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Chapter 224 Capital destroys the country

Every late autumn for farming people, because of the harvest, people will have more money and food in their hands, so they are willing to buy a pot of turbid wine, buy half a catty of hog meat, and go home to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.

The same is true on the grassland. Autumn is high and horses are fertile, and the happiest time of the year has begun for the herdsmen.

They will sell part of their livestock in exchange for various goods and hoard food to survive the difficult winter.

This time is also the harvest season for grassland merchants.

They would travel around, buying livestock from herdsmen at the lowest price, and selling their own goods at the highest price. Once they were in and out, they would have no worries next year.

Grassland merchants were quite envious of their counterparts in the Tang Dynasty, because merchants in the Tang Dynasty could do business all year round.

Yujing, who is in his forties, is one of the wealthy businessmen of the Jibo Department. He has a strong foundation and strong capital. In order to protect his huge wealth and protect his caravan, he has more than 500 elites who are said to be comparable to the Khan's bodyguards.

The cavalry... there are more than thirty small businessmen and more than a hundred handymen below.

Together with these family members, a small tribe of more than 3,000 people has been formed.

In the big account, Yu Jing narrowed his eyes and listened to the accountant's report.

"This year the weather has been smooth and the pastures are plentiful, so the cattle and sheep are also fat. As a result, the goods we prepared in advance are a bit short."

The accountant raised his head and glanced at Yu Jing, who snorted softly. The accountant continued: "A small caravan of ours has been robbed."

Yu Jing still didn't move.

This is a sign of anger... The accountant sighed in his heart, not daring to hide anything, "Our people drank too much the night before, so they were defenseless."

Yujing tapped her fingers lightly on the table.

Da da da…

The accountant lowered his head, and sweat gradually appeared on his forehead. After gathering, it slowly flowed down. The place where the sweat flowed was itchy, but the accountant remained motionless.

Yujing's voice was nice and mellow, and the voice echoed in his chest, "Slax."


"Where are the people?"

Chunlin, the think tank standing by the side, raised his head and said, "Bring him in."

The curtain was opened from the outside, and Ning Han, the leader of more than 500 elite cavalry, easily carried a big man in with one hand.

Ning Han threw the big man to the ground and said, "Kneel down!"

The big man stood up and knelt down as fast as he could, as if Ning Han standing behind him was an evil ghost.

Ning Han pressed his hand on the handle of the knife and said, "Master."

Yujing opened his eyes and glanced at the big man.

"You betrayed my trust."

The big man was sweating profusely and kowtowed frantically, "I am willing to die for my master."

"There are as many people as there are stars who want to die for me."

Yujing asked: "Who did it?"

Ning Han was a little angry, "He said he would not talk until he saw the master."

There was a hint of cunning in the big man's eyes, "I know that the master will definitely execute me. I just ask the master to let my family go and let them go for three days."

Yu Jing spoke slowly, "Those wolves have also been hungry for a long time, but it's not my master's fault. I brushed his whole family with honey, roasted them, and threw them in to feed the wolves."

"No!" The big man said desperately, "Damu did it, he did it."

Yujing looked at his fingers with several rings on them and said lightly: "He doesn't need to bake them, just throw them in."

"Master, have mercy!"

Ning Han stepped forward and slapped the big man's lips with his right hand. In an instant, all the teeth in the big man's mouth were knocked out, and the force continued unabated and rushed into his throat.

Ning Han held the big man in one hand and respectfully excused himself.

He walked out of the tent, surrounded by dozens of guards outside.

"Take his family, smear them with honey and bake them."

"Woooooo!" The big man shook his head desperately, his eyes full of despair.

Ning Han carried him outside a tent at the edge of the camp.

There were some low whimpering sounds inside.

Someone opened the curtain and Ning Han walked in.

The tent is not small, and there is a huge iron cage inside.

There are more than ten wolves lying down or standing in the iron cage.

Seeing the visitor, more than a dozen wolves slowly stood up, their green eyes filled with bloodthirsty gleams.


The big man struggled desperately.

Ning Han opened a hole from above and threw the big man in.

As soon as the big man entered, he wanted to jump up. A wolf leaped over, opened its mouth, and bit his throat.

Ning Han walked out of the tent, and there were sounds of biting and chewing inside. Along with these sounds, the smell of blood filled the air.

Several knights appear from the left.

"Hundreds of riders found!"

Ning Han's expression changed slightly, "Gather, I'll go see the master."

Yu Jing had already walked out of the big tent accompanied by Chun Lin. Before Ning Han came closer, he said calmly: "Look at which side it is. If something is wrong, strike first."


Ning Han's eyes were bloodshot and he looked quite excited.

"Late autumn is a good time to kill people." Yu Jing touched his nose and said calmly.

Ning Han rushed out with four hundred cavalry.

Yu Jing has already seen those hundreds of horses.

A small piece of black mass came towards this side slowly and slowly.

"There is no flag." Chunlin smiled and said: "Most of them are passing by. Maybe they are old friends who came here specially to visit the master."

Yu Jing said coldly: "I don't like this unannounced visit. I hope he brings good news, otherwise I won't mind driving him out of my sight."

"No." Chunlin was startled, "Ning Han drew his sword."

Ning Han pulled out his long knife and said, "Stranger, tell me your name and purpose of visit, otherwise your heads will become my goods!"

"Goods?" Li Han thought he had seen a ghost.

Uda said: "Some people on the grassland like to use the skulls of enemies to make urinals, wine vessels, or burial objects. Generally speaking, the higher the status of the head, the more valuable it is."

Li Han touched his head and felt a little palpitated.

Yang Xuan brought 300 Lin'an cavalry, and Wu Da followed with 100 guards. The 400 cavalry were equally matched with those on the opposite side.

Next to him, Wu Shunze's eyes shone with a light called 'eagerness for meritorious service', "Sima, let's attack!"

After being beaten and eating a bowl of buns without salt made by Yang Xuan, this guy became more and more friendly to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan said dissatisfied: "Calm down! We are here to make friends, how can we do business if we are shouting and killing?"


Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Jianming."

Li Hance immediately stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Come and save me when the situation goes wrong."

King Wei said indifferently: "I will light three sticks of incense for you."

Li Han gestured with his middle finger and walked away casually.

On the opposite side, Ning Han also rode alone.

"Why are you waiting here?"

Li Han showed a reserved smile that Yang Xuan and King Wei hated, "We come from the south, bringing friendship and wealth. We hope to meet the most outstanding businessmen on the grassland."

"What does a meeting mean?"

Li Han: "..."

"It just means meeting."

Ning Han looked at the cavalry behind him, and his eyes especially glanced at Yang Xuan and others.


"That's right."

"You come alone."

Ning Han rode his horse and turned around.

Li Han laughed, "Hahahaha!"

"This Bang Chui, when he meets a fool, his methods are a bit excessive." Yang Xuan said, "Your Majesty, go take a look."

King Wei rode forward.

Ning Han turned around, "Do you want to fight?"

King Wei said coldly: "There is no reason for anyone to go..."

"Five people." Ning Han seemed honest and straightforward, but he caught Li Han and King Wei off guard every time.

"It's interesting." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Follow me."

Four hundred cavalrymen slowly approached.

Ning Han returned to the team and shouted: "Let the master go first."

The four hundred horsemen began to draw their bows and set arrows, preparing to cover them with a hail of arrows.

But the price of unloading the bow and arrow is that it is too late to draw the sword, and the remaining opponents will rush into the formation.


Yu Jing is here.

He raised his hand to Yang Xuan, "A guest from the Tang Dynasty?"

Wu Shunze scolded: "If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined."

Yang Xuan nodded, "I need a business partner who can respect his friends."

Yujing looked at him, "I like partners who are straightforward, not strangers who are secretive and unwilling to reveal their identity."

"Are you sure you want to know my identity in front of these people?"

Who is this person? Yu Jing said calmly: "Of course, in private."

Old fox!

Yang Xuan dismounted and carried a baggage.

Yu Jing dismounted.

The two of them walked to a remote place.

Approaching, Yu Jing narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Xuan, "Young man, I have never heard of a big businessman like you nearby."

"I'm from Chenzhou."

"Oh! That's a good place." Yu Jing's expression remained the same, "Young man, tell me your name."

"Yang Xuan."

"It's a good name..." Yu Jingxia took a few steps back meaningfully.

Ning rarely saw the situation and shouted: "Protect the master!"

Two horses galloped over.

A giant knife passed by like a whirlwind.

The four corpses fell off the horse's back, and the horse jumped on the spot with a long neigh, obviously frightened.

King Wei sheathed his sword and said calmly: "If there's one more person, kill them all!"

"Stop!" At the critical moment, Yu Jing stopped his subordinates, and then looked at Yang Xuan, "I need to verify your identity."

A seal was thrown over.

As a wealthy businessman, Yu Jing had quite a bit of research on the culture of the Tang Dynasty. He looked at the seal carefully, then looked at the hundreds of cavalry in a formidable formation, bowed slightly and said, "Dear Yang Sima, please come with me."

"You are very well informed." I guess Huai En doesn't know about the news that Yang Xuan came to Lin'an to serve as Sima.

"News is a sharp weapon for businessmen. Without timely news, we will become others' lambs."

Some of this news smells like business opportunities.

The two entered the camp, and Yu Jing ordered: "Let Ning Han and his people wait outside, and don't disturb my distinguished guests. Chunlin, you follow."

The three of them entered the big tent.

Ning Han smiled evilly and said to Li Han: "The master will make that person prostrate himself in submission, but if you dare to make a move, that person will become a delicacy in the wolf's mouth."

"Before we talk about business, I don't want to drink wine even if I come to Yang Sima." Yu Jing did not have the consciousness of being the master.

"That's right." Yang Xuan got straight to the point, "The three major ministries have been extracting chestnuts from the fire of Northern Liao for many years, and their lives are not easy."

Yu Jing smiled, "My life is more luxurious than Khan's."

"This can be seen from the furnishings in the big tent." Yang Xuan implicitly praised the furnishings in the big tent, "I came here just to ask, is your caravan willing to trade with Chenzhou?"

Yu Jing said without hesitation: "No one would object to having too much money, but the Khan issued a strict order not to trade with Chenzhou."

"For businessmen, I think you know better than me what the ban means." Yang Xuan said lightly: "The greater the ban, the more it means higher profits."

"But human heads can also become victims of the ban."

"As long as the profits are huge enough, businessmen can offer their own heads with both hands."

"Yang Sima seems to know a lot about businessmen."

"I just understand the greed of the human heart."

"But this trade route will be full of risks."

"Chenzhou will only provide the goods there. As for how to take them away, that is your business."

"So, I think this business is not suitable."

There was a smile on Chunlin's lips, thinking that if you came here proactively, you would be passive. The master can ask for any price, how can you still refuse?

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, everyone in the Jibo Department knows that Yu Jing will do what he says."

There was a smile in Yujing's eyes, like a cat teasing a mouse.

When Yang Xuan comes today, he will definitely leave clues. Nobles cherish their lives, so Yang Xuan will definitely not dare to come to Jibo tribe for the second time to look for businessmen.

Therefore, Yang Xuan must either agree to his conditions now, or...

"I am the biggest businessman around here." Yu Jing said reservedly, "If we leave here, I think Yang Sima will lose the business opportunities of the Jibo Department."

Yang Xuan put the bundle in his hand on the table.

He slowly opened the baggage.

Yu Jing smiled reservedly.

Chunlin chuckled and said: "What could it be? Cloth? The cloth of Daliao is not much worse than that of Tang. Ugh!"

His throat seemed to be strangled by someone, and his eyes were rounder than bull's eyes.

Yujing raised his hands like eagle claws, trying to grab the baggage.

He almost groaned and said: "Are these clouds in the sky? God! I have never seen such beautiful cloth."

Yang Xuan opened the cloth, and suddenly the tent seemed to light up for a moment.

"Beautiful!" Chun Lin couldn't help but slowly walked over.

Yang Xuan rolled up the cloth and pulled up the bundle.

He got up.

Yu Jing raised his head, the greed in his eyes seemed to be able to swallow up everything in front of him, "Yang Sima, do you have such cloth in Chenzhou?"

Yang Xuan nodded.

"I want them all."

Greed can make people lose... Yang Xuan looked down at Yu Jing, "Who can take how much depends on their contribution."

"I know many generals, and I can open up trade routes!" Yu Jing stood up slowly, his eyes never leaving the baggage, like a man who had lost his mind and was being guided by the baggage at the moment.

"Your family is not enough!" Yang Xuan carried the burden and instantly returned to Yu Jing's mind.

"How much do you want?"

This idiot wants to monopolize the trade between Jibo Department and Chenzhou!

No, it's greed!

"If you monopolize trade exclusively, your strength will grow rapidly and even threaten Wynn's position."

Crazy color came again, Yu Jing growled: "Then I will be Khan."

It's a pity that without Tanzhou behind, Yang Xuan only needs to provoke chaos to cause chaos within the Jibo Department.

"Go tell those people. Of course, as the first person, Chenzhou will give you a discount."

Yu Jing clenched his fists and said for a long time, "Okay."

Then comes a grand bonfire dinner.

Li Han was slightly drunk and asked Yang Xuan to go with him for convenience.

"How did you make Yu Jing bow his head?"

"Lure it with profit."

"What benefit?"

"Sichuan brocade."

"Tsk tsk! This is good stuff, you're going to make a lot of money."

"Jianming, do you believe it? I can use business to destroy the country."

"For what?!"

"Business is also called...capital."

Brother Cheng, happy birthday.

This chapter has been completed!
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