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Chapter 1539 The Fateful Opponent

"Set off!"

The weather was fine that day, and the emperor set off with his rested army.

Less than five miles outside Fangzhou, there is a vast plain ahead.

"This is the land of abundance!" Han Ji praised.

On the endless fields, there is slight water vapor transpiration, forming a mist, which looks like a dream.

A few children boldly watched the march of the army from the side of the road. After realizing that there was no threat, they ran with them.

This scene reminded the emperor of his own childhood. He pointed to the children and said: "When I was a child, when I saw the tax collector entering the village, I followed him happily, thinking that it was another world."

Children have a novel attitude towards the whole world, which is why they are so energetic.

Because the world is brand new to them.

Han Ji smiled and said: "I am now old, and I feel that this world is like my old wife. Even if I hold her hand, it feels like I am holding my own hand."

The army marched all the way, and it was night and they camped outside.

"Your Majesty, there is something good!"

The loyal dog Uda brought a wild boar.

"Where did it come from?" asked the emperor.

The wild boar was alive. It weighed a hundred pounds and was being carried by two guards. It was twisting and struggling, making miserable screams.

"Bought from the people."

"Have you given money?" the emperor asked.

"The villain gave me an extra penny." Wu Da did not dare to disobey the emperor's order.

"It's just that the man said that the wild pig meat here is smelly, tough and difficult to handle."

"I'm coming."

The emperor ordered two large clay pots to be brought in. He killed the wild boar first, cut it open, and kept the belly and liver... He also cut the tender meat from the waist and ribs, boiled it with water, and added the ingredients to stew it.


"Eat it tomorrow morning."

It is said to be eaten tomorrow morning, but the liver is edible. After slicing it, add some seasonings, and finally pour some vinegar, tsk tsk!

The emperor had pig liver and ate three pieces of cake in one go, which made Qin Ze, the waiter's eyelids jump.

"Fortunately He'er and Laoer are not here." The emperor ate slowly.

Under the setting sun, smoke curled up over the military camp. Those who had eaten well were strolling around, and those who had big appetites were still eating.

Pei Jian and others sat together, eating and discussing.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss about the upcoming battle, it is just one word: reckless!

But the emperor wanted the puppet emperor and his son alive, so Pei Jian and others were discussing whether to use a surprise attack or threaten to trigger an internal rebellion among their opponents.

"It is best to cause civil strife." Jiang Cunzhong said: "Once there is civil strife, the first thing the rebels do is to save their lives. The smart ones will rush into the palace and capture the false emperor and his son as a reward."

"But the rebel army is so jealous. What if they accidentally kill the puppet emperor and his son?" someone questioned.

Just like Ying Xiao, the soldiers controlled by fear and murderous intentions killed people when they saw them, and killed Buddhas when they saw Buddha.

"A strong attack?" Pei Jian thought, "I'm afraid that the false emperor and his son will commit suicide."

The emperor listened for a while, just smiled, did not interfere, and just walked on the edge.

"Your Majesty, there is an envoy from General Wang asking to see you."

Wang Laoer's envoy has arrived.


The emperor knew that Wang Laoer must have made the discovery.

The messenger was brought, "Your Majesty, the general intercepted hundreds of cavalry south of Tongcheng."

"Are you able to leave the city at this time..." The emperor asked: "Has the city defense been in chaos?"


"Then he didn't take advantage of the chaos to escape. If so, how many people can make people open the city gate?" The emperor said playfully: "I think this must be a group of false emperors!"

"The false emperor is panicking." Han Ji said with a smile.

The emperor said: "I thought that the false emperor would escape, but the second brother took action too early. If it were later, he might be able to capture the false emperor alive. That's all, how can anything in this world be perfect? ​​If he accidentally let him escape.

Now, I can turn my intestines green."

Under the setting sun, the emperor smiled and said: "Now, it's time to catch a turtle in a jar!"

After returning to the palace, Li Mi hurried to see Li Yuan.

"You want to escape?"

Even after changing his clothes, Li Yuan still found traces of disguise on his temples.

"It's blocked." Li Mi didn't hide it.

"You want to leave me in the palace and leave me to that scoundrel to vent his anger. In this case, he may not pursue you too urgently." Li Yuan sneered: "But now that he is here, how can he let you get what you want?"

"What's the use of talking about this now?" Li Mi sat down and stretched out his hand. Someone brought drinks. He drank a few glasses and gasped: "This is Mr. Wang."

"Wang Lao Er?"

"The trusted general under that evil bastard."

"He is like a cat, and we, father and son, are like two mice. Now that we are blocked in the city, he is not in a hurry. The cat is playing with the mouse!"

Li Yuan shouted: "Sing and dance, hurry up!"

Li Mi said coldly: "Carpe diem? It's too late!"

"If you don't enjoy yourself right now, once you fall into the hands of that scoundrel, he will make you and me suffer all the suffering in the world." Li Yuan greedily took the vegetables and stuffed them into his mouth.

The singers came sparingly, and Li Yuan was furious, holding vegetables in his mouth, "Where are the people?"

"Run away."

"Damn it!" Li Yuan was furious.

"Your Majesty, the vanguard of Chang'an's army is less than twenty miles away from Tongcheng."

Just when Li Yuan was about to search for the singers hiding in the palace, someone sent the latest news.

"Those scouts said that this was their last act of loyalty to His Majesty, and they left."

The gates of Tongcheng were tightly closed, so inquiring about information relied on the scouts scattered outside in the early stages.

"The tree fell and the monkeys dispersed!" Li Yuan forgot about dealing with the singer and drank a glass of wine. "If I had known this, I would have gone to seize the crown prince's position. I might as well be a member of the clan. I hope my brother will treat me well."


"What's the point of talking about this now?" Li Mi said coldly: "If you want to find a way to escape, or...is there any way to make that evil bastard surrender to the rat?"

Li Yuan swallowed the mutton in his mouth, frowned, and his eyes turned into triangles, "Let me think about it."

When the emperor ordered the vanguard to attack, Yang Lue suddenly asked for help.

Everyone was stunned and then relieved.

Yang Lue had been running for the emperor for most of his life, and he had been thinking about revenge for honoring the emperor for decades. At this moment, his enemy was not far away, and he could not hold back.

Once he stood up, no one competed with him for the position of leading the vanguard.

The vanguard were all cavalry, galloping all the way.

Halfway through, they encountered several groups of scouts. After seeing the forwards, they ran away without hesitation.

Moreover, he was not running towards Tongcheng.

"The hearts of the people are scattered."

Yang Lue discovered the problem keenly.

The village beside the road was deserted, even the cows had been taken away, leaving only a few escaped chickens happily looking for food.

When he saw Tongcheng, Yang Lue raised his hand.

The defenders at the top of the city also saw them.

Both sides fell into a strange silence.

"Li Mi old dog, I'm here."

The scene from that year flashed through Yang Lue's mind.

"Go and wait for Gu's instructions!"

The deposed prince asked him to hide in Chang'an City and wait for orders.

He waited and waited, hoping that a miracle would happen and that the deposed prince and the emperor would get back together.

Until that night, he saw the light of fire reaching into the sky.

Then Yi Niang came and brought the child.

"His Royal Highness orders you to take my young master and escape to the south!"

Yang Lue kowtowed to the light of the fire, held the baby in his arms, looked at the child's unconscious little mouth, and couldn't help but shed tears.

He quietly passed by the city, and finally looked back in that direction.

From that moment on, there was only one thought in his mind.


This day has finally arrived.

Yang Lue waved his hand, "Surround Tongcheng."

The cavalry spread out to both sides and started galloping around Tongcheng.

This is a demonstration.

Chengtou didn't make any reaction.

Wang Laoer also came.

"Has anyone left the city these days?" Yang Lue asked.

"No." Wang Laoer said sadly, "My dried meat is moldy."

The vanguard of Chang'an's army has arrived.

"Aye, the vanguard of Chang'an's army has arrived."

Zhou Zun returned home in a hurry.

"It's finally here." Zhou Qin pondered for a long time, "Be careful of the false emperor jumping over the wall."

"I'm being stared at! Once I find out that he's going to take action, I'll be dead!" Zhou Zun sneered.

"At this time, we don't need to cherish our lives." Zhou Qin said, "It would actually be better if we died."

"Yes, if we die, Zitai will definitely treat the Zhou family well."

The father and son felt dumbfounded for a moment.

"How can you wish for your own misfortune?" Zhou Qin smiled.

A steward came to report, "Alang, Langjun, someone wants to see you. It's the woman from last time."


Huahua came, "The vanguard army has arrived, please follow me and hide for a while."

Zhou Zun looked at his father.

"That's all."

Zhou Qin shook his head, "Let's go!"

Co-author: Did the old man really have the idea of ​​​​sacrifice himself for the family?

Zhou Zun was stunned and quickly helped him.

Then, a carriage left Zhou's house and took away the two informants outside the door.

Then, there was another carriage.

The third car is Huahua and Zhou's father and son.


After walking around the alley for a few times, Huahua took Zhou Zun and his son to a house.

"I also ask the two Dukes of Zhou to rest here."

Huang Chunhui has received news of the arrival of the Chang'an army forward.

The news came from Wei Zhong's people, along with Wei Zhong's warning.

"Alang said, be careful of that guy jumping over the wall."

"Thank you." Huang Chunhui nodded.

After the others left, Huang Lu said, "I'll go take a look."

He opened the door to his house and took a look outside.

Two gentle-faced men are on the right.

"Tianma Camp."

After the Tianma Camp was dispatched in large numbers last time, it quickly became known to everyone.

Returning to the backyard, Huang Lu found that her father had changed his clothes and was sitting under the eaves, with a horse stall standing against the wall beside him.

murderous look!

Comes out of the blue.

"Huang Gong, wait a minute!"

Someone jumped off the roof.

Huang Chunhui held the horse in his hand, and when he saw it, the person who came down was Huahua.

"Your Majesty ordered us to wait for Huang Gong." Huahua said. She took a look at the horse stall and felt that it was not a good guy.

Before being severely wounded by He Lianhong's master, Huang Chunhui was a famous warrior.

"There are people from Tianma Camp outside." Huang Lu said.

"Don't be afraid!" Huahua said with a smile: "In order to support Mr. Huang, I brought people from the Qiu Long Guard."

Qiu Long Guard, Tianma Camp!

These two opponents seem to be destined, but they have never met.

Huang Chunhui said: "Go to the front!"

Huang Lu and Hua Hua were stunned.

"There seems to be no one behind, but there must be the most people!"


This chapter has been completed!
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