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Chapter 1553 The Truth Comes Out

Wang Fen stood up slowly while pressing the eucalyptus table, smiling.

"Wang Gui kills people!" Huahua said every word, "I'm waiting for your sophistry!"

"This is slander!" Wang Fen laughed.

"If Jinyiwei wants to slander someone, he has countless ways to do it!" Huahua said coldly; "Don't mention you, even if he is a powerful person in Chang'an, Jinyiwei can still make him unable to live or die."

The criminal was brought in and said, "Lang Jun, they are too cruel. I don't dare to lie!"

Wang Fen smiled bitterly and said: "Diao Nu! This is Diao Nu!"

"We caught Wang Gui."

Someone shouted from behind.

Huahua walked over and said, "Half of your life is already gone. The remaining half, do you want to keep it or do you want to... die?"

Wang Fen trembled, "Villain..."

This is a sign that the defense has been broken. Huahua said: "Wang Gui will inevitably die. Do you want to be buried with him?"

Wang Gui was brought here, and he looked like a fool who had been drained by wine and sex. After being caught by the Jin Yiwei men, he still kept chattering: "Who are you waiting for? Look back and let you die without a burial place."

Huahua turned around, "Jinyiwei!"


Wang Gui's legs softened and he knelt down.

"You committed murder back then!" Huahua sneered.

A foul smell filled the air, and then a wet streak spread down Wang Gui's lower body.

This man was so frightened that he peed and pooped.

"Dalang, save me!" Wang Gui collapsed on the ground.

Wang Fen gritted his teeth and said: "Second uncle, the law is ruthless. In this matter... I will take care of your children and grandchildren."

But Wang Gui howled: "If you don't save me, I will tell you all the evil things Wang has done over the years. Also, when people came from Chang'an to clear away the traces of that incident, you were the one responsible for it.

I took it with me to do it. Yes, it was you who did it!"

Wang Gui seemed to have found a life-saving straw and said to Huahua: "Wang Fen is the mastermind in that matter, he is the mastermind!"

Wang Fen's face turned red, "Old dog, you bite me back..."

Huahua took a step back, Wang Gui rushed forward, and the uncle and nephew rolled together.

The people from Jinyiwei turned a blind eye and searched the study.

"There are letters here!" Someone found letters between Wang and the outside world, and they were actually packed in a large wooden box.

Wang Fen, who was fighting, was startled and was punched by Wang Gui, causing his nose to bleed violently. He slumped there and said, "It's over!"

Half an hour later, facing a pile of letters and account books, Wang Fen knelt in front of Huahua and said: "Back when my second uncle beat someone to death... That was when the Wang family was about to start a business. I don't know what's going on..."

The so-called Dao Dao refers to the way powerful clans deal with people after killing people.

"There was some panic in the family. Aye had just taken charge of the family business at that time, so he invited a familiar official to drink. When he was half-drunk, he pretended to be drunk and asked the official as a joke. He heard that there were powerful people killing people without incident. How could they explain..."

"The official was noncommittal. But seven or eight days later, a man from Chang'an came to see him, saying that he had heard that Wang had killed someone. The family was in panic, but the man said that he could solve the matter."

A guard in Jinyi smiled and said: "It must be the official who leaked the news."

"The man told the truth about the murder of my second uncle. Everyone in the family was panicked. The old man just said what he wanted and wanted to use money to bribe this man."

Huahua shook her head, "Idiot!"

"The man said that he came from Chang'an and represented a nobleman. The nobleman just wanted to have a good relationship with Concubine De. After several discussions at home, he finally agreed."

Wang Fen wiped away the nosebleed, Hua Hua pointed at him, and a Jin Yiwei handed over a cloth. Wang Fen took it and covered her nostrils, saying in a low voice: "That man went to the state house, and then he became a slave."

The Wang family was furious, but the servant escaped. Then the government issued a notice to arrest the murderer..."

This is the attitude of meat eaters towards human life. How simple is it?

"The man left then, and the family was uneasy and worried about what would happen next. But not long after, Concubine De in the palace sent someone to send a message to the family, especially the second uncle. The old man said

That person must have gone to look for the empress. Since the empress said nothing happened, then of course nothing will happen."

"Who is that person?" Huahua asked.

"The villain doesn't know!"

"I don't know?" Huahua's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Wang Fen kowtowed, "I swear I don't know. By the way, my father said before he passed away... If Mr. Wang is in crisis, you can open his coffin. There will be something to save Mr. Wang inside."




"Just outside the village."

Huahua looked at the sky, and someone said, "It's still too late to go now. We can find something before dark."

"No, wait until night!"

In the middle of the night, dozens of people came outside the village.

The weather was still cold, and it was dark outside the village. As we walked along the field ridge, we could not hear the chirping of insects.

Wang Fen looked left and right, trembling all over.

"Right there!" Wang Gui said, pointing ahead.


The hoe and shovel were put on together, and the dirt was flying, making Huahua's hands feel a little itchy.

The upper part was soon hollowed out, and the tomb was next.

"I saw it."

After digging up the soil, several Jinyi guards pried open the coffin.


The sound spread far and wide in the dark night.

In the distance, dogs were barking in the village.

The coffin panels were lifted.

Someone handed the torch over, Huahua walked to the side, looked at the skeleton and said, "Where is it?"

"Even villains don't know!"

Wang Fen really doesn’t know.

Huahua jumped down and searched among the bones and uncorrupted clothes.

The Jinyi guards were filled with admiration, thinking that they themselves would not be able to rummage through the corpses so calmly!

Huahua's hand stopped on the chest of the corpse, fumbled a few times, and took out something.


Bring the torch closer.

This is an oil paper bag. The outside is a little mottled by the liquid, but after opening it, the letter inside is intact.


Huahua opened the letter.

This is a suicide note left by Wang Fen's father, Wang Xian, the previous head of the Wang family.

In the letter, he mentioned the incident that year.

After Wang Gui committed the murder, the thing he regretted most was testing the official.

This man was not stupid, but he had little knowledge at the time.

After the people from Chang'an settled the matter, the Wang family seemed to have nothing to do with it. Half a year later, Wang Xian asked his wife to go to the palace to visit Concubine De. When she came back, her wife brought Concubine De's words.

——The matter of my second brother has become a reason for others to take advantage of me, and that person forced me to do things for them. If this is done, a noble person will be unlucky. If the noble person is unlucky, that person will benefit. And I will become a substitute.

If you don't do it well, the Wang family will be overthrown.

Huahua looked at these past events, and a line gradually appeared in her mind.

Wang Gui committed a murder, and Wang Xian tried his best to test an official he knew well, but the official was a member of that person's party, so he passed the news to Chang'an.

That person obtained the evidence of Wang's crime based on this. If they started to argue, Wang Gui would not be able to escape death, and Wang would not be able to escape punishment.

Concubine De was forced by the man with evidence, and presumably there were incentives: We will protect the Wang family and ensure that the empress’s family will prosper from now on.

How can a harem woman choose in this situation?

If she refuses, Wang Gui's murder will be revealed, and Concubine De will definitely be ignored by Emperor Xuande, or even lowered in rank. And the Wang family will be finished.

This was a threat and inducement that the concubine could not resist.

Huahua shook her head and continued reading.

——It would be fine if those people succeeded, but they would be afraid of repeating it in the future. The eldest brother should treat this matter as a secret family heirloom. If those people come to cause trouble for the Wang family, they will expose the matter. If the fish and the net are broken, those people will definitely

will retreat.

Unexpectedly, Concubine De had such decisive means... Huahua sighed.

What follows is Wang Xian’s self-narration...

After getting the news about Concubine De, Wang Xian immediately beat Wang Gui and banned her for half a year.

In the days that followed, Wang's life was prosperous.

The prince fell, and the East Palace had a new owner.

Concubine De has gone.

Wang was extremely sad.

Emperor Xuande passed away.

Emperor Wu ascended the throne.

Emperor Wu was getting old, Li Mi initiated a palace coup, and Li Yuan ascended the throne.

Then, Li Yuan abdicated and Li Mi ascended the throne...

Finally, Wang Xian is about to leave.

——I don’t want to leave that matter to the next generation. Without him, it would be too frightening. I’m worried that future generations will be frightened. So let me take this secret to the grave!

——Those people threatened the empress back then and asked her to frame the prince for molesting them.

Huahua's body was shaken.

Who is that person?

She looked down.

——That man’s surname is Chunyu...

Several dusty riders rushed into Chunyu's home. Immediately, news came that something had happened to Chunyu's mine in the south. Chunyudian was furious and immediately prepared to go south to deal with the matter.

The trip of the householder is naturally quite large.

There were more than a hundred horse guards, and there were also several carriages.

After leaving the house, Chun Yudian turned around and looked inside, with a hint of darkness in his eyes.


When they arrived at Zhuque Street, the staff approached the carriage and asked, "Do you want to inform Ms. Yang?"

The car curtain was opened, and Chun Yudian, who was sitting inside, took a look outside.

"Yang Xinxiang didn't learn how to tell each other, but Yang Songcheng learned how to be ruthless. If I told him that I was planning to run away, Yang Xinxiang would definitely be stopped...so I put my two sons at his home to comfort him.


People were coming and going on Zhuque Street, and the people from Jinyiwei spread the news to Jielong.

"Do you want to take someone?"

Jielong said cautiously: "Chun Yudian's trip is to deal with business matters, which is legitimate. If he intercepts and seizes people, those powerful people will find an excuse to cause trouble... and stare."

Chunyudian had already seen the city gate.

"Have you arranged for my substitute to come out after we leave the city?"

"It's been arranged. Just when the two carriages miss each other, Lang Jun will jump over and take that carriage to the north!"


Chunyudian smiled.

When we arrived at the city gate, the staff showed us the way.

The sergeant checked it carefully and handed it back.

Chunyudian and others left the city gate.

He saw the arranged carriage, which was slowly heading this way.

His cultivation level is not very good, but he can easily jump over carriages crossing each other at this speed.

Afterwards, the carriage will bypass Chang'an City and head north.

Going to the south is just a cover-up.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly...

The sound of horse hooves came suddenly.

Dozens of riders appeared in front, covered in dust.

Blocked his way.

A woman rode out.

"Chun Yudian!"

"What's the matter?"

"What happened to your ancestors has happened!"

This chapter has been completed!
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