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Chapter 198 Stupid people don't live long

In the city.

The spies and spies who were preparing to set the fire suffered heavy casualties. The remaining ones wanted to flee, but the old thief appeared around with a menacing smile.

"Kill yourself!"

Someone shouted and then stabbed himself to death.

"They are all dead soldiers."

Huang Ping felt a little regretful, "It would be great if we could capture him alive so that we could know the current situation of the Waxie tribe."


The old thief pointed to the two dumbfounded spies, "There are living people there."

The two spies had empty hands, waiting for their companion to commit suicide so that they could pick up the long knife and continue.

But as soon as his companion committed suicide, the Taiping Army rushed over...

"Why don't you have a knife?" Huang Ping was a little surprised, "I'm afraid there are some unknown secrets, so I'll torture him for questioning."

The old thief didn't care, "Just keep your life."

Huang Ping said reservedly: "I am very skilled in the art of torture. If you want to learn something, you can come."

"Haha!" The old thief smiled more reservedly than he did.

"Mr. Huang, does he know how many bones a person has?"

Who the hell has nothing to think about? Huang Ping shook his head.

"I know."

"Mr. Huang, does he know how much cartilage a person has?"

Huang Ping shook his head.

"I know."

"Mr. Huang, does he know which piece of meat is the strongest on the human body?"

Mr. Huang cupped his hands and said, "I'm leaving first."

What the hell, Yang Xuan is surrounded by a bunch of devils.

Huang Ping thought the old thief was joking at first, but when his torture failed to pry the dead man's mouth open, the old thief said reservedly: "Get out of the way, I'll give it a try."

A small knife pierced the secret agent's bone seam with ease and ease, and while turning, the strips of flesh were separated.

A piece of meat was poked with a knife and slipped into front of the spy.

The old thief's tone was very calm, but everyone felt it was eerie.

"The meat in this part is tender, try it."

"I said!"

After being forcefully stuffed with strips of his own flesh, the spy collapsed.

"Can't you bear it any longer?" The old thief looked regretful, "This piece of meat is only half peeled off."

"I said! If the knife is pawned, just take it to the old man selling cloth. Two knives cost a hundred dollars..."

"Why did you cheat?" someone asked.

"The money bag was stolen in the city."

Huang Ping left the room with an expressionless face and breathed in wildly outside.


He squatted on the ground and vomited.

A pair of feet appeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty."

"Why are you vomiting?"

Huang Ping pointed behind him.

King Wei went in and took a look. When he came out, he looked pale and cursed: "Yang Xuan, take care of your subordinates, Du Te Niang's bunch of ghosts and devils!"

Yang Xuangang came in, heard the voice and asked, "What's the matter?"

Wang Laoer said: "Lang Jun, the old thief is feeding people meat again. Lang Jun, is human meat delicious?"


Yang Xuan slapped him in the face and said angrily: "That's human flesh, sour and extremely fishy."

Wang Laoer said oh.

Yang Xuan grabbed him and turned his body around. After a closer look, he was sure that Wang Laoer was a little resentful, so he warned: "All meat is delicious, but you are not allowed to try human flesh, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter the backyard from now on."


Wang Laoer is really a little regretful.

Yang Xuan gave Cao Ying a look.

After entering the backyard, Cao Ying went to talk to Yiniang.

The roar came as expected.

"Second dick!"


"You want to eat human flesh?"

"I just want to have a taste! Yi Niang, spare your life!"


As the chickens and dogs jumped, Zhang Siniang came over and said, "Master, thank you for your hard work in killing the enemy. I have prepared hot tea."

She raised her head and glanced at Yang Xuan, thinking that it would be difficult to fall asleep after drinking tea...

Also, Lang Jun looks really handsome from the side!

Yang Xuan slowly drank tea and thought about tonight's events.

Hua Zhuo's raid on Taiping City tonight may seem accidental, but it is also inevitable.

The army raided Taiping, but Sao Hu ordered him to retreat. At that time, Hua Zhuo's prestige plummeted.

Then the merchant was killed. Yang Xuan took the initiative to avenge the merchant. His reputation and kindness spread across the grassland, and Hua Zhuo's prestige was damaged again.

It would be fine if Hua Zhuo had no ambition, he would just be messing around no matter what.

But Yang Xuan still remembered what Wu Da said.

Every tribal leader has a heart to become a khan, regardless of the size of the tribe.

The grassland is a hunting ground, and each tribe is like a beast. If you want to survive better in the dangerous hunting ground, you cannot stop your ambition for progress.

After his prestige plummeted, Hua Zhuo had to make a counterattack. So tonight's raid happened naturally.

Yang Xuan thought of how weak he was when he first arrived in Taipei... At that time, he was only accompanied by the old thief and the second child when traveling. Wahai's sudden appearance was like a god descending to earth, making him almost hate the grassland.

At that time, when he faced the behemoth Hua Zhuobu, the only way he could do it was to kneel down and call daddy.

But to this day, Hua Zhuo is powerless to face him.

When will Hua Zhuo be allowed to call him daddy?

Yang Xuan smiled.

Lang Jun smiles so beautifully.

Drinking tea in the middle of the night will make you unable to sleep, you will feel energetic, and you will... miss women.

This is what the woman who taught Zhang Siniang said.

Yang Xuan yawned and looked at Zhang Siniang in surprise, "Why don't you go to sleep?"

Why doesn’t Mr. Lang miss women?

Zhang Siniang muttered: "That liar."

"What liar?" Yang Xuan asked.

Zhang Siniang couldn't bear it anymore.

"The woman who originally taught the slave said that men would become excited after drinking tea in the middle of the night and think..."

"Miss a woman?"


Zhang Siniang blushed fiercely.

"What does that woman do?"

"Say he's a bustard from somewhere else."

"Why were you exiled to Taiping?"

"Well... there were five men on top of her and she died instantly."

"I'm so happy. I'm not guilty." Suzaku drove after a long time.

"One of them is the governor's son."

"The death of a high-ranking official's son is a capital crime." Suzaku's voice seemed to be ridiculed, "The law is divided into two parts, one for ordinary people and the other for superiors. Relative fairness only exists within the same class.

When the law is unfortunately touched between ordinary people and superior people, the law changes and becomes a chameleon."

Five people died on her body. What was the reason?

Yang Xuan felt that this was probably because of the man's physical problems.

Zhang Siniang said: "No one in Taiping City dares to hang out with her."

I'm scared to death.

Yang Xuan was a little leisurely and fascinated, but then he felt it was inappropriate.

I still have a great cause of revolt waiting to be completed, and my waist is still growing...

That night, the young man suffered from insomnia.

Sometimes Zhou Ning is in my mind, and sometimes Nian Ziyue is in my mind.

In the morning, Yang Xuan looked low on energy.

Could it be that Zhang Siniang succeeded in counterattacking last night? What a good thing! Yi Niang, who was secretly happy, glanced at Zhang Siniang and raised her eyebrows, "Four Niangs."

"Yeah." Zhang Siniang stood up.

"It looks like it's going to rain today, so you put away the clothes you hung to dry yesterday."


Zhang Siniang walked out.

Yi Niang looked at her steps, shook her head and sighed.

Still haven’t knocked down Mr. Lang!

After breakfast, Yang Xuan went to the lobby to sit in the office.

"Mingfu, there happens to be a case today."

Qian Ji handed over the paperwork.

"There was chaos in the city last night. A guest from Zhang Qifa's family wanted to leave. Zhang Qifa obeyed our instructions and refused. The man kicked Zhang Qifa. Zhang Qifa got up immediately. Chen Huagu went to see him and said he had a broken rib."

One? Yang Xuan felt that this expression was a bit blunt, "Just deal with it."

Qian Ji smiled and said, "This man is from Chang'an. His identity was revealed only after he was captured. He is from Prince Liang's palace. He was worried about something happening to Li Langjun last night, so... In desperation, the subordinate thought...


"What do you think?"

Yang Xuan looked at Qian Ji, "Do you think the people in Prince Liang's Mansion can be lawless? Or do you think that not offending talents is the way to be an official. Or do you think that Prince Liang's Mansion is backed by a family of four surnames and should not be offended... So...

You left this matter to me early in the morning!"

"I don't dare." Qian Ji lowered his head.

"It was dealt with according to the law."


Yang Xuan said to Cao Ying: "Old Cao."


"From now on, whenever there is such a thing, it will be dealt with according to the law. Anyone who is corrupt, bends the law, or practices favoritism will be punished!"


After Yang Xuan said these words, he felt extremely peaceful and an inexplicable sense of relief arose spontaneously.

This is how people are, when you do something good, you will always feel a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

But sticking to the bottom line is different. Sticking to the bottom line often means that you need to pay a price. These prices may cause you to lose your official position and be demoted, may cause you to lose a lot of money, and may make you fall out with your relatives and friends...

In the final analysis, people are profit animals. When it does not involve themselves, they can always point fingers calmly or be filled with righteous indignation... But when the matter involves themselves, how many people dare to stick to the bottom line?

Yang Xuan was walking on the street when he heard the voice of Suzaku.

"This kind of person is called a keyboard warrior. Some people say that keyboard warriors are useless and just talk. But if there are no keyboard warriors, how can public opinion overwhelm the evil party?"

Yang Xuan thought of Yan Cheng's death.

After Yan Cheng's death, some officials "awakened from a dream" and created public opinion in Chang'an... Restaurants, brothels, and even poetry gatherings and other places were filled with voices expressing regret for Yan Cheng.

It was these voices that created a kind of public opinion. When Yan Cheng's final suggestions were sent to the DPRK, even though they were full of anger towards the powerful class and proposed measures against the powerful, the DPRK still passed them.

"Do you feel helpless when you have to do things in such a roundabout way?" Suzaku asked.

Yang Xuan felt helpless.

"This method can be used both positive and negative."

"Yes, five surnames in a family can also control public opinion."


Li Han went to prison.

"I've met Mr. Xiao Lang."

Chen Xing stood up with a bruised nose and a swollen face and saluted.

He also deliberately raised his face so that Li Han could see his miserable state.

"Those people heard that the villain was from Prince Liang's palace, so they still beat him severely."

"What brings you here?"

Chen Xing was startled and said: "The king ordered me to come to Northern Xinjiang..."

"Why didn't you go look for me when you came here? Instead, you stayed in Niilu. Isn't that bad news?"

Chen Xing lowered his head and said, "Yes."


"The news that the search for an exotic beauty failed reached the palace. The queen was quite dissatisfied and said that the young man was... incompetent."

"The queen shouldn't be so mean. She should use a nicer word, such as indecisive. Such a word will make me an example of incompetence from now on, and it will also make me smell bad."

"Yes." Chen Xing raised his head and said sadly: "The king explained a lot and mentioned the strength of the Jibo tribe, but the queen remains the same. The Yang daughter that was originally promised to Xiao Langjun is gone."

It turned out that Li Zhong, the king of Liang, had a good relationship with the Yang family of Yingchuan. Seeing that Li Zhong doted on his grandson Li Han, the Yang family took the initiative to propose a marriage.

"If it's gone, it's gone. Aweng should feel lucky."

"Young Master, that is the daughter of the Yang family in Yingchuan, a marriage partner that everyone in the world...even the prince dreams of!"

"It's not a big deal." Li Han said: "Many times things go from peak to peak. The stronger you are, the closer you are to your demise. I didn't want to marry Yang's daughter, so it's just right."

Chen Xing felt that Xiao Langjun had changed too much. "The king also said that Xiao Langjun could stay here for a while, and then return to Chang'an after the matter calms down. But after all, Taiping is a remote place, a poor and remote place, and it is difficult to stay for a long time."

People would be stupid and ask Xiao Langjun to go back after a while."

"In Aweng's eyes, the powerful people in Chang'an are probably the smart ones, and everyone else is stupid." Li Han turned around and prepared to go out.

"Little man, what should I do, little man?"

"You kicked and broke the ribs of the boss of Nitv. You should deal with it as you should."

"Xiao Langjun."

"Xiao Langjun!"

Li Han came out of the prison, stood outside the door, looked at the sunshine, and said with a smile: "Aweng must be very proud."

The power of the four surnames in the family grew rapidly after Li Mi ascended the throne. Liang Wang Li Zhong seemed to be very close to them, but Li Han knew that his grandfather only wanted to use each other with the four surnames in the family and did not want to be tied to their chariot.

Losing the opportunity to marry the Yang family is not a bad thing for the Liang Palace!

He returned to his residence.

King Wei had just finished reading the letter.

"You, Aweng, are asking people to come back to find you?"

Li Han sat down and said, "Just let me study more here to avoid becoming stupid."

"Idiots don't live long here." King Wei packed up the letter, "You, O Weng, have been in Chang'an for a long time, sitting in a well and watching the sky."


Li Han chuckled.

Anyone who underestimated his grandfather would end badly.

King Wei looked at him and said, "Why aren't you sad when you heard that your marriage to the Yang family in Yingchuan was annulled?"

Li Han asked: "Letter from Chang'an?"


"Why am I sad? Do I have to hide behind the Yingchuan Yang family to feel like a human being?"

"The woman said she is pretty."

"It's just a skin."

"But last time you stared at a woman and said she was the most beautiful woman in Taiping City."

"I'm bored."

"By the way, that idiot servant of yours broke the ribs of the boss of Nitv, and you didn't go to plead for mercy?"

"He's not stupid." Li Han glanced at King Wei, "A stupid person will not be sent by Aweng to deliver a message. As for kicking the ribs of the boss of Nili, it's just that he doesn't want to return to Chang'an for the time being."


"Because the fight between the concubine and the queen became more and more intense, and someone was watching Zitai, Aweng was worried that I would bring disaster to Chiyu, so he asked him to find a way to stay with me."

It's just that Chen Xing is used to being domineering in Chang'an, and he feels that if he kicks the boss of Nili, he will be locked up for a few days at most.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan would not give him face at all.

"Someone is watching Zitai." King Wei nodded, "Wang Yugui, a doctor from the Ministry of Revenue, will come to Northern Xinjiang for inspection soon. The first stop will be Taiping."

This chapter has been completed!
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