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Chapter 230 God, Heartache

"It's gone!" Liu Qing waved his hand.

Yang Xuan stood up and saluted, "I excuse myself."

Lu Qiang asked: "Do you know what to do?"

Everyone who had been robbed of the counterattack looked at Yang Xuan, wanting to hear his analysis. If something was wrong, they would naturally point it out to see if the old man still had the nerve to favor him.

The old man sat there, looking extremely arrogant. But if you look closely, his ears were tingling.

Yang Xuan said: "The three major ministries crushed Chenzhou, and Taiping was defeated seven times... If Chenzhou makes a full counterattack, the three major ministries will gather under the leadership of He Lianchun. I, Chenzhou, won this battle, and Tan

The state army will definitely attack, so we, Chenzhou, will trigger a big war."

Chenzhou lost to the three major armies plus the Tanzhou Liao army!

This is true!

"The people in Beiliao are using humiliation to anger me, Chenzhou. They want me, Chenzhou, to abandon the fortified city and launch a full-scale attack. But why should they do what they want?"

Yang Xuanxiao said confidently, "Taiping was defeated seven times. Wherever you fell, you got up. As the former magistrate of Taiping, I will lead the Taiping army to get back those faces."

He looked at the crowd and said, "With capital and interest!"


Qian Ji's life was difficult.

Cao Ying did not deliberately target him, and there was no problem with her daily arrangements, and she could even see preferential treatment... For example, all the difficult things were given to others, while Qian Ji's things were simple and easy.

For example, patrolling the streets.

There are two types of street patrols: one is the sergeant's street patrol, which is a public security inspection; the other is the official's street patrol, which is to observe and collect public sentiments.

Qian Ji's daily job is this.

He walked slowly on the street, his eyes constantly moving, like a thief entering Taiping City, worried that the next moment someone would come behind him to put a sack on him and beat him severely.

When patrolling the streets, you must visit Taiping City.

From the time he was assigned to patrol the streets, Qian Ji was touched more than ten times by old people, women, children... Each time, he was unforgettable.

His reputation is getting worse and worse.

There is a stall on the right, and the stall owner is a girl, but now the person sitting behind the stall is a new prisoner. The prisoner is a woman, and she looks quite pretty.

Qian Ji heard about the woman the day before yesterday. The woman's name was Zheng Wuniang, and she married a man who loved to drink. The days after the marriage were fine, but the man's job suddenly disappeared. After losing it, the man actively searched for her at first.

It's true, but the number of refugees has increased in recent years, and those businessmen are more willing to use them.

Compared with normal people, refugees ask for lower wages, and many even just ask not to die of hunger or cold.

This is the best coolie.

So Zheng Wuniang's husband met with obstacles at every turn. He drank at home all day long and yelled about injustice. After drinking too much, he would beat his children. When Zheng Wuniang tried to stop him, she was beaten until her nose and face were bruised and swollen.

She went back to her natal family and cried, saying that her married daughter was a waste of water. If her natal family was strong, she could stand up for the married daughter, but her natal family was also having a hard time. Ye Niang asked her to leave everyone alone for the time being, and men would wake up sooner or later.

She weaved in the morning and did some sewing and mending in the afternoon. Most of her hard-earned money was taken away by her husband to buy wine.

After drinking, he beat her and the child.

She can't see the end of days like this.

Desperate and numb.

Until one time, when her husband's eyes were red from drinking, and he walked towards the five-year-old child with a wooden stick, Zheng Wuniang didn't know what to think, picked up the scissors, and stabbed her husband in the lower back with the scissors.

At that moment she felt liberated.

The subsequent process was like a dream.

Imprisonment, interrogation, beatings... the officials let her know what it means to be "the hearts of the people are as strong as iron, and the laws of the government are as strong as furnaces."

After seeing Qian Ji, Zheng Wuniang reluctantly stood up and saluted, then lowered her head in panic, "I've seen the chief secretary."

Qian Ji looked at her nervously and took a step back subconsciously. Then he thought that Zheng Wuniang would be exiled to Taiping.

He looked around and felt that everyone was laughing at him, waiting to make a fool of himself, waiting to put a sack on him.

The long-term pressure made him crazy.


Qian Ji's hand was just a slap.

These bitches!

If they were somewhere else, he could put them in a dilemma of life and death with just one order.

But in Taiping, it was these bitches who put him in a dilemma between life and death.


His eyes were red, and he beat Zheng Wuniang crazily.

"Bitch slave! Bitch! Bitch!"

Zheng Wuniang did not dare to resist, she said with tears: "I was wrong."

The weak Zheng Wuniang aroused the anger in Qian Ji's heart. He even thought of a trick to scare the monkeys, so he pointed at Zheng Wuniang and said, "Take it down! Take heavy responsibility!"

Zheng Wuniang knelt down and cried: "I am guilty of this sin, and my sin cannot be forgiven."

The entourage looked at Qian Ji and wanted to take action, but when he looked at the silent people around him, but with anger in their eyes, they became timid.

"Bitch!" Qian Ji felt that all his depression had been vented, and he continued to patrol with his hands behind his back feeling refreshed.

I don't know how long it took.

Zheng Wuniang suddenly found that the surrounding area had become quiet.

Then the sound of footsteps came slowly.

The young man's voice was nice and gentle, "What's going on?"

Zheng Wuniang said deliberately: "The crime of slavery cannot be forgiven."

The young man said gently: "I'm asking today."

Zheng Wuniang opened her mouth, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. She was worried about offending the nobleman, so she quickly wiped it, "I offended the master, and the crime is unpardonable."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Then what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Then why did you say you pissed off the chief registrar?"

"Slave...just because slaves are sinners."

"Sinners should have laws to deal with them. Get up."

Zheng Wuniang looked up and saw a young man standing in front of her.

who is he?


At this time, people around him rushed up.


"I've seen Sima!"

When Zheng Wuniang saw the people saluting happily, her eyes were full of joy, as if she was seeing relatives she had not seen for a long time.


Who is.

"It's Sima!"

The employer's voice came from behind, and the girl's voice was sweet and crisp. Zheng Wuniang could hear the girl's admiration, just like the voice she used when she met the boy she admired when she was fifteen years old.

"Zheng Wuniang, this is our original Yang Ming Mansion, now Yang Sima."

"Oh oh oh!" Zheng Wuniang nodded hurriedly, but she didn't know who this Yang Sima of Yang Ming Mansion was.

She saw the young man smiling and cupping his hands. After a while, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Why did you commit the crime?"

Zheng Wuniang sniffed, "The man in the family drinks and beats the children every day."

"Didn't he hit you?"


Hit, not fight.

"That day, he was carrying a stick and looked like he was going crazy to beat the child. The slave didn't know what he thought, so he stabbed him to death with scissors."

"I can endure anything, as long as the child is well. I am willing to die for the child... It doesn't matter if he beats the slave to death, he can't be cruel to the child."

"I know my sin."

Zheng Wuniang was a little scared. Along the way, the officials heard that it was a case of killing her husband, and the food they gave her was either smelly or the worst. It wasn't until they arrived in Taiping that things got better.

"Get up."

The young man's voice was very soft.

"I don't dare."

The young man smiled and said, "Do you want me to help you?"

Behind him, the girl boss whispered: "Get up quickly."

Only then did Zheng Wuniang stand up.

She secretly glanced at the young man and saw that he was handsome, yet brimming with prowess and majesty. He was actually infinitely more outstanding than the young man she had admired back then.

But that’s Qian Ji!

Isn’t the chief bookkeeper a local snake?

Sima seems to have no control over it, right?

"Go find Qian Ji." The young man said with sharp eyes, "Second brother."


"Go and tell Qian Ji to come over here. If you slow down a step, hit him!"


Zheng Wuniang's heart skipped a beat when she saw the silly man coming out behind the young man.

Someone shouted: "Sima, I know where Qian Ji has gone, and I am willing to lead the way!"

Wang Laoer followed.

Qian Ji was walking around feeling very comfortable at the moment.

A letter has already been sent from Chang'an, and they are planning to take him back at the end of the year. According to his calculations, the Ministry of Official Affairs should have already issued a letter by now, and they are waiting for the document to arrive in Northern Xinjiang, and then he will be released.


Qian Ji's eyes turned red when he thought that the idiot Chun Yujian still had his family behind him when he made a big mistake, but he was only blamed by Chun Yujian, but was abandoned in Taiping with no one to care about him.

Those bitches are just reincarnated! In terms of talent, is he not as good as Qian Ji?

If given the chance, I will destroy this world that prevents people with lofty ideals from spreading their wings!

As for the sinful city of Taiping, he vowed to destroy it in his lifetime.

"There he is!"

Hearing the rapid footsteps, Qian Ji turned around reluctantly and assumed a defensive posture.

The movements are completed in one go.

Extremely skilled!

He saw Wang Laoer.

Wang Laoer stopped and shouted: "Mr. Lang ordered you to get over here."

Qian Ji said meaningfully: "I am not guilty!"

Wang Laoer raised his right hand, thinking that something was wrong, he took off the horizontal knife and slapped it away with the scabbard.


Yang Xuan is here!

Qian Ji was so distracted by the slap of the scabbard that he rolled and crawled back.

He swore he had never run so fast before, and rushed back like a gust of wind.

At this moment, more and more people gathered around Yang Xuan. When they heard the sound of footsteps, everyone turned around and saw the majestic Master Qian in the past, but now he was like a bereaved dog, being chased by Wang Laoer with a scabbard.

"Yang Sima."

Qian Ji stopped and shouted: "I will definitely sue you!"

Yang Xuan looked at him, "Why did you beat this woman?"

Qian Ji looked at Zheng Wuniang, who subconsciously wanted to kneel down, but was held back by Yang Xuan.

After being touched by Yang Xuan, she felt like she was struck by lightning, "I am guilty."

"Why?" Yang Xuan asked again.

Qian Ji's lips twitched, "This is a poisonous woman, she should be beaten on sight."

Zheng Wuniang looked up blankly and saw that the young man suddenly became furious and kicked Qian Ji away with just one kick.


Qian Ji lay on the ground and tried to raise his head, "You!"

Yang Xuan pointed at him, "Qian Ji beats the people for no reason, take it!"

Qian Ji was startled, then shouted: "Yang Xuan, you have no right to deal with me, you..."

Wang Laoer just slapped the rest of his words back and sneered: "In Taiping, if Mr. Lang says you are guilty, you are guilty!"

Qian Ji opened his mouth, and with a pop, a bunch of teeth came out.

Whoever is said to be guilty is guilty? Zheng Wuniang was frightened. She looked at the young man and wondered, could he be called Yang Xuan? She looked around, and saw that the people all looked matter-of-fact, as if this young man was the god of peace.

The Taiping War is imminent, and it's time to deal with undercover agents like Qian Ji.

Yang Xuan turned around, "Can you cook?"

Zheng Wuniang nodded.

The girl is in the food business, a small stall selling buns.

Yang Xuan sat down.

"I'm hungry."

This is a noble person, how can he be interested in such crude food?

Zheng Wuniang was panicked and said, "Yang Sima, this bun is crude."

Yang Xuan sat down and said, "I wanted to eat but couldn't, so I made it."

"Yang Sima, I tell you, I know what they want to do against you... Yang Sima, please spare me!"

Qian Ji's vague and shrill shout gradually faded away.

As for the target, Yang Xuan doesn't care at all. As long as he defeats Vashe, any target will become a joke.

He looked at Zheng Wuniang and saw that she was familiar with the technique of making buns and adding seasonings, so he knew it in his heart.

"It tastes good." This is a woman who does housework every day. Yang Xuan left these words and got up to go back.

Zheng Wuniang saw the girl boss looking at her with envy in her eyes, her heart trembled, she slowly knelt down and kowtowed.

Just like facing the gods, piously saying:

"Thank you Yang Sima."

Along the way, she choked silently and even cried countless times when no one was around; she prayed to the gods to help her countless times; she recounted her difficulties and helplessness to the gods in the void countless times...

The gods did not respond.

But in Taiping, today, the young man named Yang Xuan stretched out his hands and pulled her out of the abyss of despair.

Yang Xuan ate her bowl of buns, and from then on, no one in the city dared to bully him.

This is her god!

She raised her head and saw the noble person in her heart, Cao Ying and Cao Mingfu, coming, and she respectfully saluted Yang Xuan.

"I have met Mr. Lang."

Later in the evening, in the county hall, everyone gathered together.

"The envoy of Liao was provocative and used the excuse that our city was destroyed for the seventh time in Taiping to lower the morale of our northern Xinjiang. I came here for one purpose this time!"

Yang Xuan stretched out a finger and said, "Take the initiative to attack Vashe, defeat Vashe, and turn the Liao envoy's provocation into a joke!"

"Nan He."

"Mr. Lang!"

"Have you slacked off in practice since I left?"


"Cao Ying!"

"The official is here!"

"Does Taiping have enough money and food?"

"Langjun's trade has enriched my Taiping treasury."

“Can the people’s support be used?”

"The people are united and can be used!"

Yang Xuan looked at everyone, "So, do you have confidence?"

Everyone stood up and agreed with a roar.


Yang Xuan smiled and said softly:

"I am peaceful and will win this battle!"

After Ning Xing's envoy arrived, He Lianchun fell into deep thought and called He Lianyan for a long time.

Looking at the fat uncle, He Lianyan tried hard to recall what he looked like back then. He seemed to be quite handsome and thin. Just after the old emperor passed away, the emperor's uncle began to eat and drink, and his figure was not in a few years.

It inflated like a balloon.

He Lianchun probably saw what she was thinking, and laughed at himself: "I gained more than a hundred kilograms of fat, but I saved my life."

He Lianyan lowered her eyes, hiding the sarcasm and disdain in her heart.

He Lianchun lived in fear under He Lianfeng's hands, and she herself felt the same under He Lianchun's hands.

He Lianchun said quietly: "The emperor ordered the envoys to go to Taoxian County to provoke Huang Chunhui. You sent people to spread the news... From Tanzhou to Sandabu, and then to Chenzhou, it must have spread all over. Yan'er..."

"Uncle Emperor."

"That tigress will send people to find out the news. If it is not spread, she will add more fuel to the story and tell His Majesty."

The so-called tigress refers to Helian Hong, the female commander of the Eagle Guard.

Northern Liao worshiped eagles. After the founding of the country, the founding emperor integrated his bodyguards and named them Eagle Guards. The duties of the Eagle Guards were divided into two parts. One was to inquire about internal information in Northern Liao, such as the emperor's enemies; the other was

Inquire about news about foreign countries, such as the Tang Dynasty.

Helianhong was from the royal family, and it was said that she was a ruthless person who killed her husband on their wedding night. After Helianfeng ascended the throne, he put her in charge of the Eagle Guard. She was ruthless and cold.

Mentioning this woman, even Helianyan felt a chill in her heart.


He Lianchun rubbed his sagging cheeks, feeling a little headache, "I want Chenzhou to know about my great martial arts in Daliao. Firstly, the three wild dogs raised by the king can destroy Chenzhou; secondly, Taiping was destroyed seven times...

To suppress Chenzhou’s morale.”

"In addition, I am warning the three major ministries to be wary of Chenzhou raids. Do you understand?"


"Then why don't you go?"

"Uncle Emperor."

"But there's still something you don't understand?"

"I have a headache."

"I also have a headache."

"Uncle Emperor, the first batch of rejuvenation pills haven't arrived yet."

The emperor's uncle rubbed his heart and said painfully: "My heart hurts so much!"

This chapter has been completed!
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