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Chapter 1401 Congratulations to Tang Dynasty


After discovering that it was the King of Qin who had arrived, Wei Ming ran faster than a rabbit. Twenty thousand horses were cut off and more than 800 were ridden, while the others fled away with billowing smoke.

"Why are the rebels feeling lucky?"

Everyone felt the joyful energy of the rebels, as if meeting King Qin was something worthy of celebration.

"Prisoners captured."

After more than ten prisoners were tortured, the King of Qin learned about Wei Ming's situation recently.

"Wei Ming has been waiting and watching." This is a very important discovery.

"There are undercurrents surging within the rebels!" He Lianrong said: "This deputy envoy of Wei must have some disagreements with Shi Ni."

"Since the Battle of Daozhou, Shi Ni has been retreating steadily. After retreating to Qinghe, he did not talk about being aggressive, but instead used the cities along the way to wear down the strength of our army. This method seems good, but it is also very cold.

The heart of a young man."

Pei Jian said: "Wei Ming is the number one general under his command, but there has been no movement for a while. This shows that Shi Ni has many internal conflicts.

Everyone is looking south.

"This battle is a battle of momentum." King Qin said: "After quickly clearing Songzhou, the rebels will inevitably be panicked. If Shi Zhongtang wants to trap it, the internal divisions will divide. If it doesn't work, there is no need for us to take action.

, the rebels will fall apart."

"Now we have to look at Sangju."

King Qin led his army back, and as soon as they arrived at Songzhou City, they received good news.

"The city of Sangju was destroyed."


King Qin had been fighting for many years and was used to big scenes, but he was still overjoyed.

Jiang Cunzhong and Pei Jian said: "Your Highness, Mr. Yang..."

He didn't say the rest, but Pei Jian knew it.

It's just Shangzhou. His Highness is so happy, which shows how much he values ​​Yang Lue.

If Yang Lue officially enters the Northern Xinjiang military system, the original power structure will inevitably be broken up and restructured.

Before that, the King of Qin was focusing on cultivating Pei Jian. Everyone knew that if everything remained unchanged, Pei Jian would become the second-largest general in the Northern Xinjiang Army after the King of Qin.

But now there is another Yang Lue.

Pei Jian said calmly: "Everything will be subject to His Highness's arrangements."

Later, Yang Lue arrived with his army and met with the main force.

The King of Qin was overjoyed and ordered a banquet to celebrate the battle.

During the banquet, the King of Qin frequently invited Yang Lue to drink, and occasionally mentioned the old events in Yuanzhou, and his words were quite hesitant.

That day, King Qin was very drunk.

Yang Lue still looks the same, which shows that he has a good drinking capacity.

"Lao Yang."

Lin Feibao found him and said, "Let's go for a walk." "Okay."

The two were originally one system with two branches. Yang Lue led the ordinary guards, and Lin Feibao led the Qiulong Guards.

"When we were in the East Palace, the guards you led were not convinced by me, the Qiu Long Guard, and would come to make trouble every now and then. If I hadn't suppressed my subordinates, I would have started fighting."

As soon as Songzhou was broken, the people in the city rejoiced. An elder came with people to help the army. The King of Qin appeased him and distributed grain to the people in the city, which caused a round of cheers.

Therefore, although the city was about to be destroyed, order was quickly restored, and most of the shops on both sides were opened.

The two of them were good players, so they just walked along the street without any guards.

"Today, His Highness frequently mentioned old events in Yuanzhou, and one of them mentioned that people from Jingtai found traces of you in Yuanzhou. I feel that there is something fishy about this matter.

Lin Feibao walked slowly with his hands behind his back, "Think about it, if it were you, once you find traces of your opponent, you will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to investigate the vicinity.

"This is what I didn't understand back then."

Yang Lue squinted his eyes and recalled what happened that year, "After the people at the mirror discovered my trace, several good guys joined forces to hunt me down. I had no choice but to flee to the Southern Zhou Dynasty."

In those years, he suffered a lot.

"The people at the mirror came in a hurry. As soon as I finished cooking, the door was kicked open, and then

Surrounded from all sides. I was attacked by six wounds. I wanted to go to Xiaohe Village to take His Highness away, but those people followed closely. If I go to Xiaohe Village, I will definitely be surrounded again.

Yang Lue thought of that moment, and the masters of the mirror were chasing after him all the way.

"I can only flee to the south. While escaping, I pray that Your Majesty's spirit in heaven will protect His Highness." Yang Lue sighed: "After arriving in the Southern Zhou Dynasty, I have been anxious and uneasy in the past few years. I wanted to come back many times, but I found that the mirror

People have been squatting."

"Five years!" Yang Lue smiled bitterly, "When I came to Xiaohe Village again, I didn't dare to go in. I was worried about seeing a dilapidated Yang family. The moment I saw His Highness, I

"I just want to kneel down and thank the gods and Buddhas in the sky." Yang Lue shook his head, "In the past five years, I have calculated all the possibilities, but Wang Shounu is cunning and will definitely find my land. How can Your Highness escape?

Pass a tribulation?"

"Have you found anything?" Lin Feibao asked.

"No." Yang Lue said, "I have even doubted whether Wang Shou is one of His Majesty's men."

This speculation was so absurd that both of them smiled.

"Wang Shou was indispensable for the success of the pseudo-emperor. When it came to purging the officials of your majesty's line afterwards, the mirror played the most important role. Wang Shou cannot be your majesty's man."

Yang Lue nodded, "I can't figure it out, so I can only attribute all this to God." He pointed to the sky. "It must be the protection of His Majesty's spirit in heaven."

"I think it might be something else.

"What?" "Destiny!"

"Maybe!" Yang Lue said with a smile: "Then the people from the mirror came. I didn't dare to take any more risks, so I asked your highness to go to Chang'an. At least Cao Ying and the others were here, so they could help. I didn't expect this! This trip

, brought about this change.”

Lin Feibao pointed to a nearby wine shop, "Can I still drink?"

"I was worried about Your Highness for the past five years. I could only fall asleep by drinking alcohol. But the further you go, the harder it becomes to get drunk." Yang Lue went in first.

The two ordered food and drinks. When the shopkeeper saw that they were armed, strong and imposing, he obediently went out to shout and solicit business.

Lin Feibao raised his glass and took a sip, "His Royal Highness mentioned the matter of Yuanzhou today. It seems to me that he wants you to integrate into the Northern Xinjiang Army. What do you think?"

"I know your Highness's intention, but this is not my intention." Yang Lue said: "In the current Northern Xinjiang army, apart from Your Highness, is Pei Jian, right?"

Lin Feibao nodded, "Pei Jian is non-partisan and stable. In addition, he is the son of Pei Jiu and has outstanding military skills, so he is highly valued by His Highness."

"Your Highness is very affectionate. If I get involved, there will probably be many people standing behind me, facing Pei Jian indistinctly. Why bother?"

"and you"

"I'll just be a casual person." "I'm afraid His Highness won't do it.

"I'm very old. He won't allow me to go to Gongling. You have to let me rest more, right?" Yang Lue gave a rare sly smile and said, "Drink."

After the two finished drinking, they walked out of the wine shop and saw several children running on the street.

"New Year's Eve!"

Lin Feibao was startled, "It's New Year?"

"Tomorrow." Yang Lue looked at the children with a smile, "I haven't felt the smoke of these fireworks for a long time."

On the last day of the fifteenth year of the Great Qian Dynasty, Yang Lue stood in Songzhou City and prayed devoutly, "Your Majesty, my minister, has returned. Please protect your Majesty and ensure everything goes well for you and bring peace to the world!"

When the New Year arrived, Li Xuan saw Jiang Heer coming in and out early in the morning wearing new clothes. The same was true for Wang Laoer, who showed off to the old thief that the clothes were made by his own wife.

Helian Yunshang can make clothes? Even the King of Qin didn't believe it.

However, it’s good to have this heart.

He Lianrong came, "Your Highness, why don't we get together in the New Year?" "Get together"

"Yes." He Lianrong touched his bald head, "Isn't it the first day of the New Year in Chang'an that we gather together every year?"

"That's fine."

So a little later, civil and military officials gathered together.

"The governors in various places are not allowed to leave without permission, so this year is the military

Martial arts gathering.

Now the King of Qin has taken over half of the Tang Dynasty, leaving only Southern Xinjiang, Western Xinjiang, and Shu. If all the governors in the control areas are summoned,

Tsk tsk!

Isn't that the New Year's Eve party?

It's just that those powerful people are missing.

However, according to King Qin's urine, he probably didn't like to see those greedy meat eaters.

"Shi Ni caused chaos, and the world was in chaos. The false emperor ignored the country and fled in embarrassment, causing Chang'an to be covered in dust."

This is the keynote: Shi Ni's crime is unpardonable, and the false emperor has completely disgraced Li's face.

"Just when the world was shaking, I was alone in the northern frontier and swore to go south to quell the rebellion. Thanks to the brave soldiers fighting along the way, and thanks to your assistance, we have achieved today's great situation."

"Your Highness is wise."

Everyone salutes.

King Qin smiled, looking like a gentle gentleman at this moment, "Now the overall situation has been decided. Shi Ni is lingering in Qinghe, but he is panicking internally, so he will definitely choose to attack. After the spring, I will lead my army to fight with him alone to end this war. Rebellion."

"Some people advised Gu to send envoys to Western Xinjiang to persuade Zhao Song, Duke of Xing, to surrender, but Gu didn't bother to do it."

King Qin's eyes were deep, as if with a sarcastic meaning, "Zhao Song, Yang Songcheng and others are one and the same. If he wakes up, he should take the initiative to send his envoys to submit. He is still waiting for Gu's envoys, he is so arrogant!"

The news of Shi Zhongtang's rebellion should have spread throughout the world, and the news that King Qin led his army south to put down the rebellion should have arrived.

But there was no response from the Western Xinjiang side.

When the news of King Qin's defeat of Shi Ni reached Zhao Song's ears, he didn't know how Yang Songcheng's best friend would react.

Judging from King Qin's intentions, it was clear that he wanted to take advantage of him.

"The false emperor is lingering in Shu. He said he wants to counterattack and attack the key points. But in Gu's view, he is a fierce person and a weak heart. He wants to use counterattacks to cover up the panic in his heart."

The King of Qin changed the subject, "It's still the same sentence. The general trend is like a tide. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. Gu led the king's army to defeat the rebels and reorganize the country. As long as he still has the country and the country in his heart, he should Take the initiative to join this trend.”

He looked at the ministers with sharp eyes, "Those who move against the current will be shattered to pieces under the tide!"

These words were so powerful that when the officials saw the majesty of King Qin, they could not help but surrender with joy and salute:

"We are willing to follow your highness to wipe out the traitors and bring peace to the world!" King Qin said with a smile, "Come here.

Wu Da came out and said, "Your Highness!" "Is the banquet ready?" "It's ready."

King Qin stood up, "New year and new atmosphere, let's raise a toast today and congratulate the Tang Dynasty for its upcoming new life!"

The banquet was held in the middle of the state. Officials who had attended the Chang'an imperial meeting naturally felt that the place was a bit cramped, but the atmosphere was completely different.

Chang'an's imperial gathering was very orderly, and everyone was like a puppet, following the procedures. Even the banquet was the same.

The weather is cold, and when the dishes are served, the fat inside them has solidified. How do you remove the chopsticks?

When everyone followed the guards to the place, they saw a small clay oven set up on each table.

There is a small clay pot on top of the small clay stove. It is steaming!

There were no cold dishes. It was just a hodgepodge.

Mainly mutton, supplemented by dried vegetables, chicken, etc.

Although it doesn't look so magnificent, it makes people feel particularly warm.

King Qin raised his glass and said, "Come!"

The ministers raised their glasses and said, "Congratulations to Your Highness!" Everyone drank the wine in one gulp.

The King of Qin was the first to use chopsticks, and unlike the false emperor, he ate very seriously. The ministers were relieved when they saw this, and they threw aside the rules.

The food here was in full swing, and suddenly there was a commotion outside. "Why is this?" Han Ji asked with a frown.

A guard went to inquire about it. He came back later and reported: "Your Highness, there are elders from Songzhou outside who want to see you."


King Qin said: "Please come."

Several old people were invited in, each carrying a plate with a wine bottle on it.

, there is a wine glass.

The old people saluted, and King Qin said, "No, hold on."

The old people were supported by the guards, and an old man poured a glass of wine and said: "When the news of the massacre in Huangzhou came, we were panicked. Then Songzhou fell, and those foreigners were committing evil everywhere in the city, and people were killed from time to time.

There were even more women who were humiliated. We called Tianke but heard that the emperor had escaped. We called to the ground, but there was no response. Until I heard that His Highness was raising troops to put down the rebellion.

"We have been waiting for this day for a long time. Today, we are entrusted by the people in the city and come here to thank His Highness and congratulate His Highness!"

King Qin came down and took the wine glass.

He raised his glass and looked at the ministers, "Congratulations to the Tang Dynasty!" Everyone raised their glasses.

"Congratulations to the Tang Dynasty!"

The sound spread outside and immediately attracted cheers. "Congratulations to the Tang Dynasty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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