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Chapter 235

"Khan, the royal court is gone."

Hua Zhuo's body shook a little, and he was just about to yell, but he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the panicked looks of the dignitaries under his command.

No matter how chaotic the situation is, the leader must remain calm and calm.

This is a basic requirement.

He instinctively wanted to ask about the battle situation in private, but he knew that if he asked in private, his subordinates would be even more confused.

The more puzzled I become, the more panic I feel, and the more I wait, the more desperate I become.

Hua Zhuo shouted: "Speak clearly..."

"Late the night before yesterday, the Tang army broke into the royal court and raided us. Yin Shu died in the battle."

"How many people are there in the Tang army?"

"So many people, countless."



Hua Zhuo's face turned red with anger, "It's the Taiping Army!"

Brother Song said: "If the Chenzhou army attacks, it will definitely be dominated by cavalry. The infantry...only the Taiping Army. Yang Gou used himself as bait to attract the army to pursue him, and then ordered the infantry to raid the royal court. The dog


"Bitch bitch slave!"

"Whenever I break into Taiping, I will definitely skin him alive!"

The powerful people yelled and cursed, but their mood was relatively stable.

"The army is still there, and the foundation of Vashe is still there!" After Hua Zhuo learned about the loss, his heart was bleeding, but he still calmly cheered up his subordinates.

"Khan, go back to the teacher." Someone suggested.

"No, Yang Gou is right in front. If we return to the army at this moment, we will fall short of our success."

"Yang Gou only has a few hundred men, but there are thousands of Tang troops in the royal court. Which one is more important?"

Everyone’s family and children were in the royal court, and God knows if they were taken advantage of by those Tang soldiers who killed thousands of people. The news spread to the whole army, and everyone was eager to return home.

Hua Zhuo wanted to continue the pursuit, but when he saw his morale was so low, he could only sigh, "Go back!"

Wahai suggested again, "Give me a thousand riders and I will hunt down Yang Xuan."

Hua Zhuo nodded and said in a low voice: "I thought Yang Xuan was just here to harass and restrain him, but now it seems that I was completely wrong. Once the royal court was broken, Yang Xuan was done. However, this man is ambitious, young and brave.

I conclude that if he learns about the fall of the Royal Court, he will definitely want to go further, so you have to be careful."

"I know."

Wahai turned around and left with a thousand cavalry, and the army immediately turned around.

Everyone was eager to return home, and gradually things fell into chaos. Hua Zhuo reorganized his formation several times, but it didn't take long for them to fall into disarray again.

"Khan, we can't force them anymore." Brother Song warned, "Those warriors' eyes are red at the moment, and they want to return to the royal court. The whole team will make them feel slow..."


The forward riders were in chaos. They were like racing horses, each running faster than the other.

Hua Zhuo looked at the restless warriors, and a clear realization came to his mind: Khan was not as good as his family.

Holding power for a long time gave Hua Zhuo the feeling that he was a god and everyone else was an ant. He couldn't help but regard everyone as a tool, and then despised them and treated them as cattle and horses...

A powerful man looked back, and the hatred in his eyes shocked Hua Zhuo.

"Enemy attack!"

Hundreds of riders appeared on the left.

The Yang flag suddenly stood up.

"It's Yang Gou!"

With desperate shouts, hundreds of riders were approaching.

"Intercept them!" Hua Zhuo shouted, and then he was confused for a moment, thinking, why should I say intercept, instead of encirclement and kill?

The Waxie people had no intention of fighting and allowed Yang Xuan to lead his men to cut off some of their troops.

“It’s so enjoyable!”

Uda liked this type of tactics the most, because he was so eager to kill that he was almost besieged several times.

"Wuda." The old thief galloped alongside him and asked, "Which one is more comfortable with killing people or women?"

Wu Da said without hesitation: "Killing is comfortable."

The old thief sighed contentedly.

Uda thought for a moment and said, "It's also comfortable to sleep with a woman."

He thought of something else, "Old thief, it seems that you haven't had a woman for a long time, but have you forgotten the comfort of sleeping with a woman?"

The old thief had a dark face.

"Old thief." Uda said sincerely: "If a bull doesn't mate for a long time, it will become extremely angry."

Have you lost your temper recently?

The old thief thought about it carefully, and it seems that he didn't.

Wang Laoer came over and said, "Old thief, lend me your horse."

The old thief was thinking about something, "Okay."

When he thought clearly that he was not in the situation that Wu Da mentioned, he couldn't help but feel relieved, and then turned around, preparing to call Wang Laoer over to teach him some principles of life.

But when he saw Wang Laoer happily tying sacks full of human heads to the back of his spare horse with two Beggar Gang disciples, the old thief couldn't help but get angry.


Ahead, Uda turned back, shook his head and sighed, "I've known for a long time that the old thief is sick."

Yang Xuan stared ahead.

Just like a flock of sheep encountering a pack of wolves, the Vashay army is gathering together to rush on the road. If they make a surprise attack, they will be involved in it.

Six hundred horses were involved, and Yang Xuan felt like a drop of water in the ocean, or like a burning candle in the pouring rain, or a young man who had been booked into a brothel and faced a group of greedy women.

He shook his head and waved, and the old thief, Wang Laoer, and Wu Da who were fighting behind him all came over.

Yang Xuan pointed forward, "How do you think we can defeat the enemy?"

Uda was the first to say: "Master, I think we should rush in bravely until we reach Hua Zhuo, cut off his head and shake it a few times. If this guy is capable, just hang it on the flagpole and shake it a few times."

Guarantee that the Vashe people will collapse."

After saying that, he found that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes.

The old thief coughed dryly, "How about... you go?"

Uda shook his head, "I'm not that brave, my dick is okay."

Wang Laoer said: "You are in front and I am in the back."

"Shut up!" Yang Xuan regretted not bringing his eldest nephew and Li Han with him. The eldest nephew rushed to kill him with a giant knife, and Li Han's sinister ideas came one after another.

The old thief said: "Mr. Lang, how many times do you shout?"

Wu Da came closer and said, "Shou like a woman?"

How long has it been and you still remember to drive!

Yang Xuan's hand was just a slap.

Uda covered the back of her head and giggled.

They were all taught bad things by the old thieves!

Under the boss's stern gaze, the old thief said with a guilty conscience: "I have encountered strange things before when I was robbing tombs. My ancestors taught me a trick to imitate the crying of children."

Uda was confused, "Is it useful to cry?"

Wang Laoer nodded vigorously, "My mother-in-law said before I went that if I cry when I miss her, she will hear me cry. But my mother-in-law said again, asking me to cry less and be happy. I don't know."

Should you cry or laugh?"

Wu Da looked at the old thief and said, "Grave robbers are so shameless."

The old thief accepted this 'praise' shamelessly, pointed at the Vashe people and said: "Let's send people to shout, just say that most of the people in the royal court have been killed. The Vashe people miss their families and will definitely disperse."

Somewhat interesting.

Yang Xuan nodded, "The old thief is good."

The old thief concealed his pride and said, "It's because of the good teaching from Mr. Lang that the villain now understands the art of war."

"There you go."

Old thief: "..."

After a while, the old thief led a few guards around to the front of the Waxie people. They were all dressed in plain clothes and showed signs of embarrassment. The old thief even had his hair down.

"He's one of ours!" the Waxie people at the front shouted happily.

"Scream!" the old thief ordered.

Uda said dissatisfied: "Why don't you scream?"

The old thief always felt that there was something in his words and cursed: "Scream!"

Wu Da also felt that there was something in his words and shouted awkwardly: "Many people were killed in the royal court, the Tang army fled, and many people were left."

Anyone else?

Hope burst into the eyes of the Wase people, and one thought was in everyone's mind: My family must be fine.

"Let's go!"

The old thief lowered his head and said, "There are also many women."

Damn it!

This time the Vashe people became even crazier.

My woman!

According to the rules on the grassland, a woman who loses her man will take her children and attach themselves to a warrior who is willing to take them in.

Many people in the royal court must have died in the battle, so there was a group of widows waiting for the warriors.

They ran away happily, and soon the formation was gone.

At dusk, less than ten miles away from the royal court, the Yang-character flag that had been disappearing suddenly appeared.

Under the setting sun, the flag fluttered in the wind.

Under the banner, Yang Xuan pointed forward and said energetically: "Assault!"

The Wase people galloped wildly for a day, and their horses were already exhausted. The various speculations about their families also brought the soldiers' mentality to the brink of collapse.

When he saw Yang Ziqi appear, Hua Zhuo shouted: "Strangle him, and we will return to the royal court."

"Kill Yang Gou!"

All that anger was directed at Yang Xuan.

Hua Zhuo was overjoyed, "This is Yu Yong. If Yang Gou makes a surprise attack at this time, he is seeking his own death. God help me! Hahahaha!"

He waved his long knife: "Follow Ben Khan!"

He was ready to use a hearty strangulation to regain his dignity.

More than 500 horsemen saw the menacing Vasais but did not move.

"Is he waiting to die?" someone wondered.

Puff puff puff!

Footsteps came in unison.

Under the almost red sunset, an infantry formation came in formation.

"Big flag!"

The general's shouts echoed across the grassland.

A big flag was raised high.


"It's the Taiping Army!"

In the midst of the exclamation, Yang Xuan said: "The three major tribes always say that one of them can be equal to the two of us in the Tang Dynasty. The long-term seclusion has made the foreigners complacent. They have forgotten that our ancestors once roamed the grasslands and conquered the world."

He pulled out the horizontal sword and frowned, "They have forgotten, so today I will lead you and others to tell these foreigners that the Tang Dynasty is still the Tang Dynasty! You are the same, you are still the same!"


Suzaku seemed to feel the heroic spirit, and the green light flashed wildly, "Your dad is still your dad!"

The Vashes had already approached the infantry phalanx.

"Fire the arrow!"

Covered by arrows.

Every Taiping soldier had red eyes and straightened his spear.

"You yeah or you yeah!"

Amidst the roar, the spear stabbed desperately, knocking down the exhausted horses, and then stepped forward and pierced the enemy's body with the spear without hesitation.

"Come in!" Nan He shouted.

"Come in! Come in! Come in!"

Amid cheers, a thousand foot soldiers stepped forward in unison.

Yang Xuan led the cavalry into the middle of the enemy army from the diagonal thrust.

Wang Laoer kept slashing with his sword, not forgetting to remind the two Beggar Clan disciples behind him, "Take the heads!"

They fought hard, but the enemy's resistance became weaker and weaker.

When he saw the Khan flag, Yang Xuan roared: "Hua Zhuo, do you dare to fight me?"

At this moment, the history of Taiping was on his mind.

The city was breached seven times, and each breach represented a killing.


Someone screamed, and then the barely formed array collapsed.

The infantry also defeated the enemy in front of them and was actually chasing them.

"Khan, go quickly!"

Hua Zhuo galloped his horse while looking back at Yang Xuan under the banner.

Yang Xuan raised his horizontal sword high and cut off the Khan's banner with one strike.

The flag fell.

Only the Yang character flag was left flying.

Yang Xuan, who was under the banner, raised his horizontal sword high.

Everyone is looking at him.

There was more fanaticism in those ecstatic eyes, and immediately everyone cheered.

"Wan Sheng!"

Under the setting sun, the Vashe people fled everywhere.

They lost their sense of direction and only knew how to run to places with few people, and some people even fled on the same road.

Hua Zhuo did not flee into the wilderness, even if the people around him pulled the reins of his horse. He even killed two people for this.

He looked at the shadow of the royal court in front of him and had only one thought in his mind.

That is the royal court of Ben Khan!

He rushed into the royal court with more than a thousand cavalry.

There was no one in the ruins of the royal court.

Only a few injured war horses were bleating and screaming.

The sky darkened.

The sound of horse hooves followed closely behind.

Brother Song said eagerly: "Khan, let's go!"

Hua Zhuo turned around blankly.

The Tang army's infantry turned into cavalry and surrounded them in a fan shape.

The morale of the army was unstable, and the eyes of those brave men flickered.

But these warriors are his last confidants, and they still refuse to leave even in the face of desperate situations.


Hua Zhuo rode his horse to his big tent.

The big tent was accidentally not burned down.

He dismounted and walked in. It was a mess inside, and all valuable things had been taken away.


He murmured.

The table was still there. Hua Zhuo sat down and said with a smile: "This is the old thief's table. It is said to be made of the best wood. Back then, Wahai and I were sitting on both sides, thinking that we could kill the old thief.

It’s like a dream.”

There was a hint of reminiscence in his eyes, "It was so good back then! I was so high-spirited and felt that no one in the world could stop me."

Brother Song looked at him with a hint of understanding in his eyes, got up and went out.


More than a thousand cavalrymen dismounted and prepared their bows and arrows.

Brother Song nodded, "Khan is proud of you."

Hua Zhuo's voice came from inside the tent, "Slaughter the war horses."

"Yes." Brother Song responded respectfully.

The companion who lived together day and night was chopped to death, and the meat was immediately taken and grilled.

No one shed tears.

Everyone looked at the horse meat on the bonfire silently with a tragic atmosphere.

The Tang army also lit a bonfire outside, and they were roasting beef.

Brother Song brought in a piece of roasted horse leg.


"It's a pity that there is no wine." Hua Zhuo felt a little regretful.

Brother Song handed over the water bag and said, "Khan."

Hua Zhuo opened the cork, and the smell of fine wine wafted out. He pointed at Brother Song and said with a smile: "You love wine like your life, so I'm telling you that you are so abiding by the rules this time. It turns out you brought the fine wine secretly."

He searched everywhere.

"What is Khan looking for?" Brother Song wanted to help.

"Found it."

Hua Zhuofan found a wooden bowl and said proudly: "Back then, Wahai and I thought that if we failed to assassinate the old thief, we would take the belongings with us. The belongings were bowls and chopsticks. Wahai said that there was a bowl in his hand.

Chopsticks, meat is home.”

Two old wooden bowls were standing there, filled with wine.

Hua Zhuo raised the bowl and said, "My half-life glory is enough. It's a pity for you."

Brother Song smiled and said: "I was just a shepherd before. If I hadn't been promoted by the Khan, how could I be where I am today? I don't know any big principles. I only know that you can't forget your roots. I will go wherever the Khan goes, even underground!"


The two wooden bowls touched lightly.

Drink it all in one gulp.

There was singing outside.

The song was gentle, and Brother Song listened carefully, "It's the song our Vashe women use to put their children to sleep."

Hua Zhuo's eyes gradually became gentle, "Back then, my mother-in-law hummed this song to coax me to sleep, but I refused to sleep and had to play. Later, I learned to pretend to be asleep, and then quietly crawled from the corner of the tent after my mother-in-law went out.

go out……"

Suddenly there was crying outside.


Brother Song's expression changed drastically, "The army is mentally disturbed, what kind of method is this?"

Yang Xuan stood in front of the bonfire and said happily: "We are surrounded on all sides!"

The old thief next to him held a pamphlet, bowed slightly, and respectfully recorded the boss's words.

This chapter has been completed!
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