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Chapter 1494 The Foundation of the Prosperity

The civil unrest in Zhangzhou was suppressed in less than a quarter of an hour.

The chief criminals were caught. According to the emperor's peeing habits, most of these people were going to build a road somewhere for the rest of their lives. But Zhao Yong beheaded these first criminals in public in the busy city.

Immediately it was spread throughout the first chapter of the state.

"Who dares to rebel?"

This sentence spread to Zhangzhou.

The wealthy and powerful people in Zhongzhou who were ready to make a move have ceased their activities.

"Two thousand troops defeated Ding Fan and others' 20,000-strong army in just a quarter of an hour."

"By God, that's 20,000 people! Even killing 20,000 hogs is not easy!"

"That's a warrior from Northern Xinjiang!"

The powerful families in Zhongzhou were discussing secretly, and an old man said: "Those warriors fought from the northern Xinjiang to the Northern Liao, from the Northern Liao to Shegu, from the Shegu to the south, and then from the south to the Southern Zhou Dynasty... Everyone

, these are all murderous demon kings. The emperor dares to attack us at this moment, relying on these troops!"

Everyone was silent, and the old man asked: "I don't dare anymore. I will hand over the roster when I get home. How are you waiting?" "I am not willing to do it!" A strong man said in pain: "Without the slaves, what else do we have to wait for?"

"Without the slaves, what is the difference between us and the common people? We are just rich locals with some money."

Although it was spring, it was still a little cold in the lobby, but everyone was sweating profusely.

"If you want a slave, you will lose your life." The old man said coldly: "There were people in Zhangzhou who killed people on the street, and your and my heads are still on our necks. Is it more important, life or the slaves?"

After some discussion, everyone went back.

Most wealthy families are as powerful as mountains.

But the officials immediately came to investigate.

After several twists and turns, most people finally handed over the roster... You don't have to hand it over, the government will find out the guilt.

Some people obey, and some people resist.

The five powerful families refused to cooperate, and then the army came to the door and ransacked the house!

The heads of the five families were taken to the downtown area, but the sergeants deliberately did not gag their mouths. All the way, the five people cried and begged for mercy, saying that they were obsessed with ghosts and so on.

But the military orders are like mountains.


Five human heads rolled down in the busy city, and there was silence all around.

"Spread it everywhere!"

The commander-in-chief smiled ferociously and said: "Yeah, I haven't killed anyone in a long time, here are a few more!"

When these words spread, the powerful and wealthy people were horrified. They were glad that they chose to cooperate instead of resisting. There were killings all over the Tang Dynasty.

"The most fierce resistance was in Yunzhou. Those big clans formed a rebel army and captured two cities. Then our army encircled and wiped out this rebel army."

"Why was Yunzhou captured?" the emperor asked.

Jielong said: "Sixty percent of the Yunzhou officials colluded with those families and cooperated internally and externally. The same is true in the army. "The big families are really a serious problem for the country." A Liang said with emotion from the side.

Your maternal grandfather's family is a wealthy family... The emperor glanced at his son and thought that it would be up to me to solve these troubles!

As the will extends, there are different turmoils in various places.

The emperor was stationed in Chang'an, and his generals led one group at a time to suppress all directions.

But Guanzhong and Chang'an did not move.

The emperor watched with cold eyes the frequent secret discussions among the great clans in Guanzhong, and said to his confidants: "If we attack the great clans in Guanzhong from the beginning, it will inevitably involve my strength and prepare the powerful clans everywhere. Therefore, I will leave them alone and see what they can do.

Dare to jump off the beam."

Cao Ying was in charge of the household department and hurriedly came to see the emperor.

"Old Cao, you are so cheerful, but something good has happened to you?"

The emperor joked.

"Your Majesty!" Cao Ying held up the book in her hand, "We got a lot of land, money, and a lot of grain from the raids on homes in various places. The Ministry of Household Affairs has distributed it!"

"Yes! The rich family falls, and the household members are full!"

The emperor said with profound meaning.

Most of the wealth in the world is concentrated in the hands of the rich and powerful, and this

Those who hold the wealth of the world have no concept of family and country in their hearts.

"The wealth of the Tang Dynasty is in the hands of a group of people who only see their own prosperity and wealth. This is a dangerous thing."

The emperor taught the prince, and the prince asked: "Then, can wealth be in the hands of people who know the country and the world? "It's difficult!" The emperor shook his head, "A farmer, a craftsman, a scholar, what they think about when they are young is


"Get rich."

"What will they think about after they have money?"

"Bao Nuansi that..."

"What will they chase when that doesn't make them happy?"

"that power!"

"What will they do when their path to power is cut off?"

"Hmm..." Ah Liang thought for a long time this time, "Either rebel, or... just..."

"They don't dare to rebel, but they will use money to collude with officials and cultivate agents to control power. Secondly, they will pursue more money and use money to get everything they want... At this time,

In their eyes, they only have themselves!"

The emperor pointed to his chest, "They feel that they have transcended the realm of mortals and become gods. And the family, country, and world are mostly based on the common people. These gods do not care about the life and death of mortals."

"Then... what should we do?" A Liang has never been deeply exposed to this level of problems, and he is a little anxious. "First, cut off the hand they use to grab power; second, we must use various means to

Balance the wealth of the world."

The prince seemed to understand: "It is... to make this world more... more..."

"Make this world fairer!"

The emperor said: "This world is a pot, and the emperor's responsibility is to make more food in this pot so that everyone can eat. But some people eat too much and occupy too much. At this time

, the emperor will take action..."

"Fairness!" the emperor said to the prince: "This is the responsibility of the emperor. When the world is no longer fair, the emperor sits on the pile of firewood."

This class lasted for a long time, so that the prince was a little restless when he returned. The queen was worried and asked the emperor at night.

"A Liang has always felt that this world is beautiful. I just revealed the true side of this world to the Tang Dynasty, so that he can see the beauty.

"Is Ah Liang too young?"

"When he was that old, I had to go up the mountain and fight those wild beasts. Although this is unfair to A Liang, who made him the prince?"

The emperor hugged the queen and said softly: "A-Liang's age is the period when his character is being shaped. I take him with me to influence him in a subtle way."

"Where are those gentlemen?"

"A bunch of rotten scholars are good at teaching knowledge, but they don't know how to be an emperor."

"Then how did you learn the Emperor's Mind Technique?"

The emperor thought for a while and said with a strange expression:

"It's a beating from society."

News keeps coming from everywhere.

"There are almost no states or counties that can make a smooth transition."

Han Ji said with emotion: "People die for wealth and birds die for food!"

This trend soon spread to the hometown of Beiliao.

Immediately, the news reached Chang Ling's ears.

"That emperor is probably crazy. He actually made enemies of the powerful families in the world. Now the Tang Dynasty is in war. Princess, this is our opportunity!"

One of the ministers said with gleaming eyes: "If we raise our troops now, we will surely be able to restore the country of Liao."

Changling said nothing, but the ministers found that Xiao Hua and others were silent.


"Xiao Qing, tell them!" the eldest princess ordered.


Xiao Hua said: "Just before the news reached us, the scouts discovered that scouts from the Northern Xinjiang Army appeared nearby. Zhen Siwen said that the weather has been good recently and invited me to have a drink.

Mentioning Zhen Siwen, these

The ministers all looked unhappy.

Zhen Siwen led his troops to move around the area, and basically did not cross the border. But once something happened...for example, someone caused rebellion last time, Zhen Siwen led his troops to rush in without hesitation, blocking the rebels' path, and took action

Destroy them. This incident made everyone feel a little frightened, thinking that with such an army by their side, if the emperor of Chang'an decides to take action one day, can we resist?

After everyone made some calculations, they all felt that they would have to lie down and die together.

Only then did everyone realize that we all relied on the eldest princess and the eldest man to survive. Without these two people, the man from Chang'an would have wiped out us without hesitation.

As a result, everyone was more respectful towards Chang Ling and his children, and their loyalty points soared to the top.

"During the dinner, Zhen Siwen mentioned something. He said that every time the emperor conquered a Daliao city, he would inevitably move the local powerful people to other places. When those powerful people moved, all the slave populations were left behind.

When you arrive in a strange place, you no longer have the original power.

The Liao Dynasty was destroyed, and the powerful families were also annihilated and unknown. Therefore, the purpose of cleaning up the population in various places was of no use after reaching the hometown of Daliao.

Xiao Hua finally said: "In the hometown of Daliao, slaves do not exist!"

When he returned to work, the hall was completely silent.

The eldest princess said, "That man is impeccable in everything he does, so keep the little things you are careful about at home and don't cause trouble for yourself.

Everyone's hearts froze, and they thought of Zhen Siwen again.

Someone tried to ask: "What about Northern Xinjiang? Can those wealthy and powerful people just watch their slaves leave their country?"

Changling said: "When the decree has arrived in Northern Xinjiang, the powerful people are praising... Your Majesty for your wisdom!"

Xiao Hua added: "Northern Xinjiang is that man's land of Longxing, and the people's hearts are towards him. There are many troops stationed there. Song Zhen is sharpening his sword, just waiting for someone to jump out... Those people are afraid that if they are half a minute slower, they will give Song Zhen

An opportunity that shakes hands. The so-called rich and powerful people, before the cross sword, their courage is not as good as that of a bad boy.

A group of courtiers who wanted to restore their country bowed their heads, and an atmosphere of despair filled the air.

"Once the population in various places is cleared, those powerful families will be like tigers without claws. The place will be stable, and the Tang Dynasty will be stable as well. This..."

Changling stood up and said, "The so-called prosperous age begins with the local area. The troubles of the local area are the powerful and powerful families. Break their claws and teeth, and the place will have the foundation for great governance. Soon, the prosperous age will not be far away.

Xiao Hua sighed: "That man's methods are really as mysterious as his military use. It seems like an unwise move, but it hides a mystery.

Then they dispersed.

Changling went back and informed his children about the matter.

How could a four-year-old child know this? Changling just told him out of habit.


He Lianguang grabbed his mother's long sleeve and asked, "Who is that powerful person?"

"Your father!"

This chapter has been completed!
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