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Chapter 176: Escape From Heaven (Because I Want To Live For Decades 2)

The tent is not big and there are many people, so it is a bit crowded.

Everyone tried their best to find a relatively comfortable place for Li Han so that he could take a nap calmly.

Heavy footsteps came from outside the tent, making people feel murderous intent involuntarily.

The curtain was opened, "Come out!"

Everyone filed out.

Jiang Gu walked at the front and said with a smile: "I don't know..."

His smile disappeared after seeing those grim smiles.

"It's easy to talk about this. Two million dollars is just two million dollars. I can definitely send it to the Ministry of Basic Education later."

A big man kicked him and said with a ferocious smile: "This is not a matter of money. Look at this noble man with tender skin and tender flesh. I will cut off his head today and I can brag about it for a long time when I go back. Hahahaha!"


Jiang Gu was struggling on the ground to get up, and one foot stepped on the side of his face, suppressing him.

Li Han lowered his head and smiled bitterly. When he raised his head again, his eyes were calmer.

"Kneel down!"

Li Han shook his head, "A man from the Tang Dynasty will die standing up!"

The big man couldn't help but laugh, and was slapped by the people around him.

Li Han did not cover his cheeks, but calmly looked ahead.

"Let's do it!"

The big man raised his sword.

"Xiao Langjun!"

The guards were wailing, but they were surrounded by swords and guns. Jiang Gu struggled hard, his cheek was scratched by the sole of his shoe, and blood flowed down.

His eyes widened, "You bitch slave, the Chang'an army is coming, you will die without a burial place!"

The big man took a deep breath and prepared to swing his sword.

Li Han closed his eyes and said with a wry smile: "Ah Weng."

The family has been dragging their hands back and forth for two million dollars, and it has finally come to this day.


Zhan Bi hurried over, drank the big man, and then ordered, "Watch them and don't allow anyone else to approach them."

Li Han opened his eyes, feeling relieved that he had escaped death.

Wynn entered the tent.


Yun Na was a little calmer than usual and no longer roaring.

The child has fallen asleep and looks particularly peaceful.

Wynn touched the child's face and said softly: "This is a blessed child."

Yun Na nodded, "Yes!"

Wynn asked: "Why don't you plead for your father-in-law?"

Yun Na looked at him, "You are the Khan, but in this tent you are just my man. Just like a flock of sheep, a family must have a leading sheep, otherwise you will say yours and I will say mine, and eventually they will turn against each other.


Wynn nodded.

"I don't allow others to interfere in family affairs, but my father's affairs are not family matters."

She smiled and said: "I take care of the housework, but you take care of the outside affairs."

Wynn leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"I see."

Wynn walked out.

"Let Zhan Bi come."

"Let the victor come."

"Let Ben Khan's guards assemble."

In a short time, many people gathered here.

"Tell Yang Xuan that I will open a road and release people five miles away at the same time."


The eyes of those powerful people were full of disappointment.

Wynn turned a blind eye.

After hearing the news, Yang Xuan couldn't help but cover his forehead and groaned: "Damn, I won't do this again next time."

King Wei also breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the army withdrew to a road, and more than 300 horsemen and Huai En's father-in-law slowly passed by.

Then hundreds of riders followed with Li Han and others.

Both sides stopped when they were five miles away from the camp.

Wynn looked at Yang Xuan, "Let's exchange."

Yang Xuan looked carefully at the people around him and said softly: "Your Majesty, let's see if there are good people on the other side."

King Wei looked at it carefully and said, "I didn't feel it. You are very cautious."

I have to be cautious... Yang Xuan thought of the experience of being raided by Wahai. If the old thief and Wang Laoer hadn't fought to the death, if the scouts hadn't arrived at the right time, his bones would have become the teething stick of the wolves.


On the opposite side, Li Han came slowly on horseback with more than ten people.

Here, Yang Xuan nodded, and Hua En's father-in-law smiled at him and rode over.

The old thief muttered, "It would be good to have a daughter."

No one was chasing him from the other side, and Yang Xuan felt slightly relieved.

Li Han came slowly with his people, came close and held his hands, just about to speak.


Yang Xuan shouted, and King Wei's expression changed drastically, "Retreat!"

Li Han looked back while riding his horse to follow.

Wynn's hundreds of riders were chasing after him on horseback.

Those who want to kill each other have a bow in their hands.

Shooting from horseback is very difficult, and it is even more difficult to shoot accurately.

Hundreds of people riding and shooting...this is clearly the elite among the elite.

Wynn was smiling grimly, "The guards of this Khan are all elites. Today I will let you wait and see what elites are."

The sound of horse hooves on both sides shook the ground, and the black cavalry appeared.

Behind him are elites chasing and killing, and on both sides are large armies outflanking...

Without the threat of the armies on both sides, Yang Xuan was confident of getting rid of the pursuers behind him.

For example, turn.

But now that there were large armies on both sides, he could only walk to the dark side in one way.

"Damn it, what a curse!"

The old thief looked back at the beauty wearing a turban, and then thought of his beloved Chang Sanniang.

If Sanniang is trapped, should I save her or not?

Everyone galloped on horseback, and the enemy troops on both sides were narrowing the encirclement. Once surrounded, Yang Xuan knew that he had better commit suicide, otherwise Wynn could put him in seven or forty-nine positions.

Three hundred cavalry and King Wei's guards are accelerating in front, and they will open the passage.

There were screams from behind. Yang Xuan looked back and saw that the pursuers were approaching. The ones in the front row were drawing their bows and arrows. The two guards were hit by arrows and fell off their horses. Just as they were about to get up, they were trampled heavily by horse hooves. Howling miserably.

The sound only lasted for a moment, and then it turned into a puddle of flesh under the trampling of countless horse hooves.


The stunning beauty sped up in panic and overtook Yang Xuan.

Good horse skills!

Yang Xuan and King Wei stood side by side, with Li Han behind them.

Screams kept coming.

"Take care, young man!"

Jiang Gu shouted and immediately reined in his horse.

The guards behind him did not hesitate, reining in their horses and turning around.

Then they all fell into a tight siege.

The pursuers were delayed for a moment and overtook them from both sides.

Wynn looked at the encircling army ahead and said, "Zhanbi, go ahead!"

Zhan Bi responded, "Yes."

Zhan Bi didn't know what method he used, and the horse suddenly accelerated.

In front, three hundred cavalry and the guards of the King of Guards collided with dozens of cavalry that had just surrounded them.

It disperses as soon as it is flushed.

The old thief said happily: "Hurry!"

Yang Xuan rode his horse and rushed over. Just as he felt happy, King Wei suddenly swung his sword behind him.


King Wei's body shook, and then his horse slowed down.

Yang Xuan turned around, drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and let go of Zhan Bi, who was flying towards him like a big bird.

With a relaxed smile in his eyes, Zhan Bi split the arrows with his sword.

Li Han then chopped it off with his sword.

Zhan Bi struck the side of the Hengdao with a precise slap. The Hengdao trembled and then flew up.

King Wei shouted loudly and stabbed him from the side.

Zhan Bi had no time to block and dodged violently.

"Withdraw!" Yang Xuan shouted.

The enemy troops on the left in front were surrounding them, and the three of them rushed out through the only opening on the right.

More than three hundred people rode on the left side, watching Yang Xuan and the others flee towards the right side.

Zhanbi landed and then flew over again. Someone freed up a war horse. Zhanbi got on the horse and shouted: "Follow me."

More than three hundred cavalrymen had no time to think about themselves at the moment and fled to the left as the enemy pursued them.

"Mr. Lang!"

Wang Laoer wanted to turn his horse back, but the old thief slapped him in the face and shouted: "If you go now, you will die, and Mr. Lang will beat you to death!"

"I don't care!"

"I'll take care of it!"

"Old thief, don't force me to do it!"

"It's no use if you go."

"it works!"

"What's the use?"

"I can stand in front of Mr. Lang."

"That's death too."

"I'll die first."

The old thief glanced at him and realized that Wang Laoer had tears streaming down his face.

"I want to save Mr. Lang!"

The old thief looked back and saw that although there were many pursuers, they were not that eager. It could be seen that the main target of the Jibo Department was Yang Xuan and the others.

"I also want to save Mr. Lang, but I have to wait until I can avoid these pursuing soldiers."

"If you coax me..."

Wang Laoer looked at the old thief seriously.

The old thief was convinced that if he deceived Wang Laoer, he would most likely be ruthlessly beaten by him.

"I swear!"

The old thief raised his hands and swore while galloping.

"If I lie, I will die in the coffin while robbing the tomb."

Wang Laoer felt something was wrong, "Why didn't he die in the tomb?"

The old thief smiled bitterly, "Do you think about how a tomb robber could die in a coffin?"

Wang Laoer thought for a while and said, "I was caught by a ghost."

"Yes, once I went to rob a tomb and found that the lid of the coffin had fallen to the ground. There were two skeletons inside, one lying down and the other lying on top of it. Judging from the clothes, they were tomb robbers."

Wang Laoer looked back and said decisively: "If something happens to Mr. Lang, I will kill Hua En!"

The old thief shuddered... Wang Laoer's cultivation level was improving almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. If he misses Huai En, the consequences can be imagined.

He was also quite worried about Yang Xuan's safety, but his many years of tomb robbing experience helped him calm down.

At this moment, Yang Xuan looked at Zhan Bi, who was gradually approaching, with a fierce look in his eyes, and shouted: "Join hands!"

King Wei scolded: "You must be faster!"

Yang Xuan scolded: "What are you so damn afraid of?"

King Wei cursed: "Yeah, I'm afraid I'll cut you with one knife."

This piece of shit!

Yang Xuan urged the horse to speed up.

Zhan Bi behind him was getting closer and closer, and his beard and hair were blown back by the strong wind.

Behind were thousands of horsemen, and Wynn was further behind, together with a group of dignitaries.

"Khan's method is indeed brilliant!" Mountain Hu praised: "When the two sides exchanged, the other party felt relieved, and then used Khan's elite guards to surprise them, catching them off guard."

Sheng Zhong said: "Yang Xuan is cunning. If Zhan Bi hadn't suddenly taken action, we wouldn't have been able to stop him today."

The attitude of the dignitaries changed drastically, and they all praised the Khan's wisdom.

The father-in-law stroked his beard and smiled, and said to Yun Na and his grandson who came after hearing the news: "I am proud of one thing in my life."

Yun Na asked: "What's the matter?"

"I gave birth to a good daughter and found a good son-in-law for her."

Yun Na looked at Wynn in front of her, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Aye, can those people beat you?"

The old man shook his head, "No, the young man at the head looks very kind."

He said slyly: "I knew from the first sentence that they wanted to take advantage of my son-in-law's love for you, so I pretended to be a pampered fool, just like the nobles around Khan, but they asked me to listen

Now that we’re here…what’s the king’s name?”

This seemingly harmless, pampered old man easily found out an important piece of information.

Yun Na was startled and shouted: "Husband."

Wynn was originally indifferent to the flattery under his command, but when he heard the voice, he turned around with a touch of tenderness in his eyes, "What's the matter?"

"Husband, what is the king?"

After a while, Wynn roared: "The one who is with Yang Xuan is the prince, so he must be the king of Wei. We will do whatever it takes to catch him."

Shengzhong reminded: "The news cannot be spread, otherwise a large number of troops will be dispatched from Northern Xinjiang, and the Jibo Department will be in danger!"

This reminder was timely. Wynn glanced at Sheng Zhong appreciatively and said, "Conceal your identity and tell the warriors that Ben Khan will capture them alive!"

"Whoever catches those three people will be rewarded heavily."

The warriors went crazy.

"Khan is wise." Shan Hu said flatteringly.

"You've worked hard too." Wynn said gently.

Zhan Bi chases closer and closer, raising his knife...

"The Khan has an order to arrest them alive!"

Someone was shouting from behind.

Zhan Bi was stunned for a moment.

Then grab it forward with your left hand.

Yang Xuan turned around and watched the thin hand gradually approaching his back.

"Do it!"

The giant sword suddenly turned around and slashed.

Li Han got a wooden stick from nowhere and split it with all his strength.

Yang Xuan has a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right hand...

He was waiting for Zhanbi to have a loophole.

He was betting that King Wei would use all his strength to strike.


The blade passed by, and the sound of cutting through the air was breathtaking.

King Wei's eyes almost popped out.

This time almost all the inner breath was used, and the body was almost empty.

Zhan Bi felt that Yang Xuan was the most important target, but at this moment, she could only regretfully retract her left hand so that she could block with her right hand.

As for the wooden stick.

He split it open easily.

Yang Xuan didn't know when he had already opened his bow and nocked an arrow, then let go.

At close range, the arrow arrives almost as soon as you let go.


Zhanbi underestimated King Wei's strength. He originally planned to block the arrow and quickly split it, but at this moment it was too late.

He shouted loudly, let go, and dropped the long knife. At the same time, he raised his right arm and blocked it in front of his eyes.

The arrow was aimed at his eyes.

The arrow penetrated his arm, and the tip of the arrow was right between his eyebrows, with blood on it.


Zhanbi was injured and the three of them fled.

"Yang Xuan, your arrow is pretty good!"

"The king's sword is not bad at all!"

Yang Xuan and King Wei praised each other.

Li Han: "..."

From behind, Zhan Bi cursed: "Sneak attack dog thief!"

A large group of cavalry swarmed behind him.

Wynn is here too.

"Who hurt you?"

"Yang Xuan!"

Wynn sneered, "The important thing is not Yang Xuan and Li Han, but the man with the giant sword. You led the people to chase... can the wound be sustained?"

Zhan Bi stretched out his hand and said, "Here comes the knife."

Someone handed over a long knife, and Zhanbi cut off the upper end of the arrow, held the arrow end, pulled it out, and then applied medicine and bandage.

"Spread the message to the grassland, catch those three people and get a big reward!"

Immediately, countless soldiers rushed to all directions to convey the Khan's instructions to every tribe, including the grassland street runners.

Yang Xuan and the others took advantage of the dusk to get rid of the pursuers behind them, but they did not dare to stay for a long time and led their horses on their way all night.

The next day, they met a small caravan.

"Who will negotiate?" Yang Xuan asked.

Li Han coughed dryly and said, "My temperament is too outstanding."

Being able to speak shamelessly so fresh and refined... Yang Xuan looked at King Wei, who was puzzled, "I can go, but I'm afraid of scaring them."

In the end, Yang Xuan had to bear everything.

"Hey! Dear friends, welcome to the Jibo Department." Yang Xuan rode over and greeted with a smile.

The leader of the small caravan glanced at them and whispered: "Didn't someone say yesterday that the Khan offered a reward to three people? Could it be them?"

"Whether it is or not, get ready to take action!"

This chapter has been completed!
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