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Chapter 1474 Pan'er is an Adult

This generation of King Xiang is called Li Chang, who is the nephew of Emperor Xuande and a cousin who is filial to the emperor. Li Chang is over fifty years old, not young, but he is very energetic.

At this moment, he, his son Li Zhen and their entire family were on their way out of Shu. The road to Shu was difficult because it was so mountainous.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Li Zhen said: "Ah, I will never enter Shu again in this life." "You will never enter Shu when you are young, you will never leave Shu when you are old, but now I want to leave Shu."

Li Chang stroked his beard and said happily: "Li Mi wants us to go back and cause trouble for King Qin, but how can I be his pawn? Let's see what King Qin does to us."

Li Zhen said: "They say that the King of Qin is just like the filial emperor back then! He doesn't have a good impression of us." Li Chang's eyes were slightly cold, "It's okay. Why do you mention filial piety to the emperor?"

"The King of Qin must inherit this ambition of his biological father, otherwise everyone in the world will say that he is unfilial." Li Zhen said. "The King of Qin was still young when he left Chang'an, and he had no impression of being filial to the emperor. There is no such thing as filial piety." "Ah. Yeah, why are you so... "uncomfortable" about honoring the emperor?

"There is nothing uncomfortable. If he treats the clan well... "Your Majesty, the clan is discussing matters. Your Majesty, please come."

This time Li Mi made a big gift, and sent back all the accompanying clan members, including the two sons who were filial to the emperor. The meeting place was in a pavilion next to the official road.

There are too many people in the clan, so those who can enter the pavilion are all older people. There are only two relatively young ones, King Zhen and King Yong. "Ahem!"

Sitting at the top was King De, Li Xian. When he saw Li Chang coming, he coughed dryly and said, "Everyone is here, so I'll talk about it." Li Chang sat down and nodded to King Zhen and King Yong, as well as King Cheng Li Song, who was acquainted with him.

Li Song smiled in return.

"This time we return to Chang'an. I think when we arrive in Chang'an, the new emperor will have already ascended the throne."

Li Xian looked at everyone, "The first thing to discuss today is, should we recognize the new emperor, or not?" Someone outside muttered, "The new emperor must communicate with the clan before he ascends the throne..."

"Get out!" Li Xian scolded. The man walked away in disbelief.

Someone said: "The one who killed from the north to the south was more ferocious than the Emperor Gaozu. Do you think he has to wait when the clan is not there?" A group of arrogant fools... Li Chang sneered. He thought that since Li Xian invited King Zhen and King Yong to come, it goes without saying that he supports the new emperor's ascension to the throne.

"How?" Li Xian asked.

"We are all members of the same family. Even if we fight back and forth, it is still our Li family." Li Song's words represent the position of many people. "Who doesn't agree?" Li Xian asked.

King Zhen sat there and observed, and found that many people were a little resentful. He knew that these people were extremely dissatisfied with the little brother, but the little brother had a large army in his hands and had to bow his head.

King Yong whispered: "Like Aye, he is dissatisfied with the clan. If you are dissatisfied, just be dissatisfied! And he even said it out loud... Back then, Aye had expressed his position early, but when he finally stepped down, the clan refused to help him. A few people secretly add insult to injury."

"No need to worry about it." King Zhen said calmly.

Seeing that no one objected, Li Xian said: "In this case, after leaving Shu, that person will be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty." Everyone nodded, indicating that they had no objection.

"Secondly, last time King Qin released his slaves, many of our people followed him. What should we do about this?" Last time King Qin released more than 100,000 slaves in Guanzhong, many of them were members of the clan.

King Jeong was observing everyone.

When the news first reached Shu, what were these clan leaders clamoring for... How dare you little beasts to be rude to me?

Or what to say... As expected, they are fatherless and motherless people who have lost their family ties. At this moment, these people are extremely silent.

"Those people have been released, and we want to get them back..." A clan elder sighed: "I thought, forget it!" "But without the people, who will plant those fields?"

Someone said dissatisfied.

"Recruitment." Li Song said.

"Recruitment? The salary given by recruitment is much higher than that of slaves. Our family is going to drink the northwest wind?"

After a while of arguing, Li Xian stopped everyone and said:

"So, who wouldn't want to go to Chang'an to stay at home?" Someone asked, "What about you?"

"I...admit defeat!"


The matter of enthroning the throne is in full swing. "Yang Qi hasn't been here for a long time."

In the morning, Wang Qin, who was sitting behind the counter, put her chin in her hands and said somewhat melancholy.

"The child is probably studying!" Deng Er said with a smile, "Why, Qin'er thinks she is a childhood sweetheart?" "What childhood sweetheart?" Wang Qin asked.

Guo Xiu glared at Deng Er, "Nothing." "Isn't this coming?" Deng Er pointed outside.

A Liang came in with a greased paper bag, "Here, these are the snacks made by my family. You can try them." Wang Qin took it and asked him first, "Are you studying recently?"

"Yes, sir, he is very strict!" Ah Liang sighed.

The things taught by King Qin are different from those of the gentlemen. Most of them point directly to the root cause, and sometimes they are guided by instructions. After the teaching here, A Liang has to go to the gentlemen to study, and occasionally find time to go to metaphysics to worship gods, plus study...


He was very busy, but he didn't know that his old father was muttering behind his back: "This test is not good enough, should we open another interest class for him?" After saying a few words, A Liang was about to leave.

"for you."

Wang Qin took out a small stone. There were mottled patterns on the small stone in three colors, which looked very interesting. "Okay, thank you very much."

Ah Liang took it and went back immediately.

After he left, Wang Qin opened the oil paper bag and found the snacks inside...

"Let me try it." Guo Xiu looked at a piece and frowned: "This taste... is not good!" "Then I will eat it alone!" Wang Qin pouted and wrapped the oil paper bag again.

Ah Liang returned to the palace and went to his mother first.

"Are the snacks I made delicious?" Zhou Ning asked with a smile. "It's delicious." A Liang nodded vigorously.


Aunt Guan came in with a glowing face, "Your Highness just discussed the matter with the ministers and mentioned the matter of the prince. Your Highness said that in this enthronement ceremony, the crown prince will be canonized together with him.


Even though he knew that one day would come sooner or later, Zhou Ning was still stunned, "Isn't it too early?" Ah Liang is still young!

"Liu Gong also said that the eldest man is still young, so he should wait a few more years. But His Highness said that the children of the poor should become masters early, and the children of today's family must do the same." Guan Auntie said, "Congratulations, empress, congratulations to the eldest man."


This was probably the most straightforward emperor in history. He decided on the position of crown prince without any hesitation.

It was a cold day when Yue Er and his family arrived in Chang'an. "Are you from Northern Xinjiang?"

The sergeant at the city gate looked at Yue Er with suspicious eyes, then looked at his wife and children, "You are... not very old, are you?" The old man and the young wife were too obvious, so it was inevitable that they would

Arousing suspicion of fake couples.

"I have a good waist!" Yue Er straightened his waist. "What are you doing in Chang'an?"

"settle down."

"Do you have a place to stay?"

"Some people who defect will buy a house later..."What is your career?"

The sergeant raised his head, "I'm asking you! What is your occupation?"

"I have forgotten my old profession." Yue Er sighed, and then said: "Selling cloth." "Go in!"

The sergeant explained: "Your Highness is going to ascend the throne. The city has been strictly inspected recently, so don't bother." "Your Highness is going to ascend the throne?" Yue Er was overjoyed when he heard this.

"What are you happy about?"

"I and Your Highness have been neighbors for many years, why are you not happy?" "It's full of nonsense!"

A group of carriages entered the city slowly. The hundreds of cavalry accompanying them handed over the people and then headed south. "Nian Gong."

The handover officials handed over Nian Xu.

Nian Xu looked at Zhuque Street and sighed: "It's so magnificent!"

"No," the official said with a smile, "When Nian Gong comes to Chang'an, he will be happy to miss Shu!" This was a warning. Nian Xu glanced at the official and said, "I just want to die in Chang'an."


Nodding, "This is the best." Nian Xu then asked to see King Qin. "Nian Xu is here?"

King Qin thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid I'll be even busier after taking the throne. Let's meet him!" Nian Xu entered the palace immediately.

Unlike the somewhat cramped palaces of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, the palace of the Tang Dynasty looked grand. When I saw King Qin, two embroiderers in the palace were helping him try on robes.

"It's a little too small here." An embroiderer apologized, "I'll change it when I get back."

"Take a look." King Qin looked down at his waist, stretched out his hand and pulled it, "It doesn't matter." "Your Highness..."

It was rumored that King Qin's favorite word was "make do", and the two embroiderers, who thought they had made a big mistake, couldn't help but be overjoyed. "It only lasts half a day, there is no need to be so elaborate."

The two embroiderers left happily, and Nian Xu came in. "The guilty minister has seen your highness!"

"The Southern Zhou Dynasty is gone, and you have come to Chang'an. Don't say anything about not being jealous. You can live in Chang'an with peace of mind, and do whatever you want. If you say anything about being afraid... you know that at this moment, you are alone. So I hope that someone in Beiliao will rebel, and the more people involved, the better!"

It is said that the roads and water conservancy in northern Xinjiang are the best in the world, all thanks to the captives of the Northern Liao Dynasty. If someone rebelled in the hometown of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, thinking about the urinary nature of King Qin, he would probably be extremely happy, and then look for a place on the map to build roads... ··Nian Xu’s forehead was wet with sweat, “The guilty minister dare not.”

"That's it, let's go!" King Qin waved his hand. "The guilty minister must retire."

King Qin watched him go out and asked, "Zhang's home was ransacked. What did those people in Guanzhong say?" Qin Ze said, "The Jin Yiwei side didn't find anything."

"Not saying a word? That's weird." King Qin put the matter aside. Time passed, and two days later, "I will ascend the throne tomorrow."

Yi Niang told the maids around King Qin with a straight face, "Today you are waiting for a break. Eat well, sleep well, and be energetic. If anyone makes a mistake tomorrow, we will deal with it even more!"


Princess Qin and her two children also warned

Metaphysics was still placed in the Imperial College, and even the teaching in the Imperial College was taken over. "You will ascend the throne tomorrow!"

Even if she is as free and uninhibited as Ning Yayun, after seeing Queen Qin, her head is still full of black lines. "Just to show off."

King Qin walked with him in the Imperial Academy, looking at the familiar scenery, and asked: "If I ascend the throne tomorrow, I will be the master!"

"This is not like your temperament." Lao Shuaiguo looked at him suspiciously, "If you have something to do, please let me go to normal. Since you don't take this ascension of the throne seriously, why did you make a special trip to urge me?"

"Tomorrow I will be enthroned on the tower at the end of Suzaku Street. There are so many people there!" "So you are afraid of death?"

"I just want to be more lively." King Qin's face is indeed not that thick-skinned. "There will be many outsiders tomorrow. Without you here, I will have no bottom in my heart!"

"Do you have any ideas about becoming emperor?" King Qin thought for a while.

"When will A Liang grow up?"

This chapter has been completed!
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