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Chapter 1403 Are They Afraid Of Knives?

The First Quarter Moon of Chang'an Chapter 1403: Are They Afraid of Knives? The early spring in the north looks no different from winter. There is still snow in the fields, and the mountains in the distance are even more snow-capped. A group of cavalry came slowly, followed by a long

Troopers, horses, and carts.

Liu Qing held the reins in one hand and stroked his beard with the other, looking at the fields on both sides of the official road with a smile.

Luo Cai moved his buttocks. The long ride made him feel a little numb in his lower body.

Liu Qing hoped to end the troubled times quickly, but King Qin was stubborn on this matter and no one could persuade him.

Liu Qing sighed,

Luo Cai said calmly:

"I know, so I tell you, maybe in a few decades, the Liu family will become a big family. In the future that I can't see, the children and grandchildren will be like the big families now, greedily grabbing the land and grabbing the population..."

Liu Qing said:

Luo Cai's words were a hint to Liu Qing: You are the number one civil servant that His Highness relies on. If your children and grandchildren don't notice something goes wrong, it will hit His Highness in the face.

Liu Qing looked back and Luo Cai smiled and said:

The sound of reading came from a carriage behind. Zhou Ning's carriage was further behind.

In the carriage, Zhou Ning was reading a book.

Aunt Guan knelt and sat on the side and said: Zhou Ning raised his head,

With hostages in hand, the false emperor can straighten his waist.

Li Laoer's voice came from outside.

Zhou Ning put down the scroll and sighed:

Little Magic Star is the nickname given to Li Laoer by the King of Qin, and Zhou Ning deeply agrees with it.

Aunt Guan lifted the curtain, and four-year-old Li Laoer was carried into the carriage by the maid. Zhou Ning blocked his hand with a headache,

At this time, A Liang's voice came from outside. My old mother can't protect you anymore! A Liang.

Zhou Ning sighed.

Li Laoer was overjoyed and rushed out. The guards outside had quick eyesight and quick hands to catch him, otherwise he would probably have fallen to the street. Eight-year-old A Liang also had a headache when he saw his little brother.

Li Laoer came to bother A Liang when he got to the ground. At this moment, Huang Wei came.

The two of them saluted.

Many people died during this migration, but Huang Wei gained some weight. He couldn't sit still. He either walked for a while every day, or came to find A Liang and others and take them to play.

Concubine Shu and Sister Huang’s carriage was further behind. Concubine Shu asked someone to hang up the curtains of the carriage.

I got up and looked outside, feeling very relaxed and happy.

King Wei then sent someone a letter, saying that he was currently staying in Chang'an temporarily. The King of Qin also sent someone to comfort him, saying that he could just go on as usual and it would be fine even if he wanted to go wherever he wanted.

But King Wei did not move. He just squatted in Chang'an, drinking a little wine every day, and wandering around the market if he had nothing to do. He went to the blacksmith shop a while ago, planning to reopen his business.

Concubine Shu said. Sister Huang said.

When Concubine Shu saw Huang Wei walking to the edge of the field with his two children, she said:

She got off the carriage

In an era of low productivity, agriculture was the foundation of everything. Emperors and princes must show compassion for farmers and attach importance to farming. Giving Huang Wei a heads up can be regarded as a gesture of goodwill to the King of Qin.

By now, everyone knows that King Qin's unstoppable power to dominate the world is unstoppable.

How to find one's proper position in the new dynasty is something everyone is thinking about.

As the concubine of the false emperor, Concubine Shu naturally has no need to seek any position, and there is no place for her. But children are debts! King Wei is like an old farmer working in Chang'an, and he does not take the initiative to help King Qin.

Let Concubine Shu complain secretly. The son is dull, and the old mother must be more clever.

Huang Wei stood at the edge of the field with his two children, pointing to the snow in front of him and asked:

Huang Wei held Li Laoer's hand and looked at A Liang,

Only then did grandma know this truth.

Although Li Xuan often took him around the market to observe the sentiments of the people, he was not so meticulous after all. Huang Wei was old and talked a lot. He talked for a long time, and Concubine Shu listened with a smile behind him.

Huang Wei thought of Sister A and said with a smile: A Liang asked:

Huang Wei sighed,

Li Xuan hasn't mentioned these dirty things to Ah Liang yet, not because he doesn't know about it, but because he is worried that Ah Liang is too young and such ugly things will pollute his simple mind.

However, Huang Wei had endured hardship for many years, but he felt that his child should be the head of the family early, so he said:

A Liang nodded,

Li Laoer didn't understand, so he turned around and saw Concubine Shu behind him, so he smiled at her.

The child with a tiger head and a tiger brain immediately reminded Concubine Shu of the original King Wei, and she also smiled at him.

A Liang asked.

Huang Wei sighed:

A Liang's eyes were like Li Xuan's, slightly squinted, as if he was thinking about something.

"Therefore officials can only rely on

The powerful came to govern the place, but why did the powerful help you?" Huang Wei came from a good background in his early years, but later fell into decline and witnessed countless tragedies at the bottom, and he had his own understanding of the Tang Dynasty.

Ah Liang understood,

Huang Wei was very happy when he saw that the child was smart.

Huang Wei was a little sentimental,

Ah Liang nodded. Ah Liang's last words shocked Concubine Shu.

Does this child actually have such vision? How did King Qin teach him?

A Liang asked:

Huang Wei shook his head,

A Liang raised his head and asked.

Huang Wei shook his head, and A Liang raised his head slightly, looking at the white snow in the distance and thinking.

Concubine Shu thought that he was young and shouldn't be entangled in such matters, so she said:

Concubine Shu was in the palace, and many of the chamberlains and maids in the palace came from poor families. They talked about such things from time to time, so they knew more.

A Liang turned around.

Concubine Shu nodded slightly to Huang Wei and said:

A Liang has already begun to study history.

Huang Wei shook his head,

Concubine Shu had a thorough understanding of such things. Ah Liang thought about it and said,

Concubine Shu nodded,

Huang Wei said: A Liang said:

Huang Wei asked:

A Liang said,

Li Xuan occasionally brought Director A Liang with him, and once said:

Ah Liang admired his father the most and asked impatiently. At that time, Li Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, with a stern look in his eyes.

Huang Wei felt that A Liang was childish, so he couldn't help but smile and asked:

Ah Liang said... Ah Ye said that we should cut through the mess with a quick knife, so why don't I just use a knife?

Huang Wei and Shu Fei looked at each other.

A Liang said:


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