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Chapter 1369 It's Lubu

The wind in Taoxian County in late autumn was very windy, especially at night. The wind made the window lattice rattle, which kept Concubine Shu from sleeping well all night. She had a dream, in which King Wei was fighting in the chaos and calling for his mother-in-law.

Not long after, the dream turned into a confrontation between King Wei and the emperor and his son. Concubine Shu sat up, listening to the sounds of the autumn wind blowing outside.

She rubbed her brows and thought of the news sent by the Jiedushi government last time.

The news said that before the emperor fled, he made the King of Wei the crown prince, the marshal of the world's troops, and stayed in Guanzhong to preside over the overall situation. Haha!

Concubine Shu smiled silently.

That old dog is trying to take the blame.

She got up and opened the door. The general wind blew from outside and went straight into her neck. Concubine Shu rolled up her sleeves and looked for something to wash herself with.

Although she was left out in the palace, there were still many people serving her, so she didn't need to do these things at all. But after regaining all these things, Concubine Shu was extremely happy.

After washing, she took a broom and started sweeping the floor. Dalang got up.

Auntie, let me sleep a little longer! Get up!

The scene that is bound to happen every morning begins.

Concubine Shu smiled and said: Let the child sleep more!

Sister Huang said: Auntie, it’s impossible! It’s not good to get used to sleeping like this. Concubine Shu smiled and was not prepared to interfere with Sister Huang’s teaching of the child.

The child got up and came out yawning. Grandma!


At dawn, the family of three had breakfast, and the atmosphere was a bit dull. The child couldn't help but ask: When will Aye come back?

Sister Huang originally wanted to ask this, but she was worried that it would cause Concubine Shu to worry, so she kept holding back. And Concubine Shu didn't know about it either!

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sighed at each other.

How about I ask Princess Qin? The Prince of Qin’s Mansion would come here every now and then to invite Sister Huang to play. Every time, they would drink tea and chat with Princess Qin. It’s not easy to ask about such things. Concubine Shu said calmly: “If Erlang, everything is fine.

, then they will definitely take the initiative to say it.

If you don't say anything, either there is no news, or it is... bad news. Not long after breakfast, Princess Qin sent someone over.

The princess invites the lady to have tea in the morning. Okay.

Huang Wei's family spent a period of time in Prince Qin's palace that they couldn't believe.

There were not many but enough servants. Yi Niang explained that Li Xuan did not like his family to be surrounded by servants. Therefore, neither he nor his two children had many people around him except for safety needs.

Huang Wei was not dissatisfied, he was even a little panicked, he was not used to being served by others.

But within a few days, Huang Wei became a little listless. The servants around him noticed it and consulted Zhou Ning. Zhou Ning personally diagnosed and treated Huang Wei, but found that he was not sick.

I just have nothing to do and feel uncomfortable. Huang Wei rubbed his hands, feeling a little uneasy.

He felt that he had caused trouble to his nephew-in-law. What do you... want to do? Zhou Ning asked. Sell sesame oil.


When Concubine Shu just woke up, Huang Wei was already grinding sesame oil.

Thick sesame oil flowed into the clay pot along the opening, and the smell was sprayed. Huang Wei felt that this was life. After breakfast, he went out with his load. Zhao Muttered, I am not short of money, but I just want to make trouble for you.

.Aye, come back early. Huang Huan sent his father to the door of his house.

Huang Zhu followed and said with a grimace: Aye, could you please give me sir less homework?

A few days after moving into Prince Qin's Mansion, Zhou Ning arranged for Huang Zhu to have a teacher. He had a lot of homework every day, which made him miserable.

The princesses are all well-intentioned! Don't slack off. Huang Wei knows the importance of studying well, so even though he dotes on his children, he still refuses to agree. He went out carrying a burden, and the door of Prince Qin's palace was handed over. Huang Gong was slower.

Thank you very much. Huang Wei smiled.

This man is really weird! After Huang Wei left, Menzi scratched his head. His Highness's uncle was naturally extremely rich, but it was because Huang Gong still wanted to do something. When Huang Wei walked out of the alley with his burden, the Hu Cake stall had been set up, and the woman was

Make a fire.

Good morning Mr. Huang! Good morning. Business is good. So are you.

A few simple words made Huang Wei's face rosy and energetic. He looked at the street where there were not many people and coughed dryly.

Sesame oil, Huang's sesame oil, a 30-year-old brand!

Not far behind, two guards pretended to be pedestrians and followed quietly. How easy is it for a noble person to live the life of an ordinary person?

Taoxian County is large, has a large population and is prosperous, so Huang Wei's business is quite good, and he sold out all the sesame oil in a short time. He put down his burden and squatted beside a row of stalls, talking to the small businessmen.

······Since His Highness defeated Lizhou, he must attack Shi Ni.

It is said that Shi Ni has millions of troops under his command, so His Highness only brought that few troops, so he was worried that something might happen!

The common people cannot get involved in the affairs of the upper class, but they are somewhat aloof because of this. They like to get together and chat about these things no matter what, and they have the demeanor of keyboard politicians from another world.

I think it will fail!

A businessman in his forties said, Your Highness is too rash. Everyone was silent.

Nonsense! Someone refuted it.

When the businessman saw that it was the usually honest and honest Huang Wei, he sneered and said: "What do you know? I don't understand, but I know one thing!"

What's the matter?

The honest man Huang Wei said word by word: Your Highness will win! ------

Unlike Huang Wei who has inexplicable confidence in his nephew, Zhou Ning has been worried about the war.

This is a battle that will determine the general trend of the world, and even determine the fate of the world. The rebels will go crazy, and Shi Ni will attack with all his strength. Just thinking about the ferocity of the rebels who occupy two cities in a row, Zhou Ning can't help but worry.

Regarding the official battle, the Jiedushi Mansion was vague about it, and Zhou Ning did not want to ask, so as not to cause trouble to Liu Qing and the others, so he thought about it at home.

She had no knowledge of martial arts, so she looked at the map left by Li Xuan every day and worried. She thought how could a man in her family figure out the art of war by looking at a map, but why did she only get a headache when she looked at the map?

After that, Li Xuan's letters came in an endless stream, occasionally mentioning the progress of the war. The Northern Xinjiang Army was in a state of disarray in the north.

Polizhou, the rebel army is in front. The news was interrupted when it reached this point.

Zhou Ning was a little uneasy.

When I got up early in the morning, before breakfast, the two children came to say hello to Grandma!

Li Laoer's voice was a bit reckless. The four-year-old child looked particularly strong and energetic than the seven-year-old brother next to him. Grandma!

A Liang saluted and looked much more stable than Li Laoer next to him. How did you sleep well at night?

Zhou Ning asked with a smile.

Okay. Li Laoer never suffers from insomnia.

Not good. Ah Liang had trouble sleeping last night.

Why? Zhou Ning glanced at his acupuncture box. Ah Liang shivered, I missed Ah Ye.

Is there no use for it... Zhou Ning looked away from the acupuncture box with some regret. News will come in a while, and it should be read that your Aye is fine.


The mother and son had breakfast. A Liang was going to study, and Li Laoer had not yet started his enlightenment, so he went to play by himself.

Zhou Ning arranged for someone to prepare some things and planned to have tea with Sister Huang later.

After the news that King Wei was crowned the crown prince and the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses reached North Wenzhou, many people were quite dissatisfied with Concubine Shu's mother-in-law. However, the Jiedu Envoy Office resolutely carried out King Qin's instructions and treated Concubine Shu respectfully.


Zhou Ning still maintains the frequency of contact with Huang Damei, and is not affected by external material opinions. Let the men resolve their own matters. This is Zhou Ning's attitude.

Taking advantage of the time before Sister Huang came, Zhou Ning met with the stewards and listened to some business matters. After the stewards left, Auntie Guan advised: The princess's current status means that she should put these trivial matters aside.

The majestic Princess Qin, the wife of the King of the North, still has to take care of the family business, and it would be embarrassing to talk about it.

Some people may even say that Princess Qin is a miser.

Zhou Ning took a sip of tea and said: I know many people outside say that the entire Northland belongs to the husband, and the money in Prince Qin's palace is piled up like a mountain. But public is public, private is private. The family still has to rely on business to support themselves.

Why bother?

Auntie Guan muttered that after the false emperor ascended the throne, he spent an incredible amount of money just on giving out rewards to people.

The pseudo-emperor's generosity in rewarding people was astonishing. I guess he himself couldn't tell how much it took these more than ten years. Therefore, he betrayed his relatives and left.

Zhou Ning got up and went out.

Her husband, however, is handsome and handsome and does not covet these things.

In Zhou Ning's opinion, the false emperor and Li Xuanbi are not on the same level at all. Here comes Sister Huang.

A plate of snacks and a pot of tea for each person.

The morning sun was a bit cold, and in their ears they could hear the gentle footsteps of the maids walking, and the sound of the wind blowing across the roof. The two drank tea in silence.

Zhou Ning put down the tea cup and looked at Huang Sister, the blacksmith shop is hard work, why don't we stop.

Not long after arriving in Taoxian, Huang Damei reopened her ancestor's shop. Every day, the sound of iron was still being struck. She felt uncomfortable all over if she had nothing to do.

Sister Huang explained it this way.

When she had nothing to do, she would think about Li Er, that taciturn but extremely reassuring man. Only blacksmithing could free her from that helpless feeling.

Whenever she held the hammer, it seemed as if Li Er was right next to her, frowning, feeling that there was something wrong with her technique.

Zhou Ning understood the meaning and said: The emperor made King Wei the crown prince before escaping, but the situation has deteriorated to this point. This is obviously a loss of responsibility.

What I know is that that person is... sinister! Huang Damei is not a person who knows good and evil, and Concubine Shu has already analyzed it for her, saying that the old dog's move was to frame King Wei for injustice.

King Wei’s cultivation is profound...

It's just that there are too few people. Huang Damei said worriedly.

Zhou Ning couldn't help but smile. I asked the Jiedushi government about this, and they said that the fewer people in the guard, the safer it would be. Do you think about it? Eh!

Sister Huang thought to herself, it's really true.

The fewer people there are, the smaller the target, and the rebels won't pay attention.

Seeing that she was still not relieved, Zhou Ning consoled her: The key to this battle lies between the Northern Xinjiang Army and the rebels. If His Highness wins a big victory, the rebels will naturally shrink back and have no energy to deal with King Wei.

Yes. What Sister Huang actually needs is comfort, but Concubine Shu is not good at comforting people! Zhou Ning told her interesting stories about the two children, especially the second child, Li.

When Da Lang disciplines him, elder brothers are like fathers, but Erlang sometimes contradicts him and gets violent if he disagrees. After being punished by me a few times, he behaves better. But the two brothers sometimes argue, and every time Da Lang

They were all beaten to the point of tears.

Zhou Ning smiled with crooked eyebrows. Hey!

It seems that I have to get another one!

Zhou Ning didn't know that what he said had successfully made Huang Damei have the idea of ​​​​giving her child a companion. I don't know what happened to this battle. Huang Damei sighed.

No need to worry.

Zhou Ning looked calm and unhurried, but the worry and longing for her husband in her heart were increasing day by day. In the Jiedushi Mansion, Liu Qing and the others were studying the battle situation.

Shi Gongming besieged Daizhou. If he were to capture Daizhou, Lizhou would be in danger, and the retreat and food routes would be cut off.

Song Zhen, the former Minister of War, frowned, looked at the map and analyzed: The rebels are powerful, and if they are attacked from both sides, the morale of our army will be affected. Therefore, I thought that we should deal with Shi Gongming's threat first.

But Shi Gongming had a lot of troops under his command. Once he attacked, it would be a fight on both sides. With Shi Zhongtang's rebels approaching again, how could this battle be fought? After all, Liu Qing had led one side before and was not a pure civil servant.

I'll think about it again.

Put it down! Luo Cai said: Even if you come up with a flower, it's useless. Why? Song Zhen asked dissatisfied.

Judging from the time, this battle was over long ago. Song Zhen sat down slumped.

Liu Qing coughed dryly

, urging them to ask if there was a messenger from His Highness. On the autumn morning, there was a mist outside Taoxian County.

Merchants were coming in and out, and the sergeants at the top of the city were still looking into the distance warily. Until a group of cavalry emerged from the mist.

This group of cavalrymen carried small flags on their backs, and the leader held up a bamboo pole, on which hung... a sergeant rubbing his eyes.

It's Lubu!

This chapter has been completed!
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