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Chapter 150 Black Armor Rider

The attacks of the Tang Army on the left continued continuously, and the Chenzhou Army also started as the third wave.

"Second dick!"

Yang Xuan shouted: "The second brother and the old thief are following me, Nan He is in command."

He was ready to charge in and kill him himself.

Nan He's face was ashen, "Mr. Lang, I will lead people to charge and kill."

"If I don't rush to kill, where will the morale of my brothers come from?" Yang Xuan drew out his horizontal sword.

A river of blood flows ahead.

Liu Qing shouted: "Attack!"

His beard and hair were all gray. He wanted to charge in person, but he was held back by two sergeants. Zhang Lichun said: "You can just watch the men kill the enemy."

"I'm not old yet, I can still kill enemies!"

Liu Qing roared.

He turned his eyes and saw Yang Xuan rushing forward.

"Little brat, someone said he was timid and was talking nonsense. Look, he's not going up anymore. Hey! Be careful!"

Yang Xuan rushed forward with his men.

Ahead, the enemy army had just completed a wave of defense. When they saw Chenzhou's army coming up, the generals shouted.

"Fight back!"

The Northern Liao did not have the strict formations of the Tang Dynasty, and they were more accustomed to offense than defense.

So even for defense, they also like to use counter-attack methods.

Yang Xuan bumped into him.

He charged forward, Wang Laoer and the old thief were on the left and right, and the three of them created a bloody storm in the enemy formation.

Lin Da followed behind. This was his first time attacking such a powerful enemy.

His hand was still steady, but the battlefield was too chaotic.

His ears were full of shouts of killing, both from his own side and from the enemy.

The miserable howl went on and on, and the long neigh of the war horse made people nervous.

Lin Da raised his head and stared blankly ahead.


Diao She swung his ax and kept advancing on the left side.

But more enemy troops came over.

How terrible!

The ferocity of the enemy army cannot be matched by the Vashe tribe.

Lin Da felt a little panicked.

Comrades kept coming from behind.

Ahead, Zhao Youcai turned around and shouted: "Line up."

Several colleagues rushed over and stood in a row.

Fighting alone will lead to death.

Only cooperation!

These are Yang Xuan's words.

Follow orders!

Follow orders!

It’s still the special girl who obeys orders!

Lin Da subconsciously walked over and stood with them.

Zhao Youcai shouted: "Shoulder to shoulder!"

"Side by side!"

The crowd shouted.

Ahead, enemy troops are coming intensively.


The spears kept stabbing.

Lin Da gradually became numb.

An enemy rushed towards him with all his strength. Lin Dagang tried to assassinate him, but his spear was cut off.

He lost all reaction in an instant and waited blankly for the sword to come.

"Avoid it!"

The comrade on the right shouted, pushing him away with his shoulder and blocking his way.

The sword flashed, and blood splattered on his comrade's chest. He howled miserably, but refused to retreat.

Lin Da stared blankly, and suddenly, for some reason, blood surged in his chest. He rushed forward, grabbed the spear, and shouted: "Avoid it!"

He stabbed hard, penetrated the enemy's abdomen, and then twisted the gun to close it.

"Side by side!"

Zhao Youcai is shouting!

At this moment, the front has become a mass of strangulation.

Only the array here remains.

Ahead, Yang Xuan shouted.

"For peace!"

the Taiping soldiers shouted.

"For peace!"

"For Chen Zhou!"

Chen Zhoujun shouted:

"For Chen Zhou!"

"For Northern Xinjiang!"

The left-wing army shouted:

"For Northern Xinjiang!"

"For the Tang Dynasty!"

The enemy troops rushed in like crazy.

the left wing troops shouted.

"For the Tang Dynasty!"

Lin Da shouted loudly, feeling that his courage had returned again.

He stabbed one person to death with one shot, pulled out the spear, and took a decisive step forward.



He kept stabbing, and when the front was empty, he looked up.

Two Beiliao sergeants were looking at him.

There was fear in his eyes.

So, am I so brave?

Courage flows into the body like spring water.

"Zhongcheng, the left wing is stable."

Liao Jin saw the strangulation on the left wing and said happily: "It seems that our army's hard work over the past few years has not been in vain."

Huang Chunhui said: "Our army was a little uncomfortable at the beginning. This is the result of avoiding war for several years. Therefore, it is best to start this battle from small to large."

"Zhongcheng..." Liao Jin was surprised.


Huang Chunhui fought steadily in this battle. From the beginning, he fought with the enemy's scouts, then attacked the small town, and then fought with the enemy's vanguard...

The soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army, who had not experienced a major war in several years, adapted to the war little by little.

If a war breaks out, the entire army will attack. The Northern Xinjiang Army has not fought for a long time and is very likely to collapse.

Huang Chunhui coughed a few times, "Lin Ya wants to take the initiative. He wants to see me take the lead in mobilizing the Chinese army, but how can I get what he wants? If he hits his, we will hit ours, if he hits our right wing, can't we fight back?


In the enemy formation, Lin Ya saw the brutality of her right wing.

"Huang Chunhui didn't want to be passive, so he took the initiative to attack. This old fox is very good at using his troops."

The Tang army on the left wing was attacking crazily, one wave after another, beating the enemy like a wave.

Xiao Yingshan said: "Right Prime Minister, if the Tang army is allowed to survive today, their courage and morale will be high."

"I know." Lin Ya said in a deep voice: "Now it seems that Huang Chunhui has polished a brand new Northern Xinjiang Army in the past few years, but this Northern Xinjiang Army has not been tempered by the war. He wants to treat us as a military force.

Knife stone.

Once the two armies are in a stalemate, the Northern Xinjiang Army will become more courageous as they fight."

"Yes." Xiao Yingshan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Lin Ya knew Huang Chunhui's wishful thinking and would naturally have a way to deal with it.

"If Ning Xing can send reinforcements, then I am willing to continue the stalemate, and finally add reinforcements to fight Huang Chunhui together. This way, I will be more certain. But I cannot place my hope on Helian Peak."

"The Dog Emperor is afraid that we will suffer heavy casualties." Xiao Yingshan sneered.

"Why are you talking about this at this time?" Lin Ya squinted at the left wing, "We can't wait, in this case... the right wing, I only want the Tang Army's right wing!"

"Take your orders!"

Lin Ya's eyes burst out with joy, "We have more cavalry and can mobilize easily, but the Tang army has more infantry. So what if he penetrates my right wing? My central army can reinforce at any time. But once the Tang army's right wing collapses, Huang Chunhui will

Can the black armor knight at the bottom of the box get out?"

"Don't come out!" Enemy reinforcements arrived, and the right wing was in danger. Some generals suggested reinforcements for the right wing, but Huang Chunhui refused.

Both armies were fiercely attacking each other's right flank, and the battle was fierce.

But their central army remained motionless.

This is a competition of wills to see who has the tougher nerves.

"More troops on the left wing." Huang Chunhui made a decision.

"Chenzhou Army, retreat!"

Reinforcements arrived and launched a new round of attacks. Chenzhou's army retreated to repair.

Yang Xuan glanced at the Chinese army, and in his mind, the art of war that he had studied so hard slowly flowed.

What should you do if you encounter such a situation?

Persevere in the competition of will, or be the first to change?

He is observing.

The enemy is moving.

"The Chinese army reinforces the left wing."

But instead of rescuing the right wing, we decided to decisively increase the number of troops on the left wing.

It's like two gamblers betting against each other, betting on who has the bigger cards, who's bolder, and who's more calm!

Lin Ya looked at the opposite side with a smile, "I moved first, what will happen to Huang Chunhui? His right wing is weak and cannot withstand repeated attacks. Either the left wing is pulled back to end the attack, or troops are sent from the center to rescue."

Under the banner, Huang Chunhui coughed hard and gasped: "Reinforce the right wing."

The Tang army moved.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lin Ya laughed loudly.

"Huang Chunhui has been waiting for this moment for a long time, right?"

Xiao Yingshan said: "Huang Chunhui has 80,000 troops and we have an army of 100,000. Huang Chunhui does not dare to take the lead. Right Minister, the time has come."

Lin Ya shook her head, "Huang Chunhui's Black Armor Cavalry is still there, and the left wing is willing to attack with casualties. I only need to penetrate the Tang army's right wing! Anyone who retreats will be killed immediately!"

With this order, the right wing of the Tang army became more and more dangerous.

King Wei had been watching the battle and only spoke at this moment, "Huang Zhongcheng, the right wing is in danger. I am willing to lead troops to reinforce."

Huang Chunhui glanced at him and said, "Your Majesty, your courage is commendable, but... wait a minute."

King Wei thought there was no chance, but he felt happy when he heard this.

The emperor ordered him to check, balance and supervise Northern Xinjiang, but what happened after the checks, balances and supervision?


He must control his own destiny. Obtaining military honors and prestige is the only way he must take it, and the other is to win over the generals and officials in northern Xinjiang.

Thinking of this, King Wei tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, and his inner breath was activated. The giant knife seemed to be shaking impatiently in the scabbard.

Liao Jin whispered: "Zhongcheng, something happened and we can't handle it."

If King Wei died in battle in Northern Xinjiang, there would probably be an earthquake in Northern Xinjiang.

Huang Chunhui said calmly: "This is a national war, and I can die fighting!"

There was an extra sparkle in his eyes.

The right wing was breached.

The soldiers were fighting back desperately.



Huang Chunhui glanced at Wang Qi and said, "Your Majesty, please come to reinforce me. Take care."

"Take your orders!"

King Wei led two thousand riders along the passage to the right wing.

Liao Jin looked worried.

"The King of Wei has a high level of cultivation, and the guards around him are all good soldiers." Huang Chunhui looked at Wang Qi calmly, causing the enemy to be shocked.

"Right Prime Minister, it's the Imperial Family of the Tang Dynasty that is attacking, Huang Chunhui's old dog can't hold it anymore!" Xiao Yingshan's face turned red with excitement.

"There is actually a king's flag. It was not discovered before. I will be held responsible after the war." Lin Ya's short beard was slightly raised.

"It is rumored that King Wei Li Yan has arrived in Northern Xinjiang, so it should be him." Xiao Yingshan said.

"It's him!" Lin Ya was observing, "Don't worry."

"Even the prince has been mobilized. It can be seen that Huang Chunhui is in chaos at this moment."

"Right Prime Minister, attack."

Lin Ya shook her head.

"Huang Chunhui is still holding the black armor and cannot ride. The right wing of the Tang army seems to be in danger, but he can use the black armor to attack at any time and turn the tide of the battle."

"He doesn't move the Xuanjia Cavalry. This is his last hope. This battle depends on the defense of the Tang Army's right wing!"

Lin Ya looked calm, "Order the left wing to attack, regardless of life or death, I will defeat them."

The Xuanjia Cavalry is a traditional force in northern Xinjiang. Five thousand cavalrymen wear black armor, and even their horses are armored. Once they charge into the formation, they are invincible.

This is also the force that Lin Ya fears the most.

Under the frantic attack of the enemy, regardless of life and death, the Tang army's right wing became increasingly dangerous.

At this moment, King Wei arrived with reinforcements. He held his giant sword high and rushed into the enemy army, throwing his remaining limbs and pieces into the air.

Amid the miserable howls, someone shouted: "That's the prince of the Tang Dynasty, kill him!"

The temptation to kill a prince is too great.

Enemy troops swarmed in.

King Wei led his men to continuously charge and kill. When the Chinese army saw it, someone said: "Zhongcheng, why don't you replace him?"

Huang Chunhui seemed not to hear.

"Zhongcheng, the King of Han is trapped."

Huang Chunhui is looking at the left wing.

The left wing was charging, tirelessly attacking the enemy's right wing.

But the enemy's army remained motionless.

"Lin Ya wants to make a bet with me to see whose right wing will collapse first." Huang Chunhui coughed a few times and looked calm.

Liao Jin said: "Zhongcheng, it's time to move."

"Lin Ya's main force of tens of thousands is still there."


Huang Chunhui covered his mouth and coughed violently.

On the right wing, King Wei broke out of the siege, stood there covered in blood, and vomited out.

But no one despised him, instead they looked at him with admiration.

For a prince who has never experienced such a battle, it is courage to take the lead in the charge.

How many people have experienced this bloody smell?

If you don't kneel down and spit out the yellow bile water, you are considered a good man.

King Wei turned around and saw enemy troops rushing in from the right, so he shouted: "Follow me."

The royal flag moved again.

This time the enemy used more force to attack King Wei.

King Wei was injured and the flag wavered.


Someone shouted, "Xia Guan is willing to replace King Wei."

The royal banner has been surrounded.

Lin Ya couldn't help but stood up on the horse and took a look.

"Huang Chunhui, do you dare to sit back and watch the prince die in battle?"

Xiao Yingshan said: "Li Mi was not the Emperor Wu back then. If his son died in battle, Huang Chunhui would not be able to escape the aftermath of the fall."

Someone shouted: "The enemy's Xuanjia Cavalry has moved."

Lin Ya cheered up.

The Tang army's central army, with five thousand black armored cavalry, dispatched.

They pulled down their visors, and their whole bodies were covered in armor. Even their horses were covered in armor.

Lin Zhi, the commander of the Xuanjia Cavalry, raised his hand to Huang Chunhui and said, "Zhongcheng, I'm going to leave."

Huang Chunhui nodded, "Scatter the enemy troops."

"Take your orders!"

Lin Zhi led the Xuanjia Cavalry to attack on the right wing. He rushed forward and took the lead in digging into the enemy's army.

The Liao army observed it, and Lin Ya said without hesitation: "The Chinese army is ready."


Amidst countless sounds of drawing swords, Lin Ya said: "Huang Chunhui's forbearance was beyond my expectation, but the weakness of Tang's army cannot be changed, and the lack of cavalry is a fatal shortcoming. He had to use black armor cavalry, so...

The time has come for the decisive battle."

He raised his long sword high and shouted: "For Daliao!"

Countless long swords were held high.

"Must win!"

Tens of thousands of cavalry launched a charge.

Lin Ya said calmly: "The trend has been established, what can Huang Chunhui do to stop it?!"

The sound of horse hooves was deafening, Yang Xuan turned his head and looked at it.

On the enemy's right wing, both the enemy and ourselves paused briefly and looked at the Bei Liao cavalry attacking in the middle.

"Must win!"

The Liao army shouted.

The impact of tens of thousands of cavalry was shocking.

Everyone in the Chinese Army is looking at Huang Chunhui.

"Cough cough cough!"

Huang Chunhui hunched over and coughed violently.

Liao Jin patted him on the back and turned his eyes to the right.

Lin Zhi had already penetrated deep into the enemy's army with the Xuanjia Cavalry.

Almost every Black Armor Cavalry was fighting for their lives, using means that didn't care about life and death.

Huang Chunhui looked up and gasped, "Zhang Du."


Zhang Du came forward from behind with a spear in hand.

Only then did everyone realize that he was actually wearing black armor.

Huang Chunhui said, "Get ready!"

"Take your orders!"

Zhang Du rode to the rear.

At the very end of the Tang army's formation, five thousand soldiers who had been standing all the time mounted their horses.

The sun is shining brightly.

The armor is extremely reflective.

Zhang Du rode his horse, nodded, and turned the horse's head.

Five thousand cavalry were arrayed.

Under the banner, Huang Chunhui raised his sword.

"The whole army attacks!"

The flag shook violently.

"Zhongcheng has ordered, the whole army attacks!"

decisive battle.

here we go.

The Tang army's cavalry was dispatched in full force.

Lin Ya smiled, "He doesn't have enough cavalry."

He turned his eyes to the right wing of the Tang Army, frowned and said: "Xuanjia Cavalry looks sharp, but it relies more on blood and courage to attack, and its tactics are not brilliant... Eh!"

He set his sights on the center.

The two sides came into contact.

Then they all slowed down.

The flag of the Tang army wavered.

Under the banner.

Huang Chunhui opened his drooped eyelids.

His eyes are like lightning.

The Tang army in the middle dodged a passage.

The enemy was overjoyed and rushed in along this passage.

"Come in!" Someone shouted wildly, and the enemy troops behind were overjoyed and swarmed forward.

Someone looked up and saw a horse galloping along the passage.

Armored horse!

Xuanjia people!

Zhang Du raised his head.

A ferocious smile.

Then he pulled off his visor.

Behind him, five thousand mysterious knights seemed to emerge from the ground, holding their spears high.

"Wan Sheng!"

This chapter has been completed!
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