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Chapter 1389 why not eat minced meat

The First Quarter Moon of Chang'an Chapter 1389: Why Not Eat Minced Meat

In the lobby, Shi Zhongtang asked.

Ashina Chunyu said:

Shi Zhongtang suddenly said:

He looked at Ashina Chunyu,

Chunyu was shocked,

Shi Zhong Tang Wan'er,

Shi Zhongtang smiled sarcastically,

Li Mi's envoy was a chamberlain.

Shi Zhongtang said calmly.

He Zun glanced at the chamberlain and saw that his face was slightly dark, knowing that he had suffered a lot along the way.

Shi Zhongtang said impatiently.

The waiter served,

Shi Zhongtang interrupted the messenger,

The messenger said calmly:

Shi Zhongtang sneered.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, has been so kind to you, but you have betrayed your trust and raised an army to rebel. Now everyone in the world is crying for war. If justice is not there, I think the soldiers and people in southern Xinjiang are panicked and unwilling to support your king, right?"

Shi Zhongtang squinted at the messenger, there was no need for him to speak at this time.

The Lord humiliated his minister to death, and He Zun opened his mouth to retort.

The messenger smiled and said:

Shi Zhongtang was startled,

He Zun's eyes burst out with brilliance,

The messenger smiled strangely

Can it still be like this?

Li Mi is indeed a master of power!

He Zun was greatly shocked.

What Shi Zhongtang lacks most at the moment is justice... In the eyes of the people in the world, he is a traitor.

If justice returns......

Yihe Zun's city could not help but show joy.

He glanced at Shi Zhongtang.

Li Mi is indeed remarkable.

Shi Zhongtang sighed in his heart, but it was quickly replaced by joy.

Before the defeat, he had everything going smoothly. At that time, he didn't care about reputation. If he didn't accept it, he would crush it with an army.

But now the king of Qin defeated two states in succession, and his momentum was unprecedented.

When a person is unlucky, even a mouthful of cold water will stick between his teeth.

As the rebels continued to retreat, the hearts of southerners were restless.

There are fewer and fewer supporters of the rebels.

Many wealthy families set their sights on the north for the first time.

No, he went to Chang'an.

That feeling of betrayal and separation!

Even Shi Zhongtang felt suffocated.

At this moment, Li Mi sent a timely rain.

I forgive you!

From then on, the Southern Xinjiang Army was no longer a rebel.

Shi Zhongtang was still a loyal minister of the Tang Dynasty.

This girl is so awesome!

Shi Zhongtang was convinced.

The envoy looked at Shi Zhongtang and smiled:

Shi Zhongtang smiled, stood up, and knelt down towards Shu.


Li Xuan took Jiang Heer and prepared to go out.

Just when Li Xuan was about to summon Yang Lue and Lin Feibao, Ning Yayun arrived.

Li Xuan said:

When the two of them left the state, Li Xuan asked:

Ning Yayun is very noble.

Li Xuan thought that when metaphysics was in decline, professors would even need to go out to do hard labor.

Everything is getting better.

There were a lot of people walking on the street, and they looked less frightened.

After entering Hongzhou, the Northern Xinjiang Army strictly enforced military discipline. I dare not say that Qiu did not commit any crimes, but basically they did not disturb the people.

The three of them walked slowly along the street.

Most of the shops on the street are open, and from time to time you can see steam coming out of the shops, and the mist is curling up, making it look like a fairyland.

This is the smoke of fireworks.

A sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously as I protected a fireworks display.

Turning around here is Zhou Xue.

Listening to the voices inside, Li Xuan asked:

Jiang Heer said:

Without the disciples, Li Xuan and the others successfully entered the state school.

As soon as I entered, I heard someone arguing in the school building.

There was a constant dispute between the two.

Jiang Heer glanced at King Qin and worried that he would be furious.

But King Qin just looked at the trees on both sides calmly.

More than ten students were divided into two groups, glaring angrily and preparing to take action.

Someone coughed outside the door.

Everyone looked and saw a man walking in.

Nowadays, studying is still the preserve of the upper class, especially in the south. Seeing Li Xuan dressed in ordinary clothes, some students sneered: "You also know this?"

Li Xuan looked at these students,

Students who previously supported Li Mi and his son said:

The student hesitated for a moment and said:

Li Xuan asked again.

The student said:

These people!

Li Xuan's eyes looked a little disappointed,

Everyone shook their heads.

The professor had just gone to change his clothes. When he came back now, he saw someone blocking the door and talking. He was about to scold him when he heard the person say:

Li Xuan looked at the group of students with a half-smile,


Jiang Heer seemed to hear the slap.

Very loud.

Li Xuan nodded slightly, turned around and prepared to go out.

The professor was still immersed in this story. When he saw him come out, he asked:

The professor's eyes became stern and he was ready to spray.

Li Xuan pointed at the students and asked:

The professor shook his head. Most of these students came from well-off families and had not suffered any hardship.

The professor was dumbfounded by these three questions.

Li Xuan became more and more disappointed,

The professor heard that his tone was wrong,

Li Xuan dropped the question, shook his head and left.

When I walked outside the gate, I heard someone shouting from inside: "Read a book."

That's right, the underlying reason for the fall of the Chen Kingdom was that the people were in dire straits.

The student who told Li Xuan the answer in his mind slapped his forehead,

He looked up,

The professor turned around and chased him out, and so did the students.

The official in charge of the state school came in a hurry. The professor was about to greet him, but the students were worried about being scolded and were about to leave when they saw the official saluting the man who had scolded him and others.

Li Xuan looked at the official and said dissatisfied:

The official's back was wet with sweat. After Li Xuan left, he went in and asked.

The official said sadly:

Professor Qi Qi Ai Ai said:

So later in the evening, a group of teachers and students came outside Zhouli to plead guilty.

Li Xuan had a lot of things to do, and he had just stolen half a day of free time. At this moment, the desk was piled with documents. He buried his head in the documents and said:

Now the King of Qin controls Guanzhong and the north, and is attacking the south at the moment. If the south is in control, the King of Qin will be the unquestionable master of this world. If you have offended the master, do you still want to be an official?

The professor was also uneasy and scolded in a low voice,

Jiang He'er came out, and his crisp voice echoed inside and outside the gate.

King Qin's poems were both outstanding, and everyone bowed their heads and stood with hands tied.

Even the officials passing by stopped in their tracks.

Jiang Heer raised his head and looked at the teachers and students.

The professor was silent and then handed over his hand.

The students salute,

These two lines of poetry go a step further and are the unity of knowledge and action.

It was quite a shock to the teachers and students.

The professor plans to reform his teaching methods when he returns home, and takes these students who are unaware of the sufferings of the world to the market and rural areas to observe the people's sentiments.

The students followed him just a few steps, and one of them stopped.

Chen Xia was the student who said earlier that King Qin was not Zhengshuo and strongly supported Li Mi.

He turned around and walked outside the gate and saluted.

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile when he got the news.

Jiang He'er said with beaming eyes: "Your Highness did not see that Chen Xia had a look of shame on his face, and said that he would go to the countryside to farm for a few days and be hungry for a few more days..."

Li Xuan didn't know that Chen Xia was a good man who kept his word. He went to the countryside and farmed for half a month, then he starved for seven days and almost died of starvation.

After this incident, Chen Xiafan suddenly came to his senses. While studying hard, he observed the sentiments of the people. Later, he successfully passed the imperial examination and had a smooth official career. He was an upright official and cared for the people. He actively developed the local economy and many years later, he actually stood in the court.

Above him, he became an important minister.

Uda comes in,

Li Xuan asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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