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Chapter 1348 Surprise

The army slowly retreated and returned to the camp. Shi Zhongtang had a sumptuous dinner.

He does not need to use any means to win over the soldiers by sharing the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. In this army, which is mainly composed of foreigners, he is the soul.

Without him, this army will be scattered into sand, with everyone shouting to fight.

The leg of lamb began to be marinated when he led the army to attack, and was continuously smeared with honey and sauce during roasting. The final roasted leg of lamb was sweet and salty.

Take a bite, it's charred on the outside and tender on the inside, a mixture of sweet and salty.

After swallowing, the aroma of meat is still lingering between the lips and teeth. At this time, you need to take a sip of wine to wash away these remaining flavors and prepare for the next bite of delicious food.

Shi Zhongtang ate a piece of stewed wild goose, which tasted pretty good.

Spread the sauce on the pancake, put the barbecue on it, roll up the pancake and take a bite... Not bad!

Shi Zhongtang forgot about the war and enjoyed the food wholeheartedly. When he put down his chopsticks, he couldn't help but sigh with satisfaction. He walked out of the tent with satisfaction.

There are still dark clouds outside.

The smoke in the camp was rising, and looking at it, Shi Zhongtang thought of the scene of burning soldiers who died in battle.


A sergeant was carried away in a hurry. His arm was broken.

These people should be the scouts. After the army evacuated, they hovered near the battlefield like vultures, confronting the other side's scouts, and even strangled them together.

The two sergeants holding him looked a little confused, which reminded Shi Zhongtang of the moment he just walked out of the tribe.

They are at a loss and don't know where to turn. They don't know why they are fighting!

For money, for women... That's right. But there is a problem.

Everything in the world has a value. In the same way, money and women also have a price.

When these things need to be exchanged with their own lives, how many people are willing?

Shi Zhongtang's eyes were gloomy.

He knew that using benefits to boost the morale of his subordinates was inappropriate and would not last long.

But he had no choice.

You can't tell your subordinates to fight for him, right? Or fight for the new dynasty.

If so, these soldiers are guaranteed to be half-hearted. What about Li Xuan?

What about the Northern Xinjiang Army? Why are they fighting?

Shi Zhongtang thought of the slogan he heard from the other side shouting for the Tang Dynasty today. He also thought of Zhang Chumao who was killed by him.

May he rest in peace.

He thought of the fate of those aliens who invaded the Central Plains. Some people were famous for a while.

Someone was exterminated... Where is this king?

Shi Zhongtang ordered: "Tomorrow's breakfast, kill cattle and sheep!" He waved his hand as if to say goodbye to those thoughts in his heart. Tomorrow will be a good day!

Dark clouds were rolling in the sky. Strong winds blew by, making the tent pop. A sergeant muttered, "This wind is evil, as if it wants to blow away people's souls."

Li Xuan also has a small stove.

It was okay to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, but he was not used to the taste of big pot rice. The same ingredients quickly turned into delicacies in Li Xuan's hands.

Add mutton, pickles, and boil together with water. After cooking, tear the bread into pieces and throw it in. "Chopped green onions are essential for the soul!"

A handful of extravagant green onions were sprinkled into the clay pot, and Li Xuan vowed to order Taiping craftsmen to build an iron pot later.

Cooking in a clay pot is too uncomfortable.

The chopped green onion was forced by the heat, and the unique flavor immediately rushed up. "Let's eat, let's eat!"

Li Xuan looked at the little cook Jiang He'er who was squatting beside the fire and said, "Are you just waiting for this bite?" "Yes!" Jiang He'er nodded vigorously.

"It's time to eat!"

Hearing this voice, the wise and powerful King Qin also changed his expression. Wang Laoer came with a big bowl.

"Your Highness, I have dried meat!"

That night, Li Xuan slept very well. He even slept soundly.

He got up when it was still dark. Jiang He'er was still sleeping.

Li Xuan quietly went out to wash up and then practiced.

After years of developing the habit, he felt like he owed something if he didn't do it, and felt uncomfortable all over. After practicing, he inspected the camp.

Behind him are Lin Feibao and two horned dragon guards.

The smoke is just ahead, and the makeshift cooks are cooking.

There is no shortage of beef and mutton in northern Xinjiang, but it is too far to transport it from northern Xinjiang to the south, so most of it is jerky. Taiping has the most complete and largest jerky manufacturing base, and the jerky produced every year is sold to all parts of the Tang Dynasty.

Dried meat and vegetables are cooked in one pot with sauce, and the aroma comes out quickly.

The sergeants who got up early in the morning were drooling as they smelled the aroma of the food. The generals did not scold them for the first time. This meal may be the last meal for many people on earth.

Be more tolerant.

Li Xuan squatted down, and the veteran cook opposite stood up in panic and saluted. "Make your meal."

Seeing that the old soldier was still uneasy, Li Xuan picked up a spoon and gently stirred the cooked food. "Where is it from?" Li Xuan asked casually.

"From Xuanzhou." "Old Northern Xinjiang!" "Yes!"

"How do you view this battle? Are you confident?"

The old soldier hesitated for a moment and said, "We are far away from Northern Xinjiang. We are always a little flustered and feel unsure. Originally, we were not confident, but when we are flustered, the villain will always look at the Chinese army. As long as the big flag is there

, the villain is not afraid.”

I have the trust of many people on my shoulders! Li Xuan returned to the big tent.

Today's breakfast was cooked by Jiang He'er.

The food cooked by Jianghu children can only be said to be edible.

After a not-so-pleasant breakfast, Li Xuan walked out of the tent. Civil and military officials were waiting.

The second child, this idiot, actually burped after eating too much. "Today, I have a hunch, it will be a decisive battle!"

The army left the camp.

A battle broke out between the scouts from both sides.

"Get ready to attack!"

He Xiyan, who had just had breakfast, burped and said with satisfaction: "Today will be a day recorded in history!"

Tu Chang stood outside the camp and said to the general beside him: "I smell blood. Today, there will be a river of blood!"

Yang Lue stood on a high place and looked ahead. In the distance, several old guards who had gone to inquire about the news were coming. "The enemy troops in Yuezhou have moved out."


Yang Lue turned around and went down the slope and mounted his horse.

After many years, he will once again appear in the Central Plains openly and fight for his young husband!


King Wei sat cross-legged on a high place and said: "I don't know how to help Zitai. I have been thinking about it...

Zhang Lin, the governor of Daizhou, was galloping with five thousand cavalry. A rebel scout appeared in his sight.

"Strangle them!"

Zhang Lin's beard was blown by the morning wind and he shouted fiercely, "Wan Sheng!"

His subordinates cheered and rushed over. "Your Majesty, your morale is like a rainbow!"

At that time, the Daizhou Army was lifeless under the siege of the rebels. If it were not for the fear of being massacred, it would have collapsed long ago.

"The false emperor fled. At that time, all the princes, including me, were in despair. But we forgot that His Highness was there! If Your Highness is here, I, the Tang Dynasty, will still be here!"

Zhang Lin drew his sword: "My sons, follow me and kill the enemy for the Tang Dynasty and for His Highness..."

"Kill the enemy!"

The rebel army had an especially large number of scouts today, and the Northern Xinjiang Army scouts bravely stepped forward to meet them. "Don't take a step back!" the rebel general said with a sullen face.

"Don't take a step back!" the general of the Northern Xinjiang Army said solemnly. Behind them was the advancing army.

Let the army see its scouts retreat, even if they retreat, it will still have a negative impact on morale. "The weather is good."

Wei Ming looked at the dark cloudy sky and said, "It's suitable.


Ashina Chunyu said.

He was a little excited, "I had a dream last night. I dreamed that the king ascended the throne in Chang'an, and the whole world was shouting congratulations. The same is true for the gods in the sky. It's so huge..."

"What happened next?" someone asked.

"Then I was awakened by the sound of drums in the camp." Chun Yu felt a little regretful.

Shi Zhongtang glanced at his subordinates, perhaps sensing that today would determine the outcome of the battle, and many of them were a little nervous.

The same is true for the opposite side!

Li Xuan found that his civil and military officials were a little nervous.

Once such a battle is decided, the losing party will withdraw from the fight for the world. In other words, this battle will determine the fate of everyone.

Including the world.

He didn't explain it, because he himself was also in a state of excitement.

Yes, unlike his subordinates who were a little nervous, Li Xuan only felt excited at the moment. The dark clouds seemed to be more cheerful in his eyes, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

In the distance, one can see the scouts from both sides strangled together. "Ming Jin!"

Dang, Dang, Dang! The Northern Xinjiang Army's scouts retreated. The same goes for the other side.

"I almost killed that general!"

After Wang Laoer came back, he was a little dissatisfied and felt that the evacuation was too early.

Among a group of nervous people, there were many people who were not shy, and the atmosphere gradually became lively. "Second brother, how many people have been killed today?" asked the old thief.

"I don't know, at least thirty or so!" Wang Laoer was very happy.

"You have to give the money to your wife when you get home, right? Do you have any private money?" the old thief teased.

It is very embarrassing for a man to have no private money, especially in Northern Xinjiang where the folk customs are fierce. If a man is penniless, he will be laughed at when he goes out.

"What do I need money for?" Wang Laoer didn't feel ashamed and said it confidently. Everyone laughed.

The tense atmosphere was gone.

The old thief didn't learn anything else, but he learned something about adjusting his psychology. On the opposite side, the rebel brigade can already be seen.

The two sides were moving forward relative to each other. "Stop!"

Today, it was Shi Zhongtang who was the first to order his troops to stop. The Northern Xinjiang Army on the opposite side then stopped.

The two huge arrays were silent, as if they were brewing something.

Shi Zhongtang looked at his opponent and the big flag. Request rebellion!

Very dazzling.

You are rebellious and I am Zhengshuo. A sense of superiority arises spontaneously. "This is a battle!"

Shi Zhongtang looked at his subordinates, "After defeating Northern Xinjiang, we pursued all the way and took advantage of the situation to eliminate Shi Gongming and eliminate the flank threat."

He Zun was shocked, "Your Majesty, the situation in Guanzhong is complicated and needs to be suppressed."

Shi Zhongtang shook his head, "Fifty thousand troops were left in Guanzhong to suppress the rest, and I personally led the pursuit. Lao He, I thought about it for a long time last night. Northern Xinjiang is too big, and there is also the old land of Northern Liao. If we don't eradicate the roots, once

Let Li Xuan return to Taoxian safely, and he will be able to make a comeback in just a few years. I cannot take this risk."

He thought about it for a long time last night and thought about various scenarios.

As the morning breeze blew, Shi Zhongtang smiled and said: "The division of the north and the south is a joke after all. With Guanzhong as the boundary between the two sides, a war will break out sooner or later. In this case, why not do it earlier."

"Yes." He Zun nodded.

"I believe that if I am defeated, Li Xuan will not be in a hurry to deal with the false emperor. Instead, he will continue to go south and destroy me so that he can rest in peace."

The morning wind was a little bit bit cold. He took a breath and felt refreshed. Shi Zhongtang looked at the opposite side.

"This is a fateful battle!" He waved his hand violently, "Attack!" Woohoo!

The horn sounded and the flag waved. Groups of rebels walked out of the array. On the opposite side, the crossbow array was ready. The rebels began to run.

Shi Zhongtang squinted, "He Xiyan will give him a surprise."

In the open field, 30,000 cavalry were marching. On the opposite side, Tu Shang was waiting with 10,000 cavalry.

The cold autumnal equinox blew Tu Shang's beard and hair. He squinted his eyes and said, "Behind our army is Daozhou. Once the enemy gives way,

The army appears behind the army, and the consequences will be disastrous. Today, even if we fight to the last man, we must not let the rebels take a step forward!"

He Xiyan turned his eyes and said with a ferocious smile: "This is the opportunity, the opportunity that will determine the success or failure of this battle. Attack with the whole army. After defeating the opponent, don't stop, go straight to the place of decisive battle, and flank Li Xuan!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The foreigners shouted slogans of the Tang Dynasty and swarmed out. The two sides immediately strangled each other.

There are many rebels, so they can attack in the middle and outflank them on both wings.

There was no probing from either side, and it was a brutal strangulation battle from the beginning.

"Fire arrows!"

Wave after wave of crossbow arrows fell on the heads of the rebels.

The rebels were particularly resolute in their attack today. In the first half hour, they formed breakthroughs on the left and right wings.

"Your Highness!"

Someone said uneasily: "The left wing..." "Don't mess with our military morale!"

Li Xuan just looked at the center, not even taking a second look at the breakthrough on the left and right wings. In the center, behind the dense infantry, a cavalry was cruising.

Ashina Zhiming is staring at the big flag.

Waiting for Shi Zhongtang's order to strike at the North Xinjiang Army in the middle.

This chapter has been completed!
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