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Chapter 185 Seeds (for the wind to rise and leaves to fall V

King Wei returned to Taiping.


Li Han lived quite comfortably in his residence, eating and drinking when he should.


King Wei sat down and said, "Bring me some wine."

After King Wei settled in Taiping, Qianzhou kept sending supplies, and there was no shortage of drinks.

Huang Ping looked troubled.

"Yeah!" King Wei raised his head, his eyes unkind.

"I drank it all." Li Han looked satisfied, almost picking his teeth.

In terms of seniority, Li Han is still the uncle of King Wei.


With just one slap, Li Han felt that half of his body no longer belonged to him.

"Go next door and get it."

Huang Ping grimaced, "I also drank it all."

King Wei was furious, "Are you a wine barrel?"

"It's peaceful and boring, what are you doing if you don't drink?"

"You can go out for a walk."

"I went out. The first time I lost my money bag, the second time I was said to have killed someone, the third time I was accused of raping a woman, and the fourth time a child hugged my leg and called me Aye, you let me How dare I go out?"

King Wei: "..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In the eyes of Li Han and King Wei, the days of peace were monotonous and boring.

But since I want to hang out here, I have to find something for myself to do.

"I'll go find Yang Xuan tomorrow and ask." Li Han was ready to have some fun for himself.

King Wei got some drinks from somewhere and sat on the steps drinking alone.

Li Han sat on the edge, looking at the wine jar with salivation. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was slapped away.

"Eating alone does not make you fat."

King Wei lowered his head, "Bah!"

The saliva just spit into the wine jar.

Li Han looked at him dumbfounded, "The noble prince can be so vulgar. If I hadn't been with you for a long time, I would really suspect that you are possessed by a ghost."

"That's how it is here. If you don't work hard, don't blame yourself for not being able to find food." King Wei drank his wine with peace of mind.

"Hey!" Li Han arched his shoulders, "Chang'an didn't take you there?"

"I didn't take it." King Wei looked calm.

"What do you think His Majesty is thinking about?"

"Maybe I'm thinking of something good to listen to."

"Isn't it a dance?"

"Dancing makes people emotional easily. He is older."

"Tired and can't be excited?"

"Probably so."

"Aren't you afraid of being reported to someone if you are so disrespectful?"

"You must die sooner or later. Since you are all going to die, death sooner or later is death."

"People can live in a muddleheaded way. Look at those farmers. They live in a muddleheaded way. After being ignorant, they will feel that the days in front of them are very happy. This is also a way to live. But I think you are living in such a muddleheaded way. Feeling extremely tortured..."

"What do you want to say?"

"You are worse than a farmer."

"But this king has a skill."

"What's the point?"

"I will make your life more miserable than mine!"



The next day, Li Han rubbed his shoulders and went next door.

"Mingfu is still having breakfast."

"Then I'll wait."

In the inner courtyard, Wang Laoer was begging with a painful look on his face, "Mr. Lang, I don't want to study anymore."

“People must keep their word.”

"I'm not human."

Yang Xuan: "..."

In order not to study, I even stopped working.

"Lao Cao, what did you do to the second child?"

Cao Ying said depressedly: "I just asked him to practice calligraphy with his wrist hanging. After a while, he scratched his head and scratched his head. But look at him, he is not distracted when he is practicing, hey!"

"Langjun." Wang Laoer looked at him eagerly.

"Must read!" Yang Xuan said with a cold face: "If he doesn't study...Yiniang will stare at him, and if he doesn't study well, he will be beaten hard."

Yi Niang said with a smile: "Yes."

Wang Laoer took the bowl and went to the old thief, "It's better, the old thief."

The old thief smiled happily and said, "I will wait for each word and teach you later."

Wang Laoer: "..."

Zhang Siniang asked curiously: "Old thief, how do you know so many words?"

The development of writing has gone through many stages. The average person is considered an expert if he can know two or three types of words, but the old thief is the best fighter among experts.

The old thief said calmly: "It's passed down from our ancestors."

Identifying the characters in the tomb is a compulsory course for tomb robbers. It is used to identify the identity of the owner of the tomb and see if it is worth robbing the tomb. It is also necessary to identify the origin of those treasures.

"Actually, professional and inherited tomb robbers are more knowledgeable than those archaeological experts." Suzaku's words were more like a sarcasm.

After dinner, Cao Ying and Yang Xuan went out together.

"Why did Mr. Lang order his second son to study?"

"What do you want to say?"

"I think it's better if the second son is stupid, and only if he is stupid can he be loyal to the husband."

"I run the county school with good education, but ignore the people around me who don't study. This is hypocrisy. I'm not afraid of hypocrisy, but I can't look at the silly eyes of the second child and remain indifferent. Lao Cao."


"Loyalty is never bought by the stupidity of your subordinates, but by hard work."


Li Han waited outside with all kinds of boredom.


"It's called Yang Mingfu."

"Haha, Zitai."

"If you're not drinking next door, what are you doing here?"

Li Han was drinking heavily during this period. After finishing the wine next door, he came over to have a drink with Yang Xuan.

"Before King Wei came, this day was quite interesting. But when he came, I felt bored just looking at that face. I wanted to find something to do."

"There are a lot of things going on in Taiping, what do you want to do?"

Yang Xuan felt that this was the innocent moaning of a powerful man.

"You think I'm just moaning for no reason."

Li Han's keenness did not surprise Yang Xuan, "That's right."

"What is the most painful?" Li Han asked.

"You can't bear the hardship?" Yang Xuan looked at him.

"Frowning, my surname is not Li."


"I'm going!"

Qian Ji appeared and held his hands with a smile, "I've seen Ming Mansion, I've met Yang Langjun."

Prince Liang was one of his own, but now his favorite grandson was mixed up with Yang Xuan. Qian Ji still couldn't adapt to this magical reality.

"Old money! By the way, some places in the city are going to be demolished recently..."

"Xiaguan has unbearable abdominal pain." Qian Ji's face changed drastically and he resigned.

"Why is this person afraid of this?" Li Han was puzzled.

Yang Xuan and him left the county house, got on their horses and headed out of the city.

"The people in the city are so kind that he can't bear to demolish them."

"Haha! Chunliang... Now I dare not go out without a guard. Is this called Chunliang?"

Arrive at the foot of the mountain.

More than two thousand Taiping troops were running around the school grounds, stirring up bursts of dust.

"That's it?" Li Han asked.

"There are some interesting ones. This is the most painful one. You can decide on your own."

"Aren't you afraid of leaking secrets?" Li Han asked seemingly casually.

"Aren't you afraid of being silenced?"

The two smiled at each other.

"Every general has his own training methods, which are kept secret. You can let me participate, which shows your generosity."

"Then go ahead."

Li Han packed up his clothes and immediately joined in.

He has some foundation in cultivation, his breath is long, and he thinks running is no problem.

Nan He walked to Yang Xuan's side and said, "Lang Jun, if you let this person interfere with our training, you are afraid of being imitated."

"In my military training methods, drill is secondary, and motivation is important."


"Yes. In the past, my foundation in Taiping was not strong and I did not dare to use such methods. Now I am almost done."

Nan He was confused.

The Art of War talks about drill methods and battle formations, as well as agitation, which is to boost morale.

"Lang Jun, I have encouraged you too."

"You are just scratching the surface."

If someone else humiliated him like this, Nan He could beat him half to death: "..."

The team is constantly moving forward.

Li Han confidently ran along for a while and began to pant.

Inner breath is one thing, and the physical body is another.

He had just started to take the lead when someone passed him and looked back at him.

That look is very complicated.

Puzzled, confused, and finally turned into contempt.

You idiot, how dare you run in front of Ye Ye?

The army only recognizes the strong, not the status.

This cannot be tolerated.

Li Han gritted his teeth and followed, his breathing a little messy.

From time to time, there were people passing by, and gradually more and more people were passing by. On the other side, more than a hundred grassland guards who were practicing volley shooting also looked at Li Han curiously from time to time.

King Wei also arrived at some unknown time.

"Have you ever seen a clan member tormenting yourself like this?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, and Nan He avoided it.

King Wei said: "King Liang is the younger brother of Emperor Xuande. There is a big age difference. It is correct to say that he is the eldest brother and is like his father."

"The King of Liang who grew up so pampered was also a dandy when he was young and made endless troubles in Chang'an."

"Like father, like son. Li Zhen, the eldest son of King Liang, was also like this when he was young. He was a playboy."

"Li Zhen's head wife, who was also Li Han's biological mother, was virtuous, but Li Zhen was lustful and had many concubines at home. Some of the concubines were favored and domineering, so they wanted to seize the position of the head wife... for the sake of their children."

This Yang Xuan knew that in a noble family, the son is more valuable than the mother, and the son of the first wife is naturally the heir. After the parents pass away, the son of the concubine can be swept away after randomly dividing some of the family property, and the family property still belongs to the legitimate son.

"Li Han's biological mother came from a famous family and was arrogant. She could not withstand the provocation of her beloved concubine, and she died of depression soon after."

Yang Xuan remembered what Li Han said, "He said that the concubine poisoned him, pushed him downstairs, and was executed by Li Zhen."

"Haha!" King Wei laughed, "Just listen to his nonsense. The entire clan knows this."

"Talk about it."

"After his biological mother passed away, Li Han kept his mourning and did not cry. He just knelt there, looking so thin that it made people feel distressed."

"There are a lot of dirty things in noble families. The more noble the family, the dirtier it is... Many people thought that from now on there would be another miserable child in the clan."

Without the protection of their biological mother and their father being lustful and excessive, such children will most likely perish.

"On the day when Li Han gave birth to his mother's first child, his concubine died suddenly."

Wasn't he executed?

It was the first day of his wife's first life... Yang Xuan looked at Li Han who was gritting his teeth and running while feeling horrified.

"Then Li Zhen beat Li Han severely, and it is said that he almost died."

Tiger poison does not eat its seeds!

"From then on, he lived with his grandfather, King Liang."

"He was eleven years old that year."

At the age of eleven, he killed his father's concubine and was almost beaten to death by his biological father.

"No wonder he's a little mean."

King Wei said calmly: "Why don't you tell me why I have a good rapport with him."

Just two unlucky guys.

"I also dealt with Li Han when I was in Chang'an. At that time, he seemed mediocre and a bit of a playboy. Only after this adventure together did I realize that he had been hiding his clumsiness."

Why hide your clumsiness?

Who is he guarding against?

Li Han is still running.

His face was red and he was breathing heavily.

"Back off!"

The sergeant who was following him saw that Li Han was really desperate and pointed at him.

Li Han ignored him and continued to run.

The group in front gradually left him behind.

The little bit of cultivation he had was not enough to sustain him for that long and had already been exhausted.

"Hey! It's almost done." King Wei shouted.

Li Han is still running.

Gradually, the group caught up and surpassed him.


Li Han gasped, his eyes filled with sternness, and he gritted his teeth and stumbled forward.

The team completed today's running drill, and the whole team looked at him.

Later, Li Han felt like he was running, but in the eyes of outsiders, he was just taking a staggering walk.

When he reached the finish line, he raised his head and was covered in sweat.

"Hey, I...how?"

King Wei remained silent.

"Okay." Yang Xuan nodded.

Li Han said provocatively: "How does it compare to you?"

Yang Xuan scratched his head.

Nan He, who did not know when he appeared, said softly: "In the past, it was Lang Jun who led them away."

Li Han: "..."

"There will be more to follow." Yang Xuan pointed forward.

The soldiers picked up their swords and guns and prepared to practice their weapons.

Li Han: "..."

He just put aside his legs and walked over step by step.

He is a cruel person!

After the training in the morning, Li Han felt like his whole body was falling apart.

When eating, he stubbornly said that he would eat with these soldiers.

When he saw that it was pork meat, he was dumbfounded.

Yang Xuan pointed to the person serving food, Nan He went over and gave instructions in a low voice.

When it was Li Han's turn to cook, the cook's spoon stopped shaking. Others had a large piece of pork, but he had two large pieces.

Li Han looked at those envious eyes and regretted his decision.

Yang Xuan squatted on the side and watched Li Han eat two large pieces of pig meat like poison, smiling happily.

When he was in Xiaohe Village, pig meat was also a good thing for him, and eating it once was like celebrating the New Year. As for the prey, he needed to buy it in the city in exchange for money.

After Li Han left, Yang Xuan summoned the Taiping Army officers and soldiers.

"You and others were exiled to Taiping, and you all had your own crimes. Why did you commit the crime?"

Yang Xuan pointed to a sergeant and said, "Tell me."

The sergeant stood up and said, "There is some land in the villain's house. The wealthy Ma family in the county wanted to buy it that year. This is the rice bowl for the children and grandchildren, so the villain naturally refused. More than a year later, Aye fell ill.

, it costs a lot of money. Ma's is the only lender in the county, so I have no choice but to borrow money."

"Loan usury is the root of all evil!" Suzaku said quietly.

"Aye's illness has not healed, but I have lived for two more months. I think it was worth it."

"Medicine can cure diseases, and Buddha can help those who are destined." Zhuque was quite sentimental today.

"Just after Aye left, Ma's evil slave came to ask for a loan. The loan was not due. The villain argued hard, but Ma colluded with the officials in the county... and took away most of the land from the villain's house.

As compensation..."

With tears in his eyes, the sergeant said, "The villain's mother-in-law also left in anger. After the villain buried her, he prepared to kill Ma's family head, but before he could get close to him, the villain was captured and then exiled.


The soldiers were silent.


Yang Xuan pointed at another sergeant.

"The villain used to be a minor official, and he worked conscientiously. When he discovered that the superior official was corrupt, he went to report it, but somehow the superior officer found out about it."

It's really magical that the whistleblower's information is delivered to the person being reported.

"The villain was later used by the superior to accuse him of corruption and was exiled to Taiping."

Each sergeant is telling his or her own story.

Some people deserve it, and some people are forced to have no choice...

After listening to most of it, Nan He was horrified, "Is the Tang Dynasty so miserable? Lang Jun, this Tang Dynasty... is going to be in chaos."

When a country is about to fall, there must be signs.

Chaos at the bottom is the beginning.

"The chaos at the bottom is shaking the foundation." Yang Xuan thought of Yuanzhou, and the lives of those people were also quite difficult.

Someone was wailing, causing many people to choke.

Yang Xuan asked: "Do you want to raise your head and be a good person?"


"Do you want to make those people regret it one day?"


The voice became louder and louder.

Yang Xuan finally said: "Then practice and kill the enemy. I will take you to do the rest."

Nan He said loudly: "Follow Mr. Lang, and you will continue to make meritorious deeds."

Are you going to use your meritorious deeds to counterattack those ugliness? Those eyes suddenly brightened.

"I have said that loyalty never relies on the ignorance of your subordinates, but on the heart."

"From now on, let the soldiers complain once every ten days."

"Yes!" Nan He's eyes sparkled.

"Treat people first. Treat the heart first. To fight against rebellion, we need an invincible army to defeat the false emperor. The Tang Dynasty needs an invincible army to conquer the outside world, and these soldiers will become the seeds of my invincible army!"

This chapter has been completed!
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