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Chapter 143 Unparalleled Ploughing and Fighting (For the Beaten Sister Yu 1)


Yang Xuan glanced at his eldest nephew subconsciously.

Why didn't you get hit by the knife?

As far as Chen Huagu's medical skills are concerned, if you encounter poisonous injuries, you can only worship the great god.

However, if King Wei dies here, Yang Xuan will not be able to escape. The most likely possibility is that he will change from the magistrate of Taiping County to a Taiping prisoner on the spot, and live happily with those prisoners from now on.

He glanced at King Wei.

This is an internal issue within King Wei and has nothing to do with him.

According to Yi Niang: It doesn't matter how many times the puppet emperor's son of a bitch dies.

But at the moment, he is just a county magistrate and is still in his infancy.

Still have to endure.

According to Suzaku: You should become awesome!

When you left Yuanzhou, you looked like a middle school boy. Are you stupid?

You stand in front of someone, and in an instant everyone bows their heads and calls you Lord. All talents should be loyal to you, and all masters are devoted to you...

Regardless of whether he is an emperor or a powerful general, whatever tricks he uses against you are in vain. You can easily see through them, and you can just show off and pull them back, and everyone will worship you...

Yang Xuan was stunned and said: "Why do I feel that this is not a human being, but some kind of god!"

Suzaku was stupefied by these words, and the green light didn't flash for a long time.

Since King Wei knows that this matter has nothing to do with me, why did he call me here?

"Look at Wang San."

King Wei pointed inside, picked up the wine bag and started drinking.

When Yang Xuan entered, he saw Wang San's eyes widened and he reached out to touch the things around him.

Seeing this, the ‘Medical Sage of Taiping’ wailed: “Have a good journey!”

Yang Xuan's head was full of black lines, "Is there hope?"

Chen Huagu shook his head, "It's hopeless."


Wang San's hand fell down weakly, and then fell silent.

Chen Huagu pinched Renzhong while looking at the guards with twinkling eyes.

"wake up!"

You're so fucking dead and still struggling.

Yang Xuan knew that Chen Huagu wanted to leave a good impression on King Wei.

He walked out.

King Wei threw the wine bag over.


Looking at the opening of the wine bag, Yang Xuan felt uncomfortable sharing a wine bag with a man.

He took a sip from a distance away from his mouth and handed the wine bag over.

"This king offended some people when he was in Chang'an."


"My king's temper was not very good at that time, and many people wanted to tease me."


Yang Xuan thought of the internal struggle within the royal family.

The status of the current prince is so "stable" that it is outrageous, but everyone knows that the prince's chance of inheriting the throne is almost impossible, and the possibility is zero.

"Many people want to see me in trouble, and my response is fists and kicks."

Does this refer to four surnames in a family?

If the prince wants to truly stabilize his position, he must eliminate potential opponents.

King Wei is fierce and brave, and he is a powerful enemy.

The prince's enemies are the enemies of his family.

Yang Xuan glanced at the indifferent eldest nephew and thought that if this person could escape from such a dragnet unharmed, his method must be extraordinary.

But King Wei presented a cruel and rough persona, which was a kind of confusion.

Sure enough, there are no fools in the royal family.

"Since arriving in the fiefdom of Qianzhou, I have stayed away from those disturbances."

Yang Xuan said: "Your Majesty is brave."


King Wei said: "The prince who has arrived in the fief is just a pig."

Who would think anything of a pig?

Yang Xuan could no longer smile.

He glanced at the moonlight.


Isn’t it beautiful!

Why is this man so filled with emotion and talking about his past?

"But I, the king, was very still and thought about it, so I came to peace."

This is the trigger for assassination.

Yang Xuan understood.

The eldest nephew, who was originally a pig, became more handsome after arriving in Taiping. There is no doubt that he will turn into a wolf next.

You have to hunt wolves early.

"Your Majesty, Wang San...has gone."

When the guard came out, he was as sad as if his mother had died.


King Wei's expression did not change at all.

"Tell me, who wants to kill me?"

Yang Xuan turned around.

No one.

Are you asking me?

He tried his best to avoid getting involved because he was worried about being involved by King Wei in the disputes in the palace.

"Say." King Wei looked at him calmly.

Lift the wineskin.

Tons tons tons!

A good drinker.

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, "I don't know, I don't know."

King Wei put down the wine bag and sighed.

"My hands are itchy at the moment."

There was something wrong with the way he looked at Yang Xuan.

If this bitch kills me right now and claims that I am also an assassin...

Yang Xuan's back felt cold and his scalp was slightly numb.

This is a desperate situation!

How could he answer?


King Wei should have this answer.

So what's the point of his question?

Fully fed?

Yang Xuan looked up and saw a look of confusion in King Wei's eyes.


Yang Xuan instantly rejected the idea.

If the emperor wants to take action, there is no need for such means, he can just find the fault.

King Wei wounded many people in Chang'an, and he was fined even if he was imprisoned.


Yang Xuan sighed, "It's deplorable that the same roommates are fighting each other."

King Wei raised his head and began to drink. Yang Xuan said: "I still have something to do over there..."

King Wei said nothing and Yang Xuan resigned.


Huang Ping brought Chen Huagu out.

"go back."


"You can tell me what happened tonight."


"A word is a sword."

"Don't dare."

Chen Huagu left sweating profusely.

When Huangping came back, he saw King Wei drinking and said, "Your Majesty, this should be the method of the four surnames in the family."

He took a few steps forward and whispered: "Your Majesty ordered the King of Yue to go to the southern Xinjiang, and the king came to the northern Xinjiang. This is to contain the prince and the four surnames of the family. Your Majesty, this is a great opportunity!"

"Wu Shun was a guard in the palace back then, and he was assigned as a guard when I left the palace. Over the years, Wu Shun has been loyal and loyal, and gradually gained my trust...how many years has it been?"

"Your Majesty, it's been six years."

"Six years of forbearance, and one sudden act. How long has it been since I came to Northern Xinjiang? In other words, when the palace decided to let me come to Northern Xinjiang, they had already decided to kill me."

Wu Shun smiled bitterly, "Your Majesty, we are still weak now, so we should be patient!"


King Wei stood up.

Wu Shun felt relieved and felt that there was still much to be done about this matter.

"But I have endured it, why can't others endure it?"


The wine bag fell to the ground, and the remaining wine exploded, blowing the wine bag into pieces.

A reverse journey in Qianzhou.

The shopkeeper stood behind the counter and greeted the customers who came in with a smile.

Not only can you stay here, but you can also eat here.

In the lobby, more than ten people are eating at the moment.

The sun was setting in the sky, and the room was a little dark.

The shopkeeper ordered: "Tell the guests to eat early, otherwise we will ignore it."

The stingy guy who can’t even light the oil lamp!

The clerk complained secretly and then went to explain.

"Everyone, it's getting dark soon, so please eat quickly."

"Can't you light a lamp?"

"Yes! Now that the night ban rules are not so strict, I would like to drink for a while longer."

There is a man drinking in the corner.

This is a bald head. The setting sun shines on his bald head, making it look like golden light.

Baldhead raised his head, "I also want to order something."

The cooks all took a break...but the waiter still asked in a professional manner: "What dish?"


"What kind of meat? We have chicken, mutton, and pig meat here, but the pig meat is so fishy that the guests may not be used to it."

The bald man looked at the shopkeeper, "You should recognize me."

The shopkeeper's expression remained unchanged, and he quietly went to touch the knife under the counter with his right hand.

"What the guest said... I don't understand."

"You must understand."

Baldhead stood up.

"It has been six years since you came to Qianzhou. Half a month after the king took over Qianzhou, you opened this restaurant. How is the business?"

The shopkeeper touched the handle of the knife underneath and asked, "What is the guest talking about?"

The bald man stood in front of the counter.

"The king ordered me to kill you."

The hand under the counter suddenly grasped the handle of the knife.

His eyes burst out with a look of madness.


The sword wind roared.

Bald hands are faster.

Just when Heng Dao was swinging, he punched.


The shopkeeper flew backwards and hit the cabinet behind him.


He was leaning against the cabinet, his eyes were protruding, blood was slowly flowing out of his eyes, nose, mouth, including his ears.


He fell straight down.

There is a human-shaped gap on the cabinet behind you.

Yuan Fei left the Ni Brigade and ordered: "Report to your Majesty that the man is dead."


Several riders headed north.

Yuan Fei returned to the palace all the way.

"Is the princess here?"


Yuan Fei arrived in front of the backyard door.

Later, he was taken inside.

The princess is eating.

The princess with a face like a silver plate and a heroic brow put down her chopsticks, and the maid behind her handed her tea.

The princess took a sip of tea and rinsed her mouth. A maid handed her a spittoon. She lightly opened her red lips and spat out, wiping her lips with a handkerchief.

"What's the matter?"

Outside, Yuan Fei reported: "Princess, that man is dead."

The princess said calmly: "But he killed him openly?"


"In this way, the four surnames of the family should also know the attitude of the king."


"Your Majesty, it's dangerous over there. You go to Taiping so that you can protect yourself."

"Yes. It's just...the safety of the house is in danger..."

The princess's voice suddenly turned cold, "Without you Yuan Fei, I can only wait to die? Go now!"

Get out!

Yuan Fei resigned.

The swelling on Zhao's face subsided, but her cheeks were still purple. She took a few steps forward and bowed slightly.

"Princess, your Majesty has attracted murderous intent from Chang'an in Taiping. The safety of the palace cannot be underestimated."

"I know."

There are people crying outside.

The princess said coldly: "It's not dark yet, and it's not time to cry to the ghosts and gods."

A frail-looking woman came in. After bowing, she choked with sobs and said, "Princess, I don't know what to do with the king in Taiping. I heard about the poverty there. The king has never suffered such suffering. Just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable."


The princess patted the table and said, "Want to live alone in Taiping? It's a good idea."

The woman raised her head and said with tears in her eyes: "Princess, I'm just worried about the king."

"I'm not dead yet, so the king won't have your turn to worry about it!" The princess pointed at the woman, "Looking at the anger, I fasted for two days and only gave her water to quell the fire."



The princess stood up and a steward came forward and said, "Princess, there is someone who wants to use the name of the palace to do business. I am willing to give him a share."

"Don't talk about business matters. In one sentence, if you want to do business with the prince, just do it in a down-to-earth manner. Anyone who wants to do evil things will be kicked out."



The woman struggled and rushed over.

That delicate look made even women like Zhao's hearts flutter when they saw her.

The princess was indifferent.

The woman rushed over and was about to kneel down.

The princess kicked the woman over and walked out slowly.

She stood on the steps, and the stewards below stood neatly.

"The king was assassinated in Taiping, and the people in the mansion are in a state of confusion. Who wants to leave?"

No one answered.

"The king can't die, and Prince Wei's Mansion can't fall even if I'm here!"

A group of stewards bowed their heads.


"Your Majesty."

Yuan Fei rushed to Taiping.

"The princess ordered the villain to come and serve her."

"Is that woman worried about being a widow?"


"How is Chang'an?"

"Over in Chang'an, it is said that the prince is very filial."

"The father is kind and the son is filial." There was a hint of ridicule in King Wei's eyes, "Even his own princess can be sent to the palace. I have never seen such a filial person since ancient times."

He hid one sentence: I have never seen such a kind old father since ancient times.


King Wei asked: "Does Chang'an have any opinions on Northern Xinjiang?"

Yuan Fei said: "Chang'an has a lot of complaints about Huang Chunhui, saying that he is afraid of fighting. Last time, he defeated more than 5,000 enemy troops, which was considered a great victory. However, Chang'an said that it raised more than 100,000 troops in northern Xinjiang, but it was a waste of national funds.


King Wei suddenly laughed.

"Huang Chunhui is known as an old fool. How will he respond?"

Spring plowing is very busy.

Yang Xuan felt that it would be fine if he just patrolled around.

When they got up early in the morning, Cao Ying and Yiniang were waiting outside.

A serious look on his face.

"Is this...King Wei dead?"


Cao Ying's cheek twitched, "Lang Jun, it's time to go to the ground today."

"I'm going to the fields?" Yang Xuan only knows how to hunt and farm...

"Yes!" Yi Niang turned around, "Fourth Lady."

The fourth lady came over holding clothes.

Coarse clothes.

The belt is made of hemp rope.

"Don't look down on me, Sir! The ancient saints wore these and led the ancestors to overcome thorns and thorns, and then the rich Central Plains came into being." Yi Niang muttered while helping him change his clothes.


Yi Niang walked to the front and took a closer look.

"The prince is brave... handsome!"

Yang Xuan felt that it was too much for a man to praise his handsomeness.

"Fourth lady, right?" Yi Niang asked.

Zhang Siniang nodded, "Yes."

Yang Xuan felt a little elated.

"A woman's praise is a man's motivation. Xiao Xuanzi, let's be a perpetual motion machine." Zhuque said.

After leaving the county house, diagonally across the street, Yue Er took his two children out and saluted: "The Ming Dynasty is unparalleled in the field of farming!"

"The Mingfu farming battle is unparalleled!"

The people saluted.

Yang Xuan solemnly returned the gift.

The ancestors led the ancestors to this day through hard work, and they farmed happily every day. When the aliens showed their fangs, these seemingly honest farmers would pick up weapons, mount war horses, and go on the battlefield one after another.

Unparalleled fighting!

This is the belief of the Central Plains people!

We pray for peace.

But never give up the means to defend peace!

Yang Xuan felt like a sapling. When he first set out from Yuanzhou, his root system was shallow. His experience in Chang'an was like a fattening process.

When he arrived in northern Xinjiang, he felt that his roots were extending deeper and deeper.

And the nourishment is these beliefs.

Only by integrating yourself into this land can you absorb those beliefs.

"Mingfu is here."

Persuading people to farm is very boring. It means just wielding a hoe to turn over the cultivated land that has been plowed for a long time, and then a group of officials and people are touting something on the side...

"The Ming Dynasty mastered the use of a hoe."

"You can tell that Mingfu is an expert at farming."


Yang Xuan only felt happy. He drank a sip of the farmer's water with satisfaction, and then rubbed a few children playing in the fields.

"Good Mingfu."

A girl looked at him timidly.

"What am I good for?"

Yang Xuan asked teasingly.

The girl thought for a while and said, "My mother-in-law can only leave the city to farm when the Ming government comes. Only when you leave the city to farm can you have food to eat. The Ming government provides food, so the Ming government is good."

"This girl's deductions are very orderly. Xiao Xuanzi, let's see if she is a mathematical genius." Suzaku looked lonely.

Yang Xuan said with a smile: "I will eat better in the future."

"Okay!" The little girl smiled happily.

Yang Xuan rubbed the top of her head again, straightened up and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the sheep moved slowly, like white clouds.

The horses were galloping and the herdsmen were shouting.

Yang Xuan has never felt that time is so quiet and beautiful.

The sound of horse hooves interrupted his reverie.

"Yang Ming Mansion, the envoy is calling."

This chapter has been completed!
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