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Chapter 1455 Crossing the river and approaching the city

The army slowly advanced, and the cavalrymen were having fun in front, surrounding the few hundred Southern Zhou scouts in the middle, making strange noises and teasing them.

"The soldiers are very happy!"

Han Ji smiled.

"If you win a battle, you should naturally be happy." He Lianrong said: "

"Difficult!" He Lianyan said: "The Southern Zhou Army demolished the bridges upstream and downstream, and there are cavalry patrolling the coast. The Jinyiwei spies can't pass on the news."

This is a troublesome thing right now.

But King Qin was not in a hurry at all. He took his son to the Yingshui River, pointed to a big tree upstream and said, "My father was fishing under that big tree back then."

That year, he was just a newcomer in Northern Xinjiang.

This time, as the King of Qin, he came to the north bank of Yingshui River and looked at Bianjing.

On the other side, the defenders formed a formation.

"That's King Qin!"

"Yes! And she has a child with her."

The Southern Zhou Army on the other side discovered King Qin and his son. Someone said, "Come here with the crossbow! Give him a shot." "Idiot!" Someone sneered, "Pull the crossbow over and King Qin can't see it? If he does it again, I really want to shoot him."

If King Qin is killed, who do you think among us can survive?"

"I'm afraid that King Qin's men will massacre the city."

Everyone shuddered and looked at the person who came up with the idea with unkind eyes.

The man said sarcastically: "I'm just saying it."

This is when someone from the other side shouted: "Come here."

A general came over here and asked, "What's the matter?"


"No surrender!"

The loud-voiced civil servant on the other side pointed at the general and said with a smile, "I know you definitely want to surrender."

The King of Qin looked at the civil servants and the other side and asked, "Have the people who went to explore the road come back?"

Jiang Heer said: "They found local fishermen with good water quality and went downstream."


On that day, the Northern Xinjiang Army camped on the north bank. They lit a bonfire and ate barbecue in the middle of the night. Their unscrupulousness reached the extreme. But the defenders on the other side of the river stayed awake all night, fearing a surprise attack by the Northern Xinjiang Army.

Only one wooden bridge was demolished, and hundreds of archers were guarding the bridge. It was more dangerous than one man blocking the bridge and ten thousand others unable to open it.

This bridge, according to the above statement, is the channel for communication with the Northern Xinjiang Army.

"Your Majesty, Sun Shi is here."

The news of Sun Shi's arrival shocked the court.

"That old dog is here again."

Fang Chong gritted his teeth and said, "Does he still dare to implement any new policies at this moment?"

On the morning of the second day, Nian Xu summoned the ministers to discuss matters.

"Move the capital!"

Sun Shi said simply: "Ying Shui can't defend it."

In the letter left to him, Han Bi analyzed the problem of Yingshui's defense line, mainly due to the confusion of people's hearts.

"Why can't you defend it?" Fang Chong looked at his old enemy with a sneer, "There is only a bridge in Yingshui, guarded by hundreds of warriors and powerful crossbows. Even Ning Yayun dare not cross it."

"Do you know how long Yingshui is?" Sun Shi asked.


Fang Chong was stunned for a moment.

"You can't cross here, and you can't cross anywhere else?" Sun Shi said, "Can you see the entire Yingshui?"

Fang Chong: "..."

"Move the capital!" Sun Shi shook his head.

In the middle of the night, King Qin suddenly summoned his subordinates to discuss matters.

The ministers entered the tent sleepily and saw that besides King Qin, there was also a man wearing a water jacket. King Qin pointed at the man and said: "This is a local righteous man with good water quality. He led his scouts 20 times downstream."

I found a shallow water area where I could cross the river. Without further ado...,

King Qin turned his eyes and said, "Jiang Cunzhong!"

"I'm here!"

"You lead five thousand people on horseback and set off. One man and two horses, and they will ride all the way. You must cross the Yingshui River tomorrow morning, go around, and launch an offensive against the enemy in front of you."

"Take your orders!"

Jiang Cunzhong went out. Later, the faint neighing of war horses could be heard from the rear camp.

"Do you have the sheepskin raft that I have prepared?" King Qin asked.


The army craftsmen made a lot of this stuff.

"Bring them all. After we seize the bridge tomorrow, one bridge is too slow to cross the river. Use a sheepskin raft to help."


King Qin smiled and said, "Tomorrow I will take you to see Bianjing City!"

In the early morning of the second day, there was some fog on the river.

More than twenty miles downstream, more than ten Southern Zhou cavalry lazily patrolled along the river bank.

"Looking at the mist, it's like a fairyland." A sergeant pointed at the river and said.

"Do you want to be a god?" someone laughed.

The sergeant shook his head, "The Northern Xinjiang Army is on the other side, I just want to save my life."

"Your Majesty is still in Bianjing!"

"So what? He said he was causing trouble with Peng Jing and others."

At this time, both the monarch and his ministers ignored their dignity and caused a stir.

Everyone sighed.

"What's that?" A sergeant pointed to the opposite side.

The thin mist was knocked away.

A horseman rushed out, and the Northern Xinjiang cavalry wearing black armor on horseback smiled evilly at them.

"Enemy attack!"

Countless cavalry rushed out of the mist and rushed into the river.

Five thousand cavalrymen, each with two horses, crossed Yingshui easily.

Of the dozen or so Southern Zhou cavalrymen, only three escaped, and among them, the sergeant who was said to have saved his life was among them.

"Set off!"

As soon as they crossed the river, Jiang Cunzhong set off with his cavalry.

They all had breakfast on horseback.

The king of Qin has risen.

He took his son for a slow walk along the river.

Very comfortable.

The defenders on the other side felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Look, they are quite tired. It can be seen that they didn't sleep much last night." King Qin pointed at the defenders opposite and said, "Prepare the fishing rods and teach A Liang how to fish. Alas! Jiang Taigong fishes, and whoever wants to take the bait will take the bait."


Nian Xu didn't sleep much either.

He had a dream, in which the emperors of the Southern Zhou Dynasty took turns scolding him, saying that he was so stupid that the Great Zhou Dynasty was destroyed. "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Nian Xu opened his eyes and it was already bright outside.

But he only slept for half an hour.

"What's the matter?"

Nian Xu's hoarse voice sounded a little impatient.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Sun wishes to see you."

"Moving the capital again?"

Nian Xu frowned.

Later, Sun Shi was brought.

"Your Majesty, please withdraw the Yingshui garrison."

Sun Shi's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, "We must not defend Yingshui, we must defend Bianjing to the death."

"Convene people to discuss!"

This matter is not something that the emperor can decide with just one word.

The monarch and his ministers gathered together. Everyone looked like they had not slept well. Some even had dark circles under their eyes, which made them look particularly good.

Laugh. "Abandoning Yingshui?" Fang Chong roared: "I think you, Sun Shi, want to surrender to the enemy!"

Sun Shi said coldly: "What can we do to defend Yingshui? Where is the army?"

He pointed outside, "People outside are in panic now. Before I came, I went to the Yingshui River and saw that the morale of the soldiers was low and the people were in disarray. How can we defend this situation?"

"Those thieves and soldiers scolded them a few times, and they naturally became energetic!" Fang Chong retorted.

Peng Jing also joined the battle group, "It's ridiculous to stick to Bianjing even though Yingshui is so dangerous!"

"Where does the natural danger come from?" Sun Shi retorted: "How many places can you cross the river upstream and downstream, do you know?" "There are sergeants patrolling along the coast..." Peng Jing sneered.

"His Majesty!"

A chamberlain came in.

"Early this morning, North

The Xinjiang army crossed the river downstream of Yingshui River!"


The pumpkin warrior beside him let go of his hand, and the hollow pumpkin fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

Peng Jing still raised his hand to scold Sun Shi, but looked at the waiter blankly.

Five thousand cavalry suddenly appeared on the flank of the defenders.

"Array up!"

the guard shouted.

Five thousand cavalry led by a wave of crossbow arrows, and then rushed into the defenders' formation.

In less than ten breaths, the defenders collapsed.

On the other side, King Qin waved his hand, "Attack!"

More than ten ballistae arrived at the other side of the only bridge.


Huge crossbows flew past, some were nailed to the bridge, but most of them flew over and passed through hundreds of defenders.


Then, the crossbow array showed its power.

"Fire the arrow!"

Rows of crossbowmen fired arrows from across the bank, using their crossbows to have a longer range than their opponents, easily covering the defenders.

The army and the defenders did not even raise their shields, but dispersed in a hurry.


The general of the Northern Xinjiang Army under command cursed: "I knew why we had such a big battle? Just rush over." The cavalry crossed the bridge first, followed by the infantry.

On the river, the inflated sheepskin rafts were lowered and led the soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army across the river.

There were so many sheepskin rafts that they covered the water in front of us.

King Qin, who was teaching his son how to fish, threw away the fishing rod and sighed: "How can we still fish?"

Han Ji came, "Your Highness, we have crossed the river."

"Let's go!"

The King of Qin was escorted across Yingshui and ordered: "Surround Bianjing City, but we are not in a hurry to attack."

There was chaos in the palace.

"Quickly, let people close the city gate!"

"Your Majesty, move the capital!"

Nian Xu also lost his composure, "What should we do? What should we do?"

He asked: "Where is Sun Qing?"

Xie Yingong said: "My servant saw Mr. Sun going out earlier."

Sun Shi had already left the palace at this moment.

He looked at the familiar imperial city and shook his head slightly.

When he arrived outside the imperial city, he got on his horse and said to the old servant: "You wait here, by the way, tell the lady, just say...

She's right."

There was chaos in the city at the moment, and the people were running to their homes. Some people wanted to escape from the city, but were intercepted by the defenders. A conflict broke out between the two sides. Someone from the defenders accidentally killed one person, which immediately caused a commotion.


When Sun Shi arrived, the defenders looked pale and there were more than ten people lying on the ground.

"I'm leaving the city."

"Mr. Sun!"

"Is it okay?" Sun Shi asked.

No one refused.

Sun Shi stretched out his hand and said, "Give me a knife."

Someone took off the long knife and handed it to Sun Shi with the scabbard attached.

Sun Shi mounted his horse.

"Mr. Sun, there is a chaos of war outside, but the city is safe," the guard shouted.

"Thank you!"

There are more and more broken troops in the front.

Sun Shi rode alone and rode against the crowd.

The cavalry of the Northern Xinjiang Army appeared in front, and the defeated troops became more and more panicked.


Sun Shi drew his sword.

"The Great Zhou Dynasty has been established for hundreds of years, and it has been raising scholars for hundreds of years. Today, it is time for us to repay our kindness."

He shouted: "I, Sun Shi, who is willing to follow me to kill the enemy?"

He looked around and smiled miserably.

No one!

Everyone is running away.

A general galloped away on horseback. When he saw Sun Shi, he said, "The pursuers are coming. Sun Gong, run away!"

Sun Shi shook his head, "I want to run away too, but Zi Rui is watching me!" He looked up at the sky, "Zirui, walk slower. I'm coming soon!"

Pursuing troops

I saw an old man charging over with a long knife and roaring.

"Fire the arrow!"

Puff puff puff!

In the 16th year of the Qian Dynasty, the Northern Xinjiang army crossed Yingshui. In the chaos of the army, Sun Shi, the former chief minister of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, was shot dead.


The army came to Bianjing City.

This chapter has been completed!
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