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Chapter 1526

The mountains are humid and wooden houses will decay soon, so if you want to stay there for a long time, the best building is a stone house.

The checkpoint made of stones looked indestructible, giving the defenders the greatest sense of security.

Yangling Pass has maintained a record of not being breached for many years, which makes the defenders proud. And this is just a checkpoint, not a defense, but an interception...

From here, you can go directly to the mountains on the other side to the right. In the last years of the Chen Kingdom, a group of defeated soldiers escaped into the mountains and came out to plunder from time to time. It was inconvenient to clear the mountains, so a checkpoint was built here.

Later, this group of remnant soldiers changed. They no longer went out to rob the mountains, but instead farmed and hunted in the mountains to support themselves.

Working at sunrise and returning at sunset are enviable days. After Li Mi ascended the throne, he opened up the door to annexing land, and Shu was also affected. Many Shu people lost their land and became refugees.

Although the land of Shu is large, it is difficult to find a way to survive. Later, someone mentioned this place and thought that they might as well go into the mountains and join that group of people.

As a result, refugees flocked to the mountains in an endless stream. However, the population that the mountains could accommodate was limited. When resources were insufficient, conflicts broke out.

The newcomers and the aboriginals came to fight, and both sides suffered losses. In the end, they shook hands and made peace. After joining forces, both sides felt that farming was too tiring.

Otherwise, let's go plunder!

So, this group of people came out again and attacked everywhere.

The local government was miserable and asked for help from the Yangling Pass defenders. However, the defenders did not take care of this and only ordered the pass officers and soldiers to keep their mouth shut.

A group of bandits were naturally not taken seriously by the officers and soldiers.

Coming here to guard is more like going on vacation.

Just look at the brigade commander at the head. His father-in-law is a general in the army. He just wants to make a fortune and enrich his resume before returning to Yizhou.

The brigade commander thinks life here is good, the only drawback is that there are no women. To be honest, he is tired of looking at a group of men all day long. If a woman comes, even if it is an ugly woman, he thinks it will be pleasing to the eye.

He was sitting in the checkpoint with his legs crossed, humming the latest popular tunes from Tongcheng brothel, and thinking about his old sweetheart.

Thinking of his success, he couldn't help but curse: "What the dog said, when will the end of this day come to an end!"

"Enemy attack!"

There was a scream outside.

The brigade commander scolded: "Grandpa, Ge, who drank too much yellow soup? The blind chicken screams, shout Nima!"

Defending the level is boring, so the defenders try to find ways to have fun for themselves, such as sneaking in some bad wine to enjoy.

Drinking is not allowed in the army, but in this stupid place, the brigade commander himself is drinking, so who can control it?

Therefore, the brigade commander just yelled and cursed.

The sound of a knife piercing the air came from outside.

Then there were screams.

The brigade commander in the stone house froze and was about to get up.


The wooden door was kicked open.

A man with a lot of blood splattered on his face stood outside the door holding a horizontal knife and cursed: "Yeah, Liang Jing, kneel down and don't kill me!"

The brigade commander's hand was holding the handle of the knife, with veins popping out on the back of his hand. He exerted force and let go...

The horizontal knife passed over his head.

"Kneel down!" Liang Jing had never felt so intoxicated before, his eyes were red and he looked like a ghost.


The brigade commander knew that Liang Jing, the murderer in front of him, had become red-blooded. His heart trembled, and he knelt down and said, "I am willing to surrender."

Liang Jing's eyelids were twitching, and the murderous impulse in his heart kept urging him to take action.

Calm down!

Calm down!

Calm down!

Liang Jing took a deep breath and said, "Tell me, are there any checkpoints around?"

"In front!" The brigade commander didn't dare to lie. He pointed behind him and said, "No, it's in the back. There's another one in the back."

"How many people?"

"Three hundred... no, more than fifty."

"Damn it, how much is it?"

The horizontal knife was placed on the brigade commander's neck, and his hand was trembling, not from fear, but from impulse.

The brigade commander was so frightened that he peed, "Yeah, please spare my life."

"Speak!" Liang Jing shouted.

"Originally there were three hundred, but when Yang Ni came, he took away most of them, leaving only about fifty."

Over fifty, that's not a problem.

Liang Jing put away the horizontal sword. When the brigade commander saw that he was in plain clothes and a little embarrassed, he smiled and said, "Young man is willing to go into the mountain."

Going into the mountains?

Liang Jing lowered his head to look at his clothes and suddenly laughed, "Madeh! You must be thinking Ye Ye is a bandit!"

Meng Laoer walked in. There was some blood on the horizontal knife, but it looked far less than Liang Jing.

He gave a thumbs up to Liang Jing, "Big brother killed three people today. It's really the big brother who insists on getting it!"

After being discovered by the defenders earlier, the first one to rush forward was not Wang Laoer, but Liang Jing. This guy rushed forward with a horizontal knife, shouting for a vigorous fight, and was not afraid of death, which shocked many people.

.Even Wang Laoer forgot to harvest the heads and looked at Liang Jing getting angry.

Liang Jing patted his belly, "Back then, I wanted to do something serious, so I thought about joining the army, so I found someone to practice swordsmanship for a while."

Wang Laoer came in, looked at the brigade commander and asked: "Have you asked a question?"

"I asked, and they said there was a checkpoint ahead with more than fifty people." Liang Jing said.

The brigade commander was shocked when he saw Wang Laoer wearing armor, "You are..."

Liang Jing smiled and said: "Yeah, it's the Chang'an army, hahahaha!"

The brigade commander felt weak all over, and then shouted loudly: "The villain is willing to surrender!"

After walking out of the stone house, Wang Laoer patted Liang Jing on the shoulder and said, "It's interesting. I will report it to Your Majesty later."

This was what Liang Jing wanted. He was thinking about how to make friends with Wang Laoer, but he didn't expect him to take the initiative to speak, and he was immediately moved.

After some discussion, everyone asked the brigade commander and found out that someone would send supplies today, so they decided not to wait and launch a surprise attack directly.

The brigade commander was very cooperative in leading the way. Wang Laoer was surprised, "Why are you so well-behaved?"

The brigade commander smiled and said: "The villain's relatives are in Yizhou. The villain is thinking... that when the army arrives in Yizhou, the villain will quickly ask his relatives to surrender."

"Where's loyalty?" Wang Laoer didn't like this kind of people.


The brigade commander said almost without thinking: "The villain is loyal to Your Majesty, and the one in Yizhou is just a false emperor."

Although this statement is somewhat false, it can also show where people are going.

Liang Jing's heart became increasingly hot.

In the afternoon, they followed the brigade commander and saw the checkpoint.

"Kill!" Wang Laoer drew his sword and shouted, then prepared to rush over.


But a figure surpassed him.

Wang Laoer was furious, and when he saw it, it was still Liang Jing.

Liang Jingsha's eyes turned red again.

Wang Laoer knew that this was fear. Many new recruits would be frightened the first few times they went into battle. Each person's performance was different. Some people could not hold the sword and gun stably, some were trembling or weak, and some were even incoherent...

There are many ways to overcome fear, and the best way is to forget about life and death.

But people's fear cannot be suppressed. Even an old soldier will still have his liver tremble when facing death. At such times, the only way to counteract it is with murderous intent.

Once a person's mind is filled with thoughts of dead people, his eyes will turn red.

When the thought of killing overwhelms fear, this is the first step for a new soldier to become an old soldier.

Liang Jing was like this at this moment.

This time, Liang Jing killed two people.

After the war, Wang Laoer found Liang Jing and said, "Old Liang, you don't have to be so desperate! Besides, although you are idle, you still have some friendship with His Majesty. If you die, His Majesty will definitely be filled with regrets..."

"A man from Shu, why should you be afraid of life and death!" Liang Jing patted his chest boldly.

"It doesn't matter if you die, someone will sleep with your woman and beat your child..."

Liang Jing's face.


After passing this level, more than a hundred steps ahead is the mountain path going down the mountain. Wang Laoer walked to the edge of the cliff and looked back.

The tall pass is right behind.

At the foot of the mountain is the official road, which is deserted at the moment.

After learning that Chang'an's army had arrived in Anzhou, the puppet emperor blocked the passage in and out of Shu, and business travel was also cut off.

"Change your armor!"

Wang Laoer turned around and threw a piece of dried meat into his mouth, "Yeah, I'll take you to fish!"

After closing the door, Xiao Jun looked at his opponent who had just had lunch and was resting, and said: "When someone wanted to compete with me for the position of guarding Yangling Pass, they didn't even think about whether His Majesty would trust me, idiot!"

Xiao Jun's father was also an official in Shu. After the puppet emperor entered Shu, he expressed his allegiance immediately. He was a die-hard direct descendant of the puppet emperor. Therefore, when choosing the guard general of Yangling Pass, the puppet emperor was the first to select Xiao Jun.


You have to join the team early!

Xiao Jun smiled, his eyes burning and his heart burning.

My father wrote a letter a while ago saying that as long as he holds Yangling Pass and waits for Yang Ni to retreat, he can return to Yizhou. The emperor said that Tongcheng needs a reliable general to guard it.

Guarding Tongcheng is the emperor's confidant.

From now on, it will be easy to become a successful person.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jun felt hot all over his body and wished he could shout a few times to vent his joy.

Finally, he pointed at Guanxia and shouted: "Yeah, Yang Gou, you can only live in Guanxia for one day, hahahaha!"

The defenders laughed as well.

Among the resting army, Zhong Zhong Geng was worrying about whether to name his newly born seventh child Wu Zhongxin or Wu Geng Geng. Wu Da presented a maza to his master. When he heard the sound, he cursed: "You bitch slave, turn around."

He put up the pole!”

The emperor sat down and Han Ze brought tea. He naturally took it, took a sip and asked, "Is the second brother's side about the same?"

Pei Jian said: "According to the distance, if there are no hard bones on the road, he should be close to the back of the pass at this moment."

The emperor looked up at the sun, squinted his eyes, and said, "The temper of the second brother is so anxious! I see, today is the day."

Still laughing when I close it.

The emperor rubbed his tea cup, "Since they are so impatient, what are they waiting for? Suo Yun!"

"Master!" Suo Yun knelt down.

"Tell your subordinates that today, I want to see the head of the guard!"

More than a thousand sergeants walked slowly on the official road.

Yangling Pass protects the outside of the pass, but inside the pass, the city wall is obviously much shorter.

On top of the city, most of the hundreds of defenders had their backs to the official road, looking at their comrades in front of them laughing.

"Someone is coming."

After closing the gate, more than a thousand people were found.

"This is reinforcements!"

The army that can come from this direction cannot be the enemy.

"Damn, there are just over a thousand people!"

"It's better than nothing."


The door was opened, and several sergeants and a clerk came out.

More than a thousand people arrived at the city and looked up.

Qian Yu looked at the defenders with cold eyes.

This is the look in the eyes of a warrior who has fought many battles.

Very different from the defenders.

After closing the door, someone's heart trembled, "What are you waiting for..."

In the crowd, the archer secretly fired an arrow.

The sergeant who spoke was struck by an arrow and fell down.

"Enemy attack!"

Amid the screams, the sergeant and clerk who walked out of the door turned around and ran away.

"Close the city gate!"

The sergeant inside struggled to close the door.

"Seize the gate!" Wang Laoer shouted.

The first one to rush forward was still Liang Jing.


This chapter has been completed!
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