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Chapter 1491 The Spring Breeze Is Coming

The climate in Guanzhong is particularly good this year. It snowed heavily last year, but the temperature has been much higher since the beginning of spring. The green grass on the ground and the young leaves on the trees have appeared earlier than in previous years.

Officials from all over the country regarded this as auspicious and reported it. Some officials even took a bath and fasted for three days, cut a branch with young leaves with their own hands, and had people rush to Chang'an to report the good news.

The emperor was noncommittal and had no reaction.

Jinyiwei's Yamen still has a somewhat gloomy atmosphere. People who occasionally come in say that the spring breeze is swirling outside Jinyiwei's gate, but they refuse to come in.

"Your Majesty said that if he showed joy, it would be inappropriate if he showed scolding. In this way, without comment, those officials felt that there was no benefit, so they naturally stopped."

In the duty room, He Lianyan was reading the news everywhere, and Jielong was there. Jinyiwei's spies in various places should keep an eye on the officials. If anyone dares to make any more gifts, he is either stupid or bad. Write it down and report it to Chang'an.


Everyone agreed.

Then he looked at Helianyan.

Concubine Li was naturally in the palace at night, but from time to time she went to Jinyiwei to sit in charge during the day. Some Taoist gentlemen from outside the court were very unhappy, so they went to court and said that it was inappropriate to allow the emperor's concubines to work in the imperial city.

What's wrong?

The emperor was dismissive of this and said: "I know they are not thinking about me, they just feel that women should be shut up in the house by nature, unable to go out or step forward. In this way, they become canaries, just for

Men live. Every frown, every smile, every anger and joy is all for men.

I just want to ask how unsure this man is that he feels that this is the only way to get a woman to focus on him."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately triggered a frenzy of public opinion.

"Yesterday, several old gentlemen asked to see Your Majesty, but Your Majesty ignored them. They loudly discussed the issue of women's public appearance outside the palace." Jielong smiled at He Lianyan and said, "The commander doesn't know what they said about men being yang and women being yin.

.Yang governs the outside and Yin governs the interior. This is the way of heaven..."

Everyone looked at him eagerly, "What happened next?"

Jie Long shook his head, "I didn't know about it later."

He Lianyan raised his head, "Later... His Majesty said yesterday that thousands of years ago, women were the most respected in this world. Men were just the vassals of women. It doesn't matter what the will of heaven is. It can be seen that it is pure fabrication. This is just a group of incompetent people.

It’s a trick that men play to find self-esteem in women.”

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable, feeling that these words seemed to touch on their own pain points.

"Men's robes

He Lianyan was convinced, "On the matter of slaves, we must pay close attention to the reactions of everyone in the pass. Especially those of the wealthy families."

Jielong asked, "Commander, is your Majesty really ready to take action?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" He Lianyan stood up, "We have to keep a close eye on our hometown in Bei Liao. Remember, once His Majesty launches the attack, the Jin Yiwei will be the vanguard. If anyone makes a mistake, I, the Jin Yiwei, will punish you severely!


Helianyan immediately returned to the palace.

The emperor and his ministers were discussing matters, and Helianyan went to the queen.

After entering the palace, the queen's affairs increased instead of decreasing. The emperor also advised her, saying that she should put aside what should be put aside and let others take care of what should be taken care of. But the queen said that she should first establish rules and straighten things out.

The emperor didn't have many women, so the so-called affairs were mostly about how to manage the maids in the palace. The emperor laughed at himself and said that with so many people in the palace, he not only had to worry about feeding them, but also how to manage them. This was a cocoon.

The emperor's family was not large, and there were only a hundred or so servants who could really be used. The rest were... In the words of the emperor, they were all eating and drinking in the palace.

"Actually, when His Majesty told me that there were too many people in the palace, I didn't take it seriously. I always felt that it was normal to have too many people in the palace. But after I took over these people, I realized that most of the things had nothing to do with my family. After using so many

People, not to serve my family, but to put on airs


The Queen was talking to a group of female officials and eunuchs. He Lianyan listened outside the palace and knew that the Queen was using excuses to beat these people.

"Your Majesty hates showing off, and he doesn't like tricks like returning home in fine clothes. The same goes for me." The Queen saw He Lianyan, pointed at her own hands, and continued: "Since you don't show up to those shows, in the future, the palace will

The number of people still needs to be reduced. In recent years, we can only go out but not go in. Various punishments include expulsion from the palace..."

Everyone immediately left.

The queen covered her forehead and said to He Lianyan: "Although I made preparations before entering the palace, facing this stall every day is still a headache."

"I just saw those people who were a little bit resentful." He Lianyan covered her mouth and snickered, "In the past, they were indispensable people in the palace, but now in the eyes of Your Majesty and you, they have become superfluous. I wish I could take them from all sides.

We need to think of some ways to invite them out, so that the whole family can be at peace."

"That's what Your Majesty means." The Queen took the tea from Hua Hong, took a sip, and said, "Your Majesty doesn't like luxury, doesn't like those red tapes, and even hates ostentation. I, the Queen, have to live with his husband, and this is also a problem.

Wait till you get something done!"

The two chatted about the palace affairs, and then Helianyan revealed the purpose of their visit, "Several people from the Zhou family have bought several brothels in Pingkangfang. It seems that I, the Jin Yiwei, are incompetent and can't help..."


Zhou Ning was startled, then smiled and said, "I'll look back and let people take a look."

He Lianyan talked about some external matters and then left.

After she left, Zhou Ning called the housekeeper, "Go and ask your family about buying a brothel in Pingkangfang, and find out quietly."


Auntie Guan went and came back in the afternoon and reported: "A few boys from my family have taken over several brothels in Pingkangfang, saying they also have a place to play."

"Is there any forced buying or selling?" Zhou Ning asked.

Aunt Guan said: "They revealed their identities."

"I'm just saying, those people who are doing business, unless their family is very poor, who would sell a brothel or restaurant? This is taking advantage of the tiger's skin!"

"Then...why don't you give me a warning?"

"Warning? Too light." Zhou Ning said: "Go to your home and tell them that although Aweng and Aye are not in Chang'an, I, a married woman, cannot control the Zhou family. But His Majesty said that if there is rain in the sky, people

Madness brings disaster. If anyone uses Zhou's name to do something illegal, he should deal with it himself, otherwise, this heavy rain will pour down."

"After all, this is our family!" Guan Auntie felt that the queen was too harsh. "Not to mention other things, when the emperors ascended the throne, everyone around them followed the chickens and dogs to heaven. Even a groom could hold an official position. Our family is a member of the family after all.

, and you are the queen..."

"There is no need to say these words again!" Zhou Ning said coldly: "Others are other people, and what results have they achieved by controlling the Tang Dynasty? Your Majesty is different from those people..."

I am naturally different from those coquettish women... Outside the palace, the emperor waved his hand, indicating not to tell the queen that he was coming.

Then, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, he quietly left.

"Tell Sanlang, if he can't control the Zhou family, then I will send someone to take over!"

The queen's calm words caused an earthquake in the Zhou family.

Zhou Xin hurriedly entered the palace to plead guilty, but the queen did not see him. She only asked someone to send a message: "The more proud you are, the more cautious you should be, walking on thin ice. Your Majesty has said something, and I will give it to Zhou now. The opposite is true."


Although Zhou Xin said that his knowledge was not profound, he could easily pass the imperial examination. When he heard this, he quickly went back to find some uncles to discuss it.

"When the Tao moves, the Queen's will is reversed. The Zhou family was originally a powerful family, but now they have a queen." Zhou Zun's younger brother Zhou Hu said: "The Yang family of Yingchuan was like this at the beginning, and they were very proud.

Ten years. It’s my turn, Mrs. Zhou, why do you turn your elbows outward?"

Zhou Xin smiled bitterly and said: "Second uncle, the empress said that the Yang family is the Yang family, and can the false emperor compare with today?"

"Uh!" Zhou Hu shook his head, "His Majesty is a hero, and the false emperor is not even worthy of carrying his shoes. How can he compare?"

"Yes! The false emperor can tolerate the queen

The clan unscrupulously annexed the land and tried to do anything to it, but Your Majesty would not do it. This is what I want."

Zhou Xin was awakened by the Queen's beating, "If we wait for Aweng and Aye to return, the Zhou family's situation will be filled with flowers and add fuel to the fire..." They are extremely wealthy, just like what the empress said.

The animal of Tao. When things reach their extremes, they must turn against each other!"

Zhou Hu said: "Well, let's suppress it first and wait until Aye and the eldest brother come back. By the way, did the palace say anything about rescuing them?"

Zhou Xin shook his head, and Zhou Hu sighed: "That's right, the false emperor will definitely treat Aye and the others very seriously."

Several young people who were under pressure from the Zhou family in Pingkangfang sent the brothel back, and were subsequently beaten at home and banned from home for half a year.

This aroused public opinion in Chang'an City, and everyone said that the Queen was indeed His Majesty's virtuous wife.

"Wealth to the extreme is a disaster."

Zhou Ning saw it clearly.

"The relationship between the descendants and the emperor has always been complicated, and cooperation involves secret fighting. Aning, if you can see this clearly, the future of the Zhou family will be bright!"

The emperor was lying on the bed. The emperor had just bowed and was panting and praising the queen.

"The Zhou family is too rich." Zhou Ning was thinking about the words "Rebellion is the way to move", "I have considered the experiences of those who know it, and it turns out that things must be reversed when they are extreme."

"It's the so-called thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, sleep!"

The emperor had already seen this clearly, and without moving his expression, he suppressed the arrogance that had just arisen from Zhou. He seemed very relaxed recently.

It wasn't until one day that Luo Cai went to the palace to see him and handed over a thick roster.

"Your Majesty, these officials are available."

The emperor took the roster, flipped through a few pages, and said casually, "The spring breeze is here."

Luo Cai felt a chill running down his spine, "Your Majesty, do you really want to take action?"

"The population dispute is related to the rise and fall of the country, and even more to the future development plans of the Tang Dynasty. If the Tang Dynasty can survive for a long time, it is necessary to mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone. Do you think that just relying on those greedy meats

Or, can the Tang Dynasty be stable for a long time? With them, the Tang Dynasty will only decline faster!"

"Only by bringing in the people! Let the people become a force in the world, can the Tang Dynasty stand firm!" The emperor said categorically: "People of the Tang Dynasty should not be slaves!"


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