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Chapter 146 Breaking the city (for the beaten sister Yu 2)

Chinese Army.

This time Northern Xinjiang sent 80,000 troops, and most of the elites were in the Chinese army.

Scouts and messengers kept coming and going, and for this reason, the advancing army made a few roads in the middle.

Some of these roads are used exclusively by scouts and messengers, and some are used exclusively by the central army. They must not interfere with each other.

In the wartime army, the rules are stricter than ever.

No mess at all!

"Zhongcheng, the right Yuhou army reports that the enemy's cavalry is waiting and watching."

Huang Chunhui nodded, "Our army attacked, but the enemy army was not strong enough. At first, the enemy army wanted to frighten our army. This was contempt, thinking that they could defeat more with less. But they were beaten by You Yuhou's army, and they found out about me.

The army is not a soft persimmon, so it retreated."

Liao Jin said: "The enemy's retreat is inevitable, and You Yuhou's army fought well."

"It's also tragic." Someone said.

"How can the two countries not fight fiercely?" Jiang Cunzhong retorted, "This is a life-and-death fight."

Seeing the dispute among his subordinates, Huang Chunhui did not interfere, but thought about it.

"He Lianfeng should have received the news now. How will he respond? Raise an army, or..." Liao Jin was also thinking.

"There's no rush." ​​Huang Chunhui said.

The scouts are coming.

"Zhongcheng, You Yuhou's army drove away the enemy's cavalry and killed more than a hundred people!"


Huang Chunhui praised: "Inform the whole army, Yaowu!"

Message conveyed.

The whole army is excited!

"What are Zuo Yuhou's troops doing?" Someone asked dissatisfiedly: "Liu Qing and his men just dispersed a group of enemy cavalry, and then made no further achievements. Is he trying to preserve his strength?"

Zhang Du said dissatisfiedly: "If you want to make meritorious deeds, you must have a chance."

Judge Wu Lindui laughed, "Yes!"

The last time this guy flattered Zhang Chumao, Zhang Chumao was defeated. He regretted it endlessly and expressed his loyalty to Huang Chunhui countless times in private, but Huang Chunhui ignored him even once.

"The city ahead is Hongcheng. It's time for Liu Qing to ask someone for instructions."

Several horses came galloping.

"Zhongcheng, Zuo Yuhou's army arrived at Hongcheng, and Liu Shijun ordered people to attack the city."

"Oh!" Huang Chunhui was a little surprised, "He took the initiative, which shows that morale is not low."

Liao Jin smiled and said: "Liu Qing is also a veteran general, but this battle is the first time the army has attacked a fortress... No, Northern Xinjiang has not attacked the Northern Liao city for several years. This battle is the first, so there must be no mistakes!"

Huang Chunhui nodded silently.

The noise in Chang'an was very noisy. After the failure of the Northern Xinjiang Jiedu envoy plan, the four surnames of the family went dormant for a while, and then came back again.

In order to prove their correctness, they did not hesitate to use Beijiang as a pawn to frequently create pressure. Once he steps down, who will come up?

Will the four surnames of the family have an exchange with the emperor, or will the emperor directly suppress them?

Huang Chunhui hoped that the emperor could slap those greedy powerful people down.

"The news from Chang'an must be reported promptly."

Liao Jin nodded, he knew Huang Chunhui's worries, "Chang'an is very clear about the purpose of this battle, and so is your Majesty. So, Chang'an should also give an opinion on how to fight this battle."

If it is done steadily, it means that the four surnames of the family have been suppressed by the emperor.


There was a hint of relief in Liao Jin's eyes.

He glanced at Huang Chunhui and said, "Tell Liu Qing, this is the first time in several years that Northern Xinjiang has attacked the city of Beiliao. Even if all the people are dead, his corpse will still have to stand on the top of the city to report the victory!"

"Take orders!"

When the scouts arrived at Zuo Yuhou's army, Yang Xuan and his men were already ready.

There is no need for a long ladder in the small Tucheng. A short ladder can be carried by one person.

Five hundred infantry, this is the first wave of attack prepared by Yang Xuan. There are still 500 people behind, and in the first wave he is ready to press the entire army.

The scout shouted loudly: "The Chinese army has an order. This is the first time in Northern Xinjiang to attack the Northern Liao city in several years. Even if all Zuo Yuhou's troops are killed, Liu Shijun's corpse will still have to stand at the top of the city to report victory to the Chinese army."


Liu Qing's eyelids twitched, "Take the order!"

Yang Xuan also heard it.

The first battle in Northern Xinjiang in several years!

If he wants to stand out in Northern Xinjiang, he must show the value of himself and the Taiping Army. Only if the big guys in Northern Xinjiang see these values ​​can he be promoted in the future.

Take control of greater power and command more troops.

Everything is for the sake of rebellion!

But at this moment, Yang Xuan put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind.

In order to avenge rebellion.

Also for the Tang Dynasty.

To do this, you must:

The battle must be won!


Yang Xuan raised his sword: "I am the Taiping Army!"

"Wan Sheng!"

He shouted with all his strength: "I am the Taiping Army!"

The whole army shouted.

"Wan Sheng!"

Amid cheers, the entire army attacked.

"Baby!" Liu Qing clenched the handle of the knife, his mind filled with analysis of this battle.

Guardsman Yelu Yu stood at the top of the city and sneered, "We have 600 troops, but he wants to attack the city with 1,000 troops. This is a recipe for death."

The deputy general next to him looked gloomy, "Cheer up, the messenger has been leaving for five days, and there is still no news about the reinforcements. What is Ning Xing waiting for?"

Yeluyu took a deep breath and suppressed the irritability in his heart, "Your Majesty must have mobilized the army...The army must be on the way at this moment."

"Then we should send a messenger to inform us first to boost morale." The deputy general became more and more pessimistic as he thought about it. "The main force of the enemy army is coming, and Hongcheng will definitely be difficult to protect. It doesn't matter if we die, but those brothers are kept in the dark.



Yeluyu drew his sword, and the lieutenant couldn't help but take a step back.


Yelu Yu didn't want to kill him, but the Tang army came.

Five hundred people were running wildly.

The next five hundred people followed closely.


Yeluyu shouted.


More than three hundred long bows are being drawn.

Five hundred people followed, Zhao Youcai shouted, "Get ready..."

Three hundred crossbows were aimed at the city head.

Zhao Youcai smiled evilly and said: "Let's see which one is more powerful: your long bow or the crossbows of the Taiping Army. Fire the arrows!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Amidst the dense sounds, a wave of black clouds flew towards the city.

"They have crossbows!"

The city head was covered with crossbow arrows, and the archers suffered heavy casualties.

Yeluyu's face turned livid, "Fire the arrow!"

Arrows are flying.


The running Taiping soldiers raised their shields.

Duh duh duh!

Screams inevitably came.

But it’s just a wave.

The small town is right in front of you.

The short ladder went up with a bang, and the Taiping Army began to attack the city.

The spear at the top of the city stabbed down desperately.

From time to time, some people screamed and fell to the top of the city, but from time to time, some people rushed up.

Then there was a fierce fighting at the top of the city.

"The enemy is very tough."

Yang Xuan approached the city and took command.

He saw the ferocity of the Liao army... A Liao army lost his hands, but he still managed to knock a Tang army off the city. After landing, he spurted blood and laughed.


No wonder Bei Liao became the number one enemy of Tang Dynasty for many years.

Nan He said: "Mr. Lang, let me have someone come up."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Okay, but the attack should not be monotonous. We have to find some fun for them. A surprise attack from the other side is essential. Who is going?"

The old thief held his head high and his chest high.

The same goes for Wang Laoer, and he is much taller than him.

These chest muscles are a bit exaggerated.

Yang Xuan's eyes turned.

Zhen Siwen's heart trembled, but she also raised her chest.


Yang Xuan has always felt that Zhen Siwen is a good man, who does not panic when in danger and handles things calmly. In time, he will definitely become his right-hand man.

"Here!" Zhen Siwen shouted with a blushing face.

"This is excitement." Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder and praised: "Sven is full of courage. Later you lead fifty brothers to raid the city from the north gate to contain the enemy."

"Take orders!"

Zhen Siwen stood there motionless.


Yang Xuan turned around and watched the attack and defense at the top of the city.

Zhen Siwen's calves were trembling slightly.

This is a siege!

Look at the city head...

The spears were poking down from a high position, and the archers would occasionally shoot arrows downwards, and some rocks would be thrown down along the way.

Oh my God!

Zhen Siwen stretched out her hand, rubbed her face vigorously, and said softly: "Sven, you can do it! You must be able to do it!"

Nan He is here.

He held the horizontal knife in his mouth, held up the shield with his left hand, and held the ladder with his right hand, and rushed up quickly.

"The enemy is coming!"

The deputy general shouted and led people to block it.

"Fire the arrow!"

More than ten archers gathered fire to congratulate the south.

Nan He's body almost huddled up behind the shield.

Duh duh duh!

The shield turned into a hedgehog.

Nan He stretched his body, raised his head and came out, seeing a spear right in front of him.

He blocked with a tilt of his shield.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The spear suddenly slid past the shield. The enemy soldier used all his strength to thrust out a shot, but it missed and his body fell violently down.

Nan Hehu roared and blocked him with his shield.


The ladder shook violently.

Then he rushed to the top of the city.

The swords and guns came towards him intensively.

"It's an enemy general!"

The deputy general shouted from behind: "Strangle him! Whoever kills him will be rewarded heavily!"

Yelu Yu looked at this scene indifferently, knowing that this was a stupid idea.

Hongcheng cannot be saved today. Everyone is either killed in battle or captured. What is the meaning of talking about heavy rewards at this time?

Moreover, the lieutenant general was standing behind, only shouting, and the sergeants were obviously low in morale.

Nan He had to put in a lot of effort every time he took a step forward. The blood on the ground gradually gathered into a puddle and became a little slippery.

With him as the bridgehead, the Tang army rushed to the city in a frenzy.

Once they gain a foothold, Hongcheng will be doomed.

Yeluyu ordered: "Archers."

People around him said: "Our people were strangled with them."

"Archer!" Yeluyu put the long knife on his subordinate's neck, his eyes red.

Dozens of archers raised their bows.

"Fire the arrow!"

"Fire the arrow!"

The rain of arrows covered the enemy without distinguishing between friend and foe.

"The enemy is crazy!"

Many enemy troops fell, and the Tang army also fell a lot.

More than ten Taiping brothers were killed or injured. Nan He's eyes became filled with anger and he shouted: "Move forward!"

If you retreat now, it will be difficult to attack the city next time.

The deputy general did not expect Nan He to be so brave and refuse to retreat under such circumstances. He shouted: "Come more people!"

More than a hundred enemy troops came after hearing the order.

"Lance formation!"

Arraying and stabbing with spears was the favorite method of the defenders.

"The enemy troops from the north gate are coming!"

At this time, someone shouted at the north gate, and the deputy general and Yelu Yu both turned around and looked.

Hongcheng is a small earthen city. From here, the north gate is clearly visible.

Several Tang Army sergeants have already attacked the city and are killing them.

There were only about thirty sergeants there, and they immediately gathered together and prepared to drive the Tang army down.

At this moment, a Tang army officer who looked like a civil servant rushed to the top of the city, raised his sword and shouted, "The city is broken!"

Zhen Siwen almost got stabbed after shouting.

He shrunk his neck and became stiff.


A sergeant rushed up from behind and killed the enemy in front of him with one sword. Then he turned back and said with concern: "Sven, are you injured?"

"No, I'm just thinking about how to attack."

Zhen Siwen felt cold all over and mustered up the courage to shout: "Follow me!"

He raised his sword and charged forward, only slashing and killing indiscriminately.

However, there were only more than thirty enemy soldiers left here. At this moment, they were attacked by the Tang army, and the morale of the army was in chaos.

As a result, they were defeated step by step by a wave of slashing attacks by him and his men.

When Yang Xuan heard the good news about Beicheng, he couldn't help but praise: "Sven really lives up to expectations!"

On the other side, Nan He suddenly stepped forward and appeared in front of the deputy general.

The lieutenant turned around and wanted to run away.

The sergeants were stunned when they saw it.

Is this our lieutenant?

"Damn it!"

Yeluyu gritted his teeth and said, "Follow me."

He originally wanted to send the last few dozen sergeants to the North Gate for reinforcements, but at this moment he had to give up this idea and drive Nan He out first.

The deputy general ran over in panic, "Be careful, I..."


The long knife stabbed into his lower abdomen. The deputy general leaned on Yelu Yu in shock and said in a trembling voice, "Why?"

"You should be killed for disturbing the morale of our army!"

"Reinforcements have not arrived, we...we have been abandoned." Yeluyu pulled out his long sword, and the deputy general stumbled back. He laughed miserably: "We have been abandoned, Xiangwen, we..."

The long sword was waved, and the deputy general's shouts suddenly stopped.

Yeluyu rushed over with his men.

Nanhe's pressure increased greatly.

Liu Qing saw this scene and said: "The critical moment is coming, Zhang Lichun."


Zhang Lichun's face turned red, and the excitement before the war made his body tremble slightly.

Once he leaves, it will be a fatal blow.

Just when Liu Qing was about to give the order, he heard someone shout: "Yang Ming's house is here."

Liu Qing looked up and saw Yang Xuan holding a horizontal knife in his mouth and rushing toward the short ladder with a shield. He couldn't help but said: "Be careful!"

Yang Xuan just stepped on two short steps, and he flew up to the top of the city like a big bird.

Behind him, the old thief and Wang Laoer followed him like a shadow.

"The Ming Mansion is here!"

The Taiping soldiers shouted loudly and their morale was high.

Two of the enemy soldiers stabbed each other with guns, and there was something strange in their eyes.

Killing the enemy general is worth it even if you die in battle.

The sword was swung horizontally, and the spear shaft was cut off from behind the spearhead, and then the sword flashed away.

Two enemy soldiers fell to the ground.

The old thief rushed past with his men from the side.

The enemy general was resisting Nan He's attack, but his arm was cut off by the old thief.

Wang Laoer passed by him on the other side and broke another arm.

Nan He's horizontal knife slashed across his lower abdomen.

The enemy will stumble towards the city head.

No one looked at him again.

He leaned on the city wall, trying hard to open his arms to block the swarming Tang troops.

But all he had open were two bare severed arms.

In the lower abdomen, the internal organs kept pouring out and fell at the feet.

He was thinking about what the lieutenant had said earlier.

We are abandoned!

"The enemy has fled."

"The city is broken!"

Tang Jun is cheering!

Someone shouted, "Surrender or not!?"

"Reject or not!"

"Reject or not!"

There was the sound of weapons falling to the ground.

"They surrendered."

The Yang-character flag went up to the top of the city, and then waved vigorously in the direction of Liu Qing's flag.

"The city is broken!"

Tang Jun was cheering.

"The enemy please surrender!"

"Beiliao is nothing more than that, hahahaha!"

Yeluyu opened his mouth and shouted: "Da Liao is sure that Yeluyu is here, Yeluyu... won't surrender!"

A Tang Army sergeant climbed up to the top of the city and saw Yelu Yu shouting, so he stabbed him.

The head flew up and looked behind him blankly.

The remaining Liao troops abandoned their weapons and knelt on the ground, dejected.

The soldiers of the Tang Army were raising their arms and cheering.

The city gate opened, and the Tang army in front waved its flag and marched into the city.

Heads fell to the ground.

Looking at the city head with both eyes.

A Yang-character flag is fluttering in the wind.

Yang Xuan stood under the banner, and beside him, Nan He said enthusiastically: "Lang Jun, the first achievement is achieved!"

This chapter has been completed!
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