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Chapter 219

Duh duh duh!

Unlike the Lin'an army who gathered together to shoot, the guards led by Wu Da fired arrows along the way.

The person in front shoots an arrow, and then the horse turns around. The person behind him shoots an arrow again, and so on.

In this way, every arrow can be seen clearly.

Duh duh duh!

The arrows hit the target in turn.

The last person let go.

Immediately, the guards rode their horses to the stage and lined up with the Lin'an Army's one hundred riders.

The distance is not too far, the weather is not bad today, and you can see clearly from the top of the platform.

Wu Shunze's face was ashen, Zhang Lichun was smiling bitterly...

The target examiner was running back and forth.

"Ninety percent of the chest and abdomen are in the middle!"

The one hundred cavalrymen had their backs to the target, so they looked back in disbelief after hearing the result.

Immediately, everyone turned pale.


Even though it was only a 20% difference, the arrows of Uda and others were closer to the bullseye, while theirs were scattered all over the target.

They know how difficult it is to achieve this result.

Zhang Lichun coughed dryly and said, "Sima's men are indeed brave!"

This is a polite admission of defeat.

Wu Shunze said loudly: "Our Lin'an army has an unparalleled array!"

"Shut up!" Zhang Lichun shouted.

No matter how high the expectations are, there will be high disappointments. Wu Shunze's mentality collapsed. He bowed his head and said, "Please give me some advice from Sima!"

Yang Xuan looked at him and said coldly: "I have only been practicing with the Taiping Army for half a year, and then I followed the northern Xinjiang army into battle. In this battle, my Taiping Army was the first to break the city.

Then in the decisive battle, our Chenzhou Army led the left wing and attacked the enemy's right wing fiercely. Our Taiping Army formed in front, and no one retreated, killing countless enemies. After the battle, the commander praised him as Chenzhou Tiger Ben."

Wu Shunze raised his head, blushing and wanting to refute.

Yang Xuan said: "Then the Jibo tribe stormed the county seat of Zhangyu County, and a large army gathered. I led hundreds of cavalry to defeat more than 10,000 enemies in one battle, and Zhangyu County turned the corner."

Wu Shunze opened his mouth, but found that all the counterarguments he thought of were useless before these achievements.

Let you brag in all kinds of ways, I will only give you a slap in the face: the record will be crushed!

"Washe's tribe cooperated with foreign forces to break through Taiping. Wasie Khan Huazhuo led a surprise attack with 3,000 elite troops. I led 600 cavalry to fight, but Huazhuo did not dare to fight and fled in embarrassment."

Yang Xuan said calmly: "I don't say this to show off, I just want to ask you, what should you do in the face of someone who has created such a record?"

The veins on Wu Shunze's neck were jumping.

"Someone is coming!"

Yang Xuan shouted.


Several sergeants stepped forward.

Yang Xuan pointed at Wu Shunze, "It is a common practice in the army to show power to a superior officer. Using one's own strengths to provoke the superior officer, firstly, he is not brave enough and wants to take advantage, which makes me unhappy. Secondly, he is unwilling to admit defeat after defeat and is not broad-minded enough.

He is broad, and when he encounters the enemy, he will definitely use his temper and give him twenty beatings as a lesson!"

Several sergeants were stunned.

They are sergeants of the Lin'an Army, and Yang Xuan is an outsider.

Damn it, the consequences of not taking action will be more serious... Zhang Lichun shouted: "Don't take action yet!"

Wu Shunze knelt down and said, "I will accept the punishment!"

Immediately, Wu Shunze was pulled down and beaten in the audience.

Yang Xuan didn't even look at it, "Step forward in formation."

Are you planning to order the soldiers to watch the execution?

Four thousand people lined up under the stage.

"I am Yang Xuan."

Yang Xuan said slowly: "I don't need to tell you what the situation in Northern Xinjiang is like. You will know it naturally. Not to mention Northern Liao, the three major tribes are just staring at Chenzhou, and they want to devour me, Chenzhou."

These words were very peaceful.

"Facing such a dangerous situation, what are you thinking about?"

Yang Xuan suddenly roared, "You are only thinking about showing off to the superior officer, but this show of power makes me very disappointed! Look at you waiting, what kind of array is this? It's sparse. Look at you waiting, either angry or frustrated

Uneasy, how can such an army resist the three major ministries? How can it destroy the three major ministries!"

The soldiers were a little excited, and some even shouted: "If you don't accept it, come and fight!"

"Find it out!"

Yang Xuan had good eyesight and stared at the man firmly, and Wang Laoer rushed down.

"Who dares to stop me? I'm going to kill someone today!" Yang Xuan knew that in order to suppress this group of arrogant warriors, your ability alone is not enough, you have to be more ruthless than them.

"He doesn't dare!" the sergeant was still shouting.

King Wei drew out his giant sword, "I am here, who wants to try?"

You damn girl have to steal the limelight... Yang Xuan wanted to drink his eldest nephew to death, but thinking about it, he didn't seem to be able to drink enough of him.

The sergeant was dragged out with a slap from Wang Laoer.

"I don't accept it!"

"I don't need you to obey!" Yang Xuan sneered, "It's okay to complain and say weird things, but when you ask for instructions, it's just to deceive people. If I let people like you in the army, I would be derelict in my duty.

Someone come."

Several sergeants stepped forward, looking solemn.

"Beat thirty times and be expelled from the army!"

This is to cut off the military status. It is not easy to make a living in northern Xinjiang. After leaving the army, those without any skills must either farm or do business. But the land is not easy to cultivate, and foreigners will often invade and plunder; business is even harder, if you are not careful

Just lose all your money.

Although joining the army is risky, the rewards for military service are the most generous.

The sergeant's expression changed drastically, he knelt down and said, "You know you're wrong..."

Yang Xuan took a step forward and said, "Hit!"

He looked at the array and said calmly: "Who else is there?"

No one spoke.

Yang Xuan first defeated their pride with cavalry shooting, then destroyed their self-confidence with his own military exploits, and then used punishment to establish his authority.

Who is dissatisfied?

"From today on, you will all use my training methods."

"Whoever cheats or cheats will be held accountable!"

"Practice starts now, Uda!"


"Whoever moves will be beaten!"

"Take orders!"

Uda and his guards were patrolling with big sticks.

Yang Xuan just stood on the stage, motionless.

This...do I have to practice it too?

Zhang Lichun and others were stunned.

But Yang Xuan didn't move, so they naturally had no choice but to follow.

When a person stands for a long time, he will feel itchy here and sore there. Soon the whole body will be itchy and he can't wait to scratch it.



Uda and his men rushed in like wolves and tigers, beating anyone who moved.

If it were in the past, these soldiers would definitely resist. But Yang Xuan on the stage did not move, who dared to question?

From ancient times to the present, the best way to teach is to set an example.

That is to say, lead by example.

Time passed, and Zhang Lichun and others couldn't stand it any longer.

Yang Xuan didn't move.

They can only move on their own.

So under the attention of the soldiers below, Yang Sima remained motionless, while Zhang Lichun and others moved from time to time like monkeys.

The prestige gradually transferred over.


Someone fell.


It’s time to end!

No one has ever felt that standing up was so painful.

The army also stood in formation, but it was never so strict and no one was allowed to move.

But the man on the stage remained motionless.

King Wei coughed dryly and said, "I have to change my clothes."

Li Han said contemptuously: "I knew you couldn't handle it."

King Wei imitated Yang Xuan and gave him the middle finger gesture.

"It just so happens that I want to go too." Li Han said with a serious look on his face.


Since they are not members of the military, they are naturally not subject to this restriction.

Boom boom boom!

"Someone is pretending to be stunned! Hit him!"


Boom boom boom!

People kept falling down.


Someone also fell down on the stage.

Yang Xuan then said: "The training is over."

"What's wrong?" Liu Qing felt that he had to worry about his life all his life, but in the past he was worried about the entire Chenzhou, and now he has one more kid.

The clerk who went to inquire about the news said: "The cavalry came out here to provoke, and the cavalry shooting was quite sharp, with 70% of the hits."

Liu Qing said angrily: "What did Zhang Lichun do? Why didn't you suppress him?"

The clerk smiled bitterly, "Yang Sima ordered his guards to take action, and 90% of them were hit. The entire Lin'an army was suppressed."

"Hey! His guards seem to be some foreigners?" Liu Qing's heart turned from anger to joy, "It seems that he got them back when he went to rescue people last time. I didn't expect that he could shoot on horseback."

Lu Qiang smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you can rest assured now."

Liu Qing said with a straight face, "When did I feel worried? It's just that I drank too much tea last night and didn't sleep well."

Everything you said is correct.

Lu Qiang could only force a smile.

The clerk said: "Now Yang Sima is standing with them, and no one is allowed to move."

"What kind of training method is this?" Liu Qing frowned.

Not long after, the news came again.

"A lot of people fell."

"Even the generals fell."

"Yang Sima is still motionless."

"The Lin'an army was so angry that they all saluted wherever Yang Sima passed."

"Okay!" Liu Qing said with a red face: "Zitai suppressed the Lin'an army as soon as he left, and then he can take over the training. In this way, he has a foothold in Chenzhou. He only needs to train the army well, and then if he can

After winning one battle, the little boy will stand firm, hahahaha!"

Lu Qiang nodded, "The three major divisions will not rest peacefully. Especially the Jibo Division. They suffered heavy casualties last time. If Wynn wants to take revenge, this autumn will be his chance."

"That's your chance, too!" Liu Qing's eyes were bright. "Zhang Lichun is mediocre, but Yang Xuan is full of energy. Even if Jibo's troops don't attack, I still have to ask Yang Xuan to lead the army to attack."

Three things the new guy needs to do when he takes office!

Liu Qing was ready to give Yang Xuan the first one.

Lu Qiang said: "But Zitai beats the generals. If they can't be subdued, this will be a hidden danger."

"Your Majesty." The clerk came back.

"Yang Shijun personally cooked a meal and gave it to the school captain Wu Shunze. Wu Shunze burst into tears with gratitude and regretted it."

Liu Qing said calmly: "The weather is good today.

Lu Qiang smiled and said: "Yes!"

Liu Qing stood up and said, "Director, please take it easy."


"You have to learn to relax, otherwise how can you last long?"


"I'm going to take a look at the vegetable patch."

Yang Xuan made a bowl of buns.

Wu Shunze burst into tears after eating, knelt down to plead guilty, and swore that from now on he would not attack the east when Yang Xuan told him to do so, and he would never chase the chickens when Yang Xuan ordered him to chase the dogs.

The old thief praised outside: "Lang Jun is good at what he does."

Li Han also thought it was good, "Beat him once and give him a jujube to eat, and people's hearts will shrink."

King Wei was deep in thought, and Li Han poked him, "Do you think it's inappropriate?"

King Wei shook his head, "I think the tears streaming down my face are a bit exaggerated."

"A brave man!" Li Han thought it was appropriate.

Then everyone went back.

After leaving the school grounds, Yang Xuan suddenly felt a shock.


I forgot to add salt.

Several large carts were in front of everyone. The carts were covered with dust and the sound of squeaking could be heard all the time.

More than ten riders guarded the convoy, which looked like they had traveled a long distance.

One of them turned around, was startled for a moment, then dismounted and turned around.

"The villain Yuan Shi has met the king."

King Wei said calmly: "What's the matter?"

Yuan Shi raised his head and said, "I came here on the order of the King of Yue. I have a letter from the King of Yue."

Li Han whispered to Yang Xuan: "The people of the King of Yue."

King Yue, that little transparent person... Yang Xuan knew that there was no such thing as a little transparent person in the royal family. If he could, every prince could become a man of great influence.

But the King of Yue was really a little transparent. Although he was born from the Queen and had a family of four surnames as his backers, he had a prince brother above him.

So his position became awkward. If you want to make progress, you are spying on your brother's position as prince. Therefore, the reputation of being a little transparent has always followed the King of Yue to southern Xinjiang.

But the King of Yue and the King of Wei had no friendship, so how could they come to give gifts?

No, because King Wei and the Crown Prince are enemies. Strictly speaking, the King of Yue should also share the same hatred and regard his eldest nephew as an enemy.

But he came all the way to send people to deliver gifts. The taste in this is worth pondering.

But this matter has nothing to do with Yang Xuan.

When Yang Xuan returned to the prefecture, Li Han knew that he should avoid suspicion, "I haven't visited the brothel since I came to Lin'an. I'll explore the way first."

"Be careful with your waist." King Wei said casually.

When we arrived at the residence, we should open the door to let the carriage in. But King Wei said, "Move in."

When Huang Ping heard the sound, he came out and asked about the situation. He smiled calmly and said, "The King of Yue is so kind, and the King is quite touched."

He immediately asked someone to prepare a return gift, while he handed over the gift in front of him.

The gifts are all specialties of the South.

Several large trucks have been moved.

The curtain of the last car was opened.

The two foreign beauties came down full of expectations but also quite uneasy.

He also gave away beauties. God knows if these women have hidden poisons or hidden traps... Huang Ping sneered in his heart, "The king has been cultivating his mind recently and is not close to women."

Yuan Shi said with a smile: "In the past, the king always had daughters."

In the past, King Wei was ridiculous for a while, but he changed later.

Huang Ping said with a cold face, "Is this something you can discuss?"

Yuan Shi smiled and apologized.

Later he went to see King Wei.

"The King of Yue was very concerned about the king in southern Xinjiang. He often said that he neglected his family ties when he was in the palace. After arriving in southern Xinjiang, he saw strangers every day and couldn't help but miss the past. The northern Xinjiang was bitterly cold, and the northern Liao Dynasty was eyeing the king. The king of Yue was worried about the king, so he

Ask the villain to come, and there will be another letter."

King Wei didn't even read the letter, "I have accepted the gift. There are many insects and ants in southern Xinjiang, Huangping."

"Your Majesty." Huang Ping stepped forward with a smile.

"Do you have a return gift?"


Immediately after some mild words, Yuan Shi resigned.

"No need for placement?" Huang Ping sent him out.

When a guest comes, it is the host's duty to arrange food and lodging.

Yuan Shi smiled and said, "The king is so majestic, I dare not get too close."

Huang Ping smiled, "Well, let's talk if you have something to say."

"Easy to say."

Yuan Shi turned around and handed over his hand, and then led his people to find the reverse journey.

Huangping goes back.

"Your Majesty, the person who came here is not good."

"I know." King Wei said impatiently: "They are probably the spies sent by the third son to find out about me. They are timid and timid, like mice."

Huang Ping smiled and said: "I will naturally pay attention to them, but what should I do with those two women?"

"Yang Xuan and Li Han are one person each."

This chapter has been completed!
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