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Chapter 189 The Power of the Merchant

Summer means abundance and harvest for the grassland tribes.

If the pasture is plentiful, the cattle and sheep will be fat.

"I don't like the food of the Central Plains people."

"It's actually not bad."

"Wahai, you haven't eaten it before. The food of the Central Plains people is too strong and not as good as our beef and mutton."


Two brothers, Hua Zhuo and Wahai, were eating.

"Thanks to God's blessing, the weather will be smooth this year and there will be no natural disasters. It looks like it will be another good year."

Hua Zhuo swallowed the mutton in his mouth and prayed devoutly.

After a while, he felt that the gods must have heard his prayer, and then he said happily: "The Jibo Department is in bad luck this time."

Wahai ate meticulously, "Helian Chun ordered Huaien to attack, but he did not let him attack the strong city."

"Hua En also has ambitions." Hua Zhuo stroked his shiny beard with his oily hand, "If Zhangyu County is captured, the Jibo tribe will have thousands more male and female slaves, and there will be many harvests. The Tang people are hard-working and always give us something for nothing.


He smiled very proudly.

Wahai stood up and said, "I'm going to practice."

"When it's time to find a woman and have fun, don't keep practicing." Hua Zhuo said with concern: "There are only two ways for a man to die, either on horseback or on a woman's belly. Just don't waste your time on

On cultivation.”

Wahai shook his head and said seriously: "Hua Zhuo, don't forget Yang Xuan."

Hua Zhuo nodded, "Did you know that recently Bei Liao sent out elites and wiped out several large tribes in one fell swoop, and the number of warriors who surrendered alone was 60,000. Wahai, Bei Liao is getting stronger and stronger, but Datang is getting stronger along the way.

Decline. We just need to wait, Bei Liao will naturally take action. When the Bei Liao army goes south, who does Chenzhou mean? Who does Yang Xuan mean?"

Wahai shook his head, "I prefer my own revenge."

"So that's why I'm a khan."

Hua Zhuo smiled and said, "I slept with a woman yesterday and it was very fun. You can try it today."


There is someone outside asking to see you.

"Come in."

The friendly smile disappeared, and the authority came to Hua Zhuo again.

A man comes in.

"Khan, the Asan tribe has been destroyed."

"Who did it?"

Ben Khan is missing another group of cows... Hua Zhuo asked angrily.

This is no small matter, he must uphold justice.

"They said that three days ago, Yang Xuan led a raid on the Yasan tribe with hundreds of cavalry, killing all the people in the tribe who dared to take swords, and taking away most of the women. Now there are only dozens of old and weak people left in the Yasan tribe.


"Yang Xuan?" Wahai stopped, with a sharp look in his eyes.

"How dare he...why?" Hua Zhuo didn't think that Yang Xuan dared to rush into the grassland to kill people and exterminate the clan for no reason.

The visitor said: "It was said that people from the Asan tribe killed several businessmen. Yang Xuan threatened to avenge them and led his army to destroy the Asan tribe."

Hua Zhuo said angrily: "The Yasan tribe is so poor that they actually went to intercept and kill the merchants of the Tang Dynasty."

"Khan, he is a grassland businessman."

Yang Xuan is crazy... Hua Zhuo: "Why?"

"The Taiping side said that the two businessmen who were killed paid taxes in Taiping and were protected by Taiping. Whoever kills them is an enemy of Taiping."

Hua Zhuo was furious and threw out the sheep bones in his hand, "Both sides are my Vasie tribesmen, he has such a big face!"

Wahai said: "Brother, he wants to establish his authority!"

"I know." Hua Zhuo said with a sullen face, "He slapped me in the face in front of many people, interesting, interesting!"

The Khan smiled very kindly, but everyone knew that such a Khan was very dangerous.

"Send troops." Wahai didn't understand military matters, but he was eager to take revenge.

Hua Zhuo immediately responded and said, "I have people go to various ministries to gather troops. This Khan wants horses to tread lightly!"

Immediately, messengers came out in all directions, the royal court's troops were gathered, and scouts headed south in waves. The atmosphere was very tense.

The envoy was called back not long after he was about to set out.

"Yang Xuan not only avenged those two businessmen, but also gave those two families a lot of money. Those businessmen were overjoyed. Now Yang Xuan's name of kindness is widely spread in the Vasie tribe. Khan, this is his poisonous plan


What hurried over was the leader of a tribe below.

Then more leaders came.

"Khan, those merchants are praising Taiping. Many people are loading their cars and preparing to go to Taiping for trade."


"This attack is a provocation. Hua Zhuo will go crazy." Because he brought many prisoners and seizures, the return trip was slow, like a sightseeing tour. Li Han expressed his worries: "There is no problem in defending the city.

But this year’s crops will probably be gone.”

"They don't dare to come." Yang Xuan said firmly.

"How can Hua Zhuo still swallow this breath and do it on his own?"

"He can't help it."

"Your determined look is really annoying."



"You have all underestimated businessmen."

"I don't underestimate businessmen, but can businessmen still make Hua Zhuo change his mind?"

"You have underestimated the power of businessmen. Businessmen value profits, and talking about friendship with them is an understatement. But if you talk about interests with them, they guarantee that they will respect you like gods."

"What does this have to do with Hua Zhuo not sending troops?" This time it was King Wei who asked.

"Different from the Northern Liao Dynasty, the three major tribes are relatively loose and composed of countless small tribes. These small tribes are controlled by Hua Zhuo. They pay cattle, sheep and warriors every year, just like cows that produce milk.

What does Huazhuo offer?”


"Yes, protection. But when their businessman is intercepted and killed, what can Hua Zhuo do? In the past, fights between small tribes killed people, what can Hua Zhuo do? Deal with it impartially, or turn a blind eye?"

"Uda, tell me." Yang Xuan pointed at Uda.

Uda said: "Big tribes will not care about small tribes unless they are exterminated."

"Only when the clan is exterminated will it be managed?" King Wei felt that this kind of governance was a bit rough.

"It must be managed." Uda said: "Without a tribe, the Khan will lose a tax and slaves."

This is not governance, but exploitation... King Wei felt that this was not a long-term solution.

"This is the grassland." Yang Xuan felt that compared with the Tang Dynasty, the grassland was more like a jungle, where there were only interests and killings of Chi Guoguo.

"Hua Zhuo doesn't care, Taiping Guan, what do you think those businessmen will think?"

Li Han said: "Businessmen pursue profits... They will feel that Taiping is their most caring person, while Hua Zhuo is just a robber who extorts their money. Zitai, you want to win people's hearts!"

Queen Wei finally understood and asked, "Wuda, what is the status of those merchants in the tribe?"

The two nobles naturally did not bother to understand the situation of those merchants, let alone what merchants meant to the grassland.

Uda said: "There are rules in the grassland. Anyone can be killed and everything can be plundered, except merchants. Without merchants, there would be no tea from the Tang Dynasty, and without cloth from the Tang Dynasty, we would have gastrointestinal problems, and we could only

Wearing animal skins..."

"Businessmen spread the news everywhere. If Hua Zhuo summons his men to prepare for war, these businessmen will secretly hold back, hiss!" There was a solemn look in Li Han's eyes, "Can businessmen also turn the tide?"

"Of course, I'll tell you a story."

"There is a country that is probably worse than the Tang Dynasty. That country has made a national policy since its founding to suppress the status of merchants, but it does not suppress business."

"This is similar to the Tang Dynasty." Li Han nodded, "Originally, officials were not allowed to go through the market, let alone do business, but now things have been relaxed. I am not afraid of your jokes. My family's business is quite big."


Yang Xuan continued: "In the middle period, when the gentry and the powerful saw that although the merchants had a low status, they were making more money than themselves, eating lavishly and enjoying themselves more than themselves, they started to engage in business in the name of domestic servants."

He glanced at Li Han with a strange look in his eyes, "The powerful gentry have a huge advantage in doing business. They don't pay taxes, and neither the customs nor local tax collectors dare to collect their taxes, so they earn more than businessmen."

Li Han coughed dryly and said, "You are deliberately arranging my family, right?"

"You are taking the position on your own." Yang Xuan smiled evilly, "So the businessmen joined forces with the officials and powerful people. They evaded taxes, they annexed the fields, and they took advantage of the situation... until the emperor discovered that the taxes collected by the Ministry of Household Affairs were getting more and more every year.


"Ahem!" Li Han became more and more uncomfortable. He felt that Yang Xuan was mocking Prince Liang's palace.

"When the emperor made an investigation, he couldn't help but be shocked. It turned out that the merchants all over the world had long been integrated with the officials below. Even the prime minister was the spokesperson of the merchants."

"I'm afraid the throne is no longer secure." The eldest nephew was very happy. Yang Xuan even felt that this guy wished that his father would be unlucky.

"The emperor was furious, but the ministers below him had already united as one, and there was nothing he could do. In the end, he had no choice but to send his servants to collect taxes and crack down on the gentry and dignitaries who evaded taxes."

"After the chamberlains arrived, the place suddenly erupted. Countless people went on strike and marched, broke into the chamberlains' residences, and attacked them in groups."

"This...can't be done?" Zhao Youcai was stunned when he heard this, thinking that this was too magical.

"A few of the chamberlains were beaten to death, and the rest ran all the way back to the capital and cried a lot."

"Is the emperor going to send troops to suppress it?" King Wei imagined that if the current emperor dealt with this matter, he would most likely send troops to suppress it.



"Because the army was also infiltrated by those people."

There was a gasping sound all around.

"There is no natural reason for this country to be immortal."

"Subsequently, natural and man-made disasters continued, and people were displaced and starved to death everywhere. Someone climbed up and shouted, and there was smoke everywhere."

"At this time, there were tribes outside the Great Wall who had been suppressed and were obedient. Seeing the Ming Dynasty... seeing the civil strife in the country, they took advantage of the situation and started to rebel. The leader screamed about some great hatred and used this as an excuse to raise troops."

"With internal and external troubles, this country may be destroyed."

"No." Yang Xuan shook his head, "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the big empire is about to fall, it cannot be destroyed by one tribe."

"The internal chaos is getting more and more intense, and the outside is still fighting with that tribe. The worst thing is that the Ministry of Revenue has no money."

"At this time, there was a small town on the frontier. The town was deserted. A group of merchants bribed the defenders of the frontier and started selling goods to that tribe."

"From tea leaves and cloth at the beginning, to iron and copper materials later, and even important information about the country, they gave it to whatever the tribe wanted."

Everyone looked solemn, feeling that Yang Xuanyi had something to say.

"The tribe relied on these merchants to transport supplies and continued to grow. They relied on these merchants to pass on the news of military equipment for the frontier, and they were invincible. These merchants even acted as guides, leading these foreign races to take shortcuts to invade the country..."

"That tribe invaded frequently, and each time they robbed a lot of money. They used the money they robbed to pay those merchants. In other words, those merchants smuggled countless military supplies to foreign tribes, but their own country was paying the price.

.They have found another way to continue making domestic money, which is just bloody and shameless."

"Amidst internal and external troubles, there were still people poaching, and some betraying the country... The country finally collapsed. What's ridiculous is that just after the news of the emperor's suicide reached the place where people were singing and dancing, the gentry and businessmen cheered and held a grand banquet.

and a gathering to celebrate this event.”

This story is so heavy that even the most heartless Wang Laoer sniffed, "It's so miserable."

King Wei thought this was a story, "If a merchant from the Tang Dynasty does this, he should be killed!"

Li Han said calmly: "Any businessman who dares to pry into power will be their doom."

Zhao Youcai asked in confusion: "What do those businessmen want?"

Yang Xuan said:

"People's desires are endless. When the way to make money at home comes to an end, they will collude with powerful officials to seize power or go outside. In order to make money, they will do anything they can, even willing to abandon the place where they were born and raised.

In order to make money, they are willing to partner with the devil."

"I am just saying this to tell you that businessmen cannot suppress it, but businessmen must control it!"

"Businessmen cannot be trusted." This is what King Wei has been taught since childhood, "but the Tang Dynasty is not like this."

Yang Xuan said: "A wealthy businessman has no country."

"This is a word mentioned in the book "Bringing the Warehouse to the Ming Dynasty". Fang Xing will sue you for infringement." The two green lights were like two eyeballs moving.

"Are there no exceptions?" Diao She thought thoughtfully.



"Wealthy merchants serve the country."

King Wei thought about it carefully, "You are probably arranging someone."

I was always the one who got hurt, so I turned around and drank all the good wine that Zitai had secretly hidden, and then designed it to be done by the King of Han... Li Han smiled at King Wei.

Although Jianming was senior to me, he was very kind and left him 30% of the good wine he had hidden in the dog hole... King Wei also smiled.

When he saw Taiping County, the scouts arranged by Yang Xuan earlier returned.

"The envoys sent by the Vashe Ministry to various places have been recalled."

"Many leaders of small tribes went to the royal court for some unknown reason."

"There must be something wrong down there." Zhao Youcai was ecstatic, feeling that Taiping had overcome another difficulty, and he looked at the boss with a look of admiration.

King Wei looked solemn, "Can a businessman have such power?"

Li Han felt that he needed to think about the role of businessmen.

As soon as they entered the city, the hundreds of women immediately made the men unable to take their eyes away.

Taiping was a place of exile, with many men and few women, and countless bachelors.

Someone asked the sergeant with salivation, "Are these women sent to serve the Ming Dynasty?"

Am I that dissolute and immoral?

Even if it does, my waist is not that good... Yang Xuan was speechless.

He ordered: "Old thief, give me a shout."

The old thief shouted at the top of his lungs: "The Ming government led the army to exterminate the clan and captured these women. They will then be distributed among the wifeless men in the city."


The people around collectively burst out in exclamation.

"I don't have a woman!"

"Ming Mansion, I have been sighing for my daughter for many years!"

"I haven't had a woman for ten years!"

"I've never touched a woman since I learned about the relationship between men and women."

"I have never touched a woman in half my life."

"I've only ever touched men!"

One is worse than the other... Yang Xuan said: "Taiping Army officers and men are given priority."

A group of people were stunned.

The eyes of dozens of soldiers who followed to exterminate the clan turned red instantly.

Loyalty points soared by at least 30%.

The other 30% are caused by bugs in the brain.

He originally thought that those women would be a little sad, but when more than a hundred soldiers who were drawn by lot stood in front of them, Yang Xuan felt that he saw the light.

"Why do these women look at people with such green eyes?" The old thief smacked his lips.

"These are people from the Tang Dynasty. They are much better than the men from the Waxie tribe." Yang Xuan asked: "Which one do you want the old thief to pick?"

Many times those in power talk about fairness, but fairness often only extends outside one's own family.

The old thief shook his head and said firmly: "Lang Jun has not accomplished his great cause, and it is not yet time."

"Old thief...wuwuwu!" As soon as Wang Laoer opened his mouth, the old thief covered his mouth.

"Come on, I just got a piece of beef jerky, it's hard." The old thief dragged away Wang Laoer.

"Mr. Lang."

Zhang Siniang's sweet voice came from behind.

"Speak nicely."

Yang Xuan turned around and saw Zhang Siniang's bottom line.

Did the chasm look like this?

This chapter has been completed!
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