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Chapter 1355 King Qin has entered the customs

King Wei was sensible early, and he knew that the foundation for his and his mother's survival in the harem was Li Mi.

He also hoped that Li Mi could reach out to protect their mother and son from the wind and rain.

But Li Mi picked up his pants and turned around to leave, treating his woman and children as strangers.

In despair, he instinctively waved his fists to protect his mother.

The word emperor became a negative word in his mind. He began to read.

Once when he heard his husband read history and analyze historical figures, King Wei suddenly became interested. He began to read history books.

He learned that the original prince was not his Aweng, but the filial piety to the emperor. What happened to the filial piety to the emperor?

Curious, King Wei asked Ding Chang about it. Ding Chang told him what he knew.

-At the beginning, Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu loved Emperor Filial Piety very much. Whenever Emperor Filial Piety fell ill, the emperor and the queen would become uneasy. Emperor Xuande would even leave the court to personally inquire about the illness and discuss diagnosis and treatment methods with medical officials.

If everything remains unchanged, then no one can shake the status of filial piety to the emperor. Later, filial piety to the emperor began to observe politics.

Emperor Xuande's eyesight was bad, so Empress Wu came to the court, that is, the two saints came to the court.

Emperor Xuande's illness was good and bad, and he could never recover. Occasionally, he would put aside the government affairs because of his worsening condition, so Empress Wu took over the power alone.

It was at this time that Emperor Xuande ordered the prince to participate in politics.

After the prince, later the filial emperor, joined politics, he constantly made suggestions on various shortcomings of the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor and empress were very pleased with this.

At this point, Ding Chang sighed and said: Things changed later. The filial emperor was attacked by many parties, but his position remained stable until he was deposed after the filthy chaos in the palace.

In the palace of filth and chaos, it is said that the concubine who was filial to the emperor was suspected of molesting Emperor Xuande. Later, Li Yuan became the prince.

Later, the emperor and the empress fell down due to poisoning and poisoned the filial emperor to death. But later the emperor and empress regretted it.

In other words, the poisoning of the emperor and the empress was not done by being filial to the emperor. So, who was it?

King Wei instinctively thought of Li Mi. Only such heartless beasts would kill their relatives.

He didn't say anything, just silently observed Li Mi. He was majestic, personable, versatile... and good at maneuvering.

This is a heartbreaking emperor.

But in the harem, this man's true nature will be revealed.

Women are just tools for him to vent, and children are just the products of his venting. In his eyes, he is the only one.

The fat sheep begins to brown.

Li Xuan turned over the pages with a relaxed expression.

Is it almost done? King Wei asked. Li Xuan shook his head, there was still life in the innermost part.

King Wei said: It is enough if you can eat some.

Li Xuan glanced at him and saw that the inside was more delicious and juicy. King Wei shook his head and it was not his. I am not interested! Li Xuan:

He is ready to make an exchange with his eldest nephew.

He was even willing to leave a place for his eldest nephew somewhere in the Tang Dynasty, which could be regarded as his fief.

But before the exchange even started, this person actually...

Don’t you want to... stand on a high place and look at the world? Li Xuan asked. Standing on a high place and looking at it, can the world change its appearance for you?

Li Xuan was speechless when King Wei made a joke. Yes!

Even if you are standing on the top of the mountain, everything in the world will still look the same. King Wei reached out and picked up the knife and cut off a piece of meat.

He handed the meat over. Li Xuan:

I owe you this! King Wei said. Li Xuan took the roasted meat that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. He has no shame, but I do!

King Wei raised his head and drank a glass of wine, his eyes slightly cold: There is no need to pity me, and there is no need to regard me as a fool.

Li Xuan and Li Han looked at each other and thought, who dares to treat you as a fool?

When I was a child, I thought that the emperor was ruthless and unjust. When I grew up, I realized that the emperor was ruthless and unjust, and could possibly reach the level of Aye.

It is rare for someone to regard his wife and children as his enemies.

King Wei handed over the empty cup. Ma Dan, would you like your uncle to pour wine for you?

Li Xuan cursed, and Li Han picked up the wine jar first and poured wine for King Wei.

I looked at Aye with cold eyes, watched him shamelessly take away the prince's wife, watched him sleep with his daughter-in-law, watched him treat the prince as a plaything... At that moment, I

I thought to myself that it was really a shame for Li to have such a person sitting on the throne.

My eldest nephew is really different! I have a thought!

King Wei looked at Li Xuan and took him down!

He stood up, "I can't do it anymore, come here!" He turned and walked away.

Steady steps.

But there was a sense of loneliness in his eyes.

What he experienced in the palace since childhood was the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and the fratricide between father and son. After leaving the palace, he met two good friends, Li Xuan and Li Han.

From then on, he was alone. No, he still had a wife and children.

He took his wife and children to escape to a remote place, hunted, and farmed... for the rest of his life.

King Wei was proud and refused to bow his head to ask for help. Therefore, even if he held Jiagu Pass, he still refused to use it as a bargaining chip in exchange for anything.


Li Xuan turned around and said, "The fat sheep is too big. How can I finish it by myself?"

The door was always open, but the defenders at the top of the city were as frightened as a bird, and were extra vigilant. What do you think would happen if Guanzhong was still in Li Bi's hands? Han Ji asked.

This is a difficult question. He Lianrong said: He only holds Guanzhong and Shu, but what about a group of nobles in Guanzhong who eat meat and drink blood? How can they just sit back and watch?

But there is no way Li Mi can counterattack! Han Ji really disdains Li Mi.

Yes, Li Mi cannot counterattack. But there is a problem. He Lianrong touches his bald head, what will happen to those noble people?

What do you want to say?

When they feel that their food is short and hungry, what do you think they will do? Join the rebels?

That's right.

As for the option of seeking refuge with the King of Qin, the two of them tacitly ignored it.

For the big families, King Qin had a lot of criminal records. If possible, they would rather let Shi Zhongtang, a foreigner, rule the world than Li Xuan, the son of the former prince.

In other words, His Highness actually saved the false emperor?

The two looked at each other, feeling speechless at this discovery.

Ning Yayun shook her head. For Zitai, it might not be a bad thing for the pseudo-emperor and his son to be alive. At this time, someone behind the closed door shouted: Hey!

What are you doing? Someone asked here. Come in!

What? Come in quickly!

What happened? Han Ji felt nervous.

***, I said you can’t believe the bastards who pretend to be emperors.

The man who closed the door shouted: They are all drunk and fighting. Come and get out quickly! Hundreds of horsemen rushed in first, and then someone sent a message.

There is no trap.

Lao Shuai Guo was the first to enter, followed by Qiu Long Wei.

A guard of Li Han was waiting for them in embarrassment, hurry, hurry, hurry!

When everyone arrived at King Wei's residence, before they entered, they heard constant rumblings inside. Is this... demolition of a house? He Lianrong blinked and asked.

You will know when you go in and take a look.

All the way to the back, I saw King Wei and King Qin hugging each other and wrestling. Their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and Li Han was giggling next to them.

The surrounding buildings collapsed, and the scene was terrible. This is...

Yang Lue came over.

It doesn't matter, beating is better. The cause of the matter is not complicated.

Li Xuan and King Wei poured wine into each other, and while drinking, they talked about whether the mutton should be roasted tenderer or older. Somehow, the grudge between the two families was involved.

King Wei wanted to go to the far north, but His Highness refused, so a fight broke out. Yang Lue looked strange. Go.

The far north has some meanings of atonement and some meaning of avoiding grudges.

King Wei actually wanted to escape?

But Li Xuan didn't allow it, it was because of friendship and loyalty.

For Yang Lue, it would be best if all the puppet emperor's bastards died, but at this moment he rarely said a kind word for King Wei. This man is a pity.


If King Wei is not a prince, even if he is a royal son like Li Han, he will definitely become Li Xuan's right-hand man from now on.

The two of them were lying on the ground exhausted, panting. Get your wife and children first!

If you drink too much and fight, you will feel extremely weak. Even more so than kidney deficiency.

Leave them in Chang'an, King Wei said. The two looked at the blue sky in a daze.

The Far North is boring, mainly because there is no one to kill. Li Xuan is a little dizzy, let's see when the time comes! I happen to want people to explore overseas. If you are interested, you can take charge of this matter.

Interesting? King Wei asked.

There are big fish in the sea, incredibly big. There are also countless edible delicacies, such as king crabs, hairtail fish, swimming crabs, prawns, sea urchins... Tsk!

Li Xuan touched the corner of his mouth and saw that there was no saliva. The sea was blue and boundless as far as the eye could see. Okay, I'll go!

King Wei was moved. But... just what?

If you encounter strong winds and waves, you will basically have to explain. Are there many strong winds and waves?

It seems quite a lot. King Wei:

There are thousands of miles of fertile fields in Guanzhong. This is not a boast. But most of these fertile fields and thousands of miles belong to the nobles.

At the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the population of Guanzhong was withering, so it was possible to implement the government military system, and the farming and warfare were unparalleled. The dynasty was like flowing water, slowly moving forward.

New noble people are born every year. What is a noble person?

There must be power in hand.

But those who only have power are fools... This was said by Liang Jing one day after drinking too much. After he said this, countless noble people hated him to death.

Must have money!

But money is what the nouveau riche pursue.

We pursue a land that can be passed down to future generations for thousands of years...!

Think about it, there are thousands of hectares of fertile land at home, and it will generate income every year. This is a cornucopia! But what if the land has an owner?

Find a way to take it away!

As soon as the noble man opened his mouth, the local officials responded with a flattering smile.

As a result, the Tang Dynasty gained a group of landless refugees, as well as a family whose family fortune gradually expanded. When there were more and more nobles like this, most of the fields in Guanzhong became their property.

Therefore, the military system that made the Tang Dynasty proud of the world collapsed. The Ma family is one of the great families in Guanzhong.

After the rebels broke through Jiagu Pass, news came from Chang'an that the emperor was going to run away to Shu.

This is a signal, anyone who has the strength can come.

As for the people, I'm sorry, but do you have enough food at home to feed you all the way? Not enough!

Then why are you here?

This is a scene you can't get involved in. Go home and stay alone. Almost all the powerful people in Chang'an are out in force.

The Ma family was more than fifty miles away from Chang'an. After learning the news, Ma Hongzhong and his son Ma Xi discussed it for a while, hesitated again and again, and decided not to leave.

The north and the south are gone, and His Majesty is probably doomed. Even if he can continue to be king, I dare say that he will not be the emperor.

Early in the morning, Ma Hongzhong took a walk in his yard with his hands behind his back.

Two maids followed behind, one holding a spittoon and the other holding a teapot. Aye.

My son Maxi is here. How about it?

After Shi Zhongtang led the main force out of Guanzhong for a decisive battle, Guanzhong fell into a strange calm. Except for inquiring about information, all the major clans stopped external activities.

They are all waiting with bated breath for the outcome of this battle that will determine the destiny of the Tang Dynasty. Ma Xi went out today to inquire about the news.

Aye, King Wei captured Jiagu Pass! The news brought by Ma Xi made Ma Hong


Your Majesty went to Shu, and before leaving, he made King Wei the crown prince and the marshal of the world's troops. But who didn't know that he was a fool who took the blame? But this salted fish actually turned over?

Ma Hongzhong patted his forehead in disbelief, and then his expression changed.

Guanzhong is too complicated, the water is too muddy, and King Wei is too young to be able to grasp it. Oh no, His Majesty will definitely return. That man is ruthless, and once he regains control of Guanzhong, he will definitely take revenge!

Ma Xi wiped his sweat, that's what I think. Aye, what should we do now? If we express our allegiance again, Ma's face will be lost.

My son, compared with glory and wealth, which one is more important? Ma Hongzhong asked.

Ma Xi struggled for a moment, looking prosperous and wealthy.

Isn't that what it is? Ma Hongzhong said: Quickly, let someone bring money to chase your majesty and donate it to your majesty through Han Shitou. Just say that I am seriously ill and cannot follow your majesty out of the country... However, my condition has improved.

I have learned a lot and will come to serve His Majesty right away. Okay!

Go to Maxi to make arrangements.

Ma Hongzhong's pace of walking slowed down a bit, and he said with relief: "I was worried about how to get close to Shi Zhongtang at first, but now it seems that I can't do it anymore. Although His Majesty knows the reason why we don't leave, he has too many opponents. The world is in chaos."

At this point, he can't escape the blame. In this way, if you can win over one person, it's just one person...Ma's family, that's it!

He felt relieved, and with a sigh, the maid came forward holding a spittoon. Bah!

Ma Hongzhong patted his chest happily and asked someone to prepare some wine. I celebrated, congratulating the Tang Dynasty and congratulating Your Majesty!

Maxi came back in a hurry. Aye.

What, you smelled my wine? Ma Hongzhong said with a smile. Aye, King Wei offered Jiagu Pass, King Qin, entered the pass! Bang!

Aye! Aye!

This chapter has been completed!
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