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Chapter 1460 Where are you going to take the Central Plains

"Take your orders!"

Pei Jian turned around and set off with his generals. King Qin walked over.

Nian Ziyue was a little at a loss, "You...you..."

When King Qin looked at this woman, he couldn't help but think of those years...

"That year, Gu Zai was thinking of ways to perform meritorious service so that he could leave Chang'an and find a fortune. Unexpectedly, he was sent to protect some Nanyang princess. At that time, Gu was thinking, why did the so-called treasure of the Great Zhou come to Chang'an for nothing? Nan Yang Are all the men dead?"

Nian Ziyue lowered his head.

King Qin smiled and said, "It's the first time I've seen you, and I think you're a little interesting."

It was amazing, but he had seen many artificial beauties in the scrolls, and the beauty seemed fake.

Nian Ziyue, a genuine beauty, naturally cannot make him salivate like other men.

Moreover, at that time, Yi Niang and Cao Ying had just thrown a big burden on his shoulders called Disobedience, so how could he think of provoking women.

At this moment, Nian Ziyue looks a little more mature than before, but the most attractive thing is still those eyes full of spiritual energy.

"I originally thought you were a cute young lady, but when I met you in Pingkangfang, I realized that you are clearly a bored girl."

King Qin asked: "See you again after many years. How are you?"

"I'm fine." Nian Ziyue looked at him, "But you have changed a lot."

"Oh! Tell me." King Qin put his hands behind his hands and nodded to the embarrassed Nian Xu next to him.

"At first you looked a bit...a scoundrel. Now that I see you, you look more majestic."


King Qin smiled and said, "But you always remember that Gutou Hu won your gold and silver?"

Nian Ziyue nodded, "Although I don't care about the gold and silver, I'm a little annoyed."

That time, the King of Qin used the method of provoking generals to get the young Nian Ziyue to take the bait.

And that batch of gold and silver also became the capital for King Qin to start his own business.

Thinking of this, King Qin looked at her with more kindness in his eyes.

"Your Highness!" Nian Xu handed over again.

The queen sighed and thought, didn't you see that Ziyue and King Qin were talking happily? Maybe if they talk for a while, the matter will be settled!

"Tell me about it!" King Qin nodded.

"Peng Jing and Fang Chong launched a rebellion, and I was caught off guard..." Nian Xu suddenly laughed at himself: "Why are you talking about this now?"

They all became prisoners, saying that these disciples made people laugh. "Is there a lesson?" King Qin asked.

"Yes." Nian Xu said, "The ancestral system cannot be fully trusted!"

"Which one?"

"Suppress the warrior!"

Suppressing warriors is a traditional skill of old people. It is sad to wake up after the country's collapse.

Han Ji sighed: "The Southern Zhou Dynasty was prosperous. If it is supplemented by powerful troops, it is still unclear who can be the leader in this world."

The King of Qin did not feel dissatisfied, "That's exactly what happened. Before the founding of the Nian family, the military people were domineering, and there were many vassal towns to warn the military people, but they went too far."

This is true.

Nian Xu thought of his father's teachings when he was the prince, "It can change in the beginning, but when the status of the scholar-bureaucrats becomes entrenched in the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor can only do nothing."

This is a typical example of one's own family pitting one's family against one's own family.

Nian Xu glanced at King Qin and saw his gentle expression, so he asked: "I...I know that my crime is unpardonable, so I still ask Your Highness to deal with it."

As he spoke, he prepared to kneel down.

"What are you doing alone?"

Nian Xu stood up straight again after hearing this.

"Go to Chang'an!"

The King of Qin said: "We will leave together when the army returns in triumph. When we get to Chang'an, if we keep ourselves safe, our children and grandchildren will naturally be rich."

The King of Qin ordered Pei Jian to attack Bianjing, but it was foreseeable that there was no need to attack at all...

After entering the city, the government's assets belonged to the public, but the assets in the palace belonged to the King of Qin and could be disposed of at his disposal.

This is the rule of this era.

Nian's place, the King of Qin will naturally give him

The family should leave some belongings, otherwise they will be criticized as being mean and stingy.

As for how much, it depends on your age.

After all, Nian Xu had been an emperor for many years, so he immediately woke up and said, "I am willing to cooperate."

Once Nian Xu comes forward, the rest will be easy to handle.

"That's fine!"

King Qin subconsciously raised his hand.

Nian Xu was a little angry, and then he remembered his identity at the moment, so he bent down slightly so that King Qin could pat him on the shoulder.


King Qin patted him on the shoulder and said, "If that's the case, go and summon him to surrender!"

Everyone set off immediately.

Under the city, the Northern Xinjiang Army was already in position.

At the top of the city, Peng Jing and Fang Chong were both there.

"What do you mean by this, Your Highness?" Fang Chong shouted: "The Nian family has been sent to you. Do you want to regret it?"

"What did His Highness promise you?" the loud-voiced civil servant asked.


It seems there really isn’t!

Fang Chong shook his head, and Peng Jing sighed, "You are so powerful that you have lost your wits!"

Fang Chong was angry, "You go and try to face the King of Qin directly?"

"The King of Qin is here." Someone interrupted the quarrel between the two.

Also coming with him was Nian Xu.

"His Majesty?!"

When the carriage left the city, the defenders did not know who was inside. Nian Xu's appearance confused most of the defenders.

Peng Jing's expression changed drastically, "Foolish King"

Nian Xu took a few steps forward and said loudly: "Peng Jing and Fang Chong are plotting a rebellion!"

"Damn you!" Peng Jing cursed, "Bed crossbow, bed crossbow!"

"The so-called Northern Expedition was originally instigated by Peng Jing and Fang Chong, which made the King of Qin so angry that the army marched south. This is all the fault of these two people. I hereby declare that the Great Zhou Dynasty... is gone


Didn't you have any thoughts when you were young?

Everyone felt that being an emperor was indeed shameless.

Nian Xu knelt down and said, "Forefathers and ancestors, Nian Xu was so incompetent that the country was destroyed."

Do you want to make such a fuss? A sharp look flashed in Han Ji's eyes.

Nian Xu raised his head and said, "Fortunately, the King of Qin is kind and treats the army and people of Zhou Dynasty well, as well as my family. Nian Xu, I am very grateful!"

have to!

As soon as these words came out, the garrison at the top of the city immediately divided.

"Open the city gate and welcome King Qin!" Nian Xu shouted.

"Don't open it!" Peng Jing scolded: "The King of Qin will slaughter the city and build the capital.


In the chaos, someone didn't know who punched Peng Jing. Sun Xun led hundreds of sergeants to block the city gate.

The soldiers who were clamoring to open the door were stunned when they saw it. They shouted smartly: "This is a good opportunity to make a contribution!"


Seeing that everyone is going to be a prisoner, what if I can make a contribution?


Sun Zhen's face was ashen and he cursed: "Old thief Fang Chong made a mistake on me!"

At the top of the city, Fang Chong ran away. He ran so fast that the young soldiers who were chasing him felt inferior.

Someone praised: "A gentleman runs extremely fast!"

He ran to the bottom of the city, staggered, and was immediately thrown down by the sergeant on the steps.

"Great work!" The sergeant was ecstatic.

Fang Chong couldn't struggle, and said desperately: "Old man Tian Mie, old man Tian Mie." At this time, the city gate slowly opened, and Peng Jing was also taken down, and he and Fang Chong were forced to kneel on the side.

"What will happen to you and me?" Fang Chong coughed dryly and spat out bloody spit.

"The King of Qin has said that officials who oppose the New Deal will not be hired." Peng Jing said. "Is that just that? I am willing to go home and farm."

"You and I are traitors?" Peng Jing suddenly roared: "After the King of Qin was filial to the emperor, what he hated most was rebellious ministers and traitors. How could he let you and me go? Old dog, it's all your instigation, otherwise

I have returned home now."

"Back then, I was loyal to Your Majesty. It was you, it was you.

This old dog encouraged me, saying that Your Majesty is using Sun Shi to check and balance us, and wants to weaken us. If you don't want to sit back and wait for death, you should break the New Deal. If it weren't for you, how could I be in the situation I am in today?"

Fang Chong spat bloody spit at Peng Jing, "When I became an official, I also swore to serve the king and revitalize the Zhou Dynasty. It was you who took me to eat, drink and have fun, and it was you who persuaded me to speak for those scholar-bureaucrats. For this reason, I did not hesitate.

Confusing right and wrong. I regret it! Your Majesty, I regret it."

Peng Jing sneered.

At this time, the Northern Xinjiang Army began to enter the city.

The defenders immediately left the city, and the large city gates entered and exited in an orderly manner. The Northern Xinjiang Army controlled the city head, the streets, and then the military camp.

"Everyone come out!"

The Northern Xinjiang Army urged the people along the street to come out to welcome the King of Qin. This is the drama of a conqueror.

King Qin and Nian Xu entered the city.

"King Qin is a thousand years old!"

The people shouted, and when they saw King Qin and Nian Xu holding hands, their voices became more enthusiastic.

King Qin smiled and waved.

"Very enthusiastic!"

"These are probably the best people in the world. As long as they have enough to eat, they will think that I am a wise king. I feel ashamed when I think about it now. However, I hope that Your Highness can treat them kindly." Nian Xu said.

"The people under Gu Dui's rule have always been very good, and from now on, they are the people of the Tang Dynasty." King Qin nodded and smiled at a girl who screamed at him, which was replaced by an even sharper scream.

"King Qin is so handsome!" the girl shouted, "and so kind!"

The conqueror looked very dignified, majestic yet kind. And the Northern Xinjiang army did not look fierce, which made the people feel relieved.

"Your Highness Chitose!"

As a result, the shouts became more sincere.

"How does it feel to be an emperor for decades?" King Qin asked. Seeing Nian Xu's panic, he smiled and said: "There is no need to panic, the day when Guli will sit in that position is not too far away. I used to think about that day,

I'm a little hopeful, but at this moment, I'm actually a little trembling, so I'm asking you."

Nian Xu breathed a sigh of relief, "Speaking of..." He raised his head, a little confused, "These years, when I became the emperor... When I became the prince, I noticed the great Zhou Dynasty.

There are many shortcomings, and I know that if things don’t change, the Great Zhou Dynasty will collapse sooner or later.”

"After I succeeded to the throne, I planned changes, and then forcibly used Sun Shi and others. Unfortunately, the success failed. Until today."

"As for how I feel..." Nian Xu thought about it carefully, "Since taking the throne, I have not spent a day in peace. I am either secretly fighting with my ministers, or worrying about the shortcomings of the Great Zhou Dynasty and planning how to change it...

·To this day, I have never had a happy birthday."

Is this so?

King Qin smiled bitterly, "He Gu thinks like this, but this emperor is not a human being!

"Isn't that true?" Nian Xu sighed: "It's ridiculous that I still think about it so much that I allowed Peng Jing and others to drive Sun Shi away. Now it seems that I have brought it upon myself, and I deserve it!"

"So, do you have anything else to say?" King Qin was about to end the conversation. This was probably the last time Nian Xu had a face-to-face conversation with him.

Nian Xu looked at him and asked seriously:

"Young man, where do you want to take the Central Plains?"

The Southern Zhou Dynasty also belonged to the Central Plains.

King Qin thought for a while.

Pointing into the distance.

"The end of the world!"

This chapter has been completed!
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