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Chapter 1367 Great eyes but low hands, words from the heart

When the world is in chaos, the most joyful and contradictory person is the general with the heavy army.

Someone is plotting rebellion, and it is overwhelming. This shows the weakness of the dynasty. Will you rebel? Will you be a loyal minister?

If the majesty of the dynasty still exists, there is no harm in being a loyal minister.

But this country is like a broken house, which can be knocked down with one kick.

Can't we build a new house by ourselves? This idea is called ambition.

This is how Shi Gongming's ambition arose.

He felt that he had a large army and that Shi Zhongtang and Li Xuan would definitely have a war that would last for many years.

In this way, he can take the opportunity to develop in a vulgar way.

The abacus was good, but what he didn't expect was that the development of the situation made him dizzy.

The emperor ran away and Shi Zhongtang occupied Guanzhong. The situation tilted towards the rebels in southern Xinjiang.

Then the Northern Xinjiang Army attacked, defeated Lizhou, and the two armies faced off. The drama began.

Shi Gongming was full of joy at that time, waiting for the war between the two armies to begin, and it would continue endlessly.

As a result, Li Xuan raided his army and captured Daizhou.

What was even more unexpected was that Shi Zhongtang was defeated in the first battle. What was even worse was that Jiagu Pass was lost.

Shi Zhongtang fled south and turned from a warlord who controlled most of the world into a rebel in southern Xinjiang.

But Shi Gongming was sitting on wax.

The Northern Xinjiang army who defeated the Southern Xinjiang rebels licked his lips and looked around. He prayed every night, praying for God's blessing to allow the Northern Xinjiang army to go south and fight Shi Zhongtang.

In this way, he still has a glimmer of hope. What if Shi Zhongtang Xianyu turns over? Then the situation will be lively.

But these all turned out to be a dream.

Looking at the army below the city, Xie Zhong whispered: Mr. Sir, the morale of the soldiers is not high.

Shi Gongming saw it.

Deguang City was destroyed in one day, which severely affected the morale of the defenders. Moreover, Shi Gongming was now a rebel!

If he can unify the world, he will be the founding monarch of the new dynasty. If he fails, he will be a rebel.

This is what a successful king and a defeated bandit look like.

Aye, otherwise, just say that Li Xuan refuses to surrender! Shi Jian whispered. Shi Gongming glanced at his son and said sadly: Can't he shout?

Surrender or not? The people in the city are shouting now.

The sound of the shield being struck is very powerful. Will it go down?

Surrender or not? The defender's face turned pale. A big reward! Shi Jian said. Shi Gongming nodded. The money was brought and piled up on the top of the city.

The army led by King Shang is on the way. He only needs to hold on for five days to defeat the Northern Xinjiang army. You can take this money for yourself!

Shi Gongming spent a lot of money, opened his private treasury, and brought in all the treasures of the Jiedushi government.

Copper coins piled up like mountains.

The wooden box was filled with gold and silver, sparkling in the autumn sun. The defender's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, money and silk move people's hearts.

Xie Zhong whispered: There is still a chance. Attack the city!

The Northern Xinjiang Army is advancing slowly. The crossbow carts are advancing in rows. The trebuchets are in place. The crossbowmen are in place. The death camp is in place. The heaven and the earth are silent. Release!

The swing arm of the trebuchet swung violently. The stones flew up to the top of the city with a roar. Bang!

There is a pool of blood on the top of the city. Boom!

The stones that hit the city wall rebounded and fell, but the city head was shaken. Fire an arrow!

The crossbow cart was launched, and the crossbow guns flew up to the top of the city.

Xie Zhong heard the miserable howl, and when he looked back, a sergeant was pierced by a crossbow and flew backwards.

The crossbow does not cause many casualties, but it is breathtaking. Shoot the arrow!

The black cloud of crossbow arrows is coming. Shield!

The shouts of the generals at the top of the city were a little weak. Attack!

The death battalion was dispatched.

Huizhou City is a fortified city, so everyone thought it would be difficult to attack at first.

.Only Li Xuan is different.

The first wave of offensive did not go well. The defenders were very fierce and drove down the death camp.

It makes some sense. Li Xuan said lightly.

A group of scouts came to report, Your Highness, that they had found traces of the rebels in southern Xinjiang. They were all cavalry and were heading towards Huizhou.

Shi Zhongtang really wanted to rescue Shi Gongming. Jiang Cunzhong said: Your Highness, I am willing to intercept the rebels.

Don't be in a hurry. Li Xuan looked at the city head and said: Maybe, there is no need to block it.

At noon, call for gold and withdraw the troops.

Li Xuan called Suo Yun and asked about the situation of the defenders.

The morale is quite high. Suoyun said: The brothers who climbed to the top of the city also saw the money falling from the arms of the rebels who died in battle.

People die for money, birds die for food!

Li Xuan understood Shi Gongming's methods.

The morale driven by profit does not last long! Li Xuan was in a good mood and ate an extra piece of cake for lunch. After the meal, he took a walk to eat, and Yang Lue accompanied him.

Recently someone asked me to inquire

What are you asking? What is the purpose of governing the world alone? Li Xuan asked with a smile. Yes! Yang Lue said: I don’t know either.

They know what you don't know, they are just using this to get closer to you. Li Xuan saw these methods clearly, and He Lianyan also reported them.

Although he did not need to use the Jin Yiwei to monitor the officials, the Jin Yiwei almost instinctively collected information in this regard.

The results are remarkable.

He seemed to be getting further and further away from his ministers. Li Xuan mocked himself and said: Gradually, he became a loner.

This is the only way. Yang Lue said: It is inappropriate for the emperor and his ministers to be too close.

I know alone.

Li Xuan turned around and went back.

Back at the central army, Wang Laoer was happily talking to the old thief about the interesting story of how he had captured a scout. When he saw Li Xuan, he eagerly handed over a piece of dried meat, "Your Highness, this is the dried meat made by my wife."

Li Xuan took it and took a bite. Damn it!

I almost broke Gu's teeth.

Li Xuan looked at Wang Laoer eagerly waiting for his evaluation, chewed slowly a few times, and swallowed the whole piece. It was delicious!

I just said it was delicious! But the old thief said it was too much to chew on. Wang Laoer was grinning.

Tu Chang glanced at King Qin with sympathetic eyes, and then subconsciously

- Touching his cheek, his big teeth were a little sore.

Yang Lue suddenly smiled and said to He Cong: With Wang Lao Er here, it will be difficult for Your Highness to be alone!

The morale of the soldiers was high! Shi Jian was very happy.

Shi Gongming had just finished eating and was a little full at the moment. He stood up and walked slowly, folded his hands and rubbed his abdomen, and said: The rangers in Chang'an often kill people for money and then abscond. Those are rangers, and sergeants are more beautiful than rangers.

If you are ignorant, you only need to lure them with benefits, and you will naturally be brave and not afraid of death.

Shi Zhongtang's reinforcements will not last more than five days! Shi Gongming said with certainty: He knew the consequences of the fall of Eastern Xinjiang.

Five days is no problem!" Shi Jian was confident. The father and son smiled at each other.

I just feel that there is a gleam of light in front of my eyes. It’s so rare!

From the day Daizhou was defeated, the father and son never really laughed.

The Northern Xinjiang Army is coming.

In the afternoon, the offensive of the Northern Xinjiang Army became more and more sharp. There were even monks who suddenly broke out among the death camps attacking the city. If Xie Zhong hadn't been able to arrive in time with the reserve team, this day would have been impossible.

In the subsequent offensive and defensive battles, the defenders gradually lost ground.

Shi Gongming couldn't believe that his subordinates could be so powerless. He roared and led his reserve troops around, kicking and beating the butts of his generals and threatening them.

When the setting sun shone on the top of the city, the sound of gold was heard, and the death camp retreated calmly.

There were corpses everywhere on the city wall, and the city walls were damaged in many places.

The defenders slumped on the ground as if they had been granted amnesty, looking helplessly and blankly at this bloody hell.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Shi Gongming brought people to inspect.

Every foot stepped on a pool of blood. The smell of blood was pungent and made people want to vomit.

No one stood up, no one even saluted. This was a dangerous sign.

Shi Gongming personally helped up an injured sergeant, but this action had no effect. The defenders' eyes were still blank.

Even indifference.

Money can buy loyalty but it is short-lived.

Money can buy you bravery and fearlessness, but when the god of death is always hanging over your head, bravery and fearlessness will have to kneel down.

Shi Gongming turned around, his face gloomy.

He returned to the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, and Xie Zhong followed closely. Mr. Xie, this can't go on like this!

Xie Zhong said: It was said to be five days, but we almost missed it on the first day. My husband, I have a message for you.


We overestimated the Eastern Xinjiang Army! Xie Zhong looked at Shi Gongming with an angry look on his face. We have never fought seriously in these years. To be honest, we are far inferior to the Northern Xinjiang Army. The battle in Daizhou is proof.

At that time, Li Xuan launched a surprise attack with his light cavalry. If the Eastern Xinjiang Army was experienced, they would be able to form a defense line in just a few attacks.

As long as they delayed the Northern Xinjiang army for a moment, they could arrange their formation calmly. But the soldiers panicked. This was the defeat of Daizhou.

What Xie Zhong didn't say was that Shi Gongming also panicked at that moment. If he could calmly command and intercept the Northern Xinjiang Army layer by layer, it would be light cavalry after all, and its impact would not be as powerful as heavy cavalry.

But Shi Gongming was stunned.

Just for a moment, it gave the Northern Xinjiang Army time to defeat the Eastern Xinjiang Army. What do you want to say?

Shi Gongming asked coldly.

Xia Guan was bold. Xie Zhong hesitated for a moment, Xia Guan was promoted by Xian Gong. Even the kindness of knowing and meeting him was not enough to describe Xia Guan's kindness to Xia Guan. Xia Guan was grateful, so he would not leave even if he was defeated.

lower official

He looked at Shi Gongming and said something from the bottom of his heart. Shi Gongming's face brightened a little.

Xie Zhong is his confidant who has been loyal to him over the years.

Moreover, Xie Zhong's home was not far from his. If Xie Zhong turned against him, his wife and children would become hostages in an instant.

Xie Zhong is trustworthy!

Xie Zhong rubbed his cheek, happened to touch the wound, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The lobby was very quiet. Xie Zhong took a deep breath.

In the opinion of Xianguan, our Eastern Xinjiang Army is far inferior to the Northern Xinjiang Army. In addition, Xie Zhong boldly looked at Shi Gongming. In the opinion of Xianguan,

The Xianggong's troops are far inferior to those of the King of Qin!

Shi Jian came to look for his father. More than ten steps away from the lobby, he heard his father roaring: How dare you despise me?!

Who? Shi Jian was stunned.

He held the handle of the knife and was about to rush in and kill the bold fool when he heard a familiar voice.

Xiaguan was so deeply favored by his husband that he wished he could die in repayment. Xiaguan's words came from the bottom of his heart. Xiangong, in the battle of Daizhou, the King of Qin decisively attacked our army in a desperate situation. Shi Zhong's army covered up the attack, and it seemed that he would win.

However, he was defeated in one fell swoop in the end. I dare to ask my husband, is our Eastern Xinjiang comparable to Southern Xinjiang?

Shi Gongming was silent, with only the sound of rapid breathing. Shi Jian was stunned.

If Mr. Xiang thought that our army could crush the rebels in southern Xinjiang, how could he succumb to Shi Zhongtang?

Today, Xianggong used money to seduce the soldiers, and it worked. But it was only for half a day. Xianggong, no matter how much money you have, you can't buy loyalty. When the soldiers found out that this battle was bound to be lost, the lower official was worried that they would turn back and attack.


They dare!

Shi Gongming's voice sounded a bit harsh.

Sir, the King of Qin is the son of the Emperor who is filial to the emperor. He has great righteousness in his hand, and he holds the world's most powerful soldiers with great righteousness and a sharp sword in his hand. Who can defeat him?

What do you want to do after you have said so much? Shi Gongming asked coldly. Shi Jian could not help but approach the lobby.

His heart is very


On the one hand, I feel that what Xie Zhong said is right, but on the other hand, I am unwilling to accept it.

When the world was in chaos, Shi Gongming became the emperor of Eastern Territory, and he became the crown prince of Eastern Territory.

He did not want to give up this glory and wealth.

In the opinion of Xianguan, we can't hold it for three days. If the city is destroyed, Xianguan may be able to build roads, but what about your husband?

The subordinate officials speculated about the character of King Qin, and they hated those people who were idle.

The lower official heard that someone had hesitated for a moment between surrendering and resisting, and then he ordered him to kill him.

If Huizhou resists for three days, the lower officials are worried that my husband will die! Shi Gongming will be executed, and Shi Jian will not survive.

His heart was beating like thunder and he was furious.

So, what is your suggestion? Shi Gongming's voice calmed down.

He seems to be a wise man.

Your Majesty, please surrender! I will kill you!

Choke! The sound of drawing a sword came.

Your husband is very old, and his days are numbered, but your husband is still young. How can your husband just watch him and watch you lose your place?

Bang! The sword fell to the ground!

This chapter has been completed!
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