting this result. Then

After the city was broken, no one of the defenders was left behind! What is this?

A mutated massacre!

Just let the people in the city go!

No! Someone shouted: The villain is willing to surrender! Kill him! Pan Guangcheng shouted.

The sword flashed, and the shouting soldiers' heads fell to the ground. However, fear made the defenders look pale.

Li Xuan pointed to the city head and said: In Huangzhou and Qianzhou, these beasts slaughtered all the soldiers and civilians in the city. They were accustomed to it, and they were not ashamed, but proud. Why can they be so unscrupulous?

There was anger in Li Xuan's eyes just because they felt that the Tang Dynasty was going to be destroyed and no one could take revenge on them! So today, Gu Dang slaughtered all the Daozhou defenders to let these foreigners know that the Tang Dynasty cannot be humiliated!

After the news came that Huangzhou and Qianzhou were massacred, the soldiers and civilians in the North felt aggrieved and sad.

They were of the same race! But the emperor ran away.

Who the hell is here to avenge those wronged souls? Li Xuan!

More than ten sergeants came out, knelt down towards Li Xuan, howled, thank you, Your Highness!

After the Northern Xinjiang Army arrived in the south, they collected some defeated troops from the south, including survivors from Huangzhou and Qianzhou. These people all hated the rebels and fought with the Northern Xinjiang Army sparing no effort.

There is a fire in their hearts! The fire of revenge!

Attack the city! Pei Jian shouted.

The trebuchets were reloaded and the crossbow array approached the city. The death camp was ready to go!

The entire Northern Xinjiang Army is looking at Daozhou City. Today!

There will be a killing! Destroy the defenders!

The trebuchet dropped the first wave of stones, and then the crossbow array came into force, covering the top of the city with crossbow arrows.

Suoyun raised his horizontal sword and swore that today he would use the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood of the defenders to verify his master's oath.

Attack! The death camp begins its attack.

They rushed to the bottom of the city despite the rain of arrows and put up the wooden ladder. Immediately, they rushed and killed without risking their lives.

The defenders started to counterattack wildly like animals, but soon they retreated in despair under the attack of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

The bed crossbow was destroyed immediately.

Lao Lin! Li Xuan narrowed his eyes and led his brothers to stretch their muscles!

Take orders!

Lin Feibao set off with the Qiulongwei.

Your Highness, I'm asking for orders! Guo Yunhai, the headmaster of Yunshan, has asked for orders to attack again.

There was nothing wrong with his gesture, but it made Ning Yayun a little annoyed.

Your repeated requests for orders to attack have made others think that Monk Yunshan is loyal to His Highness, and I am just here to make soy sauce?

The old handsome guy flicked his tail and said calmly: Where is my metaphysics disciple?


This time, Ning Yayun brought dozens of metaphysics disciples with her. They are all in the army at the moment, shouldering the heavy responsibility of protecting Li Xuan together with the Qiulong Guards and the Yunshan monks.

Bao Dong was stunned for a moment and then followed him.

Ning Yayun held up her hand, Your Highness, please order me! This

Li Xuan thought that it was enough for the Qiu Long Guard to attack, but he did not expect that it would cause trouble.

He could only nod and be careful!

Guo Yunhai cupped his hands and said loudly: Your Highness, don’t worry!

Haha! The old handsome guy flicked his tail in a carefree manner and rode his horse out of the central army. Behind him, dozens of metaphysics disciples followed closely.

Let’s go! Guo Yunhai was personable and led the Yunshan monks to the other side.

Two groups of monks came to the city from both sides. Immediately, Guo Yunhai glanced at Ning Yayun on the other side.

Lao Shuaiguo nodded slightly at him, and then

, with a slight stamp of his feet, people flew up.


The old guy took advantage of the opportunity and jumped in first.

Guo Yunhai shouted: I, monk Yunshan, shall make my first contribution today!

At this moment, the Qiu Longwei just started a bloody storm at the top of the city. The monks from Yunshan arrived one after another.

The defenders who went crazy under the threat of death immediately received a heavy blow.

Long swords were crisscrossed at the top of the city. Taking advantage of the chaos of the defenders, the monks killed easily and freely.

On the other side, the metaphysics disciples have occupied a section of the city and are rushing towards Pan Guangcheng.


The Qiu Long Guards, the Yunshan monks, and the metaphysics monks were like three sledgehammers, crushing the last will of the defenders to resist.

The defenders began to retreat.

The unblocked city gate became an opening for the Northern Xinjiang Army to attack. The city gate was opened.

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry entered the city. They chased and cut down the defenders while dividing and surrounding them.

Infantry followed closely behind.

Then he shouted that any family that takes in rebels will be regarded as a traitor and will be killed!

What is this to be done?

The people gathered behind the crack in the door and looked outside, and saw the rebels running away.

More than a dozen rebels knelt on the ground and begged to surrender, but the Northern Xinjiang cavalry rushed over and killed them with their swords without hesitation.

Not willing to surrender?

This is

This is to kill all the defenders!

When the sun set, all the defenders in the city were killed. The corpses were dragged out one after another.

Your Highness, our army killed more than 20,000 defenders! Pei Jian reports.

Li Xuan nodded, he will build a temple in Beijing tomorrow! Take the order!

The old thief couldn't help but said excitedly: Your Highness hasn't built a Beijing temple for a long time!

The corpses of the defenders, the Yuezhou Army, and the Jianzhou Army were pulled outside Daozhou City.

Standing at the top of the city, all I could see were corpses. In the early morning of the second day.

The people in the city received instructions that anyone who could move around and wanted to see the city could go out of the city to see the capital.

Go and have a look!

When we arrived outside the city, we saw the peasants carrying corpses. The corpses were stacked one after another and then sealed with earth.

Tens of thousands of corpses gradually piled up into a huge mountain of corpses. It was so high that it made people feel chilly.


An old man looked up at the top of the Jingguan. His Highness, King Qin, was so evil!

This is revenge!

An official loudly said: Huangzhou was massacred, Qianzhou was massacred, His Highness said, he will pay back ten times! Today is just the beginning!

The people suddenly became awe-inspiring. Is that so?

A newly polished stone tablet was brought over. Li Xuan walked over with a pen in hand.

He looked at the view of the capital and lowered his head to write.

Next to him, Han Memorial said: In July of the fifteenth year of the Qian Dynasty, Gu led his army to defeat the rebels, gathered tens of thousands of corpses outside the city of Daozhou, and built a capital to terrify the foreign races in the world!

The evil spirit seemed to spread through the tip of the pen. Someone was chanting loudly.

I am here to tell the world: The wounded souls of the soldiers and civilians of Huangzhou and Qianzhou are not far away. From now on, if the foreigners kill one of us in the Tang Dynasty, I will kill ten people.


Li Xuan threw away the pen and turned around.

Tens of thousands of Daozhou people knelt down.

He shouted with sincerity: Your Highness is a thousand years old!

Ashina Yanrong fled back to Jianzhou, and the first thing he did was to throw the blame away. Pan Guangcheng was so incompetent that I was ambushed by the Northern Xinjiang Army. I went to report to the Duke, go quickly!

This is a blame-shifting!

Is this still the calm Ashina Yanrong?

If necessary, would he throw me out next time? Ma Chuan felt a chill in his heart.

Ashina Yanrong sat down, took a deep breath, gradually regained his composure, and went to inform Yuezhou Qian Song about this.

He stared at the messenger and said in a deep voice: Daozhou can no longer be defended. If I am not wrong, at this moment

Daozhou has been lost. Dead people cannot speak. Tell Qian Song the exact words.

Take orders!

Ma Chuan stood outside the lobby and thought of Daozhou and Pan Guangcheng. In this battle, Daozhou was used as a bait, and it can be said that he did not work hard.

Pan Guangcheng knew the consequences of defeat, but still stood up without hesitation. This is fearless.

Daozhou lured the enemy, Yuezhou contained it, and the Jianzhou Army made the final blow. This was Ashina Yanrong's plan.

At first, Ma Chuan felt that this plan was impeccable. Yes!

Every step was so perfect, how could they fail? But thinking about it now, they were wishful thinking.

Li Xuan changed from a fish to a fisherman just by following a trick, and they changed from fishermen to fish.

In this battle, the most pitiful people were Daozhou and Pan Guangcheng. Ma Chuan's feet were a little floating, and he walked slowly outside. There was a sound coming from the corner.

The general's plan was impeccable, but he still failed!

At the beginning, we all said that this battle would be won, and we all felt that the general's plan was impeccable, but we forgot one thing.

What's the matter?

Then Li Xuan is a famous marshal of the Tang Dynasty! Yes!

That's the famous marshal of the Tang Dynasty!

And they regarded this famous Tang Dynasty commander as a fish. Ma Chuan suddenly smiled bitterly.

The next day, news came.

After the Northern Xinjiang army broke through the city, they refused to surrender and killed all the defenders. They built a Jingguan Temple outside the city, saying that the Jingguan Temple towered into the clouds. There was also a Jingguan Stone.

What was written?

In July of the fifteenth year of the Daqian Dynasty, Gu led his army to defeat the rebels. He gathered tens of thousands of corpses outside Daozhou City and built a capital temple to frighten the foreign races in the world!


Ma Chuan trembled all over.

After entering the palace, some people suggested destroying the Li family temple, but He Zun and others strongly opposed it.

The person who started making figurines has no descendants. Furthermore, the name of the Duke's army is the Qing Dynasty. If he demolishes the Li family's ancestral temple, it will be a deadly enemy. It is inappropriate.

What He Zun didn't say was: Li Mi single-handedly supported the Duke, and Li Mi has been very considerate and caring to you over the years. If the Li family temple is demolished, the Duke of China will be a wolf-hearted person in the eyes of the world. How righteous!

Can't throw it away!

Shi Zhongtang nodded and scolded. Yes!


Shi Zhongtang got up and I went to pay homage.

Shi Zhongtang went to Li's ancestral temple to offer sacrifices and pray

The Duke has said that the reason for raising the army is to clear the emperor's side. Your Majesty has a sycophant by your side. If the sycophant does not die, the Tang Dynasty will not be at peace!

Shi Zhongtang walked out of the palace for the first time. Outside the palace was the imperial city.

The imperial city was huge, and the accompanying civil and military officials simply could not fill the original bureaucratic frame.

Many officials followed Li Binan. He Zun said.

Recruitment. Shi Zhongtang said: There are still many talents stranded in Chang'an, so we must be lenient to these people.


Everyone knows the truth about horse bones in Qianjin City.

Shi Zhongtang walked out of the imperial city, looked at Zhuque Street, frowned and said: There are few pedestrians, why?

The people in Chang'an were a little scared. He Zun smiled bitterly. What are they afraid of?

Massacre the city.

The consequences of the massacre finally appeared. Shi Zhongtang said: Change into plain clothes.

If he wanted to take root in Guanzhong, he had to appease people's hearts. The group changed into plain clothes and quietly escaped into the streets of Chang'an. More people came out to chat in the alleys than usual.

When the situation is unclear, panicked people need to huddle together for warmth to relieve the fear of the unknown.

Shi Zhongtang and others pretended to be pedestrians and walked slowly.

A group of men and women mixed together, chatting about the situation.

Huangzhou massacred the city and Qianzhou massacred the city. It is said that all the people in the city were killed. The wild dogs ate for a long time and their eyes turned green after eating.

Pity those people!

rabbit dead fox

The emotion of sadness is very strong.

But this is Chang'an, so they don't dare to come!

Shi Zhongtang nodded slightly. After entering Chang'an City, his strict military discipline really took effect.

Why don’t you dare? Didn’t two members of Lao Wang’s family get killed last time? A woman from Lao Li’s family was robbed, and her life and death are still unknown.

Shi Zhongtang had murderous intent in his eyes and glanced at He Zun. He Zun nodded and said he would investigate the matter strictly when he got back.

Those are not our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, they are all foreigners. The foreigners look at us like we are pigs and dogs, and we don’t know when they will swing their butcher’s knives, hey!

Who will protect us?

The emperor has run away, who cares about us? Just let nature take its course!

Fortunately, Shi Zhongtang could still be saved. He planned to strictly enforce military discipline when he returned. If that didn't work, he would kill a few of the worst offenders to shock the army.

By the way, appease the people.

He turned around and walked happily with his hands behind his back.

His nerves had been very tense since the start of the army, and now he finally felt a little comfortable.

A woman's voice came. His Highness the King of Qin defeated Daozhou. What? Destroyed Daozhou?

Yes, His Highness the King of Qin counted the rebels who massacred the city in Huangzhou, and ordered his troops to massacre the city in Qianzhou. He killed all the defenders and built the Jingguan Temple, leaving behind the Jingguan Stone. It reads: In July of the fifteenth year of the Qian Dynasty, Gu led the army to defeat the rebels. , collect corpses

Tens of thousands of corpses were built outside the city of Daozhou to frighten the foreign races in the world!

Shi Zhongtang's body was shaken.

I am here to tell the world: The resentful souls of the soldiers and civilians of Huangzhou and Qianzhou are not far away. From now on, whenever a foreigner kills one of us in the Tang Dynasty, I will kill ten people in retribution!

Those previously panicked people seemed to have found a backbone at this moment. Their eyes were shining with the light of hope, and when they looked at each other, they were filled with joy.

Really? I swear!

The atmosphere in the alley suddenly exploded. The emperor ran away, but His Highness is still there!

Your Highness is a thousand years old!

Shi Zhongtang turned around suddenly.

In the alley, people were discussing the matter enthusiastically, but the woman was nowhere to be seen.

Huahua went to another alley and said: Daozhou was defeated by His Highness.

This chapter has been completed!
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